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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2024 12:15pm-12:31pm CEST

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that you guys gave me and i said, i'm feeling and will ended on that imagery coming up after the break report. it looks at initiatives aimed at protecting democracy in germany following a series of attacks on politicians. michael locus. it's been nice to share your company the you'll see about the video that goes in the media and they google, google, i've got that done, but again, i will stop into that and i'll give you the order. would you be able to order that up? joe? media dog comment key more people than the eval on worldwide in search of a did you have you ever used them in, at the accounting method of doing it like godaddy? how do you guys find out about on the story? and so my friend's name is the calls back, said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. you guys, would it be nosy bay?
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like good everyone to kings, to check out the award winning called com. so hold back the of the man and a woman, her residence, spit on a green party politician and her team in place. and then make an option to take a few weeks earlier on a petition in east germany shortly before the european elections. these kinds of attacks have increased alarmingly. these 3 wanted to come to things and strengthen germany's democracy. they mean be a set of a traveling pub to give people a place to, to ease of i'd shuttle that goes into schools to focus on young people. and
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christina clermont has been difficult discussions with people on the trump. our 1st step is place to the packing has become a routine about 3 times a week because tina clermont the past for the special trim johnny that she does what she believes has often been neglected in recent years talking instead of rounding or attacking each other democratic it says this to democracy is all about dialogue. things are supposed to get better, especially when you have the feeling that there is a need for improvement. and we have our debates on the tree and where people can't get away well and don't really have anything to do. perfect. it's actually the perfect place to start talking and look on the people of place. my invited to take
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part. what do you think? beats the slogan of coal, so everything is agreed on with the city each time a different topic. take center stage. since the side of the project, christina clement and her team has made a remarkable observation. this project. we have noticed that people have all kinds of opinions, some of which have very little to do with their experiences. i will then for my, for example, they say everything is bad, but personally they're fine. so the question is, if everything is so bad, why are they doing so well? the honda has the hottest child, the physics student invites people to join the but a high frustration tolerance is definitely needed. but sometimes he's lucky and social, the team members talk to around $300.00 people every month. today, it's about the you, the only a few weeks left until the u. p. in elections. vast is of an enormous shift to the right. quickly we're on the middle of the page on immigration, but the,
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the stream might say, oh my goodness. so then everything will get better on the let's say everyone should be allowed in 10, it will also get better. what would your suggestion be? those were eligible could simply work and the others have to be st. in 1st. in defiance of, of office. yes, i think you have to find a middle ground committee to keep to me during the term with your baby. you don't expect a discussion about your public to exist legit. it's great. just people are just really divided and 6. and do you have to do something about it? if you want to preserve a democracy, i can do a study shows just how important that is in germany's old federal stays around half of the population out the set aside democracy and the new federal states. the figure is as high as 2 sides. one reason many would like to have most say in politics. after 3 and a half hours, the team is done. they've spoken with almost 20 people today. it's back to the office. christina clue my once again realized that political leads population have
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grown apart and visit us as soon as they have a model c as a concept, as a living together as it was originally planned after the nazi era. that's it was essentially left to elected representatives. pepsi, it doesn't even leave even realize. oh no, they don't do everything the way we want them to look over. yes, one of the population needs to be much more involved. but how do to get them involved with the police and travel to the book and east germany that we meet benyamin b is people's the ones people to talk to each other again. but it's more difficult here in the countryside than in the city attractive landscapes. but there is no bakery, no pulse stuff, there's no pump the miles around. that's why the 38 neighboring villages have told us something a traveling pumps pump. why is it important to have a hub?
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i think that's have to be thought she can meet up there and talk to each other on the properties here, a launch and the distance is alone. so you dental dramatically. see each other people are still working. well, you only see them if you visit them in the golf. i still have not all to today the travelling puppets in the village of shuffled the location normally only opens for private events. then you'll have the last shot that takes care of the food and off i'm. there are many pods or community rooms in the villages that are no longer in use. so we came up with the idea of a traveling pub. not can i propose almost 40 people have turned up. many of them grew up in the form and you do? yeah. and east germany, a socialist unity potty rule that for decades. as an individual, you have no political voice. you may just need to ask for me, that's a g d r burden. it has to be learnt again that you can make a difference. that is new for many people, the noise and motivation. some respect. it's always important to be talking right
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for good cooperation, and also to realize that you can influence somebody being able to influence something is ones that are going peacefully with each other. is another, for example, in the village pub over b yolanda respect other opinions. and to compromise the auto these public places like pugs or places of negotiation, a social negotiation were information was exchanged, and social standards were formed that we no longer have in the last federal election. 3 years ago, one and 4 people. he voted for the a f d, a potty, which is in pods considered extremely right away. many of worried that there will be a lot more votes for them. and this is your opinion and local elections. august minus i did when i saw the candidates for the local elections, national news. so i was surprised at the a f d is the party with the most candidates can do that and go out and that's also an
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issue in our village. i was glad i decided to run to the local counselor because otherwise only be a if you would have been on the list to get these in a complicated world. some of the files from the phone, from an attractive and according to studies around half of the population does trust the german populace. it's even was concerning the media landscape. 2 sides have little or no trust and it had of the u. p. and elections. 2 sides have also lost faith and the youth in commission citizens are becoming increasingly alienated from democratic institutions. this is why if the conspiracy narrative go down well with many people he in con book reimbursement assessment. we don't want to let this thing runs. i thought we have to warn people because typically speaking, this body has nothing to offer people like, you know, even if they don't realize that yet. so do you meet? so people are already in business for at least from the country signed. we're going
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back to the city to munich. there is a bit of shovel, the purposeful meeting with school children, the votes as of tomorrow. she's also concerned about germany's democracy and model. they actually think i look at current trends, society, including and politics, how it is more important than ever talk to school children about democracy today about our constitution. what was the quote about the values that make up our society? all small for the teacher for german and french is involved in an association quote, seen by they organized democracy, works, upsets schools. everything revolves around the mother of germany's democracy, the basic law. it's constitution, it says eating, are you in class 9? a just is and you can come and slowly thomas wise to i as well for
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one half richmond color. welcome to our democracy workshop team. really looking forward to your ideas and then these ideas needed kicks down. the students, collect fast associations with a gentleman constitution. again, i think that ethics is what are the most important ones on the right here at the same rules, but everyone. this is the most important code of law. fundamental ryan, all 3, what are you doing? i only know this is therefore no news. basic rights. i've never had anything to do without basic law. so i'm looking forward to the workshop today. well, of course you often hear about it, but i don't really know much about it. actually, almost nothing to, to do this without it. i'm sure that students grow up in a democratic form of government that's old and are sometimes no longer aware of what a garbage democracy actually is. place one opportunities that offers, but also protection and security pieces about one way to hide. that is
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set to change today. but abstract rules turn into concrete examples. the pupils create their own personal version of the constitution and then write it down in their own words. right now that's ok about freedom of expression, stuff you them. i know i'm allowed to express and defend any opinion, both privately and publicly, even if i'm criticized by others without being punished for it. i definitely think this law is very important because the soonest freedom of expression is restricted and you can no longer saying what you really want to say. it's no longer a democracy. and a few open questions about the basic lo, also clarified. cause the basic know also apply to apps like instagram of wholesale . of course it does not the time of it, but the terms of use do you know things to do them in front of them? yeah, exactly. that's why they don't apply to the and then once i, fortunately the basic law and fundamental rights apply everywhere except you may be
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sometimes at home. and if you don't, honestly, in the morning, for example, when i don't want to put on the jacket, because i'm just not cold outside, i don't want to listen to my mom's opinion, but i don't really have a choice of us. so do you put the ticket on with pro tassel tests? and what about social media? what is allowed and what isn't important for young people to spend a lot of time to get some ones. i think that's about the fundamental right. that's the thing is right to one's own image of before and i wrote down, i asked before i upload someone's photo it to target. i think that's very important because nowadays everyone has a mobile phone that can take the most or someone that can even go from the internet's. and that's why you should always ask before you upload something. that if you thank you for your sentences, for your basic rights in your own words and blossom. since the organization was
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founded over 700 people have looked into germany's basic law and the many schools obtain the material online themselves on tone. these of a shock of a lot is satisfied with the day deadlocks. i've had the workshop was really great. today the pupils participated incredibly well and immediately share their thoughts tired. and then you mean be to use a bunch of other lot. and christina clue might give democracy, knew, drive with the watch that because they know a vibrant democracy needs active participation. the it's time for vision really for
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sustainability. but also for horsepower. the, it's time for the mobo revolution on dw, how many of you speak more than 2 languages? at least 2 or more languages. we used to be taught to speak english. why we, we can from becky grounds of speaking, why he would have been raised and why he made. but do you, do you lose you? i just simply by learning a level language, when i speak english, i said they can do requesting this 77 percent. 60 minute on d w. d w, travel low, very good. besides the food? well, let's go through. so when it comes to sustain dependency information trend,
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