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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 8:30am-9:00am CEST

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me to bring you the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information for 3 months. the a quite a few environmental activities. the realize that slowing down is one way to leave more sustainably. what we're seeing, how simplifying a lives and thinking creatively can reduce our impact on the not through weld. welcome to eco africa. i'm crystal lives in lagos, nigeria, the modem was culture of convenience, has a very damaging effect. what if we do things differently? i am some drug of homes that we know do. joining you from compound right to in
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uganda. here is what we have coming up and inventive use of risk. i quote, robust condo is a new gun and ation fishing method. still use of the cost opening see it. and an artist who believes that even from the launch is the key to include life. but we begin to show in the democratic republic of congo, a country that fences multiple environment of china, cheese from the impact of mining deforestation on the 14th to water pollution. we went to let cube on the border to run to, to meet a young man who's trying to clean the top. joseph hydro bang isn't that good move? even though the job he's doing today is not exactly fun for several years now. he's come out regularly on lake keyboard in his rogue boat.
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together with other members of the green helmets team, he collects plastic waste. let's go visit our team. it was because this is a routine for me now. every week i set aside 4 hours of my free time to clean up lake, even because i don't do more. i cherish this lake. i was born here and grew up here . it's part of who i am today onto the truck. yes they do. most cars sheet but it's badly clumped up with plastic. rubbish also lines that color river, which feeds into lake cuba here in the city of because of environmental experts. you've learned that tom papa has long been monitoring the problem. the garbage is gone, terminating the water, and he's concerned about the impact of the worsting pollution on marine life liquids. the counseling on is a disease surpassing the much the consequences are enormous,
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not only for the human population, but also for the quite things population. so mid ah, sick and for role play, this should be a nursery for fish and a young. they should come here to reproduce. don't see, but unfortunately it's a place that's already polluted here. so these fish, of course, have to leave the area. yep. and why is it possible to believe that the fleet, a citizen, the democratic republic of congo has no functioning waste collection system every day? thousands of tons of plastic waste and up in illegal landfills or strewn about the place of the situation is the pre catastrophic in many parts of the country. locals have recently noticed a significant decline. you know, some bozza, a saw dean that's native to like keep populations will likely continue to dwindle unless the lakes cleaned up. this would have far reaching consequences for those
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who live from fishing here. this makes the work of the green helmet active is all the more important dozens of garbage collectors, comb, the city for plastic bottles and take them to a collection point where a man of all the team pays them accordingly to the amount they've gathered. a bag of garbage such as the equivalent of just under one year old guy, the 90 say this work and helps me a lot because when i clicked the bottles, i helped my family to get a quote from the bottles of been sorted by brand. the aim is to best way to the companies that to make them to support the initiative. the plastic that's collected is then used as construction materials. this floating platform produced from bottles was made by the young activists. the plan is to build a much larger project based on their model. july tokyo will be an artificial island
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over 1200 square meters in size, and set in the middle of the lake. so to see will implanted in the cities a to this is where we're going to set up the initiative called the de la toe pete of rock, which will be a hotel complex. it will have 6 guest rooms and a multi purpose whole way conferences can be held to raise awareness of the problem of drastic. but usually the potentials place to bottom up when you feel blessed to, to. but in order to make that happen, they need to collect 2500000 plastic bottles. that would be a lot of woods, but the green helmet group is nothing if not determine a fishing tech specialist on school. and especially when it is done using palm leaves, it might not sound as efficient as using nets, but it is an ocean to fishing method, but it's still practiced in to me is, is click on the island. exactly sandra,
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where there is no shortage of palm trees. it's called stuff fission, and it's especially environmentally friendly. our reports, i went there to find out how these amazing tradition works and if it can survive in today's, well the sea is on a couple of the 2nd time. today. he's once again heading out to going fishing, using an angel technique found only here on the kind of items of tennessee is east coast. it's called sophia and involves catching fish with the help of palm from almost shortly from any i don't think i've always worked at sea when i was a kid. i went fishing with my dad and you know, and when i finished my studies and returned home, i automatically went back to fishing, was done in the past age. sophia is arranged as a try and get a barrier. the palm fronds can be seen in the shot, a waters around the occupy, like
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a fishing technique relies on title currents to drive the fish into the traps. unlike fishing troll is the shell fia don't com, the marine environment. instead they present a bio diversity. they have an answer, but i think, but i think the problem with a dragnet says that they don't allow anything to escape with the palm branches, fish, find holes to swim through harbor hotel. in fact, there's really that people is friend. i mean guinea does is also on board. he's not a fisherman, but an artist, and he's fascinated by this age and fishing technique. traditionally, it involves the use of date, palm branches. forget he does, they to a part of the kind of islands, cultural heritage in his studio. he creates various products to sell using different parts of the palm. it's listed in the head by the basis of the care. kenny and shot c a is a cage that inspired me to create decorative objects for indoors and outdoors. i
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tried to retain the original look how was i that he sees himself as an impass of the official fia, in 2020 unesco, declare that part of humanities, intangible cultural heritage. it's also linked to angel traditions and cultural practices. walk up on i was using this method as a basis for my project without really knowing how it works. once i learned more, i fell in love with the c panel. but times have changed some now use plastic traps is that cheaper. others have abandoned the practice altogether. is time consuming. and industrial fishing has decimated fish stokes. so the hole in the shelf here as also plummeted. but some fishermen are actively campaigning to preserve the tradition, especially because it works in harmony with nature. and the palm branches get fish
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somewhere to hide and live. it's an ecological method that preserves and respects the environment, and we'll have a valid via this fisherman. denise shaw fia will continue just on the test of time us to fish cool this way, or foss superior to the catch from industrial fishing. good. what's the sure brought to assure a live? that's why they're considered to be of better quality than those caused by other means, you know, and high quality fish is an important source of income for the occupant. a go on an added draw of a tourist to visit the islands. but for allie a couple, sophia fishing is more than a trade. it's positive, good. kind is unique, cultural identity. that's now at risk of disappearing. well, let's look at the past. all our ancestors had a shop to. yeah. just keep coming in from the viet when you come in, they would build it up over the summer months. it shouldn't the today having a shots here requires significant financial capital for the money that many
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are unable or unwilling to invest. and so she fee of fishing continues to dwindle, even though it's so sustainable. from fishing or fishing to mode in agriculture all over the world farm is angry and have been taken to the streets to protest. what are the reasons for their rhonda and what exactly do they want and what unites them? and what those, the climate have to do with its less thoughtful investigation in euro pharmacist, a not protesting, seemingly non stop the life of your rep from portugal to not for you to remain here . so from the know me, there was so many specific rules, $5050.00 of them, and in the end we can no longer produce at low prices about people, obviously. so it's, we want things to change because this business has a passion in france and germany, the demos have focused on the reduction of diesel subsidies. the outcome of these
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bismark with cultural diesel, refunded one cent per liter, meant to reimbursement of 25000 years for us to have smoked us. if we lose the subsidies now, i really don't know how we'll make on this meat. thomas in greece is still reading from floods in 2023, and one foster compensation for damage from natural disasters and hungry and poland . farmers were angry about imports of cheap grain from ukraine of to rushes invasion, the wave terrace on ukrainian grain and projects as a measure of support. the purpose of the government won't talk to us about that. we came to wasteful to share the power of pilots vomas'. i posted the new car, the diesel subsidies, flood damages of grain and ports, farmers feel abandoned by that governments. and from a financial perspective, this might well be true. since the fact that over time agriculture tends to shrink relative to other sectors of the economy. stuff on the phone,
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come on, telemundo is an agricultural policy economist and a consultant to the world bank and several national governments. ready and this is true, almost everywhere in the world. i can't think of any real exceptions. the european fonts are dying out, decreasing by roughly a search since 2005 still 8700000 people worked in europe in agriculture, in 2020. and that doesn't include seasonal workers, thomas worldwide face higher rates of mental health problems compared to the general public in europe in the us. the foaming population has strong elevated suicide rates. being of pharma is not only having the job as a farmer, but really. ready giving, giving all in agriculture and economist marie from my research is the social side of sustainable feed systems. it's a way of life and the flight it so much, not a bubble. small problem is a struggling us. they lose relevance in our economic system, which in many ways, stocks against them. the well across the value chain is not distributed
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enough, fairly amanda yvonne, even though flux, it's a federation. advocates for european farm is conform walker's anything else and the thoughts manufacturers of good things, like the biggest share of the volume, which is produced in dougherty for some sectors and bottom of some sort of on what goods which are like in the bottom of the book this probably would change. giant supermarket chains have most of negotiating power for prices. european commission survey found the almost o e u. food chain supplies reported experiencing at least one form of unfair trade practice. we have seen a lot of good the miserable crisis. how about box to the was on corporations, care about nothing and only about price as you model you often price us. then the or international trade deals like the proposed e u mce store agreement with less than american countries. farmers say to increase
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t agricultural impulse produced follow a standards, for example, the, the, the door allowing food. and that's not made the way we do it has with us all small the price negotiations with supermarket, some manufacturers and not coming well. like on this to be sure it is, we're asking for all this to be put on the table. and for swift, concrete responses, both copies. because the talk, it's about frustration is usually the you commission in brussels, which controls another thing from us present, become an agricultural policy or c p for show the system was launched in 1962 to deal with post full foods gas a t in europe who most 3 quarters of the c a p budget goes to direct payments for farm is the payments are calculated based solely on how big the farm is. this means the policy that was industrial firms which tend to be monoculture, corporations, for example, one of your biggest arable farms is awkward cost or romanian serial producer. you
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a e invest as voltage for ripple, typically between 2 to 300000000 years. but the phone gets over 10000000 annually and use subsidies. romania exports a large majority of its grain, meaning the you from these must have fonts is not benefiting the local economy. and most europeans farms of small aging family farms with less than $500.00 tons of land you're going to the generation is afraid of help on many eros game. well, we even got the job later on. if the lowers implemented as planned, he's influence us for the full that weren't complex and a full ready and to climate goals. europe has loved the plans to become the 1st climate mutual confident by 2050 agriculture is responsible for more than 10 percent of tied to in your greenhouse gas emissions relative to the size or the overall economic importance of the sector. it produces disproportionately a large share of greenhouse gases. the european commissions responded by launching
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its own green deal policies to make fruit systems more environmentally sustainable . we can't afford kind of to think about the ex, uh, issues and like environmental protection like body diversity lied. ethical issues, many of the european farmers protests have targets at a greendale policies such as phasing out diesel subsidies, reducing fertilizer and pesticide use, and setting aside land for bio diversity. they say the rules don't compensate them for the income blocks. so that taking too big a share with about and the problem with the policy is that it is a bit gets a frantic. um, if it's meant to be income support, then you think, you know, we should be targeting smaller firms with low income, more and not the big farms. but if the policy is to reduce bombings, climate to impact well then big firm should be getting more payments because
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a big farm is affecting the environment on a much larger number of factors. the protests have have some effect. fronts dropped to its fuel subsidy costs and the you scrap to plan to reduce pesticides. and you trade support for ukraine now contains a measure to prevent too many ukrainian products being sold in the states. but it would take move out from us to dress climate change in the long term, such as limiting e legislation to the environmental aspects of agriculture away from farming subsidies. the income support is in the european union, a national policy priority. the social policies or national priorities that shouldn't be coming from brussels. in that case, each member state would support its own pharmacy. it would have more flexibility and shaping subsidies which could support smaller farms and create incentives and financial support for more logical practices. can seem is,
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would also have to change that habits in the u findings. environmental cost isn't fully included and fee pricing changing that would shift the pressure on low income households. the policy makers are going to have of to find ways of buffering that and distributing the load, but the load has to increase. meanwhile, smaller farm is a hoping for a big a seats at the table. some of the best ones that where people who work with the, with nature about salt passion, you to people who manage this to tend offices will the unfortunately they don't even know what nature is best to exceed that through. we have probably minutes goes into the side of presented actors or model is, um i'd be interested in keeping model is that, that the school did okay. then also by differential ones for very much shaping called the political agenda. if we want farmers to be able to provide offered sustainably,
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it seems that the current system that favors the biggest players will have to be fundamentally reformed. in all next reports, we had 2 fronts to beat a fama was perfectly happy. the only use this old fashion mess, thoughts that most farmers this, these do not have time for those most even have a tractor both he believes and respecting the environment. he lives from the land and tries completely self sufficient. meet samuel lewis, who has never attended school or taking up a job. he lives in brittany, getting by with almost no money. but we need to cancel the environment. basically, what we need is it provided for us by the soil. and if you know how to form it, be can leaving a beautiful environment of the 7 year old uses,
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traditional tools to attend to the 3 heck just blocked by using old fashioned ways . he avoids using in organic from inputs and equipment which from the biosphere. someone gets his various foot supplies from the from vegetables grains and even bread. by rejecting consumers him, he prefers the cost effectiveness got in and being fully assess the invite. this document. the other thing, what interests me, spending less time watching for menu. because for me it seems like a cycle of poverty and destruction of my environment. these folks, the office, someone on the, on the move. and they want to have time to look up the leaving things people, environmental sustainability is key to sign in. but for him it's even more important to share. he's knowledge of us. he publishes on service books, but teach people how to take care of the environment. someone is leaving his dream, a simple life, and living in harmony with nature. and mission is to try and who address to
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balance. and just to tell people, particularly younger people, you don't necessarily have to destroy the environment. i'm interested in, cataract. uh, you know, way is as much out taste as a fama on next report features and now the crossover between the odds and the environment. it takes us to uganda. open now to sandra trees. now here and come pull up only 5 percent of guns, which is recycled, and the streets up quite badly dated august on the zinah island. and now what can you trust is the results she doesn't even phone to have a page of use for rob desantos. but people have thrown outs the island level kenya is combining a passion for ox. was careful how environments collecting discarded, flip flops is the 1st step to process. she has invented to turn plastic pollution into something useful. uganda like many places around the world is listed with
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hundreds of thousands of plastic slip slopes. this one, this farmer pulls out of his field, is about to be given a new creative purpose. newman, there were some surprises. this girl collection and we see her getting our beautiful things will go through. novel kenya tends to flip flops into paint, which she uses to make works of art and other objects for the offices. it's a way of coping with the mess. people have been making of the world around them besides the saving of that environment. um we are promoting that cultural recycling in our country. so this would be, could be something very interesting if other a to scan actually come on and try it out. as her flip flop collection point, never can you begins to reclaim the original bright colors that's enticed people to
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buy the food with in the 1st place, scrubbing the flip flops. why has leaving them in the sun to dry is a laborious job, but it's crucial for her project. transforming them into art materials. back in the studios, she uses a bell, sends in machine to reduce the food with to a fine dust, which she collects and mix these with a bind to to make paints. it was such as the reality of described as, flip flops never kenya has been able to create a pallet of both colors with which she express herself. she has also brought in other materials into her artworks such as stripes of discarded vehicle tie is novel, kenya is making a name for herself in the compiler, all 12 and internationally with ok. she makes from flip flops of flip as, as they know locally hot technique is so unique and there is and that's why i
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love, i love it because of that text. yeah. and another thing is, um, sure, cause of that environment. so by using the past and t as, yeah, instead of binding and, and on filling them my way back to the she turns them into life. never kenya hurts that. how aust can raise awareness of all effects and nature and change people's attitudes towards per adults that we no longer have a useful. i'm here to, to save nature. people have mismanaged with a lot, and we're here to tell them that this can be twisted around and after the functionality that they actually know about, they can maybe do something else on these. this is an ending life and ending life.
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besides her paintings, allen, the can you also designs and adult inspection items. the uganda and alters is located at more useful, higher recycled pigs with so many flip flops. due to be removed from the environment. she says she could produce things as well. i'll premiums idea of making phase by hand and making phase that last what should all be doing for a fact. we hope you feel as inspired as we are by our report. this week i have crystal lens in nigeria, a thank you so much for joining us. and don't forget to head to an equal off or go online slot films for most stories, and drop us a line on equal odd data, the dot com. i am sandra holmes, that we know deal signing of from complex right to in uganda. the
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how many of you speak more than 2 languages? at least 2 or more languages. we used to be taught to speak english. why we, we can from becky ground of speaking, hey, we have to embrace and mean so, i mean, what do you do you lose you? i just simply by learning a level language, when i speak english, i said they can do requesting this 77 percent. 30 minutes on d w the, the, the not just another
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day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day in depth look at current use events on line by excess. i'm critical thing here is not just another news. so this has been the weekdays on d. w runs small steps for robots back q one giant leap for exploiting the ocean. slow cutting edge technology is i'm looking at the potential of deep sea mining. so the vehicle's been designed to pick up nodules and leave as much settlement behind as possible. but this time, a research team will study the possible in order to minimize time we have an
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opportunity to to get it right before we even start. we have a whole new industry that will proceed only when the regulations of things will take place. environmental activists are skeptical. is this true nature conservation and the green washing box rules? val billions to be made out to pot documentary, deep sea greed stats, june 7th on t w. the . the, the
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. this is the, the news life from berlin. a decisive victory glowed yesterday, and bomb becomes mexico, as best female presidents, according to spend a minute the results, millions of voltage in an election, overshadowed by drug content, violence and the monitors of thousands of candidates. when you get the latest from the captioning also coming up. so that progress presidents sit around, post articles for unity as the agency news is it's group on ha. now the search for coalition partners begins plus israel's foreign minister is on.


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