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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. a decisive victory glowed yesterday, and bomb becomes mexico, as best female presidents, according to spend a minute the results, millions of voltage in an election, overshadowed by drug costs as violence and demand as of thousands of candidates. we get the latest from the company also coming up. so that africa as president, sit around post articles for unity as the in the news is it's group on palm. now the search for coalition partners begins, plus israel's foreign minister is undergoing pressure to accept the cause of cease
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5 lab active as one bedroom and didn't know how to agree a deal to free the hostages. but thought i'd hardliners say how boss must be destroyed fast. and here to germany or firefighter dyersburg trying to rescue residents jobs. persevering funding. thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes, the armitage manager, welcome to the program. mexico has elected its 1st female president by a landslide. according to official preliminary results, claudio sent by a former man of mexico city looks set to win a double digit victory overhead. the oddest drive of face is mexico's largest, genuine election in history. the elections that'd be marred by violence involving drug cartels with the feast. 37 candidates mad at during the campaign. in,
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in how victory speech about psyched support as i am also grateful that i will become mexico's 1st woman president in 200 years since the founder of the republican. and i know we talked to the, the correspondent because he's in mexico city. she told us, well, chain bob was now declared, president elect stands for politically. got a shame on stands for at least 2 things. on the one hand, there is continuity. she's the direct prodigy of outgoing president lopez over the world who has been sort of playing the queen maker and these past few months to get people behind her. and if she to be to, when she would probably follow his footsteps and continue his parties in her parties, politics and the strategy. and this is also something many mexicans i talked to
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this week would actually welcome because for them it means um economic stability and also social stability. nope. is open as a lot of the outgoing president is somehow a device of a seeker. but he also managed to boost social reforms and welfare programs. and that's something that's sticking with people. and that's what they hope to get out of a shameful i'm of course. and then on the other hand, she stands for change because she is a woman, and that is something mexico has never had before. how significant will that be? mexico gets a woman president this is huge, it is historic. it ends uh, centuries of male domination in the highest political office of the country for many women here and mexico. this is obviously also something that makes them hope that things could change in their country. that makes them proud that shows them that, that is actually a possibility for them to, to have a say in how the country is developing and how it's going forward. because we are
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looking at the country where around 10 women today are being killed, being murdered. we are looking at the country with a very high crime rate rate, is this agenda base of violence that we're talking about. it's actually also called the silent epidemic here in mexico. and it is something that obviously with a female lead us many hope will somehow change. we just don't know if it actually would change. because as i said earlier, shane boom will also follow in the footsteps of her party of the outgoing government as well. and the outgoing government hasn't been able to manage this method very well. if not, we wouldn't be talking about much less the victims of violence or of killings here . the lead up to this election was overshadowed by violence and killings. have any solutions being offered by the people in the fray in the elections as well? both main candidates, claudia, shame them,
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and also search the database of pledge that they will always the do something about it. claudia, shame them says that she wants to strength and institutions that also justice institutions. the question here though is how easy will that really be because organized crime has been growing massively in these past years, and it's infiltrating all layers of mexican society and as well. the political landscape and it shapes it and influences it with well, so many people know that there is a huge infiltration and it's difficult to actually get a grip on this part of the problem. so at the moment we know the words, but we don't know if the actions will actually match the ones. uh, the next president is in office, which will be in a few months. they don't lose the nicole race in the mexico city. thanks very much for that. update from mexico's election to south africa. so the african president sit around my posts, i has called, and political parties to find common ground. after the ruling african national,
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congress lost its longstanding majority. the policy has dominated south africa since the end of apartheid, but must now seek, go listen partners. some of those driving parties said they would only deal with the n c rama full so stance down the electrical commission of south africa. declasse, the results of the, of the trinity 20 full national and provincial elections as free and fair for me. the end of the election period and the start of a new era in south africa. an era of coalition government at national level to demand. while the ruling effort to national congress has secured more votes than its rivals, it doesn't have the majority to lead the country on its own. we have what this election has made play. is that the people of south africa expected their lead us
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to work together to meet the needs they expect the parties for which they have voted to find to come on gong to overcome their differences, to act and work together for the good of every one political parties will spend the next few days discussing potential coalition agreements, meaning recent photos will have to become fost frames we've heard about to, to scenarios. and that is the n, c, d i a b as the most favorable one in terms of the, of stabilizing the country and stabilizing markets. and we've heard about the a and c, e, f, f i m k. but remember in case going to peak condition note, i'm a pause. if you don't, if there's, if there's around the close of day we don't talk in front of us is not that we talk to the n c. many parties have already made it clear. they'll have strict terms and conditions before joining hands with the
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a and c. so i guess it depends on the amount of things that you, you know that this to break because for instance, the issue of land is not something that you can compromise on. yeah. but when in gauge of open minded, kind of and engagement and then we'll take it from the political analysts say the amc. we'll also have to consider what impact the deal would have on both domestic and foreign policy inside the party. do lead as i agree on the direction that the budget should take or the opposed to the product issue that dropped on the other side. the what you made them, nation out of the interest of an extend that will play as will carry quite a you know, way to legitimacy such as business and civil society,
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an international community who will be putting pressure to political parties as the electoral commission wraps up it's what political parties into the next phase, they have just 14 days within which to form the national and provincial governments . some say this is a very short time for parties who have significant ideological differences to reach an agreement is to the big 13, regardless of who gets the upper hand. the general feeling in the country is that south africa's democracy is the main window in the selection of course, and if not, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. ukraine's ability to dimansky has met with philippines. president fed 9, michael junior in manila that you paid in president is making a rare visit or a shop. he's been as indeed as to attend the ukrainian peace conference that's set to take place in switzerland. later this month, to south korea say, is it
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a suspending, a military agreement intended to reduce tensions with north korea. off of the northwest sense falls afresh. spend the balloons over the buddha. john young has said it will stop sending them as long as south 3 and active is sees spreading propaganda need. that's a police officer has died 2 days after being stabbed in an attacking the jump into the mon heim. the silence targeted a writing. everything is done rally several other people were in job default when he was shot and seriously wounded. the nice man interesting mediators are calling on both as well and us do agreed to a cease fire proposal put forward by us president joe biden is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is on day dense domestic pressure. some want them to reach of tools and secure the immediate for needs of hostages, taken by her moss during that october 7th attack bots. nathan, yeah. whose fault i lies. that's what i think to bring down the government if he
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does so. since the beginning of the war, netanyahu has insisted on the total destruction of home us, he has carefully avoided defining any clear timeline for ending the conflict or any discussion of the day off the in gaza. but now his hand may, has been forced by a truce proposal forwarded by us president joe. but the deal would bring a permanent ceasefire in garza, in exchange for the remaining hostages, held by him a crucially, the us stresses the plan is no. this, this was, is really a proposal. we have every expectations that if a mazda agrees to the proposal as was transmitted to them and is really a proposal, that is where it would say yes, well, how much says the abuse the proposal positively. netanyahu's fall right allies of fury is got. it is a reckless deal. there was no total victory except
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a total the feed for him us. and i say that a prime minister netanyahu continues to lead this deal. we will dismantle the government to accept the ultimatum has left to the prime minister facing a stock choice. and the clock is ticking. ok. last month, one of the members of israel's 3 man war cabinets when it gets delivered to an ultimatum of his own. against gave the government until june 8th to come up with a plan for the future in gaza, or he'll withdrawal from the government. the pressure is mounting on it and yahoo and it's coming from all sides. and how yeah, us to do the correspondence. rebecca auditors in jerusalem by the prime minister netanyahu is willing to accept this ease by due. so that's a really, really difficult question to answer directions you had. the pressure is really mounting on benjamin netanyahu, especially from the united states,
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who say that the prime minister's office tacitly agreed to these do, they are framing and as a deal that has come from israel. one that they had previously agreed to bought on the weekend. we had from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who a game reiterated that he would not accept any deal that led to a permanency saw before. a mazda a completely, you know, obliterated, and a completely taken out of the gaza strip. so that is something that he's promised to his fall right. members of his coalition who on the weekend also threatened to break up that coalition should prime minister benjamin netanyahu agree to such a do. we had this morning that he's ju problems, and benjamin netanyahu that is due to meet with one of those fall right ministers. so there are clearly talks on going, but as he keeps reiterating, he wouldn't agree to a deal that leads to this time. and it say, so i have that as being the sticking point. and the other hand you have from us who weren't great, we deal that doesn't lead to a permanent safe spot. so that's where the kind of the gap really lies and has lied
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for months. now, so, you know, the sticking point of that is, is that particular deal to us of putting a mentor pressure on benjamin netanyahu and saying, as you heard the from john coby saying that he is, i must do agree to this. and it certainly looking like they may do, they have responded positively so far, we're still waiting for a final response. but if they do that, that the us expects israel to agree to israel, the defense minutes. so your goal on test said is rarely looking into an alternative local governing monday to take over from us. i'll be talking about the palestinian authority as well. he didn't specify what he meant by these governing alternatives. uh, the palestinian authority is certainly one serious option that has been counted by the united states for one. certainly that's what they're saying. they'd like to say in a post full gaza, that's a revitalized palestinian authority, as they say could been govern both the west bank and the gaza strip. currently,
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obviously, as we know, they don't govern in gaza, but they do govern in the west bank though, there are issues they largely seen is corrupt. they don't have a huge support base. they haven't had held election so many years and, you know, they don't have a lot of authority with palestinians in general. so that's why the us a cooling for them to be revitalized. but, you know, the benjamin at yahoo said he does not say that as the option. you'll have good lump has criticized benjamin netanyahu for not coming out with a post, a post cause of will plan. he says that you know, that, that it's irresponsible that they need to be making a plan. he sent me against establishing a is riley civilian control in gauze. is that something going on has that he does not want to see. and he's old for palestinian entities governing in areas along with international bodies. but we'll just have to see what happens. he hasn't specified whether he means there's governing entities to be the palestinian authority. but that is
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a very unpopular option for these ready governments. we live with them for the moment data, elizabeth beck, auditors in jerusalem. thanks very much. chad in germany of firefighter has been killed as trying to rescue people trapped by severe funding in the south of the country. a state of emergency is in force as heavy rains and floods. bass of the region, the done, your river bust its banks and a passenger train, the land and the weight of water trigger a land stein, mow down, paused a full cost for later today. the amount of items that have to be thrown out if a huge a hi david is the president of demon start. her house was hit hard by the floods. the basement was completely flooded. she had 10 minutes to evacuate on saturday evening. she is still in shock about what happened. it was
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really bad. i was taking care of my daughter's dogs. they said, if we don't finish packing, we would have to leave the docks behind on it. well, it just wasn't acceptable for me because it was a catastrophe. luckily, she could save herself and her bets. now, the clean up has thought that many people have come to have all them. even if you always say every mind phone cell phone has. but in this case, everyone was sent to help everyone really help. so i can't say anything bad about that. there is still a lot of work to be done at her neighbors home as well, to be as down below in whites, off into his house. everything was full of water here, right up to here and everything is now broken. so many
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neighbors have come to volunteer for the clean up. most of the debris has been taken outside. we follow him into the basement. unfinished center here was also there's still a bit of stuff like that. many people have come here to have him to. and you can see from the door just how powerful the water was. like. the door was pushed out of a screen by the sheer force of the cotton as the rest of the basement doesn't look any better. the remaining pieces of furniture are being taken out by the fire brigade pass. i'm on. i took away from good. so me, when things get calm that you understand what happened to you is there also a lot of memories, these can no longer save mine own medicine con. these personal items. i'm mostly gone for good. while people are here in the doors are just
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starting to realize the extent of the disaster. for other towns in southern germany, the worst is yet to come. as water levels continue to rise to double default as a valid to joins us not from bavaria in the southern germany test. so how is the situation of the moment? the situation remains very tense right now. you can tell the rain has stopped, but this morning only it was pouring down with rain. and just behind me might look like a lake, actually is a tough that leads from one, but it's the next to giving you an idea of just how much water has arrived in the region. dikes continue to break down, continue to break, and that has not to mess the flooding here. meaning that voltage was in the basement. water was on ground levels. 170 a 5 had to be rescued from the balcony by helicopter. another one week old baby had
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to be safe, so very, very tens rescue x and i spoke to one lady and she said she went back to her apartment to save some valuables, to spite the orders of the firefighters to stay away. and she found herself encircled by the floods, fearing for her life. so really people tell me here they haven't seen anything like this in the decades. germany's down to the full spencer because of the affected areas today. what do people that expect from the german government? so obviously people are happy that they are showing that faces the page showing that supports that something that's really needed at the moment. but at the same time, people are also very critical. i spoke to one lady and she sided the odds of some of you as might remember this. this was 3 years ago when germany was hit by heavy, heavy floods. over a 100 people died, thousands of houses were destroyed and she said, we have not learned enough germany is not prepared enough for this kind of disasters. so she now expect the government to do more in the prevention efforts.
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but also a lot of people are looking at the damages already saying this will cost us billions . we need help to rebuild what of this. so this is also something fundamental help that they are expecting from the government in the intent of how people coping well, it's difficult, really tens of thousands have been evacuated. we have an emergency shelter just around the corner here where they can find some food and rest. thousands of emergency forces on the ground, police fire sides of red cross. and everyone's trying to help us on the deputies. huge as we had on the report, but really people also starting to tire out because it's been days now. so soldiers have been deployed to come into the area and help try to get some way out of people out of, of people's shoulders. and but really what's in everyone's minds obviously is the death of a firefight to 42 year old man who's on a rubber bold trying to save a family. and then he drawing himself. we have another 22 year old firefighter that
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still missing the rest of us is that continuing to look for him. so story, the story is like these obviously touched people the most to more heavy rain is also expected in the region when the situation at all ease of salt. as a moral and rain is expected exactly as thunder storms me tomorrow might look a bit better. but what is happening now is that the water that is coming from the tiny rivers into the bigger ones is now floating towards these bigger, bigger rivers, and towards biggest cities like eating support, for example. so really the south is now getting prepared. the cities are getting prepared, so no ok from the side yet. do the photo tests are about to thanks very much for that update. mean by the impulse, i'm talks ahead of november's un clements. somebody thought kicking off here in
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germany. negotiators are facing so many financial questions. they include how to get more money to developing nations at the hardest hit by climate change, but to contribute the cool in the way of greenhouse gases. we mean to coffee pharma in uganda who's trying to save his crop from rising temperatures. it may not look like good, but this is a coffee farm. aaron kee, i'll get planted, various shady trees around his coffee plants and central uganda. it's meant to protect his business in the face of climate change because hotter temperatures and longer drive belts have been destroying his crops, it bound to get a wine in the open in a day, the coffee is exposed success heats gave you on his cup quality is not as good as when it is drawing on to appreciate it. i know junior, had to sit down on the eu has dedicated 4500000 euros to this adver forestry project, which is being tested on 50 plots of land. and you've gone to the program also
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cooperates with local scientists to breed new dr. resistant strains of robust a coffee, a comic finance projects like these will take center stage at the un talks and button germany. here. thousands of delegates will leave the ground work for the you in climate summit and azerbaijan in november this year. that's a big focus on all sorts of issues, especially around finance, less than money for climate change, going to come from it. how does that look more of it? high income polluter nations have already agreed to pay $100000000000.00 per year to developing countries. money to be used to adapt to a heating, planet, or money to reduce the carbon emissions causing climate change. industrialized countries wanted to achieve this target by 2020, but they only hit it in 2022. and the deadline to set a new finance goal is just around the corner. it needs to be decided by the end of the year. pressure to up the target is growing significantly. the us based world resources institute estimates the climate finance needs to rise to
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a whopping 5 trillion dollars per year by 2030. what we're investing now. um, even even when it gets into the scalar trillions of dollars will saves multiple trillions of dollars in a void of damages and, and in and savings on fuel costs and even more, more efficient economies. before politicians can agree on a new finance, coal negotiators and bond need to go through the nitty gritty, technical details. it's only with this ground work that it will become clear which countries and private investors need to send money where. so that more nations that are especially vulnerable to climate change can recover from extreme weather invest . the new technologies are made the agriculture more resistance. for farmers like you're in curiosity in uganda. to present, mixed with pride revelers have became the colors of the national flag. from the far right, there were plenty of the customer, the rainbow banners on display of the annual rally in so follow. but at least the
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organizers also as members of the, as you bt plus community to red, green and yellow support as of the former president j to both donato had been using the brazilian flag to push bright spring policies. so i'll follow stages. one of the was biggest, prides for your wants indeed have been using as a quick reminder of a top stories, claudia shane bomb has been elected mexico's 1st female president. according to official preliminary results, the 61 year old's closest rival has now seated defeats. this is mexico's largest general election of history. the campaign was mobbed by violence involving drug costs. harold was at least $37.00 candidates mad at 10. so that because president sit around my post to his folder for the different parties to find common ground that the routing african national congress lost its long standing with daughter to the gate and to secure only 40 percent of the vote in nursing and actions. and must
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now seek coalition boxes to fall when you've got you're watching the, the news coming up after the break. it's the 7th, the 7 percent. and this week the focus is on language is with me tonight, judy and who speaks 7 different languages. 100 are spanish in berlin. see you by chatting about the,
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the, the how many of you speak more than 2 languages? at least 2 or more languages. we used to be taught to speak english. why we, we can, from the ground of speaking is like a we have to embrace and so i hear me. what do you do? you lose you? i just simply by learning another language. when i speak english, i said please,
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they can do this. pressing the 77 percent on dw, the, the the is, it is someplace power and key, more people than ever on the move world wide and such are based on life for the high successive in cardboard. that's sort of what i find out about bailey story. info, migraines, the
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we used to be forced to speak english. why we we can from becky ground of speaking . so here we have been raised on imply, healy yeah. no, i've been told go stories and so he no longer reading it is what he no longer writing for you you, you lose identity. we are just alone, our languages to die and we are in bracing languages that are not ours. you've got the right language. it does not all embrace communication, but also shapes or identities. how is seeing, how we perceive the world it 1st as the core of our existence. this is a highly personal motto, right?
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and today we're taking a closer look at why that is named by to jama. again.


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