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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  June 1, 2024 12:02am-12:30am CEST

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matter who you are, does it matter what you did on thursday, donald trump became the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime if he's elected in november. he will be the 1st felon to win the white house. tonight a question for politicians, does it really matter what you do and the question to us voters, do you really want your next commander in chief to be a convicted criminal? i broke off in berlin. this is the day the trial. oh my god, almost viscosity. and i'm telling you, i was just like, how could they do that? i will vote for trouble more so than i ever thought i would. and finally, i feel like a little bit of justice is served. he's afraid of the law for many years,
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decades. and it's finally caught up. i don't think we need to contact an office the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. and the jury is also coming up criminal games from sweden attacking is really targets around the world. stockholm is accusing iran of giving the orders to kill the liberties that around is conducting. it is very much about planning and trying to implement and attack against is really and jewish interests and goals and activities in sweden. would you describe your pass the window back, something up that it's value to our view is once you're going to be as in the united states, it's all of you around the world. well, can we begin the day with a convicted criminals who wants to be us president? on thursday a new york jury found donald trump guilty and what has become known as the hush money to while involving the adult entertainment. star, stormy daniels,
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a judge will hand down a sentence in july. whether or not trump goes to prison. that remains to be seen present time would not prevent trump from keeping his presidential campaign alive. it is possible. trump could win the race for the white house from behind. bars. we have this report. the 1st former us president to ever be convicted of felony charges, welcomed by crowds of supporters. donald trump held a press conference at his manhattan home. the morning after a judge announced the guilty verdict. she called the unanimous decision made by a jury of his peers a farce, and said that he plans to appeal all of the criminal charges against him. we're going to be appealing this scam. we're going to be appealing it on many different things. it wouldn't allow us to have what this is. it wouldn't allow us to talk. you wouldn't allow us to do anything. the judge was a tyrant,
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us president joe biden slammed the accusations of an unfair trial. that's how the american system of justice works. as reckless is dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg, just because they don't like the verdict. that verdict carries up to 4 years for each of the $34.00 charges against donald trump. though he's unlikely to go to prison, the us voters are divided about where the stand on the former president's trial and his 2024 bid for the white house. i was very happy that he was found guilty. i don't know. i don't think he's guilty. not at all. i am very pro trump from 24. yes . yeah, i hope people don't vote for him now that he's obviously guilty and we all knew he was guilty already. but now it's proven in a court. we don't know, but at this point, so it's going to be a big appeal. so we'll have to wait and see. even if the appeal fails,
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he can still run the november 2024 elections. but what will happen 1st is a hearing on july 11th. were donald trump is set to be sentenced for his crimes? well enjoyed now by jackson james, he's a political inside or in both berlin and washington jackson is with the german marshal fund. he's also the president ameritas, the american institute for contemporary german studies at johns hopkins in washington. it's good to see you again. jackson, there's a, there's a lot to talk about here. but despite this guilty verdict truck can still run for president. what does this tell us about american democracy? but on the one hand, i think it might say that the way in which this court was able to be managed and the results seems to suggest that the system work as 12 people is randomly selected to a jury of his peers found donald trump guilty,
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and so i think in that way of the system, i've seen too many, if not all the confirmation that the system was set up and it worked in this case as well. and right after that, we heard from republicans, the republican speaker of the house. mike johnson says that the supreme court should to step in so you've got a congressional leader wanting the judicial branch, the federal level to metal. indeed, judicial system of the state of new york. first of all, is that possible in a 2nd? isn't this the behavior that we usually find in an all talk proceed and not the democracy? so exactly, i mean, i think that 1st of all, there's no chance that the spring court is going to take up this case is too much time involved. secondly, there's going to have to be a process going ahead of this product, which is the 2nd thing in july. and, and so, and in any case, this is going to have to take a long walk as we go towards november 5th. there are 2 or 3 other trials which
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probably will be handled between now and november, 50 election. that is. but i think in any case uh, the way in which some of the republicans are responding to this is by denigrating the traditional system. instead of looking at it as a way to confirm the system works with standards, correct? mm hm. the, the judge, you know, you mentioned the sentencing. the judge is not expected to sentence trump to prison . the. i think the maximum penalty would be 4 years in prison. but they don't expect them to do that because of donald trump's a. she'll be 78 when sentencing happens in july. help us understand this jackson america's chords. think that a seem to be 78 year old man is too old to be sent to prison. but he is not too old to be elected to lead the worlds so super powered. does that make sense? so much. but i think that the notion is that a,
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this way in which the trial is probably going to be, remember, is completely stamped with one word and that is unprecedented. we don't know exactly whether there will be an attempt on the part of the district attorney, a prosecutor to request jail time, but i think it's highly likely. and then the question would be what happens then when the sentence has come down and where there is the appeal go and the appeal may not even make it. yeah, the for the 5th of november. so there's a lot of unpredictable factors and a lot of moving parts at this point after this unprecedented situation. you know, we are told, especially the united states, either you're told that it matters what you do and what you did if you want to be elected to the public office. and therefore, your past should be as clean as possible if you will, with donald trump after yesterday's announcement of the guilty verdict on his
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website, which crashed by the way he was able to raise more than 3000000 dollars poll. say this may or may not. this verdict may or may not hurt his chances in november. so this notion that your past performance is go is that's what you'll be judged on. does that really hold water in the us politics anymore to well, in this particular case, you know, the district trump has a very strong hold on the followers that have stuck with him. not only in the 1st 4 years and when he was president. but after the 4 years when he was not in, in the, in the other office. and so i think that one thing to draw from that front is that this particular case may not change a lot of the electorate in, in a, in a substantial way. and that kind of thinking that i'm hearing here is that this election is going to be decide a number in
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a number of stage 6 or 7 across a several 100000 voters, which are in the moment. probably trying to make decisions about how they're going to go. there is solidly support for 5 and trump on both sides of the fence. and so the question is going to be, which were 2 questions. one is how many people are actually going to turn off the boat and stuck away how much of this particular case and those that go with it in the, in the, in the future are going to have an impact on people's decisions on who they're going to support and both of those are unpredictable. yeah it's, it's an interesting point to whether or not guilty verdict it will turn into lucas off they stay home. and if that will impact the, the outcome of the election, we will find out in november jackson. james is always jackson, we appreciate your time and your valuable insights. thank you. of the 2 suite and now where security services are choosing iran of working with criminal games in the country to target jewish. and this
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really interest swedish authorities say iran is recruiting gang members, including children to commit acts of violence. and here's what the head of the swedish intelligence services had to say. was a lot of the, the so recently we have the security services. i've noticed that iran is more or more focusing on other states interested in sweden. i specifically states that it feels like it's in conflict with. and this applies not least to israel. the meanest the site sack is, but you security services could now state the criminal networks. and so we are a proxy that around uses the all the activities that around is conducting. it is very much about planning and trying to implement and attack against is really and jewish interests and goals and activities in sweden. would you describe test one over x. i'm here to decide if a more know i'm joined by, do you mind somebody who has an award winning journalist who specializes in a game violence in sweden d months? could they help you with this? can you 1st explain to us who are these criminal games or the forty's,
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or choosing of working with iran? the folks of network is, uh, i mean, the most wireless network that we're seeing is where you down in recent years. and the leaders have, i mean, total of conflict that has led to more than 10 shillings last year. and the latest have been the next are in turkey and around for last year as well. and now these new details are and i mean, surprising and the way you cover criminal gains in sweden what's, what's your read on this? are these accusations are the credible? so think goes a always when the, i think you have to be a bit skeptical. but when the swedish uh, intelligence service confirmed up around is using the garden for most of this way,
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i mean that the ads, i mean the, some of the, some kind of context stuff is very important. and that's where you need to take very seriously. obviously, the hospital yesterday off this news broke out with the sources in the criminal environments. i was told that they were not surprised by these said new information on that because then when it comes to one of the persons who has been around for a while in custody. mm hm. and as a source told me that if is out now, living freely in my room, i need some kind of cooperation with the state. that's the integrations, obviously. but we need more food to, to understand what further they are doing and how they might know that they're working with the federal service in a row. yeah,
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i mean basically what is being said here is that these, these criminal gangs beam it into a rod in your reporting. have you ever seen anything like this? i haven't seen anything like this when it comes to the dining apartments. but we see that are the leaders in the gardens. they are living in countries that are most expedite taking the criminals to sweden. and i mean, i know from my sources that some of the dying leader says they have a lot of money. they have good connections in the state to main colors and services . mm hm. because that's important for them to get in tell about their arrivals, but also to be able to live quite says safely openly in their new countries. so, i mean, that was something that took place the people in, in the game community were expecting. now when these guys were staying in these
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countries, i'm wondering how did gain via lives. how does it get so bad in sweden suite is not the 1st country you think of when you're talking about getting violence. um yeah, that's a good question. uh, we have, uh, i mean, i think everybody knows up, i'm uh, we have a bad integration. now we have isolated islands, the immigrants you mean, or of the ground. so we have the isolated islands, so you could say around or major cities where it's easier to find an apartment rental apartment. and that's where a lot of my grants and up. and we have cigarette and schools and in the same area. so we have the lack of presidents from, from the, i mean the authorities from the police, from the social service and all that. and that has been happening for victims. and
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that's, it is the same area. so where we're seeing this escalation of violence, we have the shootings. i mean, you cannot just blame the migration to this problem. there's so many layers to be honest. uh and the way that we need to discuss the layers. yeah. because if you can just compare to germany where they also have taken a lot of refugees, migraines and, but they don't have this extreme violence with child soldiers that are committing shootings. and that tonight thing pops. that is something that has been able to happen in sweden for many reasons. and i would say that the reason part of the reason is that the storage is same as i said with the integration, but also solving these kind of types not preparing to deal with these problems early enough. and now we're in this situation. i'm trying to figure out what to do general is do you mind somebody who we appreciate you taking the time to talk with
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us? it's a fascinating disturbing story. the notion of iranian terror attacks with a swedish connection. they might thank you. a campaign is drawing to a close in mexico, a head of elections on sunday. people will cast their ballots for a new president. they'll choose local lawmakers, mirrors, and council members. it will be the biggest ever election in mexico's history ending a campaign that has been mexico's most violent. a flurry of last minute campaigning was accompanied by. we said a lot of violence on thursday. gun been shot dead, a may were okay or the did in the southern state of guerrero. alfredo compare was at a campaign rally when he was approached and shot several times at point blank range . it's death from the number of politicians who have been murdered in mexico and this campaign to at least 24 or my next guest is known for his
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expertise and inside their experience in us politics. david from was a speech writer for the late president george w bush, credited with that famous phrase, axis of evolution, st. george w bush, not the father, and he is now senior editor at the atlantic. david, it's good to have you. with this, we invited you tonight to talk about mexican democracy and the upcoming election there this weekend. but 1st i just want to ask you, what do you make of donald trump's thursday conviction as i think i've written so delighted. but this as well. i would describe this is the right product for the wrong crime. when in all the constitutional crimes is a tackle to january 6th, by his attack on congress, on january 6 is attempted to defraud the election before that stop. donald trump will not face justice before the election. 2024. this criminal case pertains to his sleazeball activities as a private citizen,
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as cabinet the present in 2016. this is justice of a pretty inadequate kind compared to the severity of what happened and 20 and 21. but is the only justice that the american system is minded delivered in advance of the election of 20. if, if trump wins in november, he'll be the 1st convicted felon to move into the white house. now consider that in an ocean of way. right now we've got the vote counting going on in south africa, former south african president, jacob zoom, but he was banned from running in this election because he is also a convicted criminal. what message do you think of these 2 democracies? what does that send to the world about american democracy when you compare these 2 systems, american democracies care guys compared to others by a lack of formal law they're, they're useful. and i think during the trump years, people have again and again been surprised by things they thought would be impossible that are not we have no, i mean it's a fell and running for president rugs, the felon being elected president. other countries do because the american system
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is so old and was written and developed, but with an assumption of some degree of character on the people on the part of the people liter. um, there's nothing that, for example, forbids a president from operating a business for profit while present. it's just, it was assumed that nobody would ever do such a terrible thing until donald trump did. would you say that the constitution needs to be rejuvenated, if you will, to bring it in line with standards that, that we see in the south african constitution? or i wouldn't say that. i don't know that such a advertise any kind of example or of anything, but i think there are a lot of ways of dealing with problems that are self constitutional. we may need new law, especially if it need a new spirit. if donald trump is beaten in 2024, i think that we raise the assumptions that we've always had that american system government will be with. as john adam said, our 2nd president industry and his prayer was letting none but wise and honest man ever rule. under this roof and we've had presents before,
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we're not wise. we've had presidents who are not honest, donald trump, maybe our 1st was neither wise nor arms. all right, let's talk about mexico. you. you've written a lot about mexican politics and democracy as we reported about 24 candidates for various offices have been assassinated in the campaign to run up to this weekend selection. what condition is democracy itself with the border in at this moment? situation. this is quite dire and i'm just taking, i'm not an expert on mexico, but i was very involved with the work in the bush white house at the beginning of mexico's transition to multi part of democracy. and i, i know we now seem to be at the dent on his way back to the single party rule that characterized mexico in march the 20th century. you mentioned the violence in this election, the past succeed of the 10, your present address. my love was overdue. i have been the most violent 6 years in mount mexico's modern history. i think you'll have to go back to the mexican revolution of almost a century ago to find anything comfortable century ago to find anything comfortable
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to what has been happening now. probably a 180000 people by what we did over the past 6 years, a 112000 or so. we'll just vanish with no, no tricks. and this has actually been described as a criminal insurgency. this is not just ordinary, not just the games. these are near guns, extracting resources from people offering that kind of protection over time with this over sources controlling wide parts of mexican territory. and now they're having an election in which a president who has done tremendous damage to subvert mexico's democratic institutions, independent judiciary. the electoral commission is looking to install his handpicked successor from he's recruited. that's impressive. and she's a woman, it's impressive that she's of different background. she'll be the 1st she's of jewish organ on both the fathers and mothers 1st, but she has chosen above all for her lack of any political strength or for complete
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dependence on president lopez over at org. and he hopes to continue to roll through . can we say then or, or can mexican say that the selection on sunday will be free and fair? or? i think it will be free but, but not there. if you're able to get to the vote was and cost about i think that but will be kind of kept honestly. but there's a lot more violence in areas where the government is. we then in areas with the government, as long as we may not be able to get to the bowls and many of the rules about the mexican electro system, very complicated rules to respond to task abuses. those have not been enforced deeply on all the parks. so this election, i will describe this free, not fair. the next lecture. we're not. i think it was last year you wrote an article that they had lined mexico is incubating an all the crap next door and autocrat and mexico where they would have 2nd donald trump term in washington would . would that be just what the,
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all the crap and mexico in order to mean would these 2 system suddenly complement each other? donald trump and lopez overdue. i had a very close and functional relationship which is gives the why i think to this is a kind of glen description of lopez all the doors, a man of the left eye. donald trump is a man of the in fact they have much more in common. and the deal they sort of struck was a trump wanted less migration from mexico and he didn't care how mexico stopped it . and he wanted fewer chinese auto parts and mexican cars and it was over door, gave him those things and he did. and trump would look the other way as low as over door took apart and actually democracy. and unfortunately, that deal has more or less continued in the binding years present by this mexico policy. there's a lot of points of resemblance to donald trump's. he also has not done a lot to safeguard next to democracy. and now we're going to have the possibility of present extending his turn to begin formal means of controlling his 6 of his weak successor. we've got about 40 seconds left. i just want to ask you,
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if you were advising the president right now, what would you advise and what's the 1st thing he should do when the election results are announced in mexico as americans, options are very limited because of the awesome size history between the eyes is mexico american words often land badly on mexican ears, but he needs to understand that mexican democracy needs to be a priority. not just migration, not just great democracy to david from david. we appreciate you taking the time, sharing your, your insights, your experience, especially on this friday. thank you. have a good weekend, bye bye. or whether they continues online. you'll find this on x, also known as twitter and on youtube, the dw news. you can follow me, brent, golf tv, and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day, have a good weekend. everybody will see you again, right here on monday, the
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is the failing migrants. forget what you know about the usual political debate. for the 2020 for europe and election, we off slipping the script. those people hold the qualified standard upset voltage . scott is not finding the asian, even though he tests the numbers. so politicians are what would be your comments flipping the script next on d, w. but we'll tell here. we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting
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a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the present in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d. w. the funds for robots back to one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk site in order to minimize that, we have an opportunity to to get it right before we start. environmental activists
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of skeptical rules fail billions to be made out to pascal commentary. deep sea greed, dots, june 7th on the w. people are coming, but those people have not the qualified send. that's that we need. it's not letting these on, even though it has been landed. so if i understand you correctly, you are suggesting me to import board one european immigrants. no, i would never use the will be for to, to get or do you know about the usual political debate for the 2020 for you repeat election. we flipping the script walters will be at the center of the debate, and politicians will ask the questions on topics shaping the election like migration i'm doing. yeah, i do think that or do you is failing mind once right now.


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