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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live at from berlin. the us president says israel has proposed a plan that could in the war and gossip. the deal being offered to him oss requires the release of his really hostages. and the withdrawal of israeli forces will go live to israel for more. also coming up berlin follows washington and saying that it will now allow keith to use weapons to hit the targets inside russia. laska was wanting to move could lead to an all out for the
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i bring golf is good to have you with this on this friday and we begin with a possible breakthrough aimed at ending the war in gaza. you must present invite and says a new ceasefire. proposal is on the table put forward by israel unfolding in 3 stages. biden is urging him off to accept the deal saying it's time for this more to end. here's the president speaking earlier today, after transit diplomacy carried up by my team. my many conversations with is a visual cutter in egypt and other middle eastern countries, israel as now offering israel as offer a comprehensive new proposal to roadmap to an enduring cease fire and release of all hostages. this proposal has been transmitted by cutter to home us, right? we want to go down to our course by the time ukraine, but she's in jerusalem in time. you get to see you to tell us more about this plan . the us president says that the plan was presented by israel, right?
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so that's far as your understanding was given actually to the media to is katara in egypt and also to him us, uh, earlier this week. and this proposal is something similar that we've been hearing a weeks earlier, but those talks have broken down about as we weeks ago. so this new proposal that is now on the table would see a, a, a deal in 3 phases. now the 1st phase, which would last about 6 weeks, it would include a full and complete a ceasefire, a temporary cease fire, and that's a result of withdrawal from forces from all populated areas and the release of a number of hostages, including women and elderly. and the wounded in exchange for, as he said, hundreds of public opinion, a prison us know what is significant. he is done when he would go into the 2nd
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phase during the 1st phase, how much and is read within and directly, then continue to negotiate, to come to this a 2nd phase. and that phase would last as long as they negotiate, and then to obtain what was described as a, a sci fi that association of hostilities, permanency and also this 2nd phase. and would include the release of hostages of me, a soldiers and other hostages living hostages. and that's with them continuing to phase 3, which was many see the reconstruction of cause. i know, of course the, the bull is now and how much is court because their stance had also hardened in recent weeks, especially now with the offensive in the gulf of going on. and they had always called a for a complete sensation of hostilities to actually go into such a deal. then of course, both sides have to come back to the negotiation table. they have to decide to come back and hand the details of such a deal. so this proposal then it looks like
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a roadmap to a, to a version of peace that includes bringing the, these really hostages home. how do you think that this is going to sit with israel? it's or one thing. first of all, i thing for the families and relatives of those remaining hostages. this is a good news because if there's just heard just yesterday, the national security advisors saying that the war could carry on until at least the end of the year. and many here were asking, you know, a, what does that mean for any deal but the, the us president dubai, and you also had the message to the, is really government. and also to his very saying you have to put pressure on you. indeed is because he also said that he knows that there is, there are some in the cabin that the don't want to see an end to the war. the don't want to see is ro coming to a deal, and that's the has to be made a decision to be made. and that this is very important at this stage. also saying
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that basically how mazda is no longer capable of carrying out another october 7th attack, and that they, their capabilities have been degraded. um, meaning basically that is where it is, can go forward now. and then this war dw, is telling you quite a bit with the ladies tonight in jerusalem, tanya, thank you. donald trump says that he plans to appeal the guilty verdicts that he received in the hushing mutton trial in new york. he was convicted yesterday on all $34.00 counts of falsified business records in order to cover up payments made to the adult film star stormy daniels, donald trump is now the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime. well enjoyed now by jackson james. he's a political inside or in both berlin and washington jackson is with the german marshal fund. he's also a president and meredith, the american institute for contemporary german studies at johns hopkins in
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washington. it's good to see you again. jack's the, there's a lot of talking about here, despite this guilty verdict truck can still run for president. what does this tell us about american democracy? but on the one hand, i think it might say that the way in which this court was able to be managed and the results seems to suggest that the system work 12 people is randomly selected a jury of his peers found donald trump guilty. and so i think in that way of the system, i've seen too many, if not all the confirmation that the system was set up and it worked in this case as well. and right after that, we heard from republicans, the republican speaker of the house. mike johnson says that the supreme court should to step in so you've got a congressional leader wanting the judicial branch,
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the federal level to metal. indeed, judicial system of the state of new york. first of all, is that possible in a 2nd? isn't this the behavior that we usually find in an all talk proceed and not the democracy? exactly, i mean, i think that 1st of all, there's no chance that the supreme court is going to take up this case is too much time involved. secondly, there's going to have to be a process in the head of this product, which is the 2nd thing in july. and, and so, and in any case, this is going to have to take a long walk as we go towards november 5th. there are 2 or 3 other trials, which probably will be handled between now and november, 5th, the election. that is. but i think in any case uh, the way in which some of the republicans are responding to this is by denigrating the traditional system. instead of looking at it as a way to confirm the system works with standards, correct? mm hm. the, the judge, you know, you mentioned the sentencing. the judge is not expected to sentence trump to prison
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. the. i think the maximum penalty would be 4 years in prison. but they don't expect them to do that because of donald trump's a. she'll be 78 when sentencing happens in july. help us understand this jackson america's chords. think that a seem to be 78 year old man is too old to be sent to prison. but he is not too old to be elected to lead the worlds so super powered. does that make sense? that much. but i think that the notion is that a, this way in which the trial is probably going to be, remember, is completely stamped with one word and that is unprecedented. we don't know exactly whether there will be an attempt on the part of the district attorney, a prosecutor to request jail time, but i think it's highly likely. and then the question would be what happens then
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when the sentence has come down and where there is the appeal go and the appeal may not even make it. yeah, the for the 5th of november. so there's a lot of pain predictable factors. and a lot of moving parts at this point, after this unprecedented situation. we are told that especially the united states, either you're told that it matters what you do and what you did if you want to be elected to the public office. and therefore, your past should be as clean as possible if you will, with donald trump after yesterday's announcement of the guilty verdict on his website, which crashed by the way he was able to raise more than 3000000 dollars poll. say this may or may not. this verdict may or may not hurt his chances in november. so this notion that your past performance is go is that's what you'll be judged on. does that really hold water in the us politics anymore to well,
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in this particular case, you know, the district trump has a very strong hold on the followers that have stuck with him. not only in the 1st 4 years and when he was president. but after the 4 years when he was not in, in the any of the office. and so i think that one thing to draw from that front is that this particular case may not change a lot of the electorate in, in a, in a substantial way. and that kind of thinking that i'm hearing here is that this election is going to be decide a number in a number of stage 6 or 7 across a several 100000 voters, which are in the moment. probably trying to make decisions about how they're going to go. there is solidly support for 5 and trump on both sides of the fence. and so the question is going to be, which were 2 questions. one is how many people are actually going to turn off the boat and stuck away how much of this particular case and those that go with it in
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the, in the, in the future are going to have any impact on people's decisions on who they're going to support and both of those are unpredictable. yeah it's, it's an interesting point to whether or not guilty verdict, it will turn the focus off. they stay home and if that will impact the, the outcome of the election, we will find out in november jackson. james is always jackson, we appreciate your time and your valuable insights. thank you. time the german government has authorized ukraine to use weapons supplied by berlin to strike some military targets inside russia. but they can do that only in defense of the eastern harkey for region. now the new parks, a shift and policy, it follows us president biden's decision to allow you crazy use american weapons to strike certain targets on russian soil. these loose or restrictions are intended to help you. crane pushed back, crushes latest advances. all right, let's get some analysis mail from a read them
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a role in from the worst studies department in kings college. let me get to see you . how will disability to use native weapons on target across the board or into russia. how will it be used? hello brand. so from my understanding of ukraine still has a limit placed upon the ability to use those weapons. so those weapons are supposed to be used only in harkey region in where it is a strike russian positions across the board are. but it doesn't necessarily mean that the ukrainian forces can use as it comes to strike any military targets any further than that. so it is very limited in scope, it seems, and we don't know what kind of a fact it will have, especially as these things are being announced publicly. so russia house, enough time to prepare for that and it is, this is this. so in the, in terms of trying to win a war though, is this a good news for ukraine told you can use weapons here,
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but you can use them there to well, i think that the western political leader is trying to balance between potential escalation was russia and the how to ukraine. so it's more of a political move because restricting ukrainian military in that way is very insensible. and these are you allow it to use against any targets on the russian territory or you don't allow it at all. but they were trying to because of this criticism they were trying to find a middle way. seeing this is the situation on the front is worsening for the green . i'm forces. so i'm in the sense, i don't think that this will essentially change the situation dramatically. do you think this improves the situation in and around for a key for will it improve the situation?
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well, if this decision has been taken months ago, when the russians were gathering their morris who, being of forces across the board, or then it might have prevented the actual offensive or at the stall that and diminished. it's a fact at this stage, i think that the russians will be able to pull their air defense systems into this region. they will also most likely use or electronic warfare to jam the gps signals in the or the to degrade the bringing forces capabilities. so i don't think that in, in strategic terms, it will be a huge change where we were rolling from the worst studies department at kings college london really is always we appreciate your time in your analysis, especially on a friday. thank you. thank you for having me as you want to dw news up next rib rolls into paris to find out how it's mere plans to keep s u v is out of
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the city. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more of a whole new spot followed by the day. i hope to see you then the good news innovation, green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the care we subscribe to those channels, we've got new videos every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a parish, a city made with the love for people long before cause change the cityscape and threaten the character of the french capital now parisians. to take.


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