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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 1, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w news. why from berlin? the us president coach ford a proposal for a cease fire in gossip time to begin this news. hostages to come home for 0 to be secure. the show free to stop time for this war 2 and joe biden urges him us are accept the deal which would see the release of hostages. and then withdrawal of israeli forces from johnson, also coming out of moscow,
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warns of an escalation after germany joins the us and allowing you cranky, use western supply weapons to strike targets in russia. the and a warm welcome to viewers around the world. i'm michael. ok. u. s. president joe biden has presented a proposal for a permanent ceasefire in gaza, but in says the plan was put forward by israel. it would unfold in 3 phases and assure the return of his really hostages and the reconstruction of gaza. a moss has released a statement saying it views the proposal positively bite in has urge both sides to accept the ceasefire. this is truly a decisive moment. is made their proposal. how much as it wants to cease
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fire. this do is an opportunity to improve whether they really need the mouse needs to take the deal. i know there are those in israel who will not agree with this plan. and we'll call for an award to continue indefinitely. saw summer, even in the government coalition. i asked you to take a step back and think what will happen if this moment is lost? you can't lose this moment. it's time to begin this new stage. the hostage is to come home for israel to be secure, the suffering to stop. it's time for this war 2 and dw corresponded rebecca rivers is following the story from jerusalem. rebecca, the u. s. president, they're presenting a ceasefire deal. is this really and is really proposal? well yes it is. in that it has tacit approval from the is riley signed by way of
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benjamin netanyahu, whose office saying that they back the deal, and certainly being sold as an, as riley deal. but of course the us has been key. negotiate is along with egypt and guitar, right? through out this say side process, they have been hammering out various innovations of deals. some, you know, more favorable to i'm also has them on some more favorable to the as rarely the moms. but as with tacit approval from the israeli side, it's certainly being sold as something that has come from israel. the though it has tacit approval doesn't mean it has final approval. and there are still hurdles to overcome. even if i'm asked to agree to these, do it still has to go to the security cabinet and get government approval. and you heard in that speech there from president joe biden, urging the members who may, who may, a more live most likely to strike down such a deal, urging them to, in fact, go ahead with it. so i think that the, the fact that president biden is announcing this deal does carry some weight and
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certainly he's putting pressure on both sides to agree to it. rebecca, this is a 3 part ceasefire deal. what's essentially in it uh it is uh in 3 parts and we've seen deals very similar to this one in the past. this is very similar to a deal that have must, has already agreed to some weeks ago. the israel couldn't agree to at that time. well, the 1st phase would say a complete, say 5 for a period of 6 weeks. it would say the withdrawal of troops from urban centers and a return of the 1st charge of hostages. so generally the elderly, the in, from the, the, the non combatant women in, in exchange for palestinian prisoners. and would also say, palestinians being able to return to areas in the strip return return, return home to the center and the north of the gaza strip. and would also say a huge search and humanitarian aid, some 600 trucks a day getting in solely needed and more organized sections have been calling for for some time. now during that phase,
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there would be discussions to get to the 2nd phase. now the 2nd phase, and this is really an important part, is a leading to a permanent end to hostilities. now that has been a real sticking point in the deals today, but this is, as you just heard, you know, something that president of prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that that, that his ministry do agree to that. it would also say this phase would say the release of remaining hostages and withdrawal of his right the truth from the entire gaza strip. that it's very unclear exactly how that will look because is relative maintains that it wants to maintain security control over the strip. in the 3rd phase, we would say basically the major reconstruction of galls or something that is also solely needed. so the 3 main phases that we would say ending in a permanent se file. rebecca, we don't have a lot of time, but i do want to get to the is that the use really prime ministers under a lot of pressure from all sides? we've been close to receipts, fire deal in recent months, but it wasn't re,
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does this seem different well, it does in many ways full. the reasons i've outlined already and the fact that this is already a deal that is very similar to one that has, has already agreed to. it must have been signaling, you know, that they looking at it in a positive manner. so, you know, we very well could say a mazda, great is such a deal and then it will just take the government to, to, to get it over. the line is really government that is so it does have a different flavor to it. this, this deal that we're seeing here. i mean the deal itself is similar to ones we've seen in the past with it may say a different feeling from both sides. that so dw corresponded rebecca riggers as always, many thanks. rebecca. news of the proposal comes as you and officials say children are now starving and gods are for lack of aid that you and has renewed it's appeals to israel to follow international law
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regarding the safe passage of food and other humanitarian supplies. far too little aid is reaching people and gaza. w h o has issued an alert after survey found more than 4 in 5 children under the age of 5 had gone a full day without any meals. these are children on to 5 who are not getting food all day and that was in the last 3 days before the so think so you ask on the supplies, getting through know you an agency say not enough food is getting to people in order to prevent a famine? well israel says it is allowing more aid into gaza. agencies say they cannot pick up or distribute food and active war zones. to continue to insist that these radio authorities obligation under the law or to
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facilitate the delivery of 8 does not stop at the border. it does not stop when you drop off just a few meters across the board and then drive away and then leave it to humanitarian to drive through, back to combat souls, which they cannot do with the military operations hampering a deliveries they're calling on israel to respect to international law, facilitating the safe passage of life saving relief and a renewed appeal. what could alleviate the situation is a new ceasefire proposal presented by us president joe biden. that includes the withdrawal of israeli forces from populated palestinian cities the 1st space and the return of displace palestinians to what remains of their homes. mandatory decision would search for $600.00 trucks carrying 80 in the gaza every single day with the cease fire that
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a could be safely and effectively distributed to all who need while as really forces expand their offensive in the southern goals and cities. rough uh, what was one's the main hub for 8 operations bite and says the proposal has been greenwood by israel and her mom says they view the proposal positively to the award here in europe. now in germany has authorize ukraine to use weapon supplied by berlin to strike limited military targets. inside russia, it march a policy shaft and follows a similar us decision to allow ukraine to use american weapons on targets on russian soil. the loser restrictions only apply to the eastern hockey region where ukraine is struggling to hold off russia's latest advantage. this is what remains of the town of full john skin ukraine's harkey for region. ukrainian troops has been fighting here for weeks trying to hold back relentless,
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russian attacks many know, believe they have a better chance to do so. germany, it has become the latest need to concrete, to allow kids to use weapons supplied by berlin for limited strikes inside russia. in the list that was found in recent weeks, rushes prepared, coordinated and carried out detached from positions in the heart. give area, in particular, from the directly adjacent brushing for the region to merge them together were convinced that ukraine has the right under international law to defend itself against these attacks. so young gentleman, his decision follows a similar one from the us. american supply weapons can now be used to come to the russian to text me of the heart region and ask the authorization to the various special forces that are passing and then
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the president. and he's going to do what we've been doing as necessary and it just keeps has welcomes in use, but it's unclear how it will impact the situation on the ground. so from my understanding and ukraine still has a limit placed upon the ability to use those weapons. so those weapons are supposed to be used only in harkey region in or it is a strike russian positions across the board or. but it doesn't necessarily mean that the ukrainian force is going to use as it comes to strike any military targets any further than that. so it is very limited in scope. it seems, and we don't know what kind of a fact it will have, especially as these things are being announced publicly. so russia has enough time
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to prepare for that. was russia has denounced the decision accuse and need to of deliberately provoking a new level of escalation for florida. that's got some analysis. some february's put a international security expert and ceo at the rasmussen global thing tax in brussels . he's also the former nato director of policy planning. february's wide is crucial policy shift from nato. now, the well 1st is not from nato, is from nato countries, and this is quite a different, this does not need to the condition. it's and they to the members. so member, so uh now we are really using some of the covey ads and restrictions that had, but the width of white simply because we responded yet again with too much delay to a russian escalation. and he had particularly is the russian pressure system. i take destructive pressure on the single largest seats in ukraine hockey. and i
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think this was long overdue. and this is an example of us, basically expecting ukrainians to fight for the to defend their deadline with one hand tied in the back. so hopefully it will allow them to have a bit small boom, for my mover to be able to exist pressure back on the russian forces, which are basically operating from the russian territory. but this is obviously a far cry from the atoning part or gave you to enjoy for the ukrainians. as you've just eluded the ukraine is out powered at the moment. can this make a real difference on the ground to it might be allowing them to, again, a release, some of the pressure that the russians and the building up on, on the hockey, even the region a. but i think it's important to note that this is part of, i think, the way we mismanage this war, which is a series of relate decisions that respond to some russian discrimination. but we've
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612 most of the day. and the problem is the russians of a adaptive, as we saw and very resourceful. and every time we respond and tried to take control back on the escalation, they would find new ways to escalate. and then i think this is where, instead of managing this war by a small drips, i smoke decisions, we should give you credit and everything it needs to defend its to the territory under international and go. and we gave you credit the carol cheese that is good for is with that is a member, but we do that. i think the russians are going to the degree cheese and all the lights there is uh, february is 48. thank you. many, many much. thank you. fabulous. thank you very much. i. if you're watching a dw news use, a reminder of our top stories. us president joe biden has said israel is offering a comprehensive new plan to end the war and gaza in free the remaining hostages
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being held by some us. israel has confirmed that a deal has been offered. and how mos as it views the proposal, positive will end things they are coming up. paris takes action against s u v. 's for cleaner air. that's next on grab a mike looks and thanks for watching dw and bye for now. the, my debbie, my name is steve, i'm on the cottage and not i think age typically. my name is simone. sony. this is india is new generation. what else? a dream in the world's most populous country. what do they want to change in the society full of contrasts, the indian aids stuff, juices. i'm dw powers a city made with the love for people long before cause change the cityscape and


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