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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the, the busiest dw use live from the official results from south africa's elections, confirmed the end of a and seized unchallenged grip on power. the african national congress now has to form a coalition government that says, presidents that are on the post that will not resign. but one potential king make up for my president, jacob z. my is challenging the election results. also coming out here in germany heavy rains, figure a line slide that hits a passenger trade with hundreds of people on board, forcing it off the tracks. and it made record flooding f file size and dice off the trying to evacuate those transit class mexican versus points to select this 1st
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woman president in a campaign mind by the killings of dozens of political candidates the top to contend. as the precedents are both in the i'm, it was like a very warm welcome to the program. a south africa's electoral commission has announced the final results of wednesday selections, and has confirmed the shop drop in support for the rolling african national congress policy. with only 40 percent of the votes, the amc says will enter into talks with other policies to form a new government. it's the 1st time the policy has failed to secure a majority of since the 1st democratic elections 30 years ago in bo, this has south africa presidents. they will run a post off of the announcement. people have given effects to the tardy and call that was that has it resonated across generation that the people shall govern
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our people have spoken whether we like it or not. they have spoken dw correspondent diane, who is in johannesburg. i us to who the amc will most likely end up sharing power. well that's the, the i think 1000000 read question and what quite honestly i don't think that they have quite figured it out just yet because the results have just been announced. and a lot of the parties still need to have their own internal meetings. for example, the a and c said that it will have its 1st internal meeting with members of the national executive committee on monday. and the top agenda item is of course, who they could possibly shape power with. they are a lot of options being bandied about. so for example, some are coming. teachers are saying that they could choose to go with the simple option and join hands with a democratic alliance,
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which is the 2nd largest party that would give them an outright sort of some the simplest majority. and it wouldn't require them to bring in any of the smaller parties. of course, that is the question of whether they can agree on t issues for governance for the next 5 years. and that's really what's going to make these can coalition quote towards quite difficult. as many of the parties have ideological differences in views of how the country should actually be run the we have the official election results. now we can bring those up on the screen for of us to take a look at me. see if the, the i n c i just of the, for the percentage points the, the democratic alliance that's uh, diane just mentioned the us a almost 22 percent. and the m k policy. that's the policy of the former president's jacobs. the at the almost 15 percent.
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the em diane jacobs. see the says the elections the rig when did those like allegations come from? well the empty party, although they said the elections are reeked, they haven't used the concrete evidence yet to back that up. they need to say that they do have the evidence, but nobody has seen it. and they say they intend to use that evidence in a quote back to that they intend to launch sue. so at the moment we don't really know what the basis of that education is and how far they intend to take it. the i see has a, although they've heard this allegation, have decided to announce the final result. and i've said in this event that we are attending it today, that the elections were free and fee, so we'll have to see over the next few days with the m. k party is able to produce those are those the concrete evidence of an on fi nixon and what they intend to
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do with it on us. now there have been calls for president serial. run the presence of step down. can he survive this? historically poor results full of the amc of the well it's going to be very tough discussions within the amc today we heard from the amc security general and he said that president silver, i'm a poor side is not going any way the school has a number of years left of he's to as a and see president, but it does this result is an unfavorable outcome for his presidency. and we might see in the next few months or even weeks, people continuing to call for him to sit down purely because of this poor, poor outcome for now, the party has said that he will need the negotiations, and he will continue to lead the party. thank you very much. that was the w correspondent, that ok and johannes beck. firefighter has been killed,
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trying to rescue people tracked by record flooding in southern germany. a state of emergency has been declared in some areas. the danube river has best its banks and heavy rains triggered a land slide that the rails a passenger train. the army has been mobilized, and residents are being forced from their homes. dw reports, the test of both uh is in bavaria and she sent us this report about the situation in the affected area. the amount of items that have to be towed out, if huge, heidi village is the president of the most start. her house was hit hard by the floods. the basement was completely flooded. she had 10 minutes to evacuate on saturday evening. she is still in shock about what happened . it was really bad. i was taking care of my daughter's dogs. they said, if we don't finish packing, we will have to leave the docks behind on it. well,
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it just wasn't acceptable for me, kind of for me, it was a catastrophe of the luckily she could save herself and her pets. now the key knob has started. many people have come to have all them, even if you always say every mind phone, cell phone. but in this case everyone was found to help everyone really help. so i can't say anything bad about that. there is still a lot of work to be done. i towed neighbors home as well to be as down below in whites, off into his house. everything was full of water here, right up to here. and everything is now broken. for many neighbors have come to volunteer for the clean up. most of the debris has been taken outside. we follow him into the basement. unfinished center here
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was also this still a bit of stuff later on. so many people have come here to have him to. and you can see from the door just how powerful the water was, the door was pushed out of a screen by the sheer force of the car and the rest of the basement doesn't look any better. the remaining pieces of furniture are being taken out by the fire brigade, grass, and i took away from beats sony when things get calm, that you understand what happened to you is there also a lot of memories, these can no longer save my own medicine. con these personal items, i'm mostly going for good. while people are here in the doors are just starting to realize the extent of the disaster. for other towns in southern germany, the worst is yet to come. as water levels continue to rise. a
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quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the worlds in germany . a police officer has died 2 days after being stabbed during an attack in mont high. the assault took place during an empty is from gathering in the city in south west and germany. the attack of injured several others before being shocked by police. he is receiving treatment and hospital arrived at whitehouse security advice. the jump cubby assessed us president joe biden has every expectation that isabel will accept the cx 5 proposal he present it on friday. the cruise would begin with a 6 week cessation of hostilities in gaza. that would see just rarely forces withdrawal from all populated areas of the strip and initial hostage prisoner exchange out and well, you can ukraine's presidents has a top defense officials to attend an upcoming global peace summit. you made the appeal in front of the defense ministers at a security conference, and single soleski said he wants to put forward proposals to end the war and
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ukraine at the summit in switzerland, in midget 3 points, mexicans, everything and elections, which are expected to give the country, it's 1st woman president, the 2 leading candidates to replace the outgoing president, and that is my new i lopez open. i don't, i both women vs began queuing at daybreak to cost the ballots. more than 20000 in congressional and local positions are also up for perhaps nearly 100000000 next weekends are registered to take cost. now the elections have been mowed by violence of all of a drug costs house with at least 37 candidates budget. during the campaign, dw corresponded nicole raises in mexico city. she told me what the mood is like now on election day after a campaign in which dozens of political candidates will nodded. this indeed has been the bloodiest election campaign in mexico's history, and it will also hundreds of attacks on politicians and the run up to the selection
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. so obviously vitamins and insecurity play in a role today. there are tens of thousands of police forces across the country. we're trying to make sure that things that the pallets go smoothly, that said, into municipalities in the south of the country elections has been suspended already because of the security issues. but in these past the days when i talk to people here in mexico city, i feel that there is a 2 things that as really on their minds. on the one hand, people really want to continue it in the country. and this in terms of economic stability and social welfare that people i've talked to who say that this is important for them in the election. and that's why they probably will vote for the motor in a party who is currently still in charge now. and on the other hand, is this really urgent message? all the security and violence, many have told me that they fear to go out on the streets because they worried that things could go sour, that things could happen to them because of the drastic instability in that field
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that has been rising in the past few years. and that the government hasn't been able to tackle, especially because of the rise of organized crime and that goes and that also has a major impact on a pallet titian's here on, on politics. so it's a very huge issue for people. nevertheless, economics debility is also one of the things that voters want to see from the next government and want to have and continue to mexico. next president will most likely be a woman how significant is vast in a country with a strong machismo culture. it is historic because if a woman actually gets to be president, this also means that will end centuries of male domination in mexico's most important office. this gives many mexican women, of course is sense of hope as sense of confidence as well that things like these are possible in the country like mexico, where more, less 10 women get murdered every day. but, but this already said this, uh,
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this is also one of the huge problems many women here are not very confident that a female present will actually change much because either a, somebody like claudia, shine bomb could just continue the agenda of somebody like to know if it's over the other one and recent years. the topic off jen, developments hasn't gotten better. she proposes to strength and just the system systems and help women, but in a country where many of these systems also input traded by organized crimes. this will be a major task and then there's also a so to you guys who promises that you also will support women more as a female leader. of course, she also has pledge to build a high security prison. but the question is, if she will actually be like, you know, india and really get that, how fast this is and what this will being for women in the country. we can only guess at this time, but the confidence of a women president is awfully or already that women feel that this is very important . on the other hand, to is this doubt that it actually will mean
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a really big difference for them in the next few years. that was a nicole race in mexico city. thank you very much, michael. a china says that has successfully landed a spacecraft on the fall side of the moon emission ames to collect the 1st row. and so, samples from the little know lou and i have this the, the landing marks waiting for china as an international rice for the moon, gather space, the us, india, and all this, all hoping to exploits lunar resources to sustain long term basis. that should be the shift so that they can look me on something that you're watching dw news live from brother and coming up next we joined an 18 year old woman in central african republic with a passion for football. but she and kansas for assistance from family and from strangers. that's next on doc's doc. so don't forget, you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on dw dos. come
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back in 45 minutes with more world news alongside com. and for me, in the team here as well, and thanks for watching by the my name. my name is age. my name is simone sony. this is india is new generation. what else? a dream in the world's most populous country. what did they want to change in the society full of contrasts, the indian aids stuff, juices dw.


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