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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news wind from berlin, a flood emergency in southern germany. authorities tell residents to evacuate after heavy rainfall causes the daniel river to burst expands. the army and hundreds of volunteers are helping people and animals costs in the records flood waters. also coming up south africa's battles to form a coalition is set to begin, but one potential kingmaker, former president jacob juma ledgers. the vote was wrecked and threatened some legal action to challenge the election results. and we all, madrid crowned football. kings of europe with a true meal when over under dogs torment spanish fans go wild,
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but there's crowd trouble at the champions league final inland. the . i'm michael local. welcome. here in germany, a state of emergency has been declared in parts of the south as heavy rains in flooding batteries. the region the daniel river has burst its banks and in the south west. heavy rains triggered a landslide that dwelled the passenger train. the army has been mobilized, and residents are being forced from their homes, for the labels of rising after them and the dying gave way during the heavy rains all stars, he's his age residence, to evacuate. the icon water is coming from everywhere. i help my little brother get the last little things for the children. yeah, we could now go swimming so much i doing. it's jermaine shook evacuations. took
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place and fled. hit stuff in jim in a severe rain storm flashed large puffs of waste in the bay area. in some areas, the flood waters, sewage to recall the levels several districts have declared a state of emergency risk you is have been working with thoughts of the deluge made some roads impossible. most discipline, we knew there could be flooding, but we didn't expect a disaster like the cat this to over happened. this kid a both are so you say the situation remains, teens come to mind the moment. we don't have electricity in the area currently. so there is no heating tonight, no hot water, where the ability to cook food, because most people have been cutting. the various state premium visited the affected areas to walk and think i'm square observing the situation in the flood region in bavaria that's currently difficult inside the air. but we're monitoring
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it throughout the various moving reserves and relocating emergency teams from other parts of the country that i'm not so body affected. i give me some sparks mclaughlin said that he'd be raines and some of the storms are also disrupting rail services and road transport. dw reporter tests involved to joins us now from alex burge in southern germany, a test the those images are striking. uh, what's the situation in the area at the moment of the? well, i'm in the so this is on of data over just about 10 minutes from ox book. and just to give you an idea of the situation, let's look here behind me. and what you might have to take for a late is actually a path leading from one but the to the next. but it is definitely completely flooded because of dyke broke. just a bit upstream flooding the entire area. he and i've spoken to people, he and
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a lot of them had to leave the homes, come some people, it was in the basement. some even had worked on the ground floor and somewhat and so i could buy the water to an extent that they had to get out by a helicopter. so everyone here told me they haven't seen something like this in decades. so how would people coping an emergency shelter that has been set up just here around the corner and i took to the fire brigades. they are leading the operations here on the ground. they say all the boots, every man, every woman that can help is now being deployed, but they've overgrown by just how many volunteers have shown up to help them. so in the shelter, for example, the food that is being soft to people that had to leave the homes, had to be evacuated, is being prepared. but other volunteers who have just come up and cook to boom, food for others. so what we can really tell is that's on the 13th is huge also here in this region. and what really makes the biggest difference to everyone is that no
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one has sofa been hud. no one has dive. and that is obviously the most important thing to everyone here. so there's good news there. um, what's the outlook at the moment of the so when i drove who yesterday, the have rain was so heavy, i hardly could make my way into the area. and right now you can tell the rain has stopped, but it is set to continue. i talked to the emergency forces and they told me that i'm now hoping for water to spring night. maybe will to levels even to go down to this with it. but they are definitely not giving an ok yet. they are subbing the situation further and obviously with all the items that are now being built. additionally dykes that could still break. we're definitely not having the situation a 100 percent under control yet. that is so dw, that has a volunteer in outbreak. thank you. tessa
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returned to south africa in nation, entering a new political era. it's facing its 1st ever coalition government after the ruling party lost its majority. for the 1st time since apartheid ended, voters dealt the ruling amc party a major blow president serial number post most now seek coalition partners to form a government after his party last a 3rd of good seats in general elections, former president, jacob's human couldn't merge as king maker, but he is threatening legal action to stop the results from being certified these party, which came in 3rd, want vote rigging, allegations addressed. then the ruling amc says it does accept the results and recognizes that the party will have to work hard to rebuild trust. you must know no, no on these peaks opposed, sable eggs, games, corruption. we must be seen this dream that we must be seen as giving all the
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savings. there is a message that's our support of the us and it's a message we have received a loud and p l correspond to diane hawk or gain johannesburg told us what happens next. the independent electoral commission is expected to make a final result announcement on sunday. but the picture is already kept. many voters have turned away from the african national congress. they've turned towards parties like them condo is caesar party, which is founded by full mass of african presidents, jacob summa, that party has gone at 14 percent of the vote in the selection, a significant number for a new party in south africa. it means the party will be quite a big broker in discussions around coalition governments. yeah. they've already said that they are reluctant to talk to the a and see if president still around the post that remains the leader of the party. but of course the m. k. is not the only option on the table. if the amc wants to
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form a government, it has a number of possibilities available to it, including joining with the economic freedom fighters and another smaller party. now the effects of said that they are interested and willing to speak to the agency, but they want the non negotiable issues put on the table. some of those issues include issues around land, as well as the formation of a state own bank. they also want, whatever deal is reached to be made public. the democratic alliance is also an option, although the agency does differ from that party, significantly, ideologically. if the da and the agency where to make reach an agreement, they would be able to form a government without needing any of the smaller projects. and these calculations or what. so the africans are thinking about as we draw that to the end of this election stage, many south africans are hoping and waiting that the negotiation process doesn't
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take too long. and that these clarity on what the government will look like in the near future. for a brief look now at some of the other stories making news at this hour in these real crowds turned out in tel aviv urging their government to accept a ceasefire proposal for garza after the us could forward the plan. israel damp in hopes for piecing it will pursue the war until it has achieved all it seems a moss has responded positively to the truths proposal. el salvador is president. know you book as a has been sworn in for a 2nd term and office. describe, describing himself is a cruel dictator. book away has waged a popular but brutal crack down on game begins the new 5 year term with near total control over the phone. boeing has suspended the launch of its 1st ever spacecraft . the aerospace giant says the launch is being postponed for at least 24 hours. the crew of 2 nasa astronaut lights were already strapped in ahead of their journey to
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the international space station. the take off was halted with less than 4 minutes to go. so in football we all madrid have won a record 15 men champions league title the spanish side, the german under dogs, bruce your door been to 0 in the final like wembley stadium in london. the match was march slightly bike pitch invaders and fans without tickets trying to break in . after a goal, this 1st half danny cover had put madrid in front with the header from the corner in the 74th minute. 9 minutes later, finishes june. your put the nail endorsements, coughing with a shot past, dorman keeper, greg, or a cold. the fan's even packed. we all madrid's stadium back in spain and watched on big screens as their team reclaims european club footballs. most prized 12 dw market. metro is joins me now. in their studio market,
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real madrid have now won the champions big 6 times in the last 11 years. that by any definition is diagnostic. and at some point you have to start asking, is this the greatest football club ever? it certainly is you've got to do on statistics and they really have a love affair with, with this competition, the top competition. i mean it's not just 6 wins in a level, and it's obviously a record extending. 15 full rule. but that now means they've won. don't molden dupel any of the arrival ac milan and next on the list was safe. and so that shows you how a peak, real madrid have been in this competition. let's look at the coach, carla. one to lucky. he extended his record is the most decorated champions league winning manage it. we've now fif title and some of the players mean tony close to the gym, the image field and that was the last club game is retiring after jimmy 0. 2020 full appearances, and he's no one's
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a wrinkled equaling 6. tell me is the title. so was captain natural. so his the metro new commode rich. and then he called the house who sold the opening goals. it was quite poetic that, that he built that goal, but yeah, really didn't the champions league just just go together that way. we sure don't mean missed several amazing chances early on. so i'm going to pose the question. the probably is unforgivable to ask in central spain right now. did we all deserve to win on the 1st tough? no. as you say, don't have lots of chances. they really went for it, which was impressive. you know, they, with the, on the dogs, that the surprise packages, no one really expected them to get to the final, the only face face and the bonus league. and they really should have been ahead of time, the chance of the chance. and the good look rattled and call on to lucky is normally the most relax guy you can imagine. but he was looking worried on the sidelines, but with the rim and you can never count them out. and as the game will roll, and i always for that going to nick this. they always do. and they did an always
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telephone on the adult and it's another hot break because of course not the season just ended last season. they left the bonus league a title, but this is the last kick of the game. so that's to real focus for the coach eating transits. and of course, the last time they were wembley in the chat music family in 2013, it loves to know that type game to buy and munich. so it keeps on happening. but i think given they gave the role and really gave remedy to room for the money. they shouldn't be too disappointed. they left it all out there and the positive narrative for real madrid continues in the coming days. are expected to announce that they're bringing on the friends superstar killing it, and bob a, are they now considered the front runners to win the champions league yet again, next season is quite scary, isn't it? to think that that is now going to bring in one of the best players in the world in the world. yeah, i mean that's what makes this time full. the more amazing they've played the whole season with the with that go to main striker because coming bins, i'm a move to saudi arabia. they go thing you also lou is like
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a stop gap in the house. he's called the goals against buying in that quarter of the con, controversial semi final when, but last night they played with vanilla. yes. and rodrigo was as wingers who were also sort of forwards. so if you think you're going to add and by pay to that, it's absolutely frightening. and of course the tell me is the changes next season has been revamped, is 36 teams. and they're all actually in one big league and then they'll kind of stage afterwards just like there isn't a moment, but i wouldn't bet against damage had been on top of that huge leak. certainly not going to do that. that is, a dw, is mark meadows as ever many thanks my. as you're watching, the w news is a reminder of our top story here in germany. a state of emergency has been declared in parts of the south as heavy rains and flooding batteries. the region, the danube river has burst its banks. the army has been mobilized. residents are being urged to evacuate the will, ended their coming up after the break. chatbox with feelings shift looks at the
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risks and benefits of emotionally intelligent a. on a michael looked at me and the rest of the team here in berlin. thanks for watching and bye for now. the ones small steps for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is looking at a potential of deep sea mining but this time a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to get to it right before we start environmental activists of skeptical is the true nature conservation.


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