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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin, severe flooding. it's germany, johnson, the own up charles arrives and for very are as 2 people are killed. i'm thousands, evacuated from their homes. a firefighter died was trying to rescue residents dropped to my rising waters. a state of emergency is in place also coming up called your friend bomb, becomes mexico's 1st female president. according to preliminary results. millions of voltage in an election, overshadowed by drugs, violence and the by those of dozens of political candidates. and israel's foreign
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ministry is undergoing pressure to accept the cause of things by applying active as one to bring them in. india who do agree a deal to free the hostages. but thought i'd hotline to say how boss must be destroyed 1st. the management of you're welcome to the program, jumping johnstone off shoulders visiting southern germany off to severe flooding left to people dead, and forced the houses of others to flee their homes. sholtes headed to the bavarian town of price to as whole for and alongside state premier in boxes so that it's $1.00 of many places that are flooded off to streams and rivers, including the done you best, the bangs, following heavy rains one firefighter died during the rescue efforts one another is missing the the photo test and walter has mall from bavaria for
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the amount of items that have to be towed out. if a huge heidi boot is the resident of the most out, house was hit hard by the floods. the basement was completely flooded. she had 10 minutes to evacuate on saturday evening. she is still in shock about what happened. it was really bad. i was taking care of my daughters dogs. they said, if we don't finish packing, we would have to leave the docks behind on it. or it just wasn't acceptable for me because it was a catastrophe. luckily, she could save herself and her pets. now the key knob has started. many people have come to have all them, even if you always say every mind phone, cell phone. but in this case everyone was sent to help everyone really help. so i can't say anything bad about that. there is still
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a lot of work to be done. i towed neighbors home as well to be as down below in whites, off into his house. everything was full of water here, right up to here. and everything is now broken. so many neighbors have come to volunteer for the clean up. most of the debris has been taken outside re follow him into the basement. unfinished center here was also there's still a bit of stuff like that. many people have come here to help them to. and you could see from the door just how powerful the water was, the door was pushed out of a screen by the sheer force of the car and the rest of the basement doesn't look any better. the remaining pieces of furniture are being taken out by the fire
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brigade pass. i'm home, i took away from feed. so me, when things get calm that you understand what happened to you is there also a lot of memories, these can no longer save mine. i wonder might have sometimes these personal items mostly going for good, while people here in the dollars are just starting to realize the extent of the disaster for other towns in southern germany, the worst is yet to come. as water levels continue to rise. and before jumping jobs, so all of schultz has visited the effective region. we spoke to the, the fault of the test on valid to she had this update on the situation and the was to the area as of a barrier. this, the situation remains very tends right now you can tell the rain has stopped, but this morning only it was pouring down with rain. and just behind me might look
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like a lake actually is a path that leads from one, but it's to the next to giving you an idea of just how much water has arrived. and the reason dikes continue to break them, continue to break, and that has not to mess the flooding here. meaning that voltage was in the basement. water was on ground levels. 170 a 5 had to be rescued from the balcony by helicopter. another one week old baby had to be safe, so very, very tens rescue ex and i spoke to one lady and she said she went back to her apartment to save some valuables, despite the orders of the firefighters to stay away. and she found herself encircled by the floods, fearing for her life. so really people tell me here they haven't seen anything like this, in that case. germany's down to the full spencer because of the affected areas today . what do people that expect from the german government? obviously people are happy that they are showing the faces that they're showing
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that supports that's something that's really needed at the moment. but at the same time, people are also very critical. i spoke to one lady and she sighed at the ad. so some of all of us might remember this. this was 3 years ago when germany was hit by heavy, heavy floods. over a 100 people died, thousands of houses were destroyed. and she said, we have not learned enough germany is not prepared enough for this kind of disasters. so she now expect the government to do more in the prevention efforts. but also a lot of people are looking at the damages already saying this will cost us billions . we need help to rebuild what of those. so this is also something financial help that they are expecting from the government in the intent of how people coping. it's well, it's difficult really tens of thousands have been evacuated. we have an emergency shelter just around the corner here where they can find some food and rest. thousands of emergency forces i know on the ground, police fire sides of red cross and everyone's trying to help this one. the deputies
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huge as we had on the report. but really people also starting to tire out because it's been days now. so soldiers have been deployed to come into the area and help try to get some way out of people out of, of people's shoulders. and but really what's in everyone's minds obviously is the death of a firefighter for the 2 year old man who's on a rubber bold trying to save a family. and then he draw on himself. we have another 22 year old firefighter that still missing the rest of the forces that continuing to look for him. so story, the story is like these obviously touched people the most to more heavy rain is also expected in the region when the situation at all ease of health today, more rain is expected exactly as thunder. storms in tomorrow might look a bit better. but what is happening now is that the water that is coming from the tiny rivers into the bigger ones is now floating towards these bigger,
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bigger rivers, and towards biggest cities like a seeking support, for example. so it really, it, the south is now getting prepared. the cities are getting prepared, so no ok from the side yet. do the test on about to thanks very much for that update. to mexico and next which has elected it's 1st female president by a landslide. according to official preliminary results, claudio sent by a former may of mexico city, looks set to win a double digit victory over. how do you have to strive all who has already conceded defeat? this is mexico's largest general election and history, but it's been marred by violence involving drug cartels. with these $37.00 political candidates, my dad, during the campaign at the country were around 10 women per day of being killed being murdered. we are looking at the country with a very high crime rate rate. this is agenda based violence that we're talking about
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. it's actually also called the silent epidemic here in mexico. and it is something that obviously with a female lead us many hope of will somehow change. we just don't know if it actually would change. because as i said earlier, shane boom will also follow in the footsteps of her party of the outgoing government as well. and the outcome and government hasn't been able to manage this method very well. if not, we would be talking about much less the victims of violence or of killings here. that was due to the corresponding nicole reese in mexico city from mexico's election to the election in south africa by president sitting around the whole so as cold and political parties to find common ground. after the ruling african national, congress lost its long standing majority. the body has dominate and south africa since the end of a potted, bought the bus now seats collision pop does some of those rival bodies say they would only deal with the amc? a from a full size stand stone. they left all commission of south africa. the glass,
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the results of the, of the 2024 national and provincial elections as free and fair for me. the end of the election period and the start of a new era in south africa. an era of coalition government at national level, while the ruling african national congress has secured more votes when its rivals. it doesn't have the majority to lead the country on its own. we have what this election has made plain is that the people of south africa expect to their lead us to work together to meet the needs. they expect the parties for which they have voted to find a common ground to overcome their differences, to act and work together for the good of every one
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political parties. we'll spend the next few days discussing potential coalition agreements, meaning recent photos will have to become fost frames. we've heard about to, to scenarios in that is a n, c, d i s b as the most favorable one in terms of the, of stabilizing the country. and stabilizing markets, and the we've heard about the a and c, a 5th. i am kate, but remember in case going to peak condition, normal force. if you don't know if there's, if there's around the force of the day, we don't talk you from forces not then we talk to the n c. many parties have already made it clear. they'll have strict terms and conditions before joining hands with the a and c. i said 10 fundamental things that you'll, you'll know that this to break us the thing says the issue of land and is not something that you can compromise on. yeah. but what,
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who are in gauge, open minded, kind of an engagement. and then we'll take it from the political analysts say the amc will also have to consider what impact a deal would have on both domestic and foreign policy inside the party. do lead as i agree on the direction that the part to you should take or the opposed to that, that part issue that dropped on the other side. the what you made them, nation out of the interest of extend that'll play as will carry quite a you know, way to let you to miss the such as business as civil society, an international community who will be putting pressure to political parties as the electoral commission. reps up. it's what political parties into the next phase. they have just 14 days within which to form the national and provincial governments . some say this is
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a very short time for parties who have significant ideological differences to reach an agreement is to the big 13, regardless of who gets the upper hand. the general feeling in the country is that south africa's democracy is the main window in the selection international. immediately i was i calling on both isabella and come us to agree to a cease fire proposal put forward by us president joe biden is ready for mr. benjamin netanyahu is under intense domestic pressure. some want him to reach of tools and secure the immediate release of hostages, taken by her mas during that october 7th attack. by nathan. yeah. who's followed by allies up threatening to bring down the government? if he does so, since the beginning of the war netanyahu has insisted on the total destruction of from us, he has carefully avoided defining any clear timeline for ending the conflict or any
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discussion of the day of the in gaza. but now his hand may, has been forced by a truce proposal forwarded by us president joe. but the deal would bring a permanent ceasefire in garza, in exchange for the remaining hostages, held by him a crucially, the us stresses the plan is not this. this was, is really a proposal. we have every expectations that if a mazda agrees to the proposal as was transmitted to them and is really a proposal, that is where it would say, yes, well, how much is it views the proposal positively netanyahu's fall right? allies of fury is got it is a reckless deal. there was no total victory except the total, the feed for him us. i mean i say that a prime minister netanyahu continues to lead this deal. we will dismantle the government to accept the ultimatum has left to the prime minister facing a stock choice. and the clock is ticking. ok last month,
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one of the members of israel's 3 man war cabinets when it gets delivered to an ultimatum of his own. den scapes the government until june 8th, to come up with a plan for the future in gaza. or he'll withdrawal from the government. the pressure is mounting on it and yahoo and it's coming from all sides. so the pressure is also bending on the 9th and yahoo government to show it as a plan for what happens and gaza off to the wall. i asked the correspondent rebecca of it as if defense minister, you're off kalonde. and although i was in the water cabinet considering the promise to an apology, as a governing option in the palestinian authority is certainly one serious option that is being talented by the united states for one. certainly, that's what they're saying. they'd like to say in a post full gaza, that a revitalized palestinian authority is they say, could been govern both the west bank and the gaza strip. currently, obviously,
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as we know, they don't govern in gaza, but they do govern in the west bank though, there are issues they largely seen as corrupt. they don't have a huge support base. they haven't had held election so many years and, you know, they don't have a lot of authority with palestinians in general. so that's why the us a cooling for them to be revitalized. but, you know, the benjamin at yahoo said he does not say that as the option. you'll have good luck has criticized benjamin netanyahu for not coming out with a post. a post guides a will plan. he says that you know, that, that it's irresponsible that they need to be making a plan. he sent me against establishing a is riley civilian control in gauze. is that something going on his head? he does not want to see. and he's old for palestinian entities governing in areas along with international bodies. but we'll just have to see what happens. he hasn't specified whether he means those governing entities to be the palestinian authority . but that is
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a very unpopular option for these ready governments. and that was due the correspondence, rebecca editors in general's to them. yeah, in germany, a police officer has died after being stopped during an attack in mon heim, in the south west of the country. the soldiers took place during the valley by an empty some group on friday. the attack i enjoyed several others before being salt and injured by police. investigators have identified the suspect as a 25 year old man who came to germany from abundance done in 2014. what do you say? they still haven't been able to question him, due to his injuries, a deed of losing a house that has more information about the incident. i asta, how german politicians have been reacting to the news of the police officers. dest? well definitely that have been lots of reactions since sunday night when the news was announced that the police man has indeed died of his injuries. so it has cost
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an outcry here in $70.00, the german president and several local politicians, but also politicians from the german government. the federal government have expressed as chalk, including chancellor left towards the interior administer. and then he says, uh who said that the policeman has courageously intervene to save lives and that he quote, died in the service of all safety. so the incident, as you said, occurred on friday and i've seen the video virus is really a shockingly brutal. the incident occurred on the market square in the western german city of mount high, broad daylight where there was an event find as long critical movement. and in the video, you can clearly see amanda, suddenly attacking one of the organizers of the event that mine was in just a policeman, then intervened on the man with a knife, attacked him too before the 2nd policeman. sauces him so that he was also into the park perpetration was also ended. so we now know that he is a 25 year old mine from us. got a son who came to germany as a teenager 10 years ago. he's said to be married and having 2 children and that
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he's so fond not been known to the authorities. and the motive say the authorities remains unclear for now because they just haven't been able to talk to him yet. they haven't been able to question him. but the police union have also reacted with consent and very angry. and they've said that, and i quote, the violence that we encounter on a daily basis is relentlessly brutal in humane and often deadly. your opinion, elections are set to get under way of this week. nina, this incidents have an influence on voters in germany. it is not just this incident. there is a mood here in germany where in the lead up to the elections that have been many reports of people being attacked, people being styled to that that is the minimum, but also people being pulled down from ladders when they're putting up election posters, etc. but this case definitely has a broad base. this tends feeling to the next level if you will,
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with the police mind dying from his injury. so is very intense, very tense. mood at the moment. leave it there for the moment. did that, but you particular correspondence in the hospital, thanks very much. now important thoughts ahead of november's un climate summit. kicking off here in germany. negotiators are facing sony financial questions. they include how to get more money to develop emissions that the hardest hit by climate change, but to contribute little in the way of greenhouse gases. we meet the coffee fall, my new gund who's trying to save his crop from rising temperatures. it may not look like it, but this is a coffee farm. aaron key i'll get planted various shady trees around his coffee plants and central uganda. it's meant to protect his business in the face of climate change. because hotter temperatures and longer drive bills have been destroying his crops, it bound to get a line in the open air in
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a day the coffee is exposed success heats gave you on his cup. quality is not as good as when it is drawing on to appreciate it. i know junior, had to sit down on the eu has dedicated 4500000 yours to this adver forestry project, which was being tested on 50 plots of land. and you've gone to the program also cooperates with local scientists to breed new dr. resistant strains of robust a coffee, the comic sinus projects like these will take center stage at the un talks and button germany here. thousands of delegates will lay the groundwork for the you and climate summit and azerbaijan, in november this year. that's a big focus on all sorts of issues, especially around finance, less than money for climate change, trying to come from and how does that look more of it? high income polluter nations have already agreed to pay $100000000000.00 per year to developing countries. money to be used to adapt to a heating, planet, or money to reduce the carbon emissions causing climate change. industrialized
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countries wanted to achieve this target by 2020, but they only hit it in 2022. and the deadline to set a new finance goal is just around the corner. it needs to be decided by the end of the year. pressure to up the target is growing significantly. the us based world resources institute estimates the climate finance needs to rise to a whopping 5 trillion dollars per year by 2030. what we're investing now. um, even even when it gets into the scale of trillions of dollars, we'll save multiple trillions of dollars in a void. it damages and then, and savings on fuel costs and, and, and even more, more efficient in economies before politicians can agree on a new finance. coal negotiator is inviting you to go through the nitty gritty, technical details. it's only with this ground work that it will become clear which countries and private investors need to send money where sold up more nations that are especially vulnerable to climate change can recover from extreme weather invest
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. the new technologies are made through agriculture, more resistance, for farmers like you're in kiosk and uganda and dw invited mentor bought a beatrice kristof auto is in bon, where those preparatory talks are taking place. i also why the stocks draw so much attention months ahead of the actual cop climate summit. yeah, as the cops summit at the end of the year, a real leaders will only have 2 weeks to discuss really, really complicated climate questions. so conference like this one is super important to provide the building blocks for those discussions. so here you're not going to see world leaders or high ranking ministers, but you're going to see expert negotiators from all the governments. and they're really going to go through the nitty gritty, technical details. so because there's not as much political scrutiny here, they can talk about things like timeframes transparency arrangements, you know, the actual science of it. and then the hope is that they're going to leave the technical foundation that politicians can use later on in the year to hopefully
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come to an agreement. you said in order for the debt against would be discussing a new finance course. are there any sticking points? yeah, there's massive pressure to really increase the final school this year. but the big question is, how are we going to unlock that extra money to to know, to help vulnerable nations that are disproportionately affected by climate change. and so one of the things on the table is, how do we incentivize private investments? so we're not only depending on government coffers and what some experts are saying is that ultimately that's still the state's responsibility because it's government signing these un agreements with the governments that are being held to uh, to account. so what can governments do to incentivize those private investments may be subsidies, regulations, taxation. these are all things that are on the table. another sticking point is up lots of the developing countries who are already paying
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a lot in climate action. one more help from countries that maybe don't count technically counts as developed or high income, but that already have huge emissions, which also makes them responsible. so for example, these are countries like china or saudi arabia. but realistically speaking, how spock and negotiators progress on these issues of a bon conference? yeah, that's always a big problem because the technical details that are being discussed, you're absolutely vital for a good deal. that all countries will hopefully agree on in the end. but uh, the issue with the bund conference is that because it, you know, your needs, when a contentious issue gets to a certain point, you just need a politicians to sign off on it. and because there isn't a set formal binding deadline at the end of these 2 weeks here in bon, oftentimes the conversations and negotiations can get stuck. but the dream scenario, of course, is that all that ground work gets done to really
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a perfect technical foundation. so then the decision making up the cop and azerbaijan can be much easier and leave it there for the moment. those beatrice kristof auto and bon, thanks very much for that update. you're watching the videos coming up off the break eco africa. i'm british bandages, but in the, by the
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the, there's more to sustainable fishing than just missing with allah and go out to see together big old cultural heritage. sharefile's fishing is a traditional technique. archipelago of care kinda it's importance of lead artist. i mean it to be, it's in bassett or eco next on d w. all that's left is the grades. and then slide barry
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to manuel saw that it was the path to his wife and to he caused it to st. but the catastrophe was caused by blood for a new highway a chinese construction projects in columbia. with no regard for the logo in 60 minutes on d w, the name is debbie. i have 3 kids. my name is steve, i'm out of the cottage and that i d cage, but the police, they believe in doing this. me that i'm seeing my name is tim. run sony. i like reporting, moving from one village to another. financially, we have very strong things to go for my family. this is india is new generation.
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what are they doing in the world commerce help in this country? what do they want to change in a society full of contrasts? the indian aids stuff, june 5th. i'm d, w the a quite a few environmental activities. the realize that slowing down is one way to leave more sustainably. we'll proceed how simplifying our lives and thinking creatively can reduce our impact on the not through weld. welcome to eco africa. i'm crystal lives in lagos, nigeria, the modem was culture of convenience, has a very damaging effect. what if we.


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