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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news, life cumberland, a weather emergency in its southern germany, heavy rains trigger a land slides that hits a passenger train with hundreds on board, forcing it off the tracks and a mid record flooding. a firefighter is dead after trying to evacuate those stranded. also coming up, south africa's battle to form a government is set to begin. the ruling amc says the president will not resign to form a coalition, but one potential kingmaker. former president jacob's duma is challenging the election of results. and real madrid are crowned football. kings of europe with a to new wind over under dogs, darkman spanish fans go wild,
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but there is crowd trouble at the champions league final in london, the melissa chan to thanks for joining us. a firefighter has been killed trying to rescue people tracked by record, flooding and southern germany. a state of emergency has been declared in some areas . the danube river has burst. its banks and heavy rains triggered a landslide that derailed a passenger train. the army has been mobilized, and residents are being forced from their homes, forcing levels arising after them and the diet gave way during the heavy rains. well, star sees his age residents to evacuate. the icon water is coming from everywhere. i help my little brother get the last little things for the children. we could now go swimming so much for being a. the dramatic evaluations took place in flood,
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hit southern gym and a severe rain storm flashed large pumps of waste in the bay area. in some areas, the flood waters, sewage to re quoted levels. safer districts have declared a state of emergency risk you is have been working with thoughts of the deluge made some roads impossible. most discipline, we knew there could be flooding, but we didn't expect a disaster like the cut us to of your help. and these kids both are so you say the situation remains, teens come to mind the moment. we don't have electricity in the area currently. so there is no heating tonight, no hot water with the ability to cook food because most people haven't got the various state premium, visited the affected areas to walk and think i'm square observing the situation in the flood region in bavaria that's currently difficult inside the up but we're
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monitoring it throughout the various moving reserves and relocating emergency teams from other parts of the country that are not so bad be affected. i give me some smart people from said that he, the reins and son, the stones are also disrupting rail services and road transport. the w reporter test. so walter is in bavaria and southern germany. she told me earlier about the situation in the area. i am currently indeed off, which is about an hour west of munich, and just to give you a 1st impression here. so right now i'm standing here and what might look like a lake is actually a pass. so this he used to run from deed off to the next town, but it has been completely flooded. a dike broke just a bit further upstream, like many others in the region, and that has affected the whole area he. i spoke to people that have water in the basement, supposed to people had water on the ground floor and a lot of them had to be evacuated. one lady has side them. she actually went back
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to her home because she wanted to say some of her valuables, despite the orders of the 5 are good to stay away and see all of a sudden was fearing for her life because the floods were coming from everywhere. luckily she could make it safely out of them, but some of those had to be rescued by helicopters because different and suckled by the voices. so really what i can tell you is that so people here, this is the was because they've seen in the last 20 years. so how are people coping? i mean with water level as being unpredictable floods appearing very suddenly and then also dissipating very simply as well. we have an emergency shells, a that was set up and people can find food, the can find some rest if they have been evacuated and all the emergency forces that can be deployed on, on deployed police, fire brigade, red cross. and what he and what i see all around solidarity and some pause. he
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indeed of what's the less levels of come down to that. so people had 1st look at the damages, how to 1st look up the basement. and for some of the see it is lots of what they've lost, but people are coming from everywhere trying to help them trying to get them out. and them, that is something that yeah, really, really makes people have feel stronger. however, what really touches them the most is the story of a firefighter that try to save assembly last night and he found himself he was on a rabbit bowed, but then was found that this morning. so stories like these obviously touched people here. the most touched a very quickly um, what's next? are we going to see more rain? well, you can tell right now the rain has stopped, but it is set to continue and the minutes and we are expecting most of the storms more heavy rain. so really that is no wind, nowhere near oak. see here, the rows continue to be flooded, the train tracks up being disrupted,
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so of but now this situation continues to be very tense to walter. thank you so much for joining us. a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. ukraine's president has urged top defense officials to attend an upcoming global peace summit. he made the appeal in front of defense ministers at a security conference in single port. so once he said he wants to put 4 proposals to end, the war and ukraine access summit in switzerland, in mid june runs, former president, my mood, i'm a didn't jot, has registered to run in june's presidential elections after he but he raised his death last month and didn't jot is a hard winder who was in power from 2005 to 2013. he was barred from standing in a subsequent election by iran supreme leader after a rift between the 2. and israel crowds turned out in tel aviv urging their
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government to a step to cease fire proposal for causes after the us put forward. the plan is real dance and hopes for peace, saying it will pursue the war until it has achieved all its aims from us. has responded positively to the truth proposal. south korea says it will retaliate against its neighbour after north korea sent a $600.00 more trash field balloons over the border. kiln yang has sent the scores of such balloons over the past week. north korea says it's in reaction to activists in south korea, sending propaganda leaflets over the border. or south africa's ruling amc says presidents serial around post that will not resign in order to form a coalition. though the party suffered major losses and national elections. they say any demands for him to step down are a quote, no go area. the nation is entering on,
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charted political territory after the amc. last it's decades long majority potential teen maker and former president jacob zoo. my alleges the election was rig and is threatening legal action. suddenly there's room at south africa's table of power with results set to be officially announced. opposition parties are relishing the ones all my d a n. c's. sudden need to focus on coalition partners. we. i have the web, the hip, yes, because we have our chief, our mission in our lifetime. and that mission was to bring the agency below 50 percent. the number 2 parties, the democratic alliance says it's weighing it's options. it's talk about the governance of national unity. there's talk about confidence, so supply these talk about in order to governments is talk about, there's a technician, we don't know what's going to happen. but all eyes are now one former president
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jacob zoom, who turned against the agency. he once let his new m k party placed a surprising 3rd zoom alleged the vote was rigged, and once counting suspended to address the claims, the guest. yeah. we know, and why did they like to cut off a good thing is it is possible to get addressed say that the election commission is asking people to trust the institutions the commission wishes to i shaw this nation and everyone else that is following our elections. indeed, that we continue to place priority on the finalization of the this results in a tron spot and, and all that lead man v a n c faces tricky coalition talks
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a 2nd term for president, serial rama. post is not assured the party that ruled south africa alone, ever since the end of apartheid ruled in 1994. now says it's committed to forming a government that reflects the will of the people. in football, real madrid have won a record 15th men's champions. we titled the spanish side big german under dogs, but lucy, a dogman to nail in the final, at wembley stadium in london match was march slightly by pitch invaders and fans without tickets trying to break in. after a goal, this 1st half done a car behind put madrid in front with a header from a corner and the 74th minute. 9 minutes later, then you see us junior, put the nail and dirt man's coffin with a shot passed directly keeper gregory coble. fans even packed real madrid stadium back in spain and watched it on big screens as their team reclaims european club
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football. most prize trophy, a large meadows from dw sports, joins me in the studio. now mark, now that the dust has settled a bit. can you tell us a little bit more about real madrid performance? i mean it's, it's staggering what they've achieved, if in the best way of showing how dominant they are. and this competition is, is to look at the statistics. i mean, this was the 6 when 11 seasons, which is my, i'm calling to lucky. the coach extended these record is the, the most decorated coach in the champions league is now when it 5 times and you know, 15 times they want it, that's a record. but within that, what's so interesting is that now the modem to be the amount that the nearest rivals have, which is route, which is the ac milan with the 7. so that shows that this logo said between real madrid and the champions league just goes on and they didn't even play that where they were honest. and they also played most of the season without domain striking.
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you know, all the big names like presented ronaldo coming bins m a garrick bell, they've gone. they have placed the 2 wing is playing upfront for most of the season . them in the last night, the business just union rodrigo. and it's quite frightening to think gillian and back to a one of the best plays in the world is expected to sign for room with it in the coming days. so it's going to get even worse next season in the reverse sand paisley, they're going to be almost of stop oval. i'm leaving everyone in the dust, but darkman had some chance to win. right? yeah, i mean the 1st off the side and they had lots of chances and they really went for it. and that was, that was great to see is they were on the dogs. i mean, no one expected dalton to be in the finally on the face facing the bundles liza and yeah, they was really rude. not being able to get that break then to ahead because if you leave it until the 2nd half, you always give rtd the chance and they did. we cannot save a little list now to don't miss coach even test it. and indeed carlo until up to
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sleeping, always dangerous in terms of your possession. if you build up with full, if you build up with 3, they've been very dangerous on cons with tech, some spots the could minutes to, to school. and that was, that was the key and why we didn't manage to win the game. there's competition only gave to me fantastic happiness. as i play as a manager around my target this to try to repeat the same emotion that we had the, the we've cost off of this game. and so this is the product that i am. i have deluxe to be the best club in the world. and market was a game of contrast between 2 german veterans. indeed it may, it was tony causes last club game before he retires, the real madrid midfielder. he's going to quit after the european championship in
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germany, in june and july. so amazing way for him to go out and then michael royce adult and that was the last game for adult and, and sadly he leaves with the defeat. he's been that 12 years. he's a don't one bone guy, and he's only of a one to jim and coke. so it was that was sab for so for always to go out like that . we expect him to have to maybe move to m a less than the us. but tony close, i mean what a story he's now the joint talk with the of the challenge is legal. european cope with 6 wins. absolutely staggering. they also will legally in spain, madrid earlier on the season. so he's going out in a bag. and what better way to finish than a german european championship on home. so if again, with another trophy, it really will make a more of the great mark meadows from dw sports. thank you so much. i. so that's all for now, coming up after the break checkbox with feelings shift looks at the risks and
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benefits of emotionally intelligent a i, i most the chance. thanks for watching the thing and do the same way you expect and more different things from life. when your parents do, i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts tired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port in those nonsense. i want my son to become a doctor to him because it's time to.


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