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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the business dw new is live from bell in city of flooding, hits germany, sounds sort of, shots arrives in bavaria as 2 people are killed in thousands of actuated from the homes of 55 that died was trying to rescue residents tracked by rising was of a state of emergency is in place in many effective areas. also coming off israel's prime minister, on the growing press up to accept a, gaza seize 5 plus active a splunk benjamin. that's a job to read the deal to free the hostages box fluoride hotline is say home us
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must be destroyed for task. tensions are rising in the baltics also. you franklin's russia is planning most publications in the region. the gulf is welcome to the program. it's also one of shows is visiting southern germany after severe flooding left to people dead and force thousands to flee the home shows headed to the bavarian town of price that sold some alongside states finance mach was due to it's one of many places that were flooded off to streams and rivers, including the danube verse, the banks following heavy rains 155 to died during the risk you f. it's while another one is missing, the body of a woman was also found in a flooded cellar. a demons house, the order of souls was breached by emergency cruise during the visits and he
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pledged most support. we have added on this double do everything we can, including using federal government resources to ensure that help can be provided quickly. there are already many emergency crews from across the country involved and the army will, of course, continue to promote the solidarity that we have in germany and tom vita pull on thousands of people have been affected by the floods so far and more. rain is full cost, the very a as being hit the west, alongside with the south west and state of bottom doesn't back. you can see the extent off the flop flooding. many residents have been forced to leave the homes and have been trying to salvage what they come to us of us, and our reports from tom, with the clean up is well underway. the amount of items that have to be shown out. if huge, heidi boot is the president of the most start. her house was hit hard by the floods
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. the basement was completely flooded. she had 10 minutes to evacuate on saturday evening. she is still in shock about what happened this week. it was really bad. i was taking care of my daughters dogs. they said, if we don't finish packing, we would have to leave the docks behind on it. or it just wasn't acceptable for me because it was a catastrophe. luckily, she could save herself and her bets. now the clean up has started. many people have come to have all the, even if you always say every mind phone, cell phone, in this case everyone was sent to help everyone really help. so i can't say anything bad about that. there is still a lot of work to be done at her neighbor's home as well
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to be as down below in whites, off into his house. everything was full of water here, right up to here. and everything is now broken. so many neighborhoods have come to volunteer for the clean up. most of the debris has been taken outside. we follow him into the basement. unfinished center here was also there's still a bit of stuff like that. many people have come here to help them to. and you can see from the door just how powerful the water was, like the door was pushed out of a screen by the sheer force of the car and the rest of the basement doesn't look any better. the remaining pieces of furniture are being taken out by the fire brigade, grass, and i took away from its own me when things get calm that you understand what happened to you as a rule. so a lot of memories,
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these can no longer save mine own who might have encountered these personal items, mostly going for good. the white people here in the doors are just starting to realize the extent of the disaster. for all the towns in southern germany, the worst is yet to come. as water levels continue to rise, all the w every post as a advisor who filed that report joins us now from the very end in southern germany to us of the house. the situation that the moment i am currently in munching. and as you can see right behind me, this used to be defensive tone, where people could woke freely and from that time and it has turned into a lake. people here actually expecting the flats to continue to revise because the site has road flooding. the inside of it is that gives you an idea of where people
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are going through the basement of flux, which is now the in the region. we had some of the, a 5 that to be rescued from the balcony. they rescued. so everything here is is a difficult situation. ok, due to the bad quality of the line, we're going to try to re establish that and maybe to professor a bit later in the program. let's have a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. as your current president brought him is a landscape and has met with philippines. president, 7th, macos junior in manila, ukrainian president as making a rev visit to asia. he's been urging lead us to attend a ukrainian peace conference that's planned in switzerland place of this month.
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south korea says it is suspending a military agreement intended to reduce tensions with north korea. also the north, since schools of trash field balloons over the border, john young has said it will stop sending them as long as south korea, south korea and active is spreading propaganda leaf. so that's the way i, cloudy. i've seen bomb is about to become mexico's 1st female president of the arrivals. conceited with around 2 thirds of the vote counted shooting bomb was well and delete with 58 percent of the votes. routing marine a positive and it's l as also on track for 2 thirds super majority in palm international media. it is uh, calling on both israel and thomas to agree to cease 5 proposal put forward by us president george by joe biden. brother, is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under intense domestic pressure.
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some want him to reach a truce and secure the immediate release of hostages, taken by him off doing the october 7th, tara tax documents in y'all's fall. ride allies are threatening to bring down the government if he does so. since the beginning of the war netanyahu has insisted on the total destruction of from us, he has carefully avoided defining any clear timeline for ending the conflict or any discussion of the day off the in gaza. but now his hand may, has been forced by a truce proposal forwarded by us president joe. but to video would bring a permanent ceasefire in garza, in exchange for the remaining hostages, held by him a crucially, the us stresses the plan is no. this, this was, is really a proposal. we have every expectations that if a mazda agrees to the proposal as was transmitted to them and is really a proposal,
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that is where it would say, yes, well, how much is it views the proposal positively. netanyahu's file, right allies of feelings is got it is a reckless deal. there was no total victory except a total the feed for him us. and i say that a prime minister netanyahu continues to lead this deal. we will dismantle the government to accept the ultimatum has left to the prime minister facing a stock choice. and the clock is ticking. ok last month, one of the members of israel's 3 man war cabinets when it gets delivered to an ultimatum of his own. den scapes the government until june 8th, to come up with a plan for the future in gaza. or he'll withdrawal from the government. the pressure is mounting on it and yahoo! and it's coming from all sides. as got some more context from professor, you'll see medical back from the middle east and north africa program off the think
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time the think tank. chatham house, the prime minister. this is yeah. finds himself in a sort of a clinch between his own government, the us, and the will of many of his own people who de monte bring the hostages home. is that a circle? he just con, square a piece of this because it says it's a square of but the sort of thing is on nature. and he's the one this phone, the government decides that as most basic all to whatsoever they don't understand how goes on inductive. they've stamps, let me see, i need you of the was and they will continue. well, for the pressure from the united states actually hadn't thing is i now to end this this well, because is a search phone phone from the outset and on the, on the kind of a, of the story of the story from us. and we see 8 months later,
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it's still big into being 2 guys and soldiers and tops fixed away is that, is it already was supposed to clean from home, or how much say really 10. so it's, it's a time to and this will to bring the hostages, bear it to look into the future of the construction of, of gaza and also to look at the big picture on days of any product. now this is not the 1st time that the us especially is putting pressure on that to job if he says no, again, what effect will that like to have on us is really relations? well, joe biden lose patience to s. s s c one. just so this is initially proposal, so one is use this, it was discussed with with we smith, i'm going to go see it. so she goes back or is what this great. so the tension this with weird question don't we know it's a,
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it's an election year and in the united states. but the patience is, i don't know that i think it's pronounced. and while ago, there is a difference between that and got right now between the lack of patients we spend that time, you know, government at the same time of the united states. we are now know as an option here because use this approach or even from the position those as deep joy and the government integration. after october the survey said it was full. you found outside the parties, the policy. this was, you know, position before october 7th, says exactly the same. the spouse of the ultimate to off bleaching could be along this lines and supporting that then, you know, but the end of the day it is decision lucky code says the country always vested interest. but there is also another complication that has to do with the case of
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the supreme court. actually deliberately think about the issue of the last thing, getting all those into the me and use my it's complicated. this is the which might and actually in, in the election. quite so how likely do you think it is that this, this governments mentioned? yeah, i was, government breaks down it's, it's a very possibility. it's the most important thing. it's not whether it's has that we know in democracy, that's the supposed also majority empowerment in the class it. but if you look at every say, probably continue with this government that there's no model this phone the probably because what happens since the last election and seeing the was a c change in use. this is not to the info, this is a government expanded speaker, not most of the service and phase the country ever since. so they're, they're,
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they're probably is, is this the, it's for the election. it's time and again, this is most, nathan, you know, out and, and then you government, that's with this, you a blessing issues with the terms that came the complication of all those things. it's all to do at the side effects you selecting the lives of governments. if there is a deals, these inputs that show to excel is like an escalade, the well, it was faced by the nose because this is the only model so prevented the no, no the ending. well, thank you very much. as it may go back on the think tank shots on the house in front of you. your clients president william is zalinski claims. moscow is planning more quote, protocol publications, and the baltic region. he was speaking during a visit to nato's newest member suite. so lensky is comments follow incidents last month, where if you had rush,
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i was calling to question some of its borders on the baltic sea long. the buffer zone between russia and the west. but tensions have been rising and the baltic after rushes invasion of ukraine prompted previously neutral, finland and sweden to join nato, which is now seen by moscow as an even bigger threat. the western military alliance, which also includes the former soviet baltic republics, now surrounds practically the entire baltic sea highlighted here in blue. only the cold in, in grad exc wave and gulf of finland are controlled by russia. last month, moscow set off alarm bells with this statement by the defense ministry saying that the state border of the russian federation at sea will change. the statement was retracted hours later without clarification. but russia noted that the political situation in the region had changed fundamentally since the last border measured
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kremlin spokesman dmitri prescott said, you see how tensions have escalated and what the level of confrontation is, especially in the baltic. this of course, requires us to take appropriate steps to ensure our security one area that could be effected as rushes cooling in grad escalades between nato members. poland and lithuania. countries can restrict to ships rites of passage within their territory, a waters marked here in yellow. but not in their exquisite economic zone here in blue, extending 200 nautical miles from shore. the other area affected could be the gulf of finland, and it's islands, the waterway between water. now nato members been led into stone. here was historically, russia's gateway to western europe. here the territorial waters are even closer, which could lead to confrontation more easily. russia's neighbors stayed there,
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watching moscow was moves closely as we are. and we have to be built a badge against all kind of threats coming from russia. but now it's, it's time to be, come on and look very carefully about what the relay is happening. maybe they are testing us. another flash point in the region is sweden's island, difficult land, the island which has no nato territory. ly strategically right smack in the middle of the baltic sea. in 2005 goldman was the militarized and adjuster of peace and cooperation. but in the wake of russia's aggression in ukraine, sweden has, we armed the island and reinforced a troop number's sweden's top. the military chief has warranted that russian president vladimir putin has his eyes set on gold lined for its strategic position . he recently told the german news outlet that pretend school was control of the
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baltic sea, but it's got some analysis and now it was on a visa and a direct to full northern europe at the atlantic council. she turns us from the swedish capital stuck on. now, why is the baltic sea so important for the football team? well, the baltic sea has always been important for russia. it's about to my routine, the power. it's about the most efficient way of the supply and trade routes, routes for, for russia, and, and they also have to in shape of the cleaning, broad, highly militarized. as we saw here on the maps within the access area, denial of buckled, created their since about a decade and with a very advanced weapon systems. so this is a crucial area for, for russian has always been, me, not russia's defense ministry has posted a document outlining its plans to redraw the baltic. sea board is the only to remove it all those lights. what do you make of that a well that's, that's
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a very classic russian way of doing things. it's a bit of the upside down world to act, to, uh, to intimidate and to create and security and doubts, and then create tensions. and then the next step would be to ask them back to say that they need to increase their security because of the tensions they have created . so i think this is just what we have seen part of their shadow. busy or of their hybrid activities that they have conducted ever since the illegal and extension of premier in 2014 actually for this region. now many say that by adding filling that sweet into the cloud, nato as essentially books, russia, is it surprising that russia would lash out? well, it started with russia, acting aggressively. as i mentioned in 2014,
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we had been for instance, an intense submarine honk and the swedish archipelago had a range of russian intrusions into our air space. we had roster, conducting exercises at training with nuclear weapons and the air fight to deaths. so they have been acting very assertive in the region for a long time, and that's why sweden and finland and decided to join nato at so you have to, to keep in mind what, what came 1st. so to say in russia's aggressive behavior came 1st, or you visit a few incidents, what, what's your read on russia's latest maneuvers? do you think that most of really once a confrontation with nice, so when russia eh, has said that they are in, in a consultation with nato for quite some time now in their official documents. and it serves the purpose of, of having an enemy,
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a board and strengthening the machine in words and the war. and ukraine also serves this purpose at for the food in the machine at so unfortunately, we see this both in the middle, the terrace fair and not least in the hybrid spare. and with vast as to formation cyber attack, sabotage, and so on, is the best jamming a weapon, ization of immigrants. it's just all over. and. and unfortunately, from the russian perspective, they are already a confronting the west and they don't do you think that made to has been to 2 minutes? so 5, it's response to rushes of aggression. yes, unfortunately it is a fact that russia understands the language of strength and the west. that's not really shown that in 2014 of the, the rest of the legally onyx to premier at the us actually decreased its overall
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defense spending. and germany became energy dependent on russian gas. and we also have not deterred russia in the hybrid stair. so we need a quite a drastically now to increase our defense spending only $21.00 out of $32.00 nato allies would reach the 2 percent of data p target at the nato summit in july. and this needs to accelerate and not only to help ukraine, but also to strengthen our own defenses. that's the language that restaurant the stance. and that could serve as for the next steps to if we have strong russell would be more willing to negotiate and calm down on nobody's down to the, the director for northern europe at the atlantic council. many, thanks for sharing your expertise with us. thank you. let's have a look now. some of the other stories making headlines. georgia's parliament speaker has signed a controversial for an influence built into low that's off to the ruling. the
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georgia dream policy voted to override the presidential veto on the measured last week. the government task press the head despite months of most protests and warnings from the you that is low will torpedo it's bit to join the blog in california, 5 slides are still battling a lot file that has already been through the 14000 acres of land officials set the plays around a 100 kilometers east of san francisco was partially contained and evacuation. order in the area has been lifted, but residents are being, it's to remain vigilant. in germany, a police officer and as died officer being stopped doing an attack in mom, hyman's office, germany. this all took place during a riley by an anti islam for on friday. the attack injury to several demonstrate just before being saw, sent injured by police suspect is
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a 25 year old man who came to germany from afghanistan 10 years ago. police say they still haven't been able to question him due to his injuries. now that's good, a more on this from all she physically corresponding, you know, how is it, you know, what has been the reaction to the offices that sofa or has caused an outcry here in germany. you have to say that the german president politicians across the board, including from the federal government, a whole express that's talking there and got including tons, level f sorts who said that the police are not courageously intervene to save lives . and so it's announced tough accent against all those who are trying to restrict the freedom to express your opinion. so the incident occurred on friday and i've seen the video gather and it truly is horrible. the incident occurred on the market square in the western german city of mount time, or there was an event buying is long critical movement. and in the video, you can see mind the suddenly attacking one of the organizers of the event that mom
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was injured. as a policeman then intervened, and mine was nice, attacked him before the 2nd policeman. sauces him so that he was also inches. and we now know, as you said, that the perpetrates there is a 25 year old man mine from afghanistan to came to germany as a teenager. 10 years ago he said to be married with 2 children and so far, not known to the authorities. and the authorities still haven't said anything about the motive because he hasn't been questions because he was also injured. but emotions are of course, running high and long time in particular where the incident occurred fall right and fall left groups had to a confrontation on sunday night. it's off to the news broke, that the policeman has indeed died. you said the motions of around the highs high and you know, how will this incident influence votes us in germany ahead of the european election in roughly 10 days as well? it is adding fuel to the fire in a situation where the mood is already tense. here in 70,
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in the run up to the european elections. we've reported about several incidents in recent weeks where people have used differing degrees of violence against people who express an opinion that's different to that road. and so the threshold appears to be lower to use violence. and this case obviously is particularly tragic. and the other impact that this incident has is of course that it has triggered the debates again about the risk of islamist attacks. and so far we don't know what the motive was, but it happened as an as long critical event. and the mind is from, of kind of some people are jumping to all sorts of conclusions and the security was already is, have kept stressing over the last few years. that right when extremism is by far the biggest threat for security in germany. but some people, and i was saying that we need to have a more level headed debate about the people who have moved to germany as well. and all sorts of risks to the democratic system, no matter where the threats come from,
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to physical corresponding, you know, how's of that. thank you very much, nina. or and that's it from me. and as in those teams on out, i will have an update for you at the top policy. duncan web coming up is global us . thank you very much for watching. i'm glad offices. the
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