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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. a call for unity. south africa's amc loose is just on challenge grip on power presence around the post. this is the party which world since the end of apartheid except the people's verdict. now the search for coalition partners begins and here in germany heavy rains trigger a landslide that the rails an express train carrying the hundreds of passengers. at one fire fighter dies trying to rescue stranded homeowners in the flood zone. and mexico prepares for its 1st woman president election,
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overshadowed by drunkard hale violence and the murderers of dozens of candidates the on there until berlin. thank you very much for joining us. south african presidents around before. so it has called on political parties to find common ground as the ruling african national, congress lost its long standing majority. the amc secured only 40 percent of the vote and national elections. the party has dominated south africa since the end of apartheid, but must now see coalition partners to form a new government. right. of course, as, as the agency accepts the voters verdict in the election set back. people have given effects to the tardy and call that was that has it resonated across generations that the people shall govern. busy people have
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spoken whether we like it or not. they have spoken dw, correspond to diane hawk or is in johannesburg. she told us about the in scenes length . we strategy now that the party has lost its majority. the amc said that equal to 2 old political parties as it hopes to form a government, but it's dealing with a lot of ideological perspective from the side of the opposition. for example, the democratic alliance is the 2nd largest party by the ideological perspective of that party, couldn't be more different from that of the a and see the m. k parties, the 3rd largest party. and it is said that it would talk to the amc only if president, so rama post that is no longer meeting the party. the a and c says it's not prepaid to make that concession. and so the amc could possibly start speaking to other smaller parties to get over that 50 percent mark
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in the meantime. so i've africans wait to see if these parties can all reach an agreement with in the 14 day period allowed by the semester can constitution. it's a situation that has never been faced in this country before, and citizens wait with baited breath to see how it will unfold. as international mediators are calling on both israel and a mouse to agree to a truce proposal put forward by us. presidential binding is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is under intense domestic pressure from 2 sides. is really protesters wanting to reach a ceasefire and secure the immediate release of hostages. as far right, airlines are threatening to bring down the government if you dollars a month which carried out the october. the 7th terror attack says it views the proposal positively. white house spokesman john kirby is optimistic about is real accepting the ceasefire. we have every expectations that if a mazda agrees to the proposal as was transmitted to them and is really a proposal,
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that is where a would say yes again. well, all you get in, in the yes right now, george. and it's not a, it's not a small thing, but would you get is the start of phase one. so you get some awesome use coming out initial hostages. you get some call them, you get some more humanitarian assistance, maybe up to 600 trucks. and then the 2 sides can start talking about phase 2. so prime minister netanyahu, his team and factors for administer, again just said that they welcome this, this announcement by the president, and that they did in fact agree that this was their proposal. a firefighter has been killed, trying to rescue people trapped by severe flooding in southern germany. state of emergency is in force as heavy rains and floods batter the region. the danube river has burst its banks and a passenger train. the ramble when the weight of water triggered the land slide, the amount of items that have to be thrown out. if a huge heidi vote is the president of the most out. house was hit hard by the
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floods. the basement was completely flooded. she had 10 minutes to evacuate on saturday evening. she is still in shock about what happened . it was really bad. i was taking care of my daughter's dogs. they said, if we don't finish packing, we would have to leave the docks behind on it. well, it just wasn't acceptable for me because it was a catastrophe. luckily, she could save herself and her pets. now the key knob has started. many people have come to have all them, even if you always say every mind phone, cell phone. in this case, everyone was sent to help everyone really help. so i can't say anything bad about that. there is still a lot of work to be done at her neighbors home as well,
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to be as down below in whites, off into his house. and everything was full of water here, right up to here. and everything is now broken. for many neighbors have come to volunteer for the clean up. most of the debris has been taken outside. we follow him into the basement. and for center here was also still a bit of stuff like the many people have come here to have him to. and you could see from the door just how powerful the water was, like the door was pushed out of a screen by the sheer force of the car and the rest of the basement doesn't look any better. the remaining pieces of furniture are being taken out by the fire brigade, grass and i took away from good. so me, when things get calm that you understand what happened to you is there also
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a lot of memories, these can no longer save mine own and my, sometimes these personal items uh, mostly gone for good while people are here in dollars are just starting to realize the extent of the disaster for other towns in southern germany, the worst is yet to come. as water levels continue to rise. let's have a brief look now some other stories making headlines around the world. a police officer has died 2 days after being stabbed in attacking the german city of mannheim. the sealant targeted a right wing and tight is lum riley. several other people were injured before police shot and seriously wounded. the nice man south korea says it will retaliate against its neighbour, north korea for sending trash will balloons over the border. the north has put up scores of balloons over the past week. authorities say it is retaliation for active
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as in south korea, delivering propaganda leaflets. or runs for president, nothing more. the idea of a medina shod has registered to run engines, presidential elections after you've raised these debts last month. and the new job is a hard liner who's in power from 2005 to 2013. it was barred from standing in a subsequent election by a run supreme leader after a risk between the 2 ukranian president of the modem is lensky has accuse china and russia. i'm trying to disrupt an upcoming piece summit on the war and ukraine. so, and he said, vision is pressuring other nations not to attend. who was speaking at the shy, were lon dialogue conference and singapore, with defense ministers from around the world. it is only the 2nd time zelinski has traveled to egypt since russia launched its full scale invasion ring proposed peace . soleski said more than $100.00 countries and organizations that sign up to the p
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summit, taking place in switzerland this month. and ours is a pacific nations to join them. we are disappointed that some warning leaders have not yet conformed their, but just patient in the be simon. unfortunately, there are also attempts to disrupt the assignment. we do not want to believe that this is a desire for one of the police stick power in the world to deny the global community, the opportunity to decide on the war and peace. and to leave these power in the hands of one or 2 w, a chief international editor richard walker gave us this assessment on the lens. queues claims that china is disrupting the upcoming piece summit in switzerland to lensky, which he much for the 1st time was openly critical of china. and for a couple of things. first of all, for sticking by russian for being so supportive instruction. and then secondly, for as he is putting it on both notes,
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showing up to his peace conference that he is advocating for later this month. but also claiming that china was alongside russia, trying to persuade other countries not to show up either. and i think, yeah, this is a bit of a turning point with respect to ukraine's attitude towards china. because, well though china, it's been pretty clear all along really has been very supportive of russia in this, in terms of economic support. political support to provide support of ukraine is being cautious about criticizing china. i guess the reasoning really being hoping that they can try to get some kind of help from china. the polls are closing in mexico's groundbreaking election. the 2 leading candidates are both women and the winner is set to become mexico's 1st female head of state. nearly 100000000 voters are able to make their choice. in this election, the elections have been marred by violence involving drug. cartels was at least
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$37.00 candidates murder during the campaign. dw corresponding nicole reese is in mexico city. she told us how voters are feeling on election day. this indeed has been the bloodiest election campaign in mexico's history. and there will also hundreds of attacks on politicians and the run up to the selection. so obviously vitamins and insecurity play in a role today. there are tens of thousands of police forces across the country. we're trying to make sure that things that the pallets go smoothly. that said, in 2 municipalities in the south of the country, elections has been suspended already because of the security issues. but in these past days, when i talk to people here in mexico city, i feel that there is a 2 things that as really on their minds on the one hand, people really want to continue it in the country. and this in terms of economic stability and social welfare that people i've talked to who say that this is
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important for them in the election. and that's why they probably will vote for the motor in a party who is currently still in charge now. and on the other hand, is this really urgent message? all the security and violence, many have told me that they fear to go out on the streets because they worried that things could go sour, that things could happen to them because of the drastic instability in that field that has been rising in the past few years. and that the government hasn't been able to tackle, especially because of the rise of organized crime and that goes and that also has a major impact on a politician's here on politics. so it's a very huge issue for people. nevertheless, economics debility is also one of the things that voters want to see from the next government and want to have and continue. a t of china says it has successfully landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. permission to aims to collect the 1st rock installed samples from the little know little hemisphere. the landing marks
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a wing for china as an international race for the moon gathers pays the west india and others are hoping to exploit lunar resources to sustain the long term basis on the moon. and keep calling the editor of nasa watch dotcom assessors the significance of the landing. well, it's a big deal in that. it's the 2nd time anybody has landed anything on the far side of the moon by china did it the 1st time. it's something that we hear in the us. it talked about doing half a century ago. and by little boom here. besides that we see we knew quite a bit about the side. we don't see the far side. we know something about because we have spacecraft orbiting it, but we've never brought samples back. and there's a lot of questions as to why the 2 different sides of the moon look that differ. this mission will help answer some of those questions. and in sporting those relevant right are celebrating their latest european title. thanks to
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a victory over bull receive document in the champions league final in london. thousands of re all fans have gathered in the spanish capital to welcome back their heroes. the team has been showing off the trophy, yet again were elementary to have now one of the champions league, a records 15 times andrew watching dw news. here's a reminder of our top stories at this hour. so if ever just presents a real remedy, wholesale has called on political parties to find common ground. as the ruling african national, congress lost its long standing majority. vacancies secured only 40 percent of the vote and national elections and must now see coalition partners to form a new government. and here in germany, a passenger train has the railed after being caught in, a landslide triggered by flooding. a state of american see has been declared in parts of the south west. yours have been evacuating people from communicated areas the and you're up to date for to stick
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around coming up next as a tax against politicians on the rise in germany. a report of program looks at what's behind the violence and there until the berlin. thank you very much for to meet in the can you see what old cars miles have to do with you production? here's a heads up. so really indeed the snow on youtube. my name is the whole bag save la.


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