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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, and use a live from the official results from south africa's elections, confirmed the end of agencies on challenge grip on power. the african national congress now has to form a coalition government, but says president zeros on the pose that will not resign. but one potential king make up for my president, jacob z, not as challenging the results. also coming out here in germany heavy rains trigger a land slide that hits the passenger trade with hundreds of people on board, forcing it off the tracks and submit rankled funding
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a firefight the dice off the trying to evacuate those strategies. the last, like a welcome to the program, south africa's electoral commission has announced the final results of wednesday's elections has confirmed the shop drop in support for the ruling african national congress policy with only 40 percent of the vote. the agencies that will enter into talks with other parties to full menu government is the 1st time the policy has failed to secure a majority since the 1st democratic elections 30 years ago. it has south africa's presidents around the post office or the announcement people have given effects to the tardy and call that was that has it resonated across generation that the people
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shall govern our people have spoken whether we like it or not they have spoken dw corresponded diane, who is in johannesburg officer who the i n c will most likely end up sharing power with well, that's the, the, i think have 1000000 read question. what? quite honestly, i don't think that they have quite figured it out just yet because the results have just been announced. and a lot of the parties still need to have their own internal meetings. for example, the amc said that it will have its 1st internal meeting with members of the national executive committee on monday. and the top agenda item is of course, who they could possibly share power with the are a lot of options being bandied about. so for example, some commentators are saying that they could choose to go with a simple option and join hands with a democratic alliance, which is the 2nd largest party that would give them an outright sort of some the
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simplest majority. and it wouldn't require them to bring in any of the smaller parties. of course, that is the question of whether they can agree on t issues, full governments with the next 5 years. and that's really what's going to make these can coalition quote, to quite difficult as many of the parties have ideological differences in views of how the country should actually be run. we have the official election results. now we can bring those up on the screen for of us to take a look at. to me see if the, the i n c, i suggest of the, for the percentage points the, the democratic alliance. that's the band just mentioned the us. so almost 22 percent and the m k policy, that's the policy of the former president's jacobs, the at the almost 15 percent. the em diane jacobs,
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the says the elections, the rig. where did those elect allegations come from? well the mt party, although they said the elections are weak, they haven't used the concrete evidence gifts to back that up. they need to say that they do have the evidence, but nobody has seen it. and they say they intend to use that evidence in a quote back to that they intend to launch too. so at the moment we don't really know what the basis of that education is and how far they intend to take it. the i see has a, although they've heard this allegation, have decided to announce the final result. and i've said in this event that we are attending it today, that the elections were free and fee. so we'll have to see over the next few days with the m k party is able to produce those are those that concrete evidence of an unfair election and what they intend to do with it or not. now they're having calls for presidents,
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they're over on the presence of step down. can he survive this historically poor results full of the amc of the. well, it's going to be very tough discussions within the amc today. we heard from the amc secretary general and he said that president silver, i'm a poor side is not going any way the school has a number of years left of he's to as a and see president. but it does this result is an unfavorable outcome for his presidency. and we might see in the next few months or even weeks, people continuing to call for him to sit down purely because of this poor, poor outcome. for now, the party has said that he will need the negotiations and he will continue to lead the party. thank you very much. that was the w correspondent, that ok and join us back. a firefighter has been killed, trying to rescue people traps by record flooding in southern germany,
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a state of emergency has been declared in some areas the done, you river has the best. it's banks and heavy rains triggered a land slide that the rails, a passenger train. army has been mobilized, and residents are being forced from their homes dw report. the test of alta is in bavaria and such as this report about the situation and the affected area. the amount of items that have to be thrown out, if huge, heidi village is the president of the most out house was hit hard by the floods. the basement was completely flooded. she had 10 minutes to evacuate on saturday evening. she is still in shock about what happened. it was really bad. i was taking care of my daughters dog. they said, if we don't finish packing, we will have to leave the ducks behind on it. well, it just wasn't acceptable for me because it was
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a catastrophe. luckily, she could save herself and her bets. now, the cleanup has started. many people have come to have all them, even if you always say every mind phone, cell phone. but in this case, everyone was sent to help everyone really help. so i can't say anything bad about that. there is still a lot of work to be done at her neighbors home as well, to be as down below in whites, off into his house. everything was full of water here, right up to here and everything is now broken. so many neighbors have come to volunteer for the clean up. most of the debris has been taken outside. we follow him into the basement. unfinished center here was also there's still
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a bit of stuff like that. many people have come here to help them to. and you can see from the door just how powerful the water was. the door was pushed out of a screen by the sheer force of the cotton as the rest of the basement doesn't look any better. the remaining pieces of furniture are being taken out by the fire brigade, grass. i'm on my total waveform. it's only when things get calm that you understand what happened to you. is there also a lot of memories, these can no longer save man on the medicine con. these personal items mostly going for good. while people here in dollars are just starting to realize the extent of the disaster for all the towns and southern germany, the worst is yet to come. as water levels continue to drive. a quick
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look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. in germany, a police officer has died 2 days after being stopped during an attack and mannheim . this all took place during an anti islam of gathering in the city in the south west of germany. the attack of injured several others before being shot by police. he's receiving treatment and hospital. a searching in mexico's presidential election has begun and a pole that will be historic for the 1st time. the 2 leading candidates of both women and the, when i set to become mexico's 1st female head of state, ukraine's president has a top defense officials to attend an upcoming global p summit. he made the appeal in front of the defense ministers as a security conference in single savanski said he wants to put forward proposals to end the war and ukraine at the summit in switzerland, in mid j points of the east formula. china says it has successfully landed
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a spacecraft on the fall side of the moon. the mission is to collect the 1st rock and soil samples from the left alone luna hemisphere. the landing marks of wind for china as an international race for them to get this pace. the us india. i know this hoping to exploit luna resources to sustain long term basis. on the name of this, keith cowan, the editor of nasa watched dot com and told me how big a deal this landing on the fall side of the as well. it's a big deal is that it's the 2nd time anybody has laid it anything on the far side of the moon by china, is it the 1st time it's something that we hear in the us. it talked about doing half a century ago. and by little boom here, besides we see we knew quite a bit about the side. we don't see the far side. we know something about because we have spacecraft orbiting it, but we've never brought samples back. and there's a lot of questions as to why the 2 different sides of the moon look that differ.
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this mission will help answer some of those questions. so why uh, so many countries racing to reach the far side of the mid as well as interesting, like i'm in my late sixties and i grew up during the apollo era. there was a song called the everyone's gone to the moon, and it was sort of silly because it really is only us and the russians. well, to keep the ability to go to the movies. now something that is not just one or 2 countries, it's many countries and carpets. and so you know, the threshold for doing this is lot lower. you have india and israel, and japan and china and, you know, pick a country packs there now has a spec, sadly in orbit. so, you know, if you can do something and going to the moon is off and see just seems like the, the gold or platinum standard for a country is something to accomplish. and now everybody's lining up to try and do it themselves. as a, where are these other countries and they progress the us specifically?
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well, the, you, it's, it's interesting here because we, some people say, well, try is going to, the moon will be 1st while we were 1st half a century ago. but here's, here's the interesting thing that i want your audience to show. um, just because we did something doesn't mean we can just do it again and we've had difficulties getting back, you know? but just because we did it 50 years ago on to china, whoever doing it now to 3rd, to let people live today. i've never seen a human walk on the surface of another world. i did. you didn't. and for that, for everybody gets gonna see if it'd be like doing the same thing again for the 1st time. it will be the 1st one waiting for most of the people in or, and i think it's going to have an impact on people, not just in america, russia. let me pull the rock, roach, you know, has a 1000000000 people. india has a 1000000000 people. indeed, as an emissions there, so this is becoming something where we, the people of earth are going back, not just one country or another. am trying to submit a landing. now on the fall side of the main,
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what does that mean in terms of international space corporation as well? again, when we back in the day, it was either us or the russians and we were competing really wasn't any collaboration these days. you have, for example, the spanish mission has a swedish and italian and french and pakistani stuff on it. american mission to have stuff from other countries. you have collaboration, your cooperation, and you have competition. and by the way, these companies that have resources that are larger than the space agencies of many countries. so they go do kind of what they want. so you have a multi polar, i mean, the, we're in the globalized world that we're in. now. there's many players with many different agendas and out of the mix come something that's more interesting. they're more, the more we ways there are to go to the moon and the more reasons to go, the more we go to the moon and the more we go to the moon. well,
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tomorrow we go to the moon. thank you very much for your analysis. that's keep counting the editor of nessa watch dot com. my pleasure are bound the threads, celebrating the laces european title off the saturday nights, the victory of abreast the adult month in the champions league final in london. thousands of red red fence have tablets in the spanish capital to welcome back their heroes. the team has been showing off the trophy in what's turned into the habits as business the record. 15 time round. the dredge has one of the champions league title. it makes them, by far, the most dominant team in the competition. the, you're watching dw, and use life from building and coming out. a ballerina in germany uses are on the form to stand up for freedom in iran, that's next on. so slice, don't forget,
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you can always get the latest news and information around the clock on dw dot com. i'll be back with one use in 45 minutes. without psycho for me in the team ex, watching by the thing. and see you the same way. you expect and more different things from life than your parents i just want to pursue was that's my thought was fired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible. reasonable stopping port is not i was under the doctor


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