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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, the dw news live in from berlin, the us presidents, as israel has proposed a plan that could, in the war in gauze at the deal being offered to homos requires the release of his really hostages. and the withdrawal of israeli forces from the gallons of strip also coming up and berlin following washington, and say that it will now allow seen, to use weapons to hit targets inside russia. and moscow is warning this move could lead to all. now for the break off is good to have you with this on this friday, we begin with
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a possible breakthrough aimed at ending the war in garza, us president bite and says a new ceasefire proposal is on the table put forward by israel unfolding in 3 stages. is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his office has confirmed the existence of an offer that says hostilities will not end until home off has been destroyed. moss has released a statement saying that it views the proposal from biden positive after and terms of diplomacy. try it out by my team. my many conversations with is a visual cutter in egypt and other middle eastern countries. israel as now offering israel is offer a comprehensive new proposal to roadmap to an enduring cease fire and release of all hostages. this proposal has been transmitted by cutter to home us earlier. i spoke to the w's tanya kramer, injuries on the about, this plan that was announced by the us president. so that's far as your
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understanding was given actually to the media to is katara in egypt and also to him us, uh, earlier this week. and this proposal is something similar that we've been hearing a weeks earlier, but those talks have broken down about as we weeks ago. so this new proposal that is now on the table would see a uh, a deal in 3 phases. now the 1st phase, which would last about 6 weeks, it would include a full and complete a sci fi, a temporary cease fire. and that's a result of withdrawal from forces from all populated areas and the release of a number of hostages, including women and elderly, and the wounded in exchange for as he said, hundreds of public opinion, a prison us know what is significant. he is done when he would go into the 2nd phase during the 1st phase,
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how much and is read within and directly then continued to negotiate, to come to this a 2nd phase. and that phase would last as long as they negotiate, and then to obtain what was described as a, a sci fi that association of hostilities, permanency and also this 2nd phase. and would include the release of hostages of me, a soldiers and other hostages living hostages. and that's with them continuing to phase 3, which was many see the reconstruction of cause. i know, of course the, the bull is now and how much has court because their stance had also hardened in recent weeks, especially now with the offensive and was also going on. and they had always called a for a complete sensation of hostilities to actually go into such a deal. but no, of course, both sides have to come back to the negotiation table. they have to decide to come back and have a of the details of such a deal. so this proposal then,
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it looks like a roadmap to a, to a version of peace that includes bringing the, these really hostages home. how do you think that this is going to sit with israel? it's is one thing. first of all, i thing for the families and relatives of those remaining hostages. this is a good news because if there's just heard just yesterday, the national security advisors saying that the war could carry on until at least the end of the year and many who were asking you know, a, what does that mean for any deal? but at the us president do by the also had a message to the israeli government and also to his various saying, you have to put pressure on your latest because he also said that he knows that there is there some in the cabinet that don't want to see an end to the war. the don't want to see is ro coming to a deal, and that the has to be made a decision to be made. and that this is very important at this stage. also saying
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that basically how mazda is no longer capable of carrying out another october 7th attack, and that they, their capabilities have been degraded. um, meaning basically that is where this can go forward now. and then this war dw, is telling you quite a bit with the ladies tonight in jerusalem, tanya, thank you. in the united states, donald trump says that he will appeal against the 1st criminal conviction against the former us president. a jury in new york found him guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying payments to an adult film star named stormy daniels and for legally influencing the 2016 presidential election. the 1st former us president to ever be convicted of felony charges, welcomed by crowds of supporters. donald trump held a press conference at his manhattan home. the morning after a judge announced the guilty verdict. she called the unanimous decision made by
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a jury of his peers a farce, and said that he plans to appeal all of the criminal charges against him. we're going to be appealing this scam, us. we're going to be appealing it on many different things. you wouldn't allow us to have what this is, it wouldn't allow us to talk. you wouldn't allow us to do anything. the judge was a tyrant, us president joe biden slammed the accusations of an unfair trial. that's how the american system of justice works. as reckless is dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg, just because they don't like the verdict. that verdict carries up to 4 years for each of the $34.00 charges against donald trump. though he's unlikely to go to prison, us voters are divided about where the stand on the former president's trial and his 2024 bid for the white house. i was very happy that he was found guilty and
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alternative. no, i don't think he's guilty. not at all. i am very pro trump trump 24. yes. yeah, i hope people don't vote for him now that he's obviously guilty and we all knew he was guilty already. but now has proven in a court. we don't know of at this point. so it's going to be a big appeal, so we'll have to wait and see. even if the appeal fails, he can still run in the november 2024 elections. but what will happen 1st is a hearing on july 11th. were donald trump is set to be sentenced for his crimes federally golf? i believe he is a professor of lloyd dublin city university. i asked him if this verdict means that donald trump will go to prison. the tops me on the start date, as you said, for the 1st time, the history of former president has been convicted by di, julia, spears of dominion, gets crime in the felony carries a sentence of up to 4 years in prison. however, there are 3 legal points that are worth considering here. number one in the
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american legal system, the jury decides on guilt. but it's the judge that decides on the sentencing and the judge presiding over the key to match and has schedule sentencing on july 11th . so we'll have to wait a few more weeks to do exactly what the sentence will be. secondary, of course, mr. trump is entitled to appeal and he has already indicated that he will do so. and it's very likely that during appeal, the sentence will be stayed, meaning suspended. and then finally, the 3rd point to consider was that of course, these try on separate from 2 other trials that are going on in federal courts. again, mr. trump, as well as another state trial in the state of georgia. i. so the interplay between this board proceedings also has to be taken need to look at that was professor for the ricoh company from the dublin city university. speaking with earlier, here's a look now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world
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. the president of the philippines for an end markets junior, has accused china of the legal action in the south china sea. east spoke at a regional defense summit in singapore, on friday confrontations between the philippines and china in the contested waters, the confrontations escalate. in the last year, several people including a police officer, had been injured and a knife attack and the german city of bun, hiv members of a far right group say that they were targeted police shot and seriously wounded. the alleged attacker, the german chancellor. oh, of shoulds says that violence is unacceptable. in a box with a german government has authorized you crazy use weapons supplied by berlin to strike some military targets inside russia. but only in defense of the eastern part seem to reach it. but this move marketing shifting policy in the follows us president biden's decision to allow ukraine to use. american weapons destroyed certain targets on russian soil,
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loose or restrictions are intended to help ukraine push back rushes, latest advances. i ask marine, i'm a role in from the worst studies department at kings college london, how ukraine might use made their weapons on targets inside russia. hello brand. so from my understanding, the ukraine still has a limit placed upon the ability to use those weapons. so those weapons are supposed to be used only in harkey region in order to strike russian positions across the border. but it doesn't necessarily mean that the ukrainian forces can use as it comes to strike any military targets any further than that. so it is very limited in scope, it seems, and we don't know what kind of a fact it will have, especially as these things are being announced publicly. so russia has enough time to prepare for that and it is, this is this. so in the, in terms of trying to win
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a war though, is this a good news for you? crane told you can use weapons here, but you can't use them. they are to well, i think that western political leader is trying to balance between a potential escalation was russia and the how to ukraine. so it's more of a political move because restricting ukrainian military in that way is very insensible. and these are, you allow it to use against any targets on the russian territory or you don't allow it at all. but they were trying to because of this criticism they were trying to find a middle way. seeing this is the situation on the front is worsening. for the green i'm forces. so i'm in the sense, i don't think that this will essentially change the situation dramatically. do you think this improves the situation in and around partying for?
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will it improve the situation? well, if this decision has been taken months ago, when the russians were gathering their more school being or forces across the board, or then it might have prevented the actual offensive or at least stole that and diminished. it's a fact at this stage, i think that the russians will be able to pull their air defense systems into this region. they will also most likely use their electronic warfare to g. i'm the gps signals in for the to degrade the bringing forces capabilities. so i don't think that in, in strategic terms, it will be a huge change where we were rolled from the worst of these departments at kings college london. i mean, as always, we appreciate your time in your analysis, especially on a friday. thank you. or in south africa, the governing african national congress is heading for significant losses is
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counting continues in parliamentary elections with over 80 percent of the birds now counted, the amc is received just over 40 percent of the vote. that's a loss of about 15 percent compared to the last election. it also leaves the amc probably needing a coalition partner for the 1st time since free elections were held at the end of apartheid more than 30 years ago. or correspond to diane hawker has been following the counting at the national results center in johannesburg. she told us what these results would mean for south africa. well, it will mean that political parties will have to start having coalition discussion conversations. at this point. the a and c would, would have to join with one of the other bigger parties such as the democratic alliance or the economic freedom fact freitas all the new m k party. if they wanted to get over the 50 percent mark, it's difficult to say who would actually join with the agency at this point.
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because of course, during the campaign, everybody's been campaigning quite heavily against the amc and speaking out against the practices as well as against the policies. they are also significant ideological differences with these political parties. um, so that will also have to, to, to, to factor in to this process of coalition. and finally, a 12 year old from florida has become the us national spelling bee champion in a 92nd tiebreaker brew hot selma spelt, noted fewer than 29 words. correct? your 1st one word is brew s, b r o u a t t at alone condo a d e l a n t a t o hi for t h y p o r t t m e. 6 by the 7th grader, $150000.00 in cash and prizes brew hot becomes the latest and the long winded indian american spelling the champions making of $29.00 to the last $35.00 and
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congratulations to a bright kid. 6 next to lo be unless you ask them, as you can use the winner. that's all from us have a good weekend. everybody. genet type of data. so much for the 1st is, is just is i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights. mean? well for con dreams of another world wake up on last starts june, 1st on dw, the forever young forever beautiful bobby.


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