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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news light from the city of flooding hits germany trans that would have chosen bavaria. this 2 people are killed and thousands of actuated from the homes. a state of emergency is insights and many affected areas also coming up as well as prime ministers on the growing pressure to except of gaza sees 5 plus active as small benjamin. that's now to agree a deal to free the hostages boss hotline is. and it's government se from us must be destroyed 1st. the
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gulf is welcome to the program. democrats that one of shows is visiting southern germany of to severe flooding left to people dead, and forced thousands to flee the homes. sholtes headed to the bavarian town of guys that sold alongside state premium. mako sued up, it's one of many places that were flooded off to streams and rivers, including the danube. burst the banks following heavy rains. 155 to die during the rescue efforts. while another is missing, the body of a woman was found in a flooded cellar. john sort of shows was brief by emergency cruise during his visit . the pledge most support a valid in august the everything we can including using federal government resources to ensure that help can be provided quickly. there are already many
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emergency crews from across the country involved and the army will of course, continue to promote the solidarity that we have in germany, which on top vitae full, i'm going thousands of people have been affected by the floods. so far more rain is full cost, the very has been affected, the west, along with a south west of the state of buttons built in back. you can see the extent of the flooding. many residents have been forced to leave the homes and have been trying to salvage what they come to us about. and our reports from one town where the clean up is well underway. the amount of items that have to be thrown out, if huge, heidi village is the president of demon start. her house was hit hard by the floods . the basement was completely flooded. she had 10 minutes to evacuate on saturday evening. she is still in shock about what happened.
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it was really bad. i was taking care of my doctors dogs. they said, if we don't finish packing, we will have to leave the docks behind on it. well, it just wasn't acceptable for me because it was a catastrophe. luckily, she could save herself and her bets. now, the clean up has started. many people have come to have all them, even if you always say every mind phone cell phone has. but in this case, everyone was sent to help everyone really help. so i can't say anything bad about that. there is still a lot of work to be done to a neighbor's home as well, to be at down below, in whites, off into his house. everything was full of water here right up to here and everything is now broken. so
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many neighborhoods have come to volunteer for the clean up. most of the debris has been taken outside, re follow him into the basement. and for center here was also there's still a bit of stuff like that. many people have come here to help them to. and you could see from the door just how powerful the water was. like the door was pushed out of a screen by the sheer force of the car and the rest of the basement doesn't look any better. the remaining pieces of furniture are being taken out by the fire brigade, grass, and i took away from beats sony when things get calm, that you understand what happened to you. is that a role? so a lot of memories can no longer save mine. i wonder what i think on these personal items. i'm mostly going for good. while people here indeed all are just
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starting to realize the extent of the disaster. for all the towns in southern germany, the worst is yet to come. as water levels continue to drive the w report, a test via the fall, the actually pull it and she joins us now from the very end, southern germany test to describe the situation for us at the moment. i am currently in the ton of munching and right now you can see behind me actually the house of the fire brigade that was completely flooded on the other side to see 1st houses of the town have also been hit hard by the floods. i can tell you in the city center does not look any better. and that just gives you an idea of what the region he is going through. people have what's in the basement. people have water on ground flows. we had a, some of the, a 5 the had to be rescued by helicopter, from the balcony, a one week old baby that had to be saved
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a talk to one lady. she would actually be back to her house because she wants to say some of the valuables, despite the orders of the firefighters, and see all of a sudden was encircled by the floods, fearing for her life trying to get out. luckily she did, but hear and mentioning people, that's good because water levels us still continuing to rise due to a dike that broke a bit further upstream. so freely attend situation here. now we had done in child support of souls promising more help people getting enough aid. i spoke to a few people here in town and they told me a soldiers actually arrive to yesterday and helped throughout the nights, which was of relief. but freely, it is mostly on the shoulders of the firefighters, the local emergency forces, and that doing the very best to help but freely. they are also starting to be tired and some people have told me now to help us need help because they've been going on
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for days. and they are trying to be the best. but really it is a 10 situation. and everyone's hoping for. yeah, for this to find an end soon, but it's not looking like it. now apparently more heavy rain is expected in the region, is that i know it using of the situation in size of the well for today you can tell the rain has stopped, but it is set to continue and the moment and it will continue throughout the day people continues to be effectuated here. dikes sometimes continue to break, so it really is a volatile situation. so he is now in this town. people still trying to get ready for move, floods, sun bugs up, being filled for them to use a trying to help and protect as many houses as possible. but really what they've told me is once the flood hit, you can't do anything. you just have to hold for the best and pray, and this is what people here doing now get up and report
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a test of both of their reporting. thank you very much. the as a as a real quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. the left, when i call the scene bomb is said to become mexico's 1st female, president of the arrivals have conceded with around 2 thirds of the vote constitution bomb was whether the leads of 58 percent of the routing were in a positive. and it's also also on track for 2 thirds majority impala. georgia's problem and speaker has assigned a controversial for an influence built into an old that's up to the ruling georgia dream pond to voted to override a presidential veto on the measures. last week, the government has pressed the heads, despite months of mosse protests and full names from the you that the law will tell people it's been to join the block. 5 fights, as in california, still battling a log file that has already been through 14000 acres of land officials set the
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blaze around. 100 kilometers east of san francisco was partially contained evacuation order and the area has been lifted. both residents are being asked to remain vigilant. this is really media is reporting that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is the 1st phase of gaza sees 5 plan could happen before an agreement is reached on what comes next. international media, it is, i've been calling on both each row and come us to agree to a truce, put forward by us presidential by the plan includes the release of hostages, taken by home off during that october 7th terror attack. the votes, as news agency says, netanyahu's quotes have been leaked from the closed old problem entry meeting. since the beginning of the war, netanyahu has insisted on the total destruction of from us. he has carefully avoided defining any clear timeline for ending the conflict or any discussion of
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the day off the in gaza. but now his hand may, has been forced by a truce proposal forwarded by us president joe, but the deal would bring a permanent ceasefire and gaza in exchange for the remaining hostages, held by him a crucially, the us stresses the plan is no. this, this was, is really a proposal. we have every expectations that if a mazda agrees to the proposal as was transmitted to them, and it's really a proposal that is where it would say, yes, well, how much is it views the proposal positively? netanyahu's fall right allies of fury is got it is a reckless deal. there is no total victory except the total the feed for him us. i mean, i say that if prime minister netanyahu continues to lead this deal, we will dismantle the government to have some of the ultimatum has left to the
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prime minister facing a stock choice. and the clock is ticking. okay, last month, one of the members of israel's 3 man war cabinet. any dance, deliberate, an ultimatum of his own guns gave the government until june 8th to come up with a plan for the future in gaza. or he'll withdrawal from the government. the pressure is mounting on netanyahu, and it's coming from all sides. and i also see nickelback from the middle east, the north africa program at the think tank of johnson house, where the israel's prime ministers just fine finds himself in a circle that he just cons. flaps, since he is under pressure from the us, is own government. and these very public each of these because it says it's a square out, but the sort of thing is on nature. and he's the one this phone, the government decides that says no. so thank you out, look whatsoever they don't understand how those of inductive they have them. let me
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see, i need you of the was and they will continue the role for the pressure from the united states. actually having thing is like now to end this this well, because is a search phone phone from the outset and on the, on the kind of a, of the story of the story from us and the c h months later to dig into, into guys are and bring soldiers and top specs to areas that you it already was supposed to clean from home for how much say really 10. so it's, it's a time to and this will link the hostages, bear it to look into the future of the construction of, of gaza and also to look at the bigger picture they use of any further off. now this is not the 1st time that the us especially is putting pressure on it to jot.
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if he says no, again, what effect will that like you have on us is really relations will drove by news patients as a c one just so this isn't easily proposal. so one is use this it was discussed with, with, with smith. i know in regards yet, so she goes back or is what this great. so the tension basically is weird question . don't we know it's a, it's an election year in the, in the united states. but the patience is, i don't doubt that i think it sounds. and while ago there is a difference between the day and god right now between the lack of patients we spend that time, you know, government at the same time of the united states. we are that know as an option here because use this approach or even from the position those dean joy and the government in declination after october the service said it was the full you found
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outside the default. this is the policy, this was, you know, position before october 7th, says exactly the same. the spouse of the ultimate to off bleaching. you'd be along these lines and supporting them, you know, but the end of the day, it is decisions lucky code says, the country always vested interest. but there is also another complication that has to do with the case of the supreme called the actually the liberal. they think about the issue of the last thing they will call to those into the me and use my, it's complicated, this is for them which might and actually in the election quite so it was. so you may call back from them at least, and they'll have like a pro, a program of the think tanks to a mouse if you want to change dw news. here's a reminder of our top story germantown sort of, shots, isn't the very best to be of flooding lives to people that several 1000 people have
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had to evacuate their homes. state of emergency is in full as heavy rains and floods keep battering the reach. that's it from me and that is team. i have what is update for you at the top of the from the other team. thanks for watching the can you see what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media. watch now on youtube the.


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