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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin. south africa's agency loses its majority for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. voters punish the ruling party for corruption and the failure to solve deep seated economic and social problems. also coming up is real dampens hopes for peace in gaza, saying it will pursue the war against a mouse until it achieves all its ends. you is present, joe biden. the purchase go side to accept a 3 stage plan. and real madrid are crowned football. kings of europe with a tool meal when over under dog storm. spanish fans go wild,
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but there's crowd trouble at the champions league final in london with the latest, from our correspondence with the stadium. the . i'm here until new berlin. thank you very much for joining us. we begin in south africa where the ruling african national congress has lost its hold on power for the 1st time since freeing the nation from apartheid 3 decades ago. with nearly all votes counted, the amc has secured 40 percent losing almost a 3rd of it seats. the like total commission is preparing to announce the final results in the next few hours. the amc must now see coalition partners to form a new government. contenders include the 2nd place democratic alliance, and former president jacob zoom is new and k party which came in 3rd,
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he's threatening legal action to delay the election results until allegations of the reading are investigated. the dns, he says it accepts the results and recognizes that the party will have to work hard to rebuild trust. we must not allow on these speak apo and zabel 18 like use corruption. we must be seen this dream that we must be seen as giving all the savings. there is a message that's our support of the us and it's a message we have received a loud and key. our correspondent, dan hawker and johannesburg, told us what happens next. as the independent electoral commission is expected to make a final results announcement on sunday, but the picture is already here. many voters have turned away from the effort to national congress. they've turned towards parties like them can do with caesar. party, which is founded by full mass of african presidents, jacob summa, that party has gone at 14 percent of the vote in the selection,
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a significant number for a new party in south africa. it means the party will be quite a big broker in discussions around coalition governments. yeah. they've already said that they are reluctant to talk to the a and see if president silver. i'm a post that remains the leader of the party. but of course the m. k. is not the only option on the table. if the amc wants to form a government, it has a number of possibilities available to it, including joining with the economic freedom fighters and another smaller party. now the effects of said that they are interested and willing to speak to the agency, but they want the non negotiable issues put on the table. some of those issues include issues around land, as well as the formation of a state own bank. they also want whatever deal is reached to be made public. the democratic alliance is also an option. although the agency does differ from that party, significantly, ideologically, if the da and the
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a and see where to make reach an agreement, they would be able to form a government without needing any of the smaller projects. and these calculations or what. so the africans are thinking about as we draw that to the end of this election stage, many south africans are hoping and waiting that them go see ation process doesn't take too long. and that these clarity on what the government will look like in the near future. this is a real, has damping hopes for peace and gaza, saying it will pursue the war until it has achieved all of it seems he was present . joe biden has presented a proposal for a permanent ceasefire and the return of hostages held by him. us crowds turned out into leave to urge the government to accept the truce. following months of rallies by hostage families demanding more action to free their loved ones. a mouse has responded positively to the truth proposal. fighting says it would be a mistake to pass up a chance to end the war. aaron,
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david miller is an expert on these really posted in conflict and served as advisors to several of us secretaries of state. i asked him what he makes of the proposal laid out by president buying. it's a fine plan. it's faced. drill literally realistic, although there's so much about phase 2 that needs to be negotiated nailed down. problem is not the text of a 4 and a half page agreement. problem is whether or not the current leaderships. a principal decision maker. yeah. guessing wire. on one hand, the government of israel on the other, the work happens already approve this. the question is whether or not, if brought to the full cabinet. so the full cabinet will approve it. how much has no steak in responding to comprehensively uh it quickly. i mean, their calculation is israel is under increasing pressure from us the international
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community, hostage families. tomorrow's trading time tunnel and hospitalized 40 really watch, which is the preservation of his leadership. and the can you ation of how much in some form in the politic or post october 7 guys. so right now, i think this proposal is increasingly fraud because you don't have the sense of urgency on either side that matches the present president biden's. let's talk a little bit about that sense of urgency if we could just proposal was a sense, be laid out by biting, but he said it was put forward by israel, however, is really leaders have walk that back and say they will continue to pursue their military ends in gaza. can you make sense of that? well, the war cabinet approved it. it doesn't mean that. yeah, every cabinet minister agree. uh and nothing. yeah. also it has also put out several statements which raise some questions. although i know one mind negotiations parties interpreted to their respective publics as they want. so
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i, i think again, you're from us, responds with a yes or a no, or imposes additional condition. there may be no need for the proposal be brought to the full cabinet. if you're from us, wants to play this game practically. they would agree to this us and let the full cabinet, the police really cabinet decide which could prove highly embarrassing to the prime minister, whose kinetic majority rest, with $65.00 seats. and above all, his, his major objective is to main, maintain himself in power. that's part of the problem. i have no brief for how much the vicious terrorist organization that killed indiscriminately raped and murdered and tortured into cost would be very clear. benjamin is danielle, was the worst possible leader at the worst possible time in the worst possible
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circumstance. and very, and with respect to both, how mazda is and israel's motors, in this there in lies the problem. right? i'm afraid that's all we have time for right now. that was aaron david miller. thank you very much for your analysis. thank you. take care and here's a brief looked out some other stories making headlines around the world. polls have closed in the last phase of india's elections. nearly a 1000000000 people were eligible to vote over 6 weeks exit polls and just prime minister no render modi's a j. p. let alliance. well, with a big majority. final results are due next week. also what i was president night book a has been sworn in for a 2nd term in office describing himself as a cruel dictator. pokili has waged a popular but brutal crack down on games. begins the move 5 year term with your
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total control of parliament. meanwhile, here in europe, heavy rains and flooding and its southern germany, causing a dam and a dyke to collapse. the danube river has burst as banks as water levels raised in the states of bavaria and bottom, broken back. the army and hundreds of volunteers are helping people whose homes are flooded. the water 11th rising off to the damn. and the diag give it. during the heavy rains will talk. these have us residents to have a quit cold water is coming from everywhere. i help my little brother get the last little things for the children. yeah, we could now go swimming so much for being dramatic. if a creations took place in the deluxe it region of southern germany savannah, they installed. let's lots spots in the best and living area. in some areas, the flood waters have sides to the cock level. several districts have declared
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a state of emergency that schools have been working with both of the use made some roads impossible. most discipline, we knew there could be flooding, but we didn't expect a disaster like the cut us to of your help on this get a lot of the see the situation will remain then what will there be? can come to mind the moment we don't have electricity in the area currently. so there is no heating tonight, no hot water, where the ability to cook food because most people have been cutting the video to stay at the me. a heads visited the affected area, often think i'm square observing the situation in the flood region in the various that's currently difficult inside the a. but we're monitoring it throughout the various moving reserves and relocating emergency teams from other parts of the country that i'm not so body affected. i give me some smart people from the heavy rains and printers, problems, but also disrupting reading services, pencils and in football. real madrid have won
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a record 15th champions league title the spanish side. the german under dogs were received dark men to kneel in the final, at wembley stadium in london, or after holding a neil neil for most of the match. denny caron, joe put madrid on the board with the header from a corner, kicking the 73rd minute. 8 minutes later, you need to use a junior put the nail in gorman's coffin with a shot past dorman keeper, greg or a cobalt fence packed real madrid, spare none boys stadium to wash their team or clean european club footballs. most prize trophy and or dw correspondent troll chosen pill has been at wembley in london. i asked her whether relevant trends victory was well deserved to well yeah, absolutely. x se heads noise from the madrid phones been watching this game when the just behind me here in london, the did they continue,
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that chum can lead domination, as you say, with that of 15th titles. the record breaking number of titles, if it didn't always look like it was going to be that way, don't mind had a very strong sized top with a number chances. and in fact, we were watching the game with goldman funds. and you could feel though, a name is where they felt that despite being the young adults, they really codes perhaps to feed these champions. league joins, but it was going to be and with the 2nd, hong k not hot breaks don't means to goals from madrid. and then to make things was a goal from don't mean wasn't allowed because it was all sides of the game that ending 2 nails and madrid's. so a dramatic finish there. uh, what does it mean for security? what's it been like? of course, we still remember the chaos at the euro final in 2020. when england wants to italy . yeah, absolute may have been that night. 3 is the guy says band storms, the stadium just behind me roughly 2000 ticket as alcohol fuels phones. it was
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a set off to is it, it was an absolutely miracle that more people one to own more seriously injured. it was cold across the newspapers, a national day of shame for england. since then, security has been massively b stop as has infrastructure and has since me and yours has been pumped into ensuring that happens. but tonight really was a mess. the test this big, big game. it was a test for that security. um, we know for a police statements they follow that they have already been a number. uh all right. huge police presence here as well as a record breaking numbers to it's monitoring this area. police saying no, never the last to that was some who attempted to storm the stadium and leave without tickets. they say the, well me majority, what prevents it? there were also 5 people who was arrested to full pitch invasion right at the stats of the match. uh, number of people's storms, the page opposing it briefly before then continued movements into the game. so they,
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we haven't seen a repeated sick table succeeds 3 years ago. it hasn't been entirely peaceful here. and undoubtedly, we well have moved from police on how this night have progressed into the evening. we've seen a several arrests and it's not police statement. as you can see, a number of police calls here behind is a coming cost, as well as majority funds celebrate. license the evening income is the rates from demonstrations from don't been sense. it's nice as well. that was dw correspondent charlotte joe, some people reporting for us from london. and finally, china says it has successfully landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. the mission is to collect the 1st rock and soil samples from the little known dark lunar hemisphere. landing marks in advance for china as an international race for the moon gathers pays the us india and others are hoping to exploit lunar mineral resources, sustain long term live in bases on the moon. and
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you're up to date, but to stick around up next after a short break, a report of program looks at initiatives and protecting democracy in germany following a series of recent attacks of politicians. thank you very much for joining us. the one small step for a robot vacuum, one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is unlocking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk response. in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to to get to it right before we move from star environmental activists of skeptical is this true nature conservation.


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