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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  June 1, 2024 9:15am-9:30am CEST

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has enough time to prepare for that, as was russia has denounced the decision accuse and need to of deliberately provoking a new level of escalation. for, for a michael look who sports life is next to stay with the can you see is what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media watch now on youtube. your updates innovation. green the green revolution
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global. so listen to whole lot of crime would probably be secure, subscribed to those channels every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a the dancing is a very, very big part of my life. it's. uh, it is my passion. a jeremy would have had a dancing band. is kind of like, i don't know, cutting one of your fingers off in a way to that someone is holding you back from doing something in the stomach. whats happening? because the ron dancing is bound. many people still do it and opposite the videos as a form of protest, but un, for more freedom,
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especially women whose lives have drastically changed for the worse since the rainy and revenue. so now many a protest in the secrecy at hu, unapproved. there's so much things i can say with that with, with my art for him and to touch people and to inform people the, the ability i have to actually have a voice here and to be dancing on the stage freely available in the a video in a saw kind of our as on our way to rehearsals at the door to open the gym and opera . the 28 year old as a dancer at the stats spun at the berlin state ballet. she was born in very simple sweden and has been daunting all her life. as a teenager,
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she then studied at various national ballets across your parents, come from a ron, but she only ever visited the country as a baby. now she lives the life of a professional battery. i mean, i've always been surrounded with knowing how women are being oppressed and you're wrong. they have to be forced to wear a headscarf or he job um and this has been quite normal for me like growing up and i've never thought too much about it. but that changed when protests began any wrong. now she's in touch with the children starting school in to run. i just realized how i feel so distant from this country um the people and how unfair it is to,
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to be around in girl like any or iranian girl in iran. but living here and to have the privileges i do have here, which they wish to have there. i've had contact with this girl. now, since the pandemic and i said i wanted to actually travel during these years to to go there and to maybe give them chassis and give them workshop to teach them and maybe have a collaboration. she's actually answering, trying to, to have a phone call. so but now she has to, we has a performance from the world renowned choreographer peanut bos stravinsky's the rise of spring, the
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that she missed the train every day practice until its perfect classical dance as demanding physical works. it's a lot of care and within this profession, it's a full day job. even if the end product is made to look so easy, the life of the valley rena, is not what it seems. places of valerie in us. it's a lot of this. a lot of this exact and or yes, the toes. how? how's your toes do? do valerie knows 8 do a like of course the best thing about food is for sure. if they seen the blacks one movie and then like, is it true about the age like
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a piece of fruits or like a great fruit in the morning? i'm like, no, no, it's not kind of skill valley and lot in terms has similarities. but also a lot of differences is different muscles you work with so badly it's you have to be kind of more higher on your hips and you're like funny, straight. and then and it's lights or i would say, and then lot of nice can sometimes the most of the time as being more heavier and you have to be more grounded and rounded into the floor. and, and this also brings different muscles and different pain. so if it's free on us,
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it's fine. it's just very tight sides. so who in the meantime, vivian is found time for passion projects. in 2022, she really has to own pace together with other ensemble dances and young talents. the title of it is in these books that which means this too shall pulse. it's a persian adage describing the federal nature of life and the human condition. the project focused on the lives of women in the wrong before and after the revolution . the piece was very inspired or of the time of the 7 days. so i did use kind of this colorful costumes and music from yvonne in rock artist. from that time, women were afraid they were liberated back then women in iran didn't
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have to cut a day ahead. goals went to school together with boys. they was cinemas and alcohol was not yet been that all changed in 1979 with the writing and revolution. religious leaders seized power and women lost most of their individual freedom. vivian's mother personally experience this transition of power to i have filled out a whole lot khomeini's us now the drastic changes led her to leave the country in 1987 and to immigrate to sweden. 5, i guess so wasn't came um if we wanted to speak up they could send us to prison for that to click it in but they arrested so many people. my father was so frightened and i was so active, so therefore he told me like, you better leave the country to. hi vivian tells her about the don school into ron. there are
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a lot of families that like secretly send their kids to this. her school to like to, to practice dance and music. and i mean i, i'm looking really up to her that she's able to do this for children there, you know, and super risky. what she does and, and she's willing to do this tomorrow she aims to cool the done school. well, i see a lot of just children that look like me, like it just reminds me of my childhood. you know, like when i was like a little girl in school and practicing dance and because you know, i have pictures like when i, when i was in school and i was the only, you know, dark haired girl with like the darker skin and all everyone else was more like blown the light skin you know, and just like seeing like
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a group of the same girls you know, how much in michigan use it? hold on. okay. like, like how i was when i was young, you know, i just, i get really emotional, actually seeing this, it reminds me of my childhood, but also to see that, you know, there's so many children in a wrong that wants to do the same thing. like having the freedom and just having, let enjoy. this is what i see like joy in their faces that into that they're able to, you know, enjoy their childhood is like, have the chest to practice what the like to do, like and be happy. this is what a time which should be. it shouldn't be just a good memories. and i feel like there's so much going on in the country that are traumatizing, these children and streams from being crushed, you know,
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just a few hours later vivian, the heads back to the stats or the bit in state opera as a professional done. so she performs up to 14 shows a month with a bill and state ballet. now the focus is on guessing the timing perfect. getting every move precisely rise ahead of tonight's performance. the . busy
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the following day, vivian is on home. tough, the rehearsal space of the door to open it's almost time for her, cool, with the dawn school in to run, but then plans change so out of young as ease. meanwhile, i am cooper. she sadly cancelled the interview due to security reasons. i don't wanna pressure into anything that she doesn't feel safe with and
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but of course it's disappointing that she even has to feel like this in the wrong that people are still scared and still feeling that they could lose everything. so just by a phone call, i would try to contact her by myself. yeah. um and try to still keep in touch with her. i can't deny the feeling that i have and look away from what's happening in the wrong and sadly enough these in. so there are inspiring me i wanna message people, none of your audience to, for them to understand that or how terrible this is, the is deadly. the number of infected burns is skyrocketing and mammals are
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catching the disease to us. we have declared war on the virus and is vaccinating wild birds for the 1st time in europe. tomorrow today. next, on dw haven for russian money, money belonging to put in his coffee, jones is set to be hidden away in switzerland. disappoint you, sanctions. private just mention is secret bank accounts a paradise for collective cross and war criminals on the trail of a legal, russian billions in switzerland in 45 minutes on the w. what secret lie behind these discovered benches in 360 degrees and explore fascinating
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boats. heritage selling dw world heritage. $360.00 now the annoying 9 rebellious at 10, insufferable. at 11. around the time that the menstrual cycle kicks in and cubic has thoughts to group. puberty is beginning earlier and earlier in kids all over the world. the average age of its onset has been dropping for decades. and during the cubic 19 pandemic, the trend grew even more pronounced. that story and much more coming up on the show. welcome to tomorrow. today the.


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