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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the business, the deputy news and life from von and donald trump says he will appeal his historic guilty verdict. the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime, tells the press come to those that he loves to fight when he claims an uninspired conviction. after a joy to conclude the deep, this is false. if i documents to cover up the 100 many payments to an adult film stuff also on the program by then follows washington inside. it will not allow keith to use german weapons to hit certain targets inside russia. laska wants to move quickly to pull out this voting and 80 is election and is it's
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and we look at the different methods, the prime minister there under motives using the window of a boat is in the south of the north of the country. the i'm feel welcome to the program. donald trump says he will appeal against the guilty verdicts and he so called hush money trial. in new york, he was convicted on old, 30 full accounts, falsifying business records, in order to cover up payments throughout the film. spa stormy daniels and illegally influence the 2016 presidential election. mr. trump is the 1st, the former us president to be convicted of a criminal offense. speaking a trump talent in new york. after the case, he criticized the proceedings. the judge allowed them to go with the every thing that i was ever involved and not this case, every thing that i was ever involved in, which is the 1st. but i'm out there and i don't mind being out there because i'm
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doing something for this country and i'm doing something for our constitution. it's very important. far beyond me, this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents. so it should never be allowed to happen. in the future, but this is far beyond me. this is bigger than trump. this is bigger than me. this is bigger than my presidency. this is a scam. there's a rig trial. it should've been in that venue. we shouldn't had that judge. let's go all this from uh, washington bureau chief anisette poll. welcome, innocent, lots of blaming and self pretty, from the former president. yes, indeed. so this is the 1st blank face page delivered by donald trump off to the verdict. and of course, took advantage of this moment, the end of the attention he's getting for his campaign. so trump repeatedly improvised that he is fighting for americans and not for himself. he also accused
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bad people of being responsible for his conviction and claim that the judge judge was a quote here as well conflicted. so basically of what he was doing and this 45 this minute long speeches telling his follower of, to no longer believing the democratic system. a system of the united states explicitly said, and i quote him here as well. we are living in a fascist a state. i personally think this is quite concerning, especially when we think about the upcoming elections. he kind of is already a name of the ground for for narrative that the elections will be considered stolen . if he is not the winner, and i think we all remember the consequences of this narrative of the last election, the storming of the capital. okay, stay with us please. and this will take a closer look at the verdict, and then we'll come back to of the guilty on old search. he
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full accounts. donald trump, a mine used to being front page news, cooling this project, an injustice. this was a rick disgraceful trial. the real product is going to be november save by the people and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, waiting to do a thing. well, i'm a very loose it man. but didn't you? you? julie disagreed. it's unanimously found the former president guilty of conspiring to bind the silence of adult film style stormy daniels before the 2016 election, and then falsifying business records to copper top. we did our job. many voices out there. the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury, and the jury has spoken outside the court house
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celebrations as the guilty verdict was announced at a loss. delta of all this took me back, which i'm go from from supportive. it's a disgrace. what happened here? i'm a native new york. i'm a native, there's also we support chop. i never voted from the 1st time, but we do at this time. this is the 1st time a former us president has been convicted of a criminal offense. and it could mean jail from most politicians, it would spell the end of that career. but this is donald trump, and instead he's likely to use the guilty verdict as campaign few ahead of november's elections. let's pick that up with the anus in washington. so he and his wife, but he think police guilty verdicts. her mr. trump, the mysterious presidential campaign will help him. that's really impossible to say right now. i mean, some republicans who kind of were on defense to vote for him may distance
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themselves from a convicted felon. a also maybe the banking from young and non wide voters might be likely or to fade. but on the other hand, it's also possible that others really, really close or to donald trump because they believe that the trial was unfair. and the accusations were kind of not mine. or i personally think the key question will be, who biting or from can mobilize more support us towards that when november, 5th, come and maybe anger and rage and maybe more motivating factor. we shall see. actually, this is poll in washington dc and the german government has authorized the ukraine to use weapons supplied by berlin to strike some military targets inside russia. but only in defense of the eastern hockey and regionally. the monks,
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a shift and policy and follows that us president, jo bivens, early a decision to allow ukraine to use american weapons to strikes and targets and russians. so the loose restrictions are intended to help you find push back against russia's latest advances. well the w as chief political correspondent need a hasa told me what's the problem to the german government's change of thought? it is a change of house indeed. and it comes icing because 2 things happened. one, the situation on the ground for ukrainians has been guessing very, very difficult hawkgrove, especially as under loss of pressure on the notes by the government's folks, especially where they announced that decisions that we have a copy of. that one explicitly mentioned is that the german government always monitors the bustle ground situation carefully and then re assess is just what kind of support your training needs. and they have reached the conclusion that russia has been, and i quote, planning, coordinating and carrying out that tax on hawk if from locations on russian
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territory. so germany has now joined the group of nations that think that ukraine needs to be able to attack the souls and not just the effect so that they must be empowered to target those installations from web russell launch. is those attacks in order to be able to prevent pressure from attacking rather than trying to bring down all those rockets. but the 2nd thing that happened is, in my view, equally important. the us have now officially given there. ok for american weapons to be used for, especially these purposes. and this has been one of the guiding principles for the german leadership. they've always said they will absolutely not go to a loan. that was a recurring message by the german townsend. every discussion about every new weapon system that ukraine has been asking for over the last 2 and a half years. and that definitely must not be seen as the one going forward. and leading essentially the support for ukraine militarily. and you have to add that
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the note also stresses that ukraine has the right to, according to international, to carry out those attacks on military infrastructure, even in russia on foreign territory that, that is covered by international law. if they set the purpose of self defense. so one more take away from all of this, this is decision does appear to show that germany does trust the ukrainian leadership. because so far they've always adhered to the elements that they've been given of the allies. and the quick word then on germany's refusal to send taurus long range crews and besides to ukraine, is this decision on allowing the use of jem and weapons likely to influence that long standing refusal and also at the moment ukrainians have been asking for the tourist. those dates of the ok missile system for a long time. and the gentleman tells what has equally long and eh, for an equally long period said no 2 days. and i don't think it's going to change in sharing this decision here. germany has now given you
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a crime permission to use the weapons that it has already delivered to ukraine. and that means, for example, western systems like the how it's a 2000 all the multiple loans rocket system off to they have a rates of up to 300 kilometers. and that is considerably different to the up to 500 kilowatt. the kilometers that the torres would potentially be able to reach. okay, so i q for gunning. assume that i need a chief political correspondent need a honda, a nice or secretary general that he hadn't stolen, but because really has revealed that the ministry alliance is determined to shorten the ukraine's past to membership. he was making as a meeting of native foreign ministers in proc cole to discuss support for keith and its attempts to repelled russia's old life invasion. but the sultan books and russians should not get the impression that it could wait out the wall and on the bushes stretched to be got the loosening of restrictions on your crimes and use of the west and weapons against it. almost as delta burke said,
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the changes were justified. health defense is not escalation. self defense is the for the monthly right. it isn't strange and then you, instructor ukraine has the rights of the responsibility to protect its people. and we have the rights to help ukraine uphold it's right of self defense, a dw, seeing yeah, you would have corresponding bent re good was following back and data between a product and asked him what else you installed a bug cuts that the secretary general stress, the fact that there is no need for restrictions on the use of weapons from best and allies in ukraine anymore, because russia's attacks are getting more brutal and more fiercely, and if usefully. and so ukraine can not fight with one hand on it spec. he said,
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that's why ukraine now needs long range tillery to strike back, especially in the shockey region. so he will come to move by many member states that they are now allowing the ukraine to do that. and he also shocked of the russians threats. he says there's no escalation, it's just an the next the size of mia. so the defense, what's happening there and, and it need to be now also try to make the help in the military and also the financial help for ukraine, more sustainable. there will be a multi in your program designed for ukraine, and this is also in the need it because they want to make the help. trump said for trump to prove, as they say, in the case that donald trump gets back into the white house. and they to once wants to make sure that the house is flowing anyway. although trump is opposing this help. and this is also of cause when it comes by ukraine, who are, you know,
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adapting for a long hall war against russia. and so now that the us and germany have loosened their restrictions on the use of bad weapons by ukraine, other countries likely to follow of this. many nato allies actually did not have restrictions at all. and some embassies like france, poland, and speed and have it ready to get that, that they will lift or their restrictions and that ukraine can use the long range weapons, at least in the shocking region. now that the united states, which is the political in the military lead nation in a 2 has decided to to allow that all of us as follow in. that's also the maybe the reason that germany followed so swiftly and, and to anthony blink. and the secretary of state, the realtor rated here that nature has to adapt to the evolution and the
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development developments on the battlefield. so if pressure attacks like it does not in shockey, then they to have to respond. and this is what, what is happening right now. and what then about rushes response? well, the response or the reactions from the crime, the new, as you could expect them at kremlin spokesman says, this is a new round of escalation. ukraine is forced by the wrist to escalate and the, the root of russia and letting me put in also said, and that there might be a full fledged war. he was threatening based on countries. but as i said, just installed it back. the general secretary says, this has nothing to vary about this of the usual, it'll be here for most call. okay, thank you. back that they've been correspond to band be got in proc brussels bureau chief, alexandra from nomine was also about nighttime
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b thing. and she asked us secretary of state, and to me, blinking about the support russia is getting from china to reuse, mention china. and so how they are probing up the russian board economy. and jim stocum next. so today as well that without the deliveries from china, russia would not have been able to conduct a war against ukraine the way they do. so is there anything you can do about it? and if yes, what are you planning to do about that? thank you. yes, again, this is something that, um, how i after ally was seized with today. i heard it from virtually everyone in the room. and we've already taken action against chinese entities that have been involved in a sanctions of asian, involved in supporting rushes, defense, industrial base, including sanctioning more than i think now more than a 100 chinese entities. one kind or another. and as i've made clear as necessary, we'll continue to do that from what i heard today, europeans are also very seized with this. and i would expect to see actions taken
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by, by europeans, by your and again, i come back to this proposition that's so clear. and russia, getting the support from china is as the sector general said, a huge difference maker right now on the battlefield. and for china to, for, for, to have a better relations with countries in europe. while fueling this, i believe, is the biggest threat and what your opinions believe. so the biggest part of the security since the end of the cold war does not add up. and i think that will continue to have consequences going forward. it has to be blinking. well, take a look now at symbol of the stories making headlines around the wells. israel has confirmed that its forces operating in central areas of rafa as positively offensive launched earlier this month. in the face of international criticism,
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at least a 1000000 palestinians have left the southern gospel, the city disrupting humanitarian paid assets. several people, including a police officer, had been injured in a nice attack and the german city of mannheim, members of a fall, arrived groups side by with targeted police shots and seriously wounded the alleged attack. a chance of all our shots expressed a shock saying violence is unacceptable. and the democracy, philippines president for the mark of junior, has denounced what he described as co save and illegal actions in the south china sea. speaking of the opening of the shangri la dialogue defense of its in cigna pool. you said the china is undermining the philippines and peaceful vision for the region in kansas between the philippines and china in the contested ocean territory of grow more tens. i'm frequent during the last year the deputies asia pacific bureau chief gail mathus,
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tells me about this tougher stance taken by the philippines over a chinese actions in the south china sea. in this speech, it took him a while to get to the south china sea and when he did, yeah, it took him awhile to mention china. so for instance, he said that's all these days. nations have a clear vision for a peaceful and prosperity of prosperity for the south china sea. about this was being on the mind by an actor. and there were legal, aggressive in girls. the factions of he was mentioned and had to define who that x rays at took, took him a while. and it was interesting. however, after the speech of journal is, ask what, what's easier, uh said, if one of those chinese folks that have been intercepting of the penal fishing vessels, what if the one of those spots are cameron's would kill of filipino if that would cross the red line? and the response was, if a filipino citizen was killed by
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a willful act that is very close to what we define as an extra of war, this kind of mattress. that's right and your way of voting and the national election ends tomorrow. the 1st of june with 1st results due next week. i'm going to set in there and remotely, and he's b j. p. policy are widely expected to win a 3rd time, but it's unclear whether he'll gain the super majority. he wants to achieve that he needs to boost his popularity in the south of the country. as dw is the shallow, he got the reports from the capital of tumble, not to chad. i i that's proving difficult. the state is known as the economic powerhouse of india. but remains relatively unresponsive to mr. moses and do nationalist message joshua con the beef hub of j. nice city industries, agency. just tell me now, do you think this could land me in jail, in some parts of india, at least those that led by the routing b,
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j. b parties. this is being housed me and on a move that is considered sacred by the majority community. okay. this is a huge issue within the difference between them, adult and policies in north, in depth. but children, south beach doesn't divide. in fact, in places like this, if you can do muslim, everyone comes here to eat. nobody has any restrictions on eating this. the money comes in is a hindus and comes here regularly with his son to enjoy a beast snack. he says, politics cannot influence people's food choices in this house. in that he put solid up. what i one word for buckley, that tells me what not to eat. the other one said he would need to decide that he ought to be in a folder in a state like them. and i do believe he does not have the political standing 11. yeah, now that i don't you can look into not automatically but not in our speed. yeah,
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i'm not very common law do is noon footage diversity and social equality. it's a multi leg society. much like the northern parts of india, but differences between hindus and muslims on not politicize to you. and it's not just a religious harmony that they are protective about. this hill is some is what is the oldest language is in the was it's center to the identity of people in some, in nato. and there's a sense of fright attached to it. but people here feel that if we should be good for the state, it could impose in the language of them and whether it's the exclusion or the idea . tonight is also good hobb, a balance there and $32.00 states . the highest assignment is to move the in somebody not the actual expense. the largest number of m. p 's from the south to the indian parliament to who the voters
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here is focused on promises of economy development. in contrast to his hendo nationalist speech in the notes where his speech is, was replete between the just rhetoric. so we do it all the way to people in the name of religion. we don't the way people in the name of the reason you want to go into one level. we want to get more of a farm limit the best from the lead. move on to the state like the young voters who will say that be do peace out of touch with the reality on the ground. it would take a major ideological shift for the party to resonate, but then i would hum lee that was the prime minister to act according to the constitution of india. india was known for the secularism for, for its unity and all of that to give it back to stairs at a higher platform forward for people for certain community wide bringing don't opening don't people of another community? i think that's precisely why it hasn't not to you,
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but it's goal of coming into somebody not or what the gender chose for that my goal is deeply rooted in its culture and yet highly progressive. i mean, not do is a complex region, but religion doesn't mix as well with politics as it does in the north. we moved the magic woke here this time and he needs divine intervention meal account. and i s s a data scientist and all of south versus north in his great divide. it tells me more about the countries election arithmetic. the language that came to the bottom entry system works is that if you need to, of course, the gender of by his nationalism which is supposed to be j. b gates on both. uh they do need both of those majority and pop ad. uh, that is something that they've been active in cafe for. uh, you know,
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uh we have defined by the say that you guys can uh, you know, a few of each time, but, uh, in history and what are the novices and, uh, what do you see that is any indication, uh, this unlikely do with anything and tell me what level and what not, not the mikes, not window majority in other parts of the country as well. oh, you will kindly tell us they say box. do you have question of uh, you know, why is the washing of the biggest piece of that packet was pushing uh, in the state of time 11, which the one historically is that it is important for me to actually have yourself uh, to uh, to, to achieve that so if you launch it from the default cost, which is that they bought from you the entire country as a single civilizational unit, which isn't uh, you know, you watch people in town,
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a lot of people tell you that the visual units themselves sides, the not the g with the idea of doing this time, which is part of each of these platform, this and this is called fast, and i'll talk a little between these wiggins, the side is at the corner of this particular election bytes that can be j, b is the find to we know what are some of that. if i were to think of production, i would say that gives, did not find a remnant. it's probably not going to get even a single c to escape some level, but it gets to watch. right? and a quick, well then about the the b j b votes, advice which is primarily being faced and know of and seen the spacing states. what a comfortable brand of him do. national politics has been effective and you've seen to that why it hasn't worked out in the south just briefly if you wouldn't mind a shot so good. so it is easy to use this uh, naturalist, but i think it is a d for a. uh uh, issue with please. uh,
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which is fine for you on actually uh, india, uh for the printer. and you can see this problem, the allocation modem being uh, investigative, and not the, the, uh, uh, really just be divided. uh, we'd like to know is the phone has significant issues or be so kind of patient that is what it is, is we didn't have. okay, so you concentrate that the country as a whole. so give me for interrupting that. we are actually time we think you feel for your analysis dates of science. there's new content, honest, thank you so much. finally, the well sauce league has wrapped up in tennessee 38, where i presented southern champion tallow. ferrera has won the pro titled increase to victory were 3 amazing ways recovering from some disappointing loss of space. things form a and then pick goals madness will not be competing at the upcoming games in paris,
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but seems victory here. so him beat us of and picks up john john florence for the prototype, the going to have more world use of the to be out, have a good day. and a great weekend the, the, the
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is the failing migrants. forget what do you know about the usual political debate for the 2024 european election. we are flipping the script. those people, the qualified stand up section, voters discussed. it's not vision, even though it has to be numbers. so politicians are going to be your comment, flipping the script next on the deadline
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is namibian cross and shit, reinventing the wheel. the turn my head. every way we make africa big because we're not sitting in dusting. let me find out why the world simply means in 60 minutes on dw the events funk. and then just to see a quote, you can make sure sure. call you so yes, your sisters have been in a coma that was caused by persecution and flight for con dreams of another world,
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the scots june fast d w. the people are coming, but those people have not the qualified send that said we need. it's not letting these on, even though it has been landed. so if i understand you correctly, you are suggesting me to import more run european immigrants. no, i would never use the word before to to get or do you know about the usual political debate? for the 2024. you repeat election, we are flipping the script. walters will be at the center of the debate, and politicians will ask the questions on topics, shaping the election like migration i'm doing. yeah, i do think that or do you is failing mind once right now we're not supporting the most people. we are seeing the most us right. my name is so this whole.


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