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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the the business dw new fly from for lynn. israel dins hopes for keys in gaza saying the country would still pursue the war until it had reached all its aims. this comes after us president fighting the urge both sides to the sceptre plan he put forth and would see the release of hostages and withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. also coming up south africa's a n. c loses it's haldeman true majority for the 1st time, voters punished the ruling party for perceived corruption and its inability to solve the problem. the
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melissa china, thanks for joining us. israel has damp and hopes for peace and gaza, saying the country would still pursue the war until it had reached all its aims. it comes hours after us president joe biden presented a proposal for a permanent ceasefire in gaza. biden's as the plan was put forward by israel, it would unfold and 3 phases and assure the return of his really hostages and the reconstruction of gaza. moss has released the statement saying it, news the proposal quote, positively biden has urged both sides to accept the deal. this is truly a decisive moment. is made their proposal moss, as it wants to cease fire. this deal is an opportunity to prove whether they really need the mouse needs to take the deal. i know there are those in israel who will
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not agree with this plan and we'll call for an award to continue indefinitely. saw summer, even in the government coalition. i asked you to take a step back and think what will happen if this moment is lost? you can't lose this moment. it's time to begin this new stage. the hostage is to come home for israel to be secure and the suffering to stop is time for this war 2. and let's take a look at the proposal in more detail. president binds said that in a 1st phase, lasting 6 weeks. israel and tomas would enter a full and complete spar is really forces would withdraw from populated areas of gaza. mosse would release a number of hostages, including the elderly women and the wounded. in exchange, israel would release hundreds of palestinian detainees. humanitarian aid for gaza
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would search at this point with at least $600.00 trucks being allowed into gaza each day. in the proposal. second phase of moss would release all remaining living hostages. including mail is really soldiers. all hostilities would end and is really forces would fully withdraw from gaza. once the steps have been accomplished from us would hand over the remains of all dead hostages. it's still holding rubble and gaza. cities would then be cleared and reconstruction of the territory backed by the us. europe and international institutions would begin to. for more on this, i'm joined by d. w. 's middle east analyst a shiny. rosanna shiny joe biden presented these proposals. what they're supposed to be from israel. so why is it coming from washington and not israel, because he's frustrated to button his price, right? because there's been a lot of these back and forth in this deal has been floating for awhile, but nothing is really moving. he feels i gave his real the backend even to go into off. i paid prices for that politically. and now i want to see what's happening
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next week. he doesn't feel like the is really pushing strong enough for the next day. and garza and he wants to encourage a dialogue. a public debate was in these really, society wants to support the moderate and centrist, you know, in the hostages families, to try and bring forth a more open dialogue on what is on the table. and what is real might be given up if it's not, you know, willing to go more seriously into finalizing this. very deal and how, how have israel and tomas reacted. so it's crucial. we need to remember there's a 3rd party, a very crucial party here. the hum us and they said officially after biden's speech to the positively open to that and for any discussion, it seems like the way it come us, you know, let's put on a table that the deal that we bought and put it out. seems to be giving her mazda level of what they wanted, and mostly the demand that they have has all along is to, for israel to agree on, on, completely sees, you know, of all, how still it is sort of basically announcing this is the end of, of fighting,
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and this is exactly bringing this to the is really response because this is exactly what is really, is opposing, you know, and it to me, i was said in a, in a statement after the bite and administration issue, we have been willing to show some flexibility this plan in many ways is something that we're standing behind. however, we're not going to stop the war until we achieved our goals. these goals, too, of course, the leading come us and bringing back the hostages. so the americans proposal is based. a lot of things have to stop the sides and the, the mediators, katrina egypt has been, you know, a lot of drastic going back and forth. but a bit of an embellishment or a dash of may be wishful thinking. that biting has brought into this process and this is exactly where we stand. the core issue is still not resolved. the americans hope that once things get going, the momentum for itself, well, maybe help these problems to get resolved. there's been a lot of hope and false hope shawnee, i keep asking you this question, but are we stuck again? are we any closer to the end of this round of the conflict it's, it's hard to say,
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i think by it, in hopes this will start some sort of a very vigorous process within these really society, political one, at least that will maybe put more pressure on it to now come on, it's on the other side, they recognize the weakness of mentioned y'all, when in the international arena and the political arena, i'm not sure they're so eager to show a lot of flexibility. we will have to see the next phase. if this really, if the american push for it is and carter seems to be very much engaged egypt and if we made the manage just to bring some, some change to the static, completely tragic situation. it's too, it's still too soon to tell. i'm afraid shiny was on us. thanks for joining us in the studio. look next to return to conflict, a negotiator oliver mccannen, who joins us oliver. thanks for your time. there is a lot of detail in what biden announced as a conflict negotiator. do you think that was a good idea?
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well, there's nothing due in what are you saying is what they have done is reordered the, the time table as well. now, i think it's good to have uh, an overall plan. if you had just announced, okay, is 60 days ceasefire in which that hostages, it will be exchanged. and then what seems to happen, i think it would be less appealing and we probably wouldn't have caught the positive response we did for me on us. but at the end of the day, i think he needs to go further and it's no good announcing it unless he is prepared to really stand by his words. it's time to see the war in god said, and i'm only america, i think kind of actually achieve that goal because it's only day that kind of see really influence on the is great. any cabinet at present on how to use
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a supply the means by which america is road can prosecute the war. if they are serious about ending it, then i must tell them. this is the time you have to make a deal. and then meanwhile, you haven't got to know who is saying that any deal must include quote, the elimination of mazda militarily, that wasn't in the proposal announced by biden. so where did things stand? what does that mean for negotiations? and well, i say i would say there's a complication on believe it's like, i think intentionally right from the beginning. nothing yahoo set to go past the elimination of an ass and alongside that the return of the hostages. notice those goals, anyone familiar with hostage negotiation and achieving a level of agreement that could enable this to happen. it was acutely aware that these are incompatible, and i see you know way nursing now who did nothing that had divide,
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know the one that had, but at the same time saying 2 is supporters and knows in each cabinet and outside this cabinet. there's a really cross hockey consensus stipend, us shouldn't be eliminated for the future security of his job. he's is nothing to them as well. so, you know, a pre arranged to be seen how this one progress. the big challenge i think is moving from not getting number one and this out today ceasefire, but it will be moving from that 1st stage if it goes successfully in to the 2nd stage. and what is the fact definitely. i think the americans are asking nothing out of it to do and agreeing to time, and it's nice 5 is insight to end this political career because many would say, but once the military operation is over, then the day of accountability begins. many project that will be way,
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nothing out of will that have to sound down as prime minister. so i see lots of opposite goes in in the way along the way. very quickly i'm you mentioned say spar . how likely is that part of it to with a good positive response if the reporting is right in front of us, hopefully it's a 1st step in the peak of his guns or 2300000 people are enjoying insufferable conditions daily, which will have long term consequences on the whole way of life the, her phone changes have taken place. we need a ceasefire now and hopefully both sides will for no other reason than pure humanitarian reasons will agree to that stage. and then hopefully the pressure will affect the 2nd stage. oliver mccarren and thank you so much for joining us. thank
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you. but listen. in south africa, the party that held a majority for the last 30 years and freed of the nation from apartheid, has now lost its grip on power. with nearly all ballots counted the ruling amc has received 40 percent of votes using nearly a 3rd of its support since the last election. they will now need coalition partners to form a government, south africa's biggest opposition party. the democratic alliance has received around 21 percent of both. the m. k party founded just months ago by former president jacob zoom that came in 3rd for more or less now speak to dw correspondent diane hawker in johannesburg. diane b a n c. losing the majority, what happens next as well now into i think, a very active political period of negotiations. we've seen a number of political parts indeed as arrive here at the national results center.
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and i spoke to the agencies of national cheapest and quite a montage. it, he said that the n c is talking to all parties in an attempt to find those that they can form a government with. we also heard from the economic freedom fighters was the 4th largest party in this election. and they said that they are willing to talk to the a and see, so it looks like they will be some very important discussions taking place over the next few days to form. that's government government. now the constitution gives the parties 14 days within which to form a government off to the results are announced. so we're expecting that the conversations will be quite intensive, but also they will have to be quite quickly wrapped up. now i want to look at jacob zooms and k party that 3rd major player. how much are they a disrupt her in these elections? so they've definitely turned out to be quite a major disruptive considering that the potty was formed just 6 months ago and they
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were able to move from basically 0 to 3rd place in the election. now, indications are that the support has come very much from other amc strong holes such as was the top of animal mulanda. they don't have as much of a national footprint as some of the other parties. but, you know, the amount of votes that they've gotten thus far is best thing to be lost at and they will be a serious party to consider when it comes to these negotiations taking place over the next few days. the m. k party has said, however, that it isn't willing to speak to the amc to join the coalition. if the amc is still the vice president, so around my posts. so it will mean that those negotiations will be quite 10. so i think, and we'll have to see if they can reach some kind of agreement to create a government in south africa. w corresponded diane hawker in johannesburg. thank you very much. thank you. a quick look now at some of the
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other stories making headlines around the world. germany has authorized ukraine to use weapons. it's applied to strikes, so military targets inside russia, but only in defense of ukraine's eastern harkey region. the decision marx, a policy shift for berlin, following us president joe biden's earlier decision to allow ukraine to use american weapons to hit limited targets on russian soil. united nations is warning of an imminent risk of famine ensued in the agencies, the civil war has left some 18000000 people acutely hungry and nearly 4000000 children. a to me now nourished fighting between students, army and paramilitary groups, broke out in april of last year. i on the watch and did all the news. here's a reminder of our top story is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his country will still pursue the war and gaza until it reaches all its 8th, his remarks damping hopes for
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a cease fire race after us present. joe biden put forward a true proposal. a mazda is viewed the plan, quote, positively. and with that, you're up to date. thanks so much for joining us. i'm alyssa champ, the . my name is alan. i'm debbie. my name is steve, i'm on the cottage, not i think age typically. my name is simone. sony. this is india is new generation . what else? a dream in the world's most populous country. what do they want to change in the society of contrasts? the indian aids stuff juices, i'm dw, the, the
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