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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the business, the view is a line from ballot. the bodies of tubal funding victims are found in a southern germany seller that brings the total to at least 4 people who have died and records funding that german child sort of shows visits. some of the hottest hidden areas in the state of nevada also coming up. claudia shane bom becomes mexico's 1st female presidents according to preliminary visit o'denza, the photos it in an election, overshadowed by drug consul, violence of the mode as a political kind of the
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i'm good. how those as well come to the program. a john child sort of shows is visiting, soften germany off to severe flooding unless at least 4 people dead and forced thousands of others to flee the homes. charles headed to the bavarian town of price and fulton, along side to state from the mock lazoodo. it's one of many places that were flooded off the streams and rivers, including the danube, burst the banks following heavy rains. 155 had died during the rescue efforts. while another one is missing, the other victims were found in flooded sellers. what of choice was brief by emergency clothes during his visit, he pledged more support. we have added on this stuff to do everything we can including using federal government resources to ensure that help can be provided quickly. there are already many emergency crews from across the country involved and the army will, of course,
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continue to promote the solidarity that we have in germany and tom, bye to pull. i'm going thousands have been affected by the floods. the sofa and more rain is full cost. the very i'm has been effected. the west along with the south western states of buttons and back. yeah, you can see the extent of the flooding. many residents have been forced to leave the homes and have been trying to salvage what they call. it does have ortho votes . now from one town where the clean up is already under way, the amount of items that have to be throwing out. if huge, heidi boot is the president of the most out. house was hit hard by the floods. the basement was completely flooded. she had 10 minutes to evacuate on saturday evening. she is still in shock about what happened this week, it was really bad. i was taking care of my daughters dogs. they said,
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if we don't finish packing, we would have to leave the docks behind on it. or it just wasn't acceptable for me because it was a catastrophe. luckily, she could save herself and hope that. now the clean up has started. many people have come to have all them. even if you always say every mind phone, cell phone, in this case everyone was sent to help everyone really help. so i can't say anything bad about that. there is still a lot of work to be done to a neighbor's home as well to be as down below in whites, off into his house. everything was full of water here, right up to here. and everything is now broken. for many neighbors have come to volunteer for the clean up. most of the debris has been
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taken outside. we follow him into the basement. unfinished center here was also this still a bit of stuff later on. so many people have come here to have him to. and you can see from the door just how powerful the water was, the door was pushed out of a screen by the sheer force of the car and the rest of the basement doesn't look any better. the remaining pieces of furniture are being taken out by the fire brigade, grass, and i took away from beats sony when things get calm, that you understand what happened to you is there also a lot of memories, these can no longer save my own and my death and cause these personal items, i'm mostly going for good. the white people here in the doors are just starting to realize the extent of the disaster. for all the towns in southern germany,
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the worst is get to come. as water levels continue to rise. used as a value to is on the ground that in southern germany and gave me an update on the situation in the affected areas. i am currently in the town of munching and right now you can see behind me actually the house of the fire brigade was completely flooded on the other side to see 1st houses of the town. i've also been hit hard by the floods. i can tell you in the city center does not look any better. and that just gives you an idea of what the region he is going through. people have what's in the basement. people have what's on ground flows. we had a family of 5 that had to be rescued by helicopter, from the balcony, a one week old baby that had to be saved a took so one lady. she likes to be back to her house because she wants to say some of the valuables, despite the orders of the firefighters. and she, all of a sudden,
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was encircled by the floods, fearing for her life trying to get out. luckily she did, but hear and mentioning people else good because water levels us still continuing to rise due to a dike that broke a bit further upstream. so really a 10 situation here. now we have german shots, the order shows promising more help people getting enough aid. i spoke to a few people here in town and they told me of soldiers actually arrive to yesterday and helped throughout the nights, which was of relief. but really, it is mostly on the shoulders of the firefighters, the local emergency forces, and that doing the very best to help but freely. they are also starting to be tired . and some people have told me that the health is need help because they've been going on for days. and they are trying to be the best. but really it is a 10 situation. and everyone's hoping for. yeah, for this to find an end soon,
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but it's not looking like it. now apparently more heavy rain is expected in the region is the know it using of the situation inside well, for today you can tell the rain has stopped, but it is set to continue and the moment and it will continue throughout the day. people continues to be effectuated here. dikes sometimes continue to break, so freely is a volatile situation. so he is now in this town. people are still trying to get ready for move. lots son, bugs up being filled for them to use a trying to help and protect as many houses as possible. but really what they've told me is once the flooded hit, you can't do anything. you just have to hold for the best and pray. and this is what people here doing now get up and report a test of either reporting. thank you very much so. so let's have a look at some use headlines now. that is what else?
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's not ready to consider a truce. and gaza until israel's conditions a met. it follows that statement by his rarely government spokes person. this is in the hour would quotes stop the war to allow the ton of hostages on friday us president joe biden has unveiled what he called a 3 phases riley plan for a c supply. the cool thing is i'm about has over time the treason conviction against protestants form a prime minister in run come. he was found guilty of leading state secrets, head of a national election in february. you'll be 71 year old politician has been in prison since august last year and will remain that because he was convicted in 3 other cases in nigeria and labor unions have shut down the national grid, leaving millions of people without electricity. and travel was also disrupted across the country, as workers went on an indefinite strike,
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protesting against what they called the government's failure to agree to a new minimum wage. george's parliament speaker, and has assigned a controversial for an influence built into loan. as of to the ruling georgia dream policy voted to override a presidential veto on the measure it last week. the government has pressed the head despite months of mazda protests and warnings from the e. u that the law could til peter georgia's bid to join the block to a historic residential pole in mexico. now we have voters have elected the 1st female president. tony actually involved from the governing party won the election with a landslide victory prior to her presidential run. shane bomb was mexico city man, and a career climate scientist. while she's being celebrated for mocking to 1st and mexico's 200 year history, she'll enter office under pressure to especially tackle growing cocktail violets.
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mexico's biggest election in history has produced a unique winner. a. claudia shane bomb is set to become the country's next president. cheers and jubilation decorated for celebration speech. the former mayor pledged an office that leads for all levels i go with that, but i thought that we will govern for everyone, men and women, but as human as to the principle of our movement, then we for the good of everyone 1st to take care of the poor, but he made all those bodies. when has resonated with the public places who know who you are. we are proud that we are giving way to a woman to govern us. of you, you can see that she is well prepared. that's what i'm going to put, but uh and that is very satisfying the take on the machines. ip very heavy,
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very proud and fully represented as a woman. because for the 1st time in 200 years, we have a team of presidents. but if you didn't stuff, she mom looked set for a landslide victory over her main opponent. she so to just kind of as a business woman from an indigenous background, proceeded defeat with a final request. i would like to emphasize that my recognition of the results comes with a firm demand for solutions and outcomes to the serious problems the country faces . at least one person was killed at a polling station and published date in more than 30 presidential candidates, were assassinated ahead of sundays vote. making it the most violent election in mexico's history. tackling crime will be a top mandate for claudia shane bombs office. but she also addressed other major
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concerns for mexico's public data, and most of that we will be or steer wrapped and won't come back. no, the privileges, no of the presidential airplane, all the retirement pension stuff on the president's p. o. the presidential stayed guardian is that the presidency of mexico's constitution only allows one term presidencies. this means claudia shane bomb has 6 years to take for the issues on her agenda. winter time and office begins on october 1st. in germany, a police officer has died after being stopped during an attack in mannheim and southwest germany be a sol took place during the riley by an anti is group. on friday, the attack ended several demonstrate. just before being saw 7 inches by police. the suspect is a 25 year old man who came to germany from afghanistan 10 years ago. police say they still haven't been able to question him. due to his injuries. w as chief
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political correspondent need a house that has more on the reactions to the offices that for us of the german president politicians across the board, including from the federal government. a whole express that's talking there and got including tons of that left sides who said that the police are not courageously intervene to save lives and sides and nouns. tough accent against all those who are trying to restrict the freedom to express your opinion. so the incident occurred on friday and i've seen the video gather and it truly is horrible. the incident occurred on the market square in the western german city of mount time, where the wasn't have been fine as long critical movement. and in the video, you can see mind the suddenly attacking one of the organizers of the event that mom was injured. a policeman then intervened, and mine was nice attacked him before the 2nd policeman. sauces him so that he was also inches. and we now know, as you said, that the perpetrates are, is a 25 year old man man from afghanistan who came to germany as
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a teenager 10 years ago. he said to be married with 2 children and sofa, not known to the authorities. and the authorities still haven't said anything about the motive because he hasn't been questioned because he was also injured. but emotions are of course, running high in mannheim in particular, where the incident occurred far right. and far less groups had to a confrontation on sunday nights after the news broke, that the police, when had indeed died, nozzle reporting them before we go, stopped, was enthusiasts of braves, the cold and rain to try and break a world record. in buenos hybrids box, the weather, dances that attempt to gather the most stifles sands in the same place. organizers say they will try again another time, hoping the full will be with him in the future. and that's it from me and the listing for now don't go away. coming up we joined an
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18 year old when a woman in the central african republic with a passion for football. i got elses in berlin for me and the whole new scene. excellent. which why do humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need per day press stop hans, praying for help find the on says gets much on dw science and i'll take talk 10 of the.


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