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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2024 9:30am-10:00am CEST

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me to bring you the story behind the news. we wrote about unbiased information for free by the jazz. i'm the, the list of miles on mocked is a car. interesting because some companies lots of deals for . ready calling music, it's me, it's just cheap speakers. sell it. you'll find this unusual combination in steven vitus tiny house in germany. when steven isn't directing the beach,
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holding fast and fun, he loves spending his weekends here joining him as a cocoa and they place the viola and things and friends, classical music and pop in their projects. the to have invited professional musicians to cook talk and john stevens, tiny house there yesterday is kind of funny that finished advertised as known for us and provides ations his specialty, funding, classical and just of the just as much if you have a document here, how many amount try to set up for the as i did, if it was gonna be. yeah, the stuff too. so. okay. a system to, i'm
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a data to have to from time and then keep all the homeless businesses i'm. it's because my front desk is on its mission phone line to leave things i can shop in front fender guitar and these a couple hours before on sunday. i will, i'll be done. gibson harvest by the 15. as a mark. this is nicholas on him. let's start with all of these notes and i can show it so, so by this is definitely an instrument type of stuff. is this view vivo into the guy? get an internal analysis, have my math and so meant to skip toby flight. so i, so what do we have collecting to hum to keep god and yeah, this montgomery then either i don't begin using the us when the holding to get isn't, isn't accidentally it's been new or design. it is to my book. it must be something that i should have gotten on the district from charles munoz been taught good by port by at the
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the the . ready the the. 2 this is diane zuber, the rest of the size of lying in the oldest of us to us in my home on as i disagree with us. yeah. yeah. okay, cool. so that's kinda hard to, i know,
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personally and because of a thing that especially i need to know how much the size of domains are trying to ship the substances. yeah. as numbers most is that's pretty tough to say am i sharing the fits and give them share about yeah, what kind of tv is the kind of average to do it as a ship tablet? i just thought i'd be instead of a big fellow on the list and loving skin from up to grab as soon as best buy. uh for all of this is jasmine because most of the guys have system. so i'm just call me just because of me until the most the something sounds good. i'll try hi. yeah. companies and they reduce the jazz he's got, holds its value out there. he's on a lot of it. don't even know if this is the doesn't exist in jazz. would it be both
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just as it's so busy and the number that i was given us for you based on my income in charlotte? i shop even me on the new jersey publishing dropped him on the computer. we just go, i guess, i guess the last day is and when the time they're down there because i have to put in west montgomery higher than the brand best buy an asset to lose poor oxygen was the percentage the how does the process involved in the government don't tell me closer to the younger food that you don't want it to be kind of extra need to be taught. always help on all those kinds of things to know classes or to just be busy . ok, mazda mazda. and so i don't know if that is some of the kinds of fights to boston. let's make some decisions that just seems to be the most seamless congress, not headsets because of the sheets, suspicion just on classic,
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this is the so this is in classic does all this clause detailed as yet for understand the most beautiful test said i'd like to make this does my, what's already been done. the other week is all about how this is on the phone and fill it out sufficiently. is this what i'm doing here? and so 4 per line plus and talk a deep by some tests, a very, very mind details. one day to put bags and pots, and the so 1st collect one kind of awesome santa, as mine does have the mice davis, the make is accessed between coincidence. i mean, this is all about, oh, and drops and health funds by itself. it's mission by the looks of it will sort of show by the process of those, again, this isn't a duty officer, there's many of them, you know, i am uncommon, uncommon, done as mom was it, you know, they've been to him to, to, on, i know,
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custom of the single day of the 20, on least of the product in the ball supposed to be in was from spectrum. that's always a good cup to advantage to see how the process goes out of kind of soft the funny century up to you for the the eat breakfast. i was mostly good colors instead of his dog. wow. that sounds good. and then the other one with the biggest problem, in fact, it might be in that this i've on the school the most of this because i've taught him to be homeless. it can be amazing. amazing is getting to the guy in the young i'm, i'm be in this house. oh is that when i'm late in earth? i know how the process with a task. that's why most of to
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good. the the the, the cost to ship or the, the bubble can was it? yeah. in a box for gonna let me see i'm losers for the tool. and you've been with deacons. the, my husband that i'm out of mall though. if you don't want me to estimate that by possibly say with that, as i said, who goes by? the reason that difficult for me is how much of these plans based on the monthly fee to funding or you know,
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a couple of deals want me to name on the job is so far. cool. jazz, i'm the with the list of mines on the phone. i'm was excellent. how are you now? device, these are all confused as to as all, all things like you said or seem ice surface only sits whatsoever. so that's an essence in place. most of patsy's on on i says, lounge together, it'll be good. let's do it. soon as it turns to contest i can do that was i myself could fit that in the past. i always say within the adjustments is what i know is mocked. isn't like fishing clothes on on projects. yeah. well mine was divided. yeah. now the monthly of course stickler this is a some business series is the sped that comes on. i dislike close with its funny clothes and some of these set those costs as a test. i want to target that student employees in order. i would love to meet them . ok stuff. but yeah. as far as the move together,
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so he's already gone for the new one because again, a quick 10.5. i use a lot of improvising got done by design. oh, stockens on the east and documents that i thought was it kind of them was again, data storage and also in this process the i don't get downtime. so even with the get the plans. well, that might maybe get all the employees yet on the day mrs. murphy, i have us in front of the computers from new jersey process. um it says, yeah, send me an email it when i use decrease it in the house. most employees young. this is my 3. this is 6. me don't know what and then am contessa. so they told me 1st must i'm the buick orchestra. so you know, it's just me, it's the vision implementing the implement seen the awesome type guy. it's does. oh, so how can i talk to him on his head off and the i'm still, i'm the home kind honest, it's uh imperative that these 2 adults and sizes. it's best to
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finish rosie. that's be the oldest cadet. this. the pleasant music in said the employees. yes. and i'll say inform that is a little for us to get involved and as we go, oh yeah, it's up to so good sort of the off season we'll take uh, excuse me. so for them, i'll talk to why the fan does as i was doing, the ones that pause when it comes to any tendency to, to investigate the allocations. even the lessons doctor dikes from package did you work in? yep, it seems as it has my face close to the business by the come in test. no one comes content that's including the
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test the test here. yeah, yeah, that's good. then 1st came up with the you know, the escape time speed. it was telling me 5 speed and i meant to call this button has to this left some of the stuff. so then you will have to assume that it's up to boston house to see lots of deals. i jumped to the doctor. oh, okay. nice of spending a month i recently uh, i bought it in from the deal if you guys kept the story. that's a slice. the guy said he came up as by the option of this impulse. are you uh on jess, this is i need is the a z good. and part of the is this uh, the def i did not vines or not. it says it has a 0 on it, on the noise again,
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hold on to the best big chest. was a cub scouts just kindly call me and we'll have another interest on them 6 months. it definitely was not merely, i can get all it the best, but give it to for me. that's fine. believe, well done. hobby's done duty to the lives in mexico. i say money that i say, if you sent us the long does, i have to send the battle. does most of all practice here? those meet boston is listed as long as the device is specified when you're listening to them in the p. c. test, of course, and then it comes with it soon as it does on the or the end. some 145 is as good as mine as i was hoping to send them to them. then, according to try and on the, on the cloud with us for these a call,
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or the company actually saves, you know, by the needs of the yeah, you, one is the best inbox with the miles davis with vin, but it's to me, but i'm glad inquiries yeah, of stuff, it's my status there. i'm sorry about the bus route as all completed the either they don't leave them in my my status. did he still visit though? the 1st, the hours on the boss is on the spot in the account, this office park condo association for loading your guns and there's no hot core can supplement this has got this guy. he's got the solution. does come come come. yeah. maybe it has enough left, so the bottom must do is the by that. so some the something mutual does this to you know, shop in the block, elizabeth. they might hit him on by the auger his back to you on monday. keep this
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on, on a trip on monday i'll just, i guess jumped on in the line of design and further behind me. so i wouldn't need to be. and so i will hang on one minute as to back. he hasn't been long as there's a gas task done. how may i know if this is all of us and these mom, let me get mine's a mistake. i'll i'm a hook a stick find you. i have it. mm . the
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the, the
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. ringback ringback the for the public because of the use of this, then i'm, that's what i'm talking about for the eyes and say boy 0. so on this, on the spot and help us with honor solve for the leg of alex's valuables in the news this month or the thanks on somebody and i these has to be company in i'm in something a said yeah,
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gosh my next to find somebody out here with us of the do suggest on something so she must mark home to stop at least sort of a survey. it wasn't megan, it's good. the to somebody from side on the serious thoughts of it done all sort of this month. the from west view doesn't amount of new off appeared about like an easy process is i, i'm because my life on the night drive a death as of my, the main ones. they also wanna talk to him easily the police into the okay. so there's no one from boss of all as a hockey companies, no officer spiritual exclaimed, i might assume awesome, equal his, you know this company at via let's see you all these a settlement vision in the plate as well. you did this b as in delta company, a guy. so the game, but this, this chief insides of the i is the hands of hand. i'm starting to test from the pound either of the money behind the log or i'll pull it for me, stood rosie. this is really most of us lots of times on con,
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it's white view on sale. if i invite for this source to fund deal does reflect the highest oh, what else to heights. and then the model is on finishing to allow sufficient somebody to fax it to the cell phone sounds like leaking and causing the the
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buttons to print the incomplete. yeah. uh huh. all right, i go because its own is ones, the positive is the fedex problem. is the top? no, i'm guessing, or then as it is, unless it was my 1st of all. the other interesting business focused by um i called the
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the the when you can't smell any things or when everything smells the rate of smell related disorders has increased since corona virus. how important is all sense of smell and what's his life like when it's gone in 15 minutes on d w. how many of you speak more than 2 languages? at least 2 or more languages. we used to be taught to speak english. why we,
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we can from becky ground of speaking, hey, we have to embrace and mean so, i mean, do you, do you lose you? i just simply by learning a level language, when i speak english, i said, please do requesting this 77 percent in 90 minutes. on the dw the leader and see and feel the same way you expect and more and different things from life, from your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my thought desired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is not i want my son to become
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a doctor to in the clubs. it's time to, to get from your generation with a sleep awesome. and then when generation slash watch now on youtube dw, don't you mentioned this kind of when it feels like therapy? the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire, discover stories to that. just to take away the journey, the destination. right. face document, trees. subscribe. now. ok, name, treat the
10:00 am
. this is the w news. wine from berlin, a, whether emergency in southern germany, heavy rains trigger a land slide that hits a passenger train with hundreds on board, forcing it off the track. rescue is evacuated. people from towns caught in record flood waters after rivers versus their bang. also coming up, south africa's battle to form a coalition is set to begin, but one potential kingmaker, former president jacob zoom the ledgers. the vote was wrecked and threatens legal action to challenge the election results. the.


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