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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, a weather emergency in the southern germany. heavy range trigger a land slides that hits a passenger train with hundreds on board, forcing it off the track and a mid record flooding. a firefighter is dead after trying to evacuate those stranded, also coming up, ukraine's president accuses china and russia of trying to disrupt an upcoming case summit. vladimir zalinski will present plans to end the war in ukraine and is appealing to other nations to attend. and mexico look set to get its 1st female president, but will either the 2 top candidates be able to tackle the silent epidemic of
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domestic violence in the country. the melissa chance, thanks for joining us. a firefighter has been killed a trying to rescue people trapped by record flooding in southern germany. a state of emergency has been declared in some areas. the daniel river has burst its banks and heavy rains triggered a landslide that derailed a passenger train. the army has been mobilized, and residents are being forced from their homes for the labels arising after them and the dying gave way during the heavy rains. well, sar, she's had age residents to evacuate. the water is coming from everywhere. i help my little brother get the last little things for the children. we can now go swimming so much for being a. dramatic evacuations took place and fled southern gemini,
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sylvia rain storm, slashed large pots of waste in the bay area. in some areas, the flood waters sewage to re quoted levels. several districts have declared a state of emergency rescue as have been working with thoughts of the deluge made some roads impossible. most discipline, we knew there could be flooding, but we didn't expect a disaster like this one to cut those tools to help them. these kids also are so you say the situation remains, teens come to mind the moment. we don't have electricity in the area currently. so there is no heating tonight, no hot water, where the ability to cook food, because most people have been cutting. the various state premium visited the affected areas to walk and think i'm square observing the situation in the flood region in bavaria that's currently difficult inside the but we're monitoring it throughout the various moving reserves and relocating emergency teams from other
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parts of the country that i'm not so bad to be affected. i give me some spots. mclaughlin said that he'd be raines and sun. the storms are also disrupting rail services and road transport, dw reporter test of all to is in the area in southern germany. she told me earlier about the situation in the area. i am currently indeed off, which is about an hour west of munich. and just to give you a 1st impression here. so right now, i'm standing here and what might look like a lake is actually a pass. so this he used to run from deed off to the next town, but it's been completely flooded. a dyke broke just a bit further. upstream, like many others in the region, and that has affected the whole area. he. i spoke to people that have water in the basement. supposed to people had water on the ground floor and a lot of them had to be evacuated. one lady his side um she actually went back to
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her home because she wanted to say some of her valuables despite the orders of the 5 are good to stay away and see all of a sudden was fearing for her life because the floods were coming from everywhere, luckily, she could make it safely out of them. but some of those had to be rescued by helicopters because different and suckled by the voices. so really, what i can tell you is that some people here, this is the, was because they've seen in the last 20 years. so how are people coping? i mean with water level as being unpredictable floods appearing very suddenly and then also dissipating very simply as well. or we have an emergency shelves with that was set up and people can find food, the can find some risk, they have to evacuate as m o. the emergency forces that can be deployed on, on deployed police, fire brigade, red cross. and what he and what i see all around solidarity and some pause. he indeed of course it left levels of come down
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a bit. so people had 1st look at the damages, how to 1st look up the basement. and for some of the see it is lots of what they've lost, but people are coming from everywhere trying to help them trying to get them out. and them, that is something that yeah, really, really makes people have feel stronger. however, what really touches them the most is the story of a firefighter that try to save assembly last night and he found himself he was on the rubber boat, but then was found that this morning. so stories like these obviously touched people here the most to very quickly. um, what's next? are we going to see more rain? well you can tell right now the rain has stopped, but it is set to continue and the minutes and we are expecting most of the storms more heavy rain. so really the snow when nowhere near oak see here, the rows continue to be flooded. the train tracks up being disrupted,
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so of but now this situation continues to be very tense to walter. thank you so much for joining us. are you creating president vladimir zalinski has a ques, china, and russia of trying to disrupt an upcoming piece summit on the war and ukraine. so once he said, paging is pressuring other nations not to attend. he was speaking at the shangri la dialogue conference in singapore with defense ministers from around the world present. it is only the 2nd time zaleski has travelled to agents since rush at launched its full scale invasion. someone's case said more than $100.00 countries and organizations had signed up to the peace summit taking place in switzerland this month and urged into pacific nations to join them. we are disappointed that some weary leaders have not yet conformed there, but it's patient in the be summit. unfortunately, there are also attempts to disrupt the summit. we do not want to believe that this
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is a desire for the police, the power in the world to deny the global community, the opportunity to decide on war and peace. and to live of these power in the hands of one or 2 dw chase. international editor richard walker gave us this assessment on zaleski is claims that china is disrupting the upcoming piece summit in switzerland to lensky. pretty much for the 1st time was hoping to be critical of china for a couple of things. festival for sticking by russian for being so supportive natasha. and then secondly, for as he is putting it both notes showing up to his peace conference that he is advocating for later this month. but also claiming that china was alongside russia, trying to persuade other countries not to show up either. and i think,
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yeah, this is a bit of a turning point with respect to ukraine's attitude towards china. because, well though china, it's been pretty clear all along really has been very supportive of russia in this, in terms of economic support, political support to provide support. the ukraine is being cautious about criticizing china. i guess the reasoning really being hoping that they can try to get some kind of help from china. a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world, south africa's ruling a n. c parties says the president will not resign to form a coalition calling any such demand a quote, no go area. the nation is entering on chart and political territory after the and see last it's decades long majority potential teen maker. and former president jacob zoom alleges the election was rig and is threatening legal action runs former president. my mood i'm and didn't jot,
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has registered to run and june's presidential elections after he but i erased these death last month. and didn't jot is a heartland liner, who was in power from 2005 to 2013, seen. he was barred from standing in a subsequent election by a ron's supreme leader after a rift between the 2. and israel crowds turned out in tel aviv urging their government to set to cease fire proposal for gaza after the us put forward the plan . israel damp and hopes for peace saying it will pursue the war until it has achieved all its aims. a mouse has responded positively to the truth proposal. south korea says it will retaliate against its neighbour after north korea send $600.00 more trash build balloons over the border. june yang has sent scores of such balloons over the past week. north korea says it's in reaction to activists in south korea, sending propaganda leaflets over the border. poles has opened in
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mexico's elections, which are expected to give the country its 1st woman president, the 2 leading candidates to replace the outgoing president and dressed. manuel lopez over a door are both women. these voters were already waiting to cast their ballots at daybreak. more than $20000.00 congressional and local positions are also up for grabs. nearly 100000000 mexicans are registered to take part. kathleen violence has been a key campaign issue. some domestic abuse survivors hope that having a female at the helm will bring about change. but other se deep rooted corruption, mixed such reforms impossible. a warning this report contains images of domestic violence. it isn't easy to look at these photos. they show each of the drama after her boyfriend violently attacked her last april in mexico city. you thought you would die right? a yes,
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i couldn't breeze anymore and i was trying to find something to hit him in the head so he will let go. the friend safe to life each other valid on us for my partner was taken into preventive detention at 1st. but then the judge decided that since there was no violence in the relationship before the man could be released as investigations, continue to i'm not only angry, sad, and disappointed in my ex partner who was supposed to love me and care for me. i'm also angry about the justice system which protects him and not me. mexico's next president will most likely be a woman for the 1st time frontrunner claudia shane bomb. the candidate of ken president's party wants to strength and institutions and partnerships to tackle violence against women. to split up with us and i believe that the proposals regarding gender violence and security, do not be present real change for women. given the strong degree of silence that we women specifically experienced in mexico located in may equal as the country holes
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as presidential and regional elections. impunity for crimes as a still above 90 percent. quite a few of the state. he became a lawyer after his brother and his nephew would disappear to 15 years ago. they are 2 of over 100000, missing people in the country, the cruel legacy of organized crime that successive governments has widely failed to root out with a stick. it says it's because of corruption and the involvement will feel for it is the lawyer believes that there was a pact of impunity that can even weak in the power of a president and government attempts to tackle the issue and find out how much you guys handle that all the outlook remains very discouraging in atlanta, west suite on that because those who aspire to become president can send the other half to protect the political allies made by the tickets a little bit new. i see them just as seems to me to be something that nadia that has never been very profitable in the election 7 because i'm getting older by my
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nobody can please nobody is pressing on this politically because they know that it is something where they will not be able to achieve with a son a come for them of us for that. and when he started an online campaign to encourage photos to put the name of disappeared, person on the ballot. if they don't know who to vote for it's race attention to make sure that disappeared won't be forgotten. thanks to social reforms, the outgoing president lopez over at other schools, high approval ratings, which could help as parties candidates shane bomb when violent since and security remained. the number one worry of mexicans according to secure to expert susana, come much co till there's a lot of emphasis on solving or responding to the violence we are suffering. but i think it is necessary to be more specific about twice as much. presidential
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candidates haven't pledged to tackle mexico security crisis and to protect women, but voters like each other so that i'm a will never feel safe again. not even with a woman. as president, china says it has successfully landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. the mission aims to collect the 1st rock and soil samples from the little known lunar hemisphere. the landing marks in advance for china as an international race for the moon gathers pays the us india and others are hoping to exploit lunar mineral resources to sustain long term live in bases on the moon. and we have much more on the chinese moon landing here on dw, in about 45 minutes. i'll host our special program, ask dw, where i'll be joined by 2 experts. and you can post your questions to we will be live folks here and on youtube. so stay tuned for ask dw, here at the top of the hour. that's all for now coming up after the break. our
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series per looks at the sometimes obsessive use of mobile devices, the internet and video games by women in asia timeless a chance. thanks for watching. the ukraine was like a stepping point to you know, probably about you into that warranty. once i finish just now you have a certificate from crane. you can just go back to somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the move world wide in search of, of best in life. so why do i want to go back tonight? yeah, like, i don't have any reason. there's no reason to.


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