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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  June 1, 2024 6:30am-7:01am CEST

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the surprises. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of children. to do you, have you have a one dodge, so do you need the front porch and unexpected side to side. what can no typical german household do without? we'll reveal all. how do you make a delicious irish seafood shout or we'll show you and where can you get intimate with one of the most famous sculptures in the world, we'll take you there is all coming up on your own. the
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1st imagine you're on a surfboard riding the waves on a chubby sea. now imagine doing the same thing with your eyes closed. sounds impossible. not a problem for a visually impaired young woman from spain. the but i mean for me sir, thing is, every thing though is it's piece, it's freedom. it's sitting in the place in the water. i'm no different from other people, you know, but on land everyone knows me as the blind girl, the girl with a dog. i'm the one with a disability, but not here. see that the common lopez. he is the see. she feels the way he asked me from audio northern spain also follows her coaches voice in the water. i'm right. so i warn her of all kinds of dangerous. for example, carmen, there's
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a wave coming. i always prepare her because of a wave comes without breaking. she won't hear it. oh, you are going to come and communicate with carmen in the water. we developed a whistling system that also works in wind and loud wave as well. she said yeah, one with the millions more to the right. because yeah, then does seem to be those and due to the 11, you know, when the case of danger go on along with all the something like that common was born with a congenital disease to find it at 15, she took up some things the 1st time i stood up on the board and made it to sure. i said, my god, i love this, this is what i want to keep doing. so i didn't yet know how i was going to do it,
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and how serious i was about it. but i knew that i definitely wanted to keep searching will say that the lucas garcia and common have been a team since 2018 training common was easier than he expected. yep. and you've got the, i mean i had my doubts at 1st, but then i said to myself, why not going on? so when i went into the water with her, i immediately realized that the prejudices and barriers one of mine, carmen, made it very easy for me. i realized that i simply had to teach her the same as everyone else with her. i just have to look for different ways, you know, i sort of, it, it's, i have been, i'm lucky that i get on incredibly well with arguing the in 2018 common became the 1st blind estimate from spain to continue to the world adaptive surfing championship in california in 2021 to those metals. but i mean for me winning the world cup was like
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a dream. and because it was what i wanted most, it was like in a movie. and the fact that everyone on the team could be there at that moment was simply incredible. i've had a few bad phones, but i've never been afraid where i felt that i was in danger for that i never wanted to go back into the water. it's a risky sports and the thing not only for me is for everyone else to got up in front of me, but i want to get her to look at. i think it besides the physical challenges of the school, common has other hurdles to ever come to the it's okay. we still finding sponsors is a problem for them because searching isn't generally underscored but, and on top of that, in my case, it's also women, surfing and adaptive. certainly brought that up. that will. and does it says must go make a vicious circle really. because if we don't find sponsors for adaptive sports or a little bit,
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then it will continue to be less profitable and conventional supports and sounds like and they bought it. they come in here not to sign on to competitions, common sales accessories inspired by the see the beach, the she also ends money training assistance. don't that the visually impaired people? the thoughts whenever she finds time common catches the sis with hood traina no study. i want to encourage others to try anything they want because dreams can come true. if we believe that they are achievable, there are no limits, only the limits we set for our cell. most of those everyone should fight for their dreams and try everything in using. yeah, but a lot of the are common, so one wants to nip dream and when even more titles have big go 2028 power
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and in big games in los angeles, a potato peeler, a breadbox, how slippers, what makes a household? it's typically german. that's what our reporter shop done. so rita asked herself when she came to germany from india in 2017. let's see what she's discovered. founded approximately like fudge, wondering how to make his job and everything you need for you all to him and how so it is what you get from this episode of the job. and there are a few things that germans find more or less essential for a good start. do your new home and you might just receive them for your house forming parties. some friends brought me bread and salt, which i learned as a typical gentleman. wish for the household not to run out of food and to always have slaver in life. how thoughtful another prison tuesday. i saw the roof telling say it was a hot or literally the action break going to make or which i haven't used yet,
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but it definitely sounds impressive. so let's see how it works. it got stuck and it didn't connect all the way to oh, fully. so i'm guessing i'm not german enough and that was a very warm start to my 1st household in germany. and today my flat cars, items representing the cultures. my husband and i grew up with as well as schools that are very gentleman. that's just me. but what about the gentleman? the journey of all his roman household starts with your gift to try a document to prove whose household it is. and it's only german fashion. this document obviously joins the other important papers in every german's vast collection of document 5. now that the paper work is done, let's move on to things you find in a typical german household, the house. sure. they make me feel at home because house what or house people are community board in india to a major difference between the 2 is the materials and designs because i need to
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meet, you may be offered your own pair when you visit someone in their home from what i have same german house, you can come in different sizes, shapes and to be customized according to seasons. if you ask me german kitchens have the best. nice. yes. the japanese come close, but they're nice. they're also more expensive. that's why even i'm thinking about names when i'm abroad nowadays. many humans also not keeping things green, and they have diverse products to do just that. my 1st attempt said fine, clean products in germany left me really confused. i'm like in india where we buy just one disinfectant for the whole house, our trusted friend for united. whereas in germany there are different cleaning products for different types of flooring, different parts of the kitchen and even different types of good peanuts. german stress, s think or vinegar based key knows a lot, and that had taken me by surprise, who would have expected to find raspberries and vinegar in a toilet cleaner ridge apartments. he works well against your in stains, fussy,
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made some accessories to help you clean the kitchen. honda, metallic tops cups of coffee and chava and i'll make for to show the things you find in a german household often symbolize the value is its owners cherish. just like how you will always find the value of spicy green to nice end and all of that. the savvy in my home, most humans would have a trusted rain jacket or jars must in beverage after 7 years in germany, my apartment now has them all of a house or the something that he was constantly kinda overtime. it becomes a reflection of the people who live in it, so which items in your household define your car to your next type. ireland is known for its impressive coastal landscape, located in the north atlanta, goshen. it's no wonder the island has a long fishing tradition. and fish and sea food naturally play a leading role in
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a classic irish dish. chatter is what makes the food shoulder one of our lives favorite dishes can lot with warm and comforting go fish. schroeder comes in calculus variations and it's regarded as one of our lives national dishes. one ingredient is indispensable. fish. the most important thing about child or sea food chatter obviously is the freshness of the fish. this video will not only show how to cook irish trader, but also to smoke the fish very easily at home. 500 and lots of only i may shift restaurant owners see facilitator and advocate for span of the seafood here and dylan. today we're in the secret cafe and i'm going to make our house to try to nile counts as one of the most creative minds and contemporary irish kazi. he grew up in dublin. i became fascinated with seafood and
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his father's restaurant. so tighter in orleans, really when you get it in, you know, a tiny call died in the back corner of arden's to, you know, big clubs and restaurants. it's a real, you know, probably favor, i suppose, everywhere. those are the different for niles recipe you'll need, shall lots, potatoes, leap, chair of, of chives, celery cream. and of course vision clouds. in essence, it is a plan on smokers, charter. there's a really, really quick recipe that i kind of cable, but i don't like what a child are supposed to be made into the costs and all the fishes in it and all breaks open. you don't know what it is in the back. i think the 1st step is to fix the fish. this time nile is using had a piece of with it and salt set generously.
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then he lets it steep for 10 minutes a so very surprises a we smoke all the phase here, ourselves every morning for our charter. so it really depends on what we got. so in the wholesale site of been there longer, we will sacrifice that morning. so say it's had a couple of card tomorrow, could be garner that could be red mullis and it really changed so it's always a white, flaky fish. it's easy enough to smoke sufficient home. just take a baking dish, sprinkle some oakwood sawdust on the bottom on chart. okay, so what is the licensee open? i must give you a little bit of a head start with a blow torch. we can start building up loaded smoke at the chamber. i'm gonna leave it over here a restroom, then on the flats. 20 minutes later, the fishes thoroughly smoked by smoke. it's good to get to play with the smoke. i think we all over it, all people, the flavor of smoke goes back to member. okay. then i think and a delicious when it gets into the face of the lovely. so this is of a quick smoke or i try to really embody the smell of
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a flavor of smoke and just fish rather than cookies. fish and sea food. some irish walters have a good reputation, the world over with nothing between us in america. so give us lots of water washing in a huge water exchange of all these nutrients and all these beautiful cold water is a one borders of that all mingled together. that's why the water is a so rich, most of the catch is destined for export. the ports of how 20 kilometers east of dublin is a popular spot to shop for freshly cold fish. among the many fish shops as one belonging to any kitch. aside from schroeder, the irish, when we began getting creative with sea food in recent years, the consumption of fresh fish and sea food is undergoing the restrictions all over our lives. we buy directly from the trawlers. we're just custodians, right? we're going to be gone, but the fishing village will still be here. officials still be here and we're proud of the shellfish. we're proud of the fish that we have here. while the how to it's
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getting smoked now prepares the beast, the child her. she takes us a lot, started with clothes and bailey's and has a cream and water. then he leaves the smoke to fish and the broth, and she sits until it requires a smoky flavor. then he brightens the remaining ingredients. there's a lot, sleek salary and potatoes, one after the other. the if i shoes important, if you do it all together in the beginning, is always gonna take the same. so everything you're putting in your larry angle. so you're there in flavor. some of the slots in there, and instead of in the beginning, you're giving the 1st base there and then you're starting off your leaks if you go to the next there. so you're building up every time which alara's into flavors when he tastes or you should, tast taylor, you should taste leak. it should take some of it is you taste in class, and it all comes together and you might to finish it off. the skews the clams adds the smoke sufficient herbs and serves it from right away.
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the soap proof is in the pudding with warm and comforting it out. i am as lice exactly. exactly what exactly makes it to an irish national dish. i suppose it is hardly that's wholly is welcoming like a bow, a child or are boulevard to make you feel more comfortable and more at home. i am i have famous to come the thoughts of all our people if i feel it's making them at home and well to them and hopefully with full value. what dish taste most like home to use the maybe and a tally a dish. perfect, because we're on our way to florence, considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. so what is
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a must see during a visit here? our reporter, sarah, how cool will fill you in and reveal how to avoid the crowds. welcome to for a renaissance, amazing city. welcome to florence, the most beautiful renaissance said because you don't have this really good. we start over again, starting over early in the morning. that is so much better for us as an incredible city, but it can get very, very proud in. so if you don't plan your visit, right, you might not enjoy it. i'm going to show you how to have a great time here and avoiding the crowds as much as possible. we'll learn about the cities renaissance history. check out some of my favorite places. try some local tuscan cuisine and even have a moment alone with some one very special. personally, i love the flores. i spent a lot of time here in my twenties when i was studying. and i'm really excited to
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show you around today the let me begin at the do all the sun, somebody in the field, because the drill, the hearts of florence is historic center. if both are free to enter, by the way, the so impressive if you don't mind waiting in line, you can also go up to the top for a great deal. the. the best way to get around the center is to walk. i really recommend you get off the busy streets and explore some of the little side streets. honestly, you never know what you're gonna find. like look, we just walk down the street and here is the house of poet dumped the getty, i mean, that's incredible, right? speaking of famous names, you can't come to florence without learning about the medicine. the ministry family rules flores from the 15th to 18 centuries,
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and they filled the city with their architectural and artistic commissions submitted to you are closely associated with the italian renaissance of the cultural and political rebirth. after the middle ages, that was marked by a rude discovery of classical philosophy, architecture, literature and art. i need help with the tour guide food build a bonus in the piazza, dennis, and your yeah, one of the most famous squares in italy. welcome to the center of the political florentine power. these spending lines in the middle is an amazing power center, rented our rags. i feel it will go tells me that the banking industry and world trade made the city wealthy, the wealthy, or the 49. but that's why fees was the place where the renaissance sponsor next, we had to piazza development pool because the name of flow rims floating size from
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florida to gold. this of a bone unsafe or facility are you still see the statute florida? these beautiful lady possible the ancient colon, the granite colon, and now the city is famous, bridge the punter vecchio. let's start from the name of why cold rage because he was the only rage was no, no doubt destroyed. during the 2nd world. these days the bridge is full of jewelry shop, but i learned it was once in area of butchers and tanner's until the management not liking the smell to create it should be dedicated to goldsmith. thank you so much. see you in the morning. well, it's time to talk about the museums. so we're here at the see see one of the most famous art museums in the world with the word fire, renaissance masters like both the charlie lan, ida, and michelangelo. 1 and i'm going to give you
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a to go to the official c c website book a ticket for a specific day and a specific time. then you'll be able to skip the ticket line and just go straight to the security line. but now a visit to the galleria, delicate damien home to the statue of david, carved by a tally and renaissance artist, michelangelo, to accommodate more visitors. the museum recently extended opening hours and spread out. it's fast collection director cecilia holbrook tells me one does not get out to me this. thank you so much for having me. the 17 foot tall david is the collections highlight big angelo shows the shepherd. this young shepherd in an incredible way. he's not aggressive. he but he is strong, he is naked, showing his in no sense. this symbol of florence is one of the most amos sculptures in the world. and now i have a moment alone with him. i think i'm in love dinner at
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dr. duddy, a ends or a piano which specializes in tuscan cuisine, joining me or some friends who live in florence. italy, you have to look each other in the eyes when you raise a glass. for instance, most famous dish is be stick, got a few, didn't do you not going steak, served rare the same as to be stake up here and definitely to be shared. well, we really saw a lot today, although there's so much more that florence has to offer hope you're ready to have a good visit to the city. and honestly, my job here is done, so i'll leave it as cheap. last but not least, we had to a small village town in bavaria. you probably won't have heard of it unless you play the violin or another string instrument mit invited has been a vibrant center of violin making for nearly 4 centuries.
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a good 120 hours of work have gone into this volume in its precision workmanship and all done by hand. i knew your thoughts for mickey mouse and i work here was a fine in makin string instruments made in mitten vase. bavaria have buyers the world over on tongues playing as violins, for example. and the double bass is from the put them on shop. julia klux works for master violin maker and they own hot weather for beginners. where am i asked rose. all the violins by allowing hot or one of a kind and hand made you just have readings 3 times it thing signature. and if we find any make, it has their own signature, you can always tell by the instrument to made isn't to vanish that each one looks
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different. we didn't just send that one instrument tough to the other with one of them looking identical on what i look like. i've shown usually a pastor apprenticeship exam in violin making in 20191 day she'll take over her step father's workshop. she'll carry on a long tradition. the company's history goes back nearly 100 years today around 50 exclusive instruments are built here every year. the price tags range from 150220000 bureaus. the julia plus his co worker on getting a yeah, he's best plays each newly finished violin before they're shipped off to every confidence one job. and let us know if you will always make sure to get the instruments your own touch, your own signature, and the way you finish the details, the scroll, the way the hose note, and so on, or simply your choice of what. so of course, it's
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a great feeling to know that you'll violins are being played all over the world and they will carry o m name. this violin made in 1750, also came from written by the violin making tradition. and this little bavarian town dates back centuries, it began with the master violin maker, my ts clots, and 1684 step out. and we still funded the 350 year old buying and making traditions. and of course, we hope i hand it on to my off spring, so it will live on through the centuries icon. this is a treasure chamber. together with master violin maker, johan conner, julia clouds picks out for in maplewood. it has to have seasoned for at least 10 years. some of this would is over 100 years old budget toward the sky. if i were to sell a town as a buyer and make it today with frenchwood,
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it would have to season for 10 years before i could use it. so i'd have to buy old wood like a do you live right away? we have the advantage of having stored wood from past decades. every year we buy more. so every generation has had a stroke of wood on the coming generation, as well as well and out of toner into where it start is the varnishing lens, the instruments, their final appearance. their specific sound will also be determined by the varnish . julia cloth supplies 20 to 30 coats one after the other. we have for then we use the very old varnish that's been handed them to us and it still use the way it was 350 years ago. it's tried and tested, and we'd like to preserve this tradition for juan. that century, the old tradition has made this picturesque corner of bavaria, world famous young violin makers like usually a clots make sure this tradition lives on admitting fraud.
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and that's all for today from jerome x, you'll find a more exciting stories on our social media channels. thanks for watching and join us again next week. the the
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