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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw, use live from built in israel, dims hopes for peace and also saying it would still close to the war until it had reached full. it's items that comes off to us president find on both sides, to accept the plan. he put forward, it was the, the release of the hostages, and the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. also coming up south africa's i n. c loses its majority in parliament for the 1st time devices punished the ruling prost april for steve corruption and his inability to sol deep seated problems. the
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last. com. thanks for joining us. israel has dumped into hives for peace and gone. so saying the country would still pursue the war until it had reached all its aims . it comes ours off to you as president biden presented a proposal for a permanency spot and garza buttons as the plan was put forward by israel. it would unfold in 3 phases and to show the rich ton of is rarely hostages, and the reconstruction of gaza. homeless has released the statement saying it views the proposal positively by and has urged both sides to accept the deal. this is truly a decisive moment. is made their proposal how much as it wants to cease fire. this do is an opportunity to improve whether they really need a mouse needs to take a deal. as i know there are those it is real who will not agree with this plan and
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will call for an award to continue indefinitely saw summer. even in the government coalition. i ask you to take a step back and think what will happen if this moment is lost. you can't lose this moment. it's time to begin this new stage. the hostage is to come home for israel to be secure, the suffering to stop. it's time for this war 2, and let's take a look now at the proposal in the more detail. president biden said that in the 1st phase, last think, 6 weeks, israel and thomas would enter a full incomplete seeds file is really forces with withdrawal from populated areas of garza and how most would release a number of hostages, including the elderly women and the wounded. in exchange as well would release hundreds of palestinian detainees, humanitarian. i forgot that i would search at this point with at least $600.00
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trucks being allowed into gaza each day. in the proposal, 2nd phase, her mouse would release all remaining living hostages, including mail is rarely soldiers. all hostilities would end and is there any forces with fully withdrawal from gone? so once the steps have been accomplished, how most would hand of the remains of old dead hostages, it's still holding rubble in gospel cities would then be cleared and reconstruction of the territory backed by the us. europe and international institutions would begin now, last spring and the sofa and better accounts. he's a professor for public policy, an expert on conflict management's and the founder of the center of full conflicts and humanitarian studies at the institute. welcome to dw, what's your take on this proposal? is it a good one as well?
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obviously, it's a good one in the sense that it'd be just probably the only a fault we have at the moment to bring an end to the complex. and to allow that to size, to reach at a reasonable agreement, it will never be, it will never be the main object of either size, but i think it provides a compromise. and it's interesting that if you look at the details, but it's not really very far from what thomas has accepted at the end of 10 days ago or so. and the real problem remains on the side of the style. and i think what's happening now, it seems like there isn't a split within the wall cabinet with it is now where it's gone. spending accounts may be taking the lead now. and i suspect what he wants has been proposed by binding it as long as they're being worked by they have and they had all these really intelligence because it just very much against what? nothing. yeah. who would like to see and what guidelines would like to see that then young allows us to determine,
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to see the end of how mass 1st and that does it towards the destruction of it's me that take you ability, that is governors capability. and for them that is to, to victory, and then they're willing to talk about potential withdrawal. so what do we have at the moment? i think it's, it's potentially could be a good, a good start. it's a, it really depends on how is the x to the performance and have ma says, abuse the deal positive typically why would come off take any deal as long as israel has the stated goal of eliminating the militarily as well. i mean, once they take it from the, the, the key issues, the deal talks about a cease fire permanency as fire it is, it is called him for his regular withdrawal. although it's talking about with, you know, a lot from inhabited areas and downs many. and i visited areas continue, and we lived in areas by that policy using casa, and it is also talking about their commitment to reconstruction and the commitment
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release processing and presenters and exchange for that is right. and also just all of them, and some of the ones be that mr. thomas has called for. and obviously they will continue to be suspicious of as well. and it's a reaction on whether it's were implemented the 3 phases as binding or see them. because from the experience so far, they don't seem to listen to us by to say and by that is not able to really implement any of his strengths. and he has introduced a number of red lines for as long as the last 7 months. all those red lines were crossed and there was no consequence. so i think to be on the warranty and the mind of a mass today would be whether if they were to go into this phase of approach, one of these aids will blow up phase one, phase 2, or the release of the hostages. and then the, we'll have a change of mind apart and go off to them for that in terms of destruction. and,
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but it's at the moment, both sides really have very little to bargain weight from us as you see if you can see our bush right against the fence and a is a, is day by day losing that international allies that we're losing, that it's not sure of vacation now it's not telling you guys the jet after 0, the i t c has called for the what but warrant by for nothing. yeah. one guy and so they are really in a very difficult position. thank you very much. so turned back had profess a full public policy. thanks for your analysis. a thank you very much. to south africa now where the policy of that hell, the majority for the last, as he is and freed the nation from the pots hide has not lost it's exclusive grip on power. with ballots. counting nearly complete, the election commission has appealed because the ruling african african national
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congress has received 40 percent of the votes losing the, the foot of his support since the last election yancey. it must now seek coalition partners to form a government possibilities included the 2nd place. democratic alliance or for my president, jacob's name is uniform and tape coffee which came inside and for more on business speak to dw correspondent diane walker in johannesburg. diane the n c. has lost its majority, what happens now as well. now, the agency and all the other political parties parties are going to enter a tough negotiation period. they are 14 days with in which to form the government off to the final results announcement. and that will mean that those 14 days will have to be used quite effectively to figure out how the government can before. and i spoke to the agencies national chairperson. and he believes that the agency can
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be an anchor of that government, but it will need to find as the political parties, which on the same ideological wavelength that they can agree with on the way forward and how the country can be government going forward. if it's had a press conference, yet the national results seem to endure on. and they said that they were would be willing to speak to the amc, but they have some issues that they feel on non negotiable, that they want to be to form part of the agreement. and those are the kinds of discussions that will be going on over the next few days to see if these parties can actually meet each other on an ideological perspective, as well as on how the government should be run going forward. now an interesting fist in this election, so jacob z mazda for my president's policy, has managed to become such a major, major disrupt. uh, how does that happen? well, indeed, the former president jacobs who must party actually only came into existence 6
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months ago. so the fact that they were able to gone to 14 percent of the vote really speaks to how much of a dual cod zoom. it's a lot of the votes that would cost for the m k party a from his home province of was eating. that's all they also quite a large number of votes coming from the, from along the province and indications all that these votes come from. people who previously supported, you know, the, the a and see, but with more aligned with the views of the former president jacobs to my, the party is a major disruptor. and it has said that it, it, it would discuss interior coordination with the amc only if president sol rema post is not part of that discussion is not clear with the amc would entertain anything like that because president from a post that is the leader of the party, he had the results and to we've seen them talk to a number of other parties like the ip breaching them. and that might be them making, you know, settled overtures to them. we'll have to see over the next few days how this goes
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and whether the m. k will continue to disrupt the plans of either party that will stay on hold in johannesburg. thank you very much. now it's a big day in europe and football with real. i'm a dread taking on birth, the adult ones and the champions league final at wembley stadium in london. the diehard fans of both clubs, hoping to witness beth teams, victory, thousands of births. the adults on funds and black and yellow goes into the mood in the house of the british capital hours before kick off. meanwhile, rail madrid's heads into this final as the overwhelming favorites to lift the trophy and victory would give them the 15 champions league title. and dw correspondence salvage house and pill is in london in between all the fence, i believe now who has created the best atmosphere in london today. you don't mind old madrid times
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the old friends who have been streaming into london's iconic when beside you. and just behind me so much. so actually the networks are pretty jammed, so we can come to you for a very wide place. uh, unfortunately, but it has been an absolute sludge all a blue. uh uh, the color is the yellow and black colors of 2 men to we spoke to friends on the way and they were telling us that london has been a walsh with goldman finds many of them hanging out of the designated phone stadiums that have been in place full goldman and madrid. fine. so it is estimated that around a $100000.00 in funds of coming to london full days and indeed only $25000.00 sees allocated for them. so they have sent across london in pub getting ready full
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this match to kickoff. it gives them plenty of germans and spaniards in london. all people who live in london interested in this final with no english team being in it the, the know english team is playing and this, and it has to be said that a lot of england funds really all keeping that eyes on the euro is which it coming up, they've got high hopes with the england team, but they all certainly watching the england players who are taking part in this final g bedding. and for example, he's playing for dread high hopes for him going forward. but of course, this is a very big game and funds will be packing out simple funds. we packing out pods across the country. but i think another reason that a lot of people like keeping a close eye on this game is for security reasons. you might remember a few years ago that was absolutely may have out this stadium and a lot of people are concerned. so want to make sure that, that, that is,
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i'm scenarios on repeat that again tonight that was how much house until recently thing from london. thank you. now boeing has suspended the launch of it's 1st of a spacecraft. the irs based john says the launch is being postponed for at least 24 hours. the crew of 2 nasa astronaut. what's the over the strapped in the head of the journey to the international space station but take off was halted with less than 4 minutes to go. it's the 2nd time the spaceships launch has been pushed back in as many months following years of device and safety skies that have plagued boeing. so the space program and with that you're up to date here on dw news coming up. the next task boards with feelings, what risks and benefits does emotional intelligence post with a on find out what's next on shift i'm will, i'm stuck on something in the team care but, and thanks for watching. take care of the
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the, the, it could be green, very green. all this blue b s. twine. twine is lovely. red. definitely pull just a yellow if that's what you present. purple apples very special. but in the georgia, choose your favorite color.


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