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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin, a weather emergency in southern germany, heavy rains trigger a land slide that hits a passenger train with hundreds on board, forcing it off the track. rescuers evacuated people from towns caught in record, flood waters after rivers versus their banks, also coming up ukraine's president accuses of china and russia of trying to disrupt an upcoming piece summit. full ottomans zalinski will present plans to end the war in ukraine, and is appealing to other nations to attend the
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. i'm michael local. welcome. here in germany, a state of emergency has been declared in parts of the south as heavy rains and flooding, batter the region. the danube river has burst its banks and in the south west. heavy rains triggered a landslide, the rail, the passenger train. the army has been mobilized, and residents are being forced from their homes for the labels of rising after them and the dying gave way during the heavy rains. well, sar, she's had age residents to evacuate. the icon water is coming from everywhere. i help my little brother get the last little things for the children. yeah, we could now go swimming so much for being a dramatic evacuations took place and fled. hit stuff in jim in a severe rain storm flashed large pucks of waste in the bay area. in some areas, the flood waters, sewage to recall the levels several districts have declared
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a state of emergency rescue as have been working with thoughts of the deluge made some roads impossible. most discipline, we knew there could be flooding, but we didn't expect a disaster like the cut this to over happened. these today both are so you say the situation remains, teens come to mind the moment. we don't have electricity in the area currently. so there is no heating tonight, no hot water, where the ability to cook food, because most people have been cutting. the various state premium visited the affected areas to walk and think i'm square observing the situation in the flood region and the various that's currently difficult inside the air. but we're monitoring it throughout the various moving reserves and relocating emergency teams from other parts of the country. that i'm not so body affected. i give me some spark. people from said that he the rains and some the stones are also disrupting rail services and road transport. dw reporter tests involved to easy
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bavaria in southern germany. she told me earlier about the situation in the area. well, i'm in this little town of d doff. it's about 10 minutes from ox book. and just to give you an idea of the situation, let's look here behind me. and what you might have to take for late is actually a path leading from one to the to the next. but it is definitely completely flooded because of dikes broke just a bit upstream flooding the entire area. he and i've spoken to people he and lot of them had to leave the homes to some people. it was in the basement, some even had which on the ground floor and somewhat. and so i could buy the water to an extent that they had to get out by a helicopter. so everyone here told me they haven't seen something like this in decades. so how would people coping is an emergency shelter that has been set up just here around the corner and i took to
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the fire per gauge. they are leaving the operations here on the ground. they say all the boots, every man, every woman that can help is now being deployed, but they've overgrown by just how many volunteers have shown up to help them. so in the shelter, for example, the food that is being soft to people that had to leave the homes, had to be evacuated, is being prepared. but other volunteers who have just come up and cook some boom food for others. so what we can really tell is that's on the 13th is huge also here in this region. and what really makes the biggest difference to everyone is that no one has sofa been hud. no one has died. and that is obviously the most important thing to everyone here. so there's good news there. um, what's the outlook at the moment? so when i drove here yesterday, the have rain was so heavy, i hardly could make my way into the area. and right now you can tell the rain has
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stopped, but it is set to continue i to, to the emergency forces. and they told me that i'm now hoping for water to spring night maybe will to levels even to go down to this with it. but they are definitely not giving an ok yet. they are subbing the situation further and obviously with all the times that i'm now being built. additionally dykes that could still break. we're definitely not having the situation a 100 percent under control yet. that is so dw, that has a volunteer in outbreak. thank you tessa. a ukrainian president of a lot of his zalinski has accused china and russia of trying to disrupt an upcoming piece of that on the war in ukraine. so lensky said badging is pressuring other nations not to attend. he was speaking at the shangri la dialogue conference in singapore, with defense ministers from around the world present. it is only the 2nd time
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zalinski has travel to asia since russia launched its full scale invasion. green proposed savanski said more than $100.00 countries and organizations had signed up to the peace summit taking place in switzerland this month and urged asia pacific nations to join. we are disappointed that some world leaders have not yet conformed their but just patient in the be simon. unfortunately, there are also attempts to disrupt the assignments. we do not want to believe that this is a desire for one, a ballistic power in the world to deny the global community, the opportunity to decide on war and peace. and to leave these power in the hands of one or 2. let's get more on this from dw correspondent georg mattress, who joins us now from single poor georg zalinski says some countries are attempting to disrupt the upcoming piece summit. what's behind this sl,
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actually the position of china that they feel any peace conference should have equally representation of, of both parties in this war. so i, the ukraine and russia is not nothing new. they have made that point several times before this. the conference on the point, whether a china has in any way, tried to convince others or forced others not to attend that conference. that is something that presidents lensky put in front of the press. uh, just uh, a few moments ago here in a stronger law in singapore. and i talked to a chinese going to get on the sidelines of this would be nights that that is the case. so that is, is inconclusive. whether that is really the case, it's a navigation that the president savanski has put forward. the point he made is that in total, a $106.00 nations, if not,
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would reach to join the peace conference in switzerland. we understand another significant issue discussed at this summit was the tension between china and taiwan . can you tell us more about that? i would say, i mean obviously you have to of the time chinese and the american defense minister here in singapore. and when it comes to the state of taiwan, i think the classical arguments we have seen in the past has been exchanged here. what one him he has a take away from this conference is basically how it started with the 1st in person meeting between the american and the chinese defense ministers. i think my impression is, after those 2 or 3 days here at the security summit is that neither sides wants to apply for more or less into the fire. a positive take away if you want to is that talks on military level, are about to restart in the upcoming weeks. and that is
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a positive sign coming from the summit when it comes to the chinese us rivalry here in the region. that's a dw correspondent gateway mathis in singapore. many thanks scale a quick look now at some of the other stories making news around the world at this hour in israel. crowds turned out in tel aviv urging their government to accept the ceasefire proposal for gaza after the us put forward. the plan is real, damp, and hopes for peace, saying it will pursue the war until it has achieved all it's in a moss has responded positively to the two's proposal. south africa's political parties are looking ahead to coalition talks, following a collapse and support for the amc, but one potential kingmaker, former president jacob juma ledgers. the election was wrecked and is threatening legal action to challenge the results. the runs former president not move ok. my
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danish odd has registered to run in june's presidential elections after abraham while you since death last month. i think the new shot is a hard liner who was in power from 2005 to 2013. he was bored from standing in a subsequent election by a ron supreme leader after a rift between the 2 o salvatore's president, the uba keller, has been sworn in for a 2nd term in office, describing himself as a cool dictator. bu kaylee has waves the popular but brutal crack down on gas. begins the new 5 year term with new total control. according to mexico, now we're voters or choosing a new president this weekend. and the 1st the top contenders or women cloutier chain bomb of the outgoing president's party is competing for the top job with
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social galvis from the center right opposition coalition. the run up to these elections has been the most violent in history with at least 34 politicians murdered during the campaign, dw spoke to some of those effected a warning. this report contains images. some viewers may find disturbing. it isn't easy to look at these photos. they show each other, the grandma, after a boyfriend violently attacked her last april in mexico city. you thought you would die right? yes. i couldn't breathe anymore and i was trying to find something to hit him in the head so he will let go. the friend safe to life each other by later on us for the partner was taken into preventive detention at 1st. but then the judge decided that since there was no violence in the relationship before the man could be released as investigations continue. so i'm not only angry, sad and disappointed in my ex partner who is supposed to love me and care for me.
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i'm also angry about the justice system which protects him and not me. mexico's next president will most likely be a woman for the 1st time frontrunner claudia shane palm. the candidate of the king president's party wants to strengthen institutions and partnerships to tackle violence against women. just split up with us one that i believe that the proposals regarding tend to violence and security do not be present a real change for women. given the strong degree of silence that we women specifically experienced in mexico, located in mexico as the country holes as presidential and regional elections, impunity for crimes as a still above 90 percent corporate give it a state. he became a lawyer after his brother and his nephew would disappear to 15 years ago. they are 2 of over 100000, missing people in the country, the cruel legacy of organized crime that successive governments has widely failed to root out with a stick. it says it's because of corruption and the involvement will feel for it is the lawyer believes that there was
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a pact of impunity that can even weak in the power of a president and government attempts to tackle the issue and find out i must get to the end of that all the outlook remains very discouraging in atlanta, west suite on that because those who aspire to become president, they can send you out of have to protect their political allies meant by that it gets a little bit new. i see them just as seems to me to be something somebody that has never been very profitable in the election 7 because i will get nobody. nobody can please. nobody is pressing on this politically because they know that it is something where they will not be able to achieve with a son a come for my us. or than when he saw that an online campaign to encourage photos to put the name of disappeared, person on the ballot. if they don't know who to vote for it's race attention to make sure that disappeared won't be forgotten. thanks to social reforms,
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the outgoing president lopez over other schools, high approval ratings, which could help as parties, candidates shane bomb with violence and security. remain to number one. worry of mexicans. according to secure to expert susana, come much co till there's a lot of emphasis on solving or responding to the violence we are suffering. but i think it is necessary to be more specific about the presidential candidates haven't pledged to tackle mexico security crisis and to protect women. but voters like each other thought that i'm a will never feel safe again. not even with a woman as president. are you watching dw news? here's a reminder of our top story. here in germany, a state of emergency has been declared in parts of the south as heavy rains in flooding batteries to the region. daniel river has burst its banks. the army has been mobilized,
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and residents are being urged to evacuate and will end it. they're coming up after the break chat bonds with feelings shift looks at the risk and benefits of emotionally intelligent and unlike look good. thanks for watching the can you see what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media. now on youtube, you'll update this innovation green.


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