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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the business d w news line from the main millions of people that's without power and services in nigeria. industrial action in africa's most populous country, cripples and national power. great in causes major fight disruptions in lagos and a bu, just also on the program. so it is showing found, becomes mexico's 1st female presidents, millions voted a election, overshadowed by drug console violence, the murders of political candidates anything that's in yahoo says he will not accept a safe spot in gaza until israel's demands a match. this after a government spokes person set, the prime minister would stop the war for the release of hostages.
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the i'm so gay. welcome to the program. millions of people across nigeria have been locked without electricity on major efforts closed because of a general strike of the rising cost of living at port schools and public offices in africa's most populous country also affected workers. so they'll continue the strike until the government degrees to a new minimum wage will catch off the latest in a series of strikes by the main trade union since present color to no. but i took office a year ago, started to correspondent the such a coma in lagos. welcome at least that tell us more about the impact of a strike as well. still, you have to say everyone including myself did nation woke up
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a stock which documents as a pod, which basically was shut down as a result as a result of the striking do we as of the morning. so the liaison basically woke up to that must have been packed off, you know, allow shut out because of this strike unexplained constellations of happening in the middle and pause the lagos, the most populous. exactly, and did the capital. i do just so light disruptions everywhere. people are stranded, i've traveled, have gotten flights appointment that leaves us about early as this monday morning. so he's disruption says there's not just about the pockets, but also schools, the public cub. uh, you know, services and governments be able to shut down expensively by the labor union, you know, because they want to enforce and get compliance for the strike. they won't work is to see that to him, to that, to be the major impacts with people like myself, waking up 200 electricity, you know, flight this option. the cues on the bus is not all that being disruptive. and so
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what did the unions want? well, it's all about drawing on negotiations when it comes to the minimum wage deal at the unions that label to have been negotiating with government for months that they want the increase of the minimum wage on what that content is. now, governments outside clarity, not you that said you had the minds and they've also threatened strikes before and, and had lots of thoughts, but negotiations. and they've also included this with a recent terrorist and increasing and much as if it was about to get taken. it doesn't mean double why don't you? so that's what you have the mind in the medium on which must be look at that test labels because that in dab you, they say a living wage as possible. an idea around of the field. they get that they are going on strike. okay, so no, so no flights electricity shut off. how people coping as well. so not very well, it's something they understand that,
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that these actions are necessary for labels because they represent lots of people and implement sex of uh, but it's a monday and people have work enough to know power a nation wide. so they have to rely on generators. so yeah, homes and offices i'm business is that which we think not necessary to speak. some people can get to apply. they've been disrupted. they kind of travel to lagos or different parts of the country, boucher, that's a really crippled economic activity. and those students are not going to school universities. i've also joined a strike action and is also leaving fields about perhaps the oil workers might join the money that you know. so that happened into data box and you accuse when it comes to petrol. i'm, you know, and that's really makes things really horrible. apple people so that it's not being of good stuff. that's all to the we michel, impact me, the deceptions of the lifestyle and you know, uh you know, pieces activities across the country nationwide. okay. fact, somebody said at least that your equipment in lagos, to mexico,
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which has elected its 1st female presence, actually assigned bound from the governing policy one the election. the landslide victory before running for president. the shine battle was matter of mexico, stacy, and the could be a climate scientist. while she's being celebrated for mocking to 1st and mexico's at $200.00 the history she led to office under pressure to swiftly tackle growing cocktail violence. mexico's biggest election in history has produced a unique winner. claudia shane bomb is set to become the country's next president. cheers and jubilation decorated for celebration speech. the former mayor pledged an office that leads for all the ones that go with that, but i thought that we will govern for everyone, man, and women, but as human as to the principle of our movement, then we for the good of everyone 1st to take care of the poor that he made on those
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bodies. when has resonated with the public with the case we have the trial that we are giving way to a woman to govern us. okay. i can most of you. you can see that she is well prepared and that is very satisfying the take on the committee. and so we said the ip very heavy, very proud and fully represented as a woman. because for the 1st time in 200 years, we have a fema president up to mid. but if you didn't stuff, she looks set for land side victory over her main opponent. she so this is kind of as a business woman from an indigenous background, conceded defeat with a final request. i would like to emphasize that my recognition of the results comes with a firm demand for solutions and outcomes to the serious pro the country faces. at
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least one person was killed at a pulling station and publish state. in more than 30 presidential candidates were assassinated ahead of sundays vote. making it the most violent election in mexico's history. tackling crime will be a top mandate for claudia shane bombs office. but she also addressed other major concerns for mexico's public data, and most of that we will be or steer wrapped and won't come back. no, the privileges, know the presidential airplane, all the retirement pensions for former president's p. o. the presidential state guardian is the president. yeah, the mexico's constitution only allows one term presidencies. this means claudia shane bomb has 6 years to take for the issues on her agenda. wintertime and office begins on october 1st. the lot to another
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sato count is a full of a mexican and passed it to the united states. hayes and our president of consulting groups, out of com and associates, welcome to d. w. what would you say is the biggest problem facing the president elect, though? there's no doubt that public security or public and security is going to be one of the main challenges she bases. we saw it reared side in terms of the 34 candidates for elected office that were killed during this presidential cycle. and it's going to be a critical challenge going forward. she has promised to maintain looks around those policies in the reality of public security. but that was a huge challenge because that paradigm seems to be broken and more importantly, she will have to also tackle the issue of us mexico collaboration, which was the best rated on the current president. okay, so she is uh manuel. uh that the open of doors um, she's his fees and his, his, his hand picked
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a successor. so how then does she close those gaps and stay at stay faithful to her mental that's going to be, that's the big question. everyone's asking at this point because of because of the important victory last night, it's going to be very hard for her to read herself from the shadow that looks over the world cast over and over the country. and so how does she call her own path forward, while at the same time as she has promised to do, double down of the legacy of the public policy? the legacy of the card president. okay, so be the president. yeah, you talked about you, he's moving shadow and that will he go quietly into the night? so do you expect to, to see the current president has a back state to drive and the new administration. and i think he will certainly go
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quietly because of the results last night, mexico city. but he, he will be a forced to contend with. he will be in his branch in southern mexico. he has promised to, you know, retire from public vice. but the fact that he, he has such a post relationship with the president liked the fact that morning i was one such a resounding event, trained the fact that they are potentially all tracked to obtain a super majority in congress. which is better relevant because that would allow them to change the constitution. i think it will be hard for the, for the outgoing president to sort of state baldwin state by it not to be poking his finger into all the decision making that be present. the lex uh, will be implementing in the coming months. and remember, we also have the surrender slee long transition and mexico elections were yesterday, but i'm ashamed. bob will not be assuming office until october. the 1st must be made of the fact that's uh, mexico has chosen a woman to lead it. and indeed the,
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the choice on the ballad was between that 2 women. what does that tell us if anything, about where a country with such a reputation for a match showed us it is now but i think that certainly it's, it's a critically important, this class, the legs being broken and mexico i dropped with my american friends here in dc that we've broken back last ceiling before they've done. oh, but it doesn't. uh, it doesn't make the big challenge of domestic violence. just the power to just use and more importantly fun besides which will be going through the roof these last years go away. the challenge for mexico's 1st female president is but now she will have to walk the walk in and, and really move the needle on these issues which still profoundly affect women in mexico today. but over here, thank you for guiding us through that. also to
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a sato come from side of town and associates will take a look now at some of the other stores making headlines around the world. us and united states hunter bite and this becomes the 1st child of assisting the presidents to go on a criminal trial. a jo by them son, faces 3 found any charges in the state of delaware, of his purchase in possession of a gun. the 2018 is pleaded not guilty in georgia, they speaking with the problem is assigned a controversial foreign influence bill into low af, after the ruling georgia, dream party voted to override a presidential veto on the measure. last week, the government has pressed ahead, despite months of mass protest warnings from the e. u. at the low code to see to georgia sup, paid to join the block code is what i'm about has opened to trees and conviction against protestants form a prime minister in runtime was found guilty of leaking state secrets ahead of
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a national election in february, a 71 year olds as being present since august last year and will remain that because he was convicted in 3 other cases. with ours is a close schools across the street, lancaster pots of the country were hit by floods and much slides. several people were killed and went missing, following heavy rains on sunday, july and it has been battling severe weather conditions triggered by months when. right. and since midnight is really 5 minutes. that venue mean nothing. yahoo says he's not ready to consider a truce in gaza until israel's conditions, and that isn't as far as the statement vises. and is there any government spokes person that mr. nelson yahoo would stop the will to allow the result of hostages on friday. us president joe biden unveiled what he called a 3 face is really plan for a cease fire as well. the also by and i served in
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a variety of ministerial positions in these writing government before retiring from politics in 2008. it was also one of the architects of the 1993 also because he's now a journalist and business consulting. welcome to dw, and let's start with this disparity piece plan, apparently signed off by his right. need to go see how he does announce the world by an american president and now apparently disavowed by enemies. right. the prime minister, what do you think is going on? what it is? very strange. apparently, nathaniel will say, will cover united to decided to suggest the some i a d s said to the, to the how my says through cut off. oh, although january a but did not denounce and the so i don't ministers of these government to a know to well see it a mainly because he was a worried that the seems they be they belong to day. it's 3 may right is the cold.
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they will, they told people to the ideas of this mono, a cabinet and to you a present in by then did something which was very small. if you, in my view, he exposed that. then you always said you, this is your plan. this is what you sent to the other side. a what we would like to see is the tools think we will own ideas and then at the l file and he was actually in the cool. now he could know the night. he just said that they, it was not the 4 of the, but the only parts of it or something like that a which nobody took to seriously. so it is now a up to the some us to, to decide whether they accept it. they own the hook and they, i hope that the, it really, really change the situation. and in enable us store have a ceasefire in which a is hosted, just we be released and now we have right wing elements of mr. nasa in yahoo, who's fried job coalition, threatening to leave,
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to bring it down. if this is acted on, what do you think you should do? should he call that bluff? or i think that there is no weird problem because a says to forward this time to get rid of them. it really the best of fluent ethics . cool a was, were never participated in any previous government in the day. oh, instead of a problem is the only tool to use the gold that they would never be both of us government. but when you found that without them, you could not fully make a good government. he decided to a breach. his problem is now he has an opportunity to get through the fall for the whole group and a to get a safety net for his cooperation. for the send from the center left a policies. a whole problem is to reach problem is team a. this is safety net, and i think that that, that is what the show to do. a has a long see is filed
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a taking that time to, to get the data showing that all the hostages of a free. and they begin to negotiate with the point. this thing is on the permanent degree meant something that they, he said that is not eligible for him to begin. so if you're on this understanding that, that, that mr and s at yahoo, without these right wing extremist, would actually be more amenable a to, and some sort of a ceasefire deal because the mood music that we here around this is that i but he's pro blowing this will in order to stop himself from having to face the music on various criminal charges, but you seem to see him as being held hostage by the right wing elements in his government. hello is not headed hosted cheating vented then i
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mean these ideas to jump to ask them to join. the cabinet was in my view to was seeing that the deed 10 the if it goes as well. and so he's not, they'll hosted hostage and he can and shoot, get to rid of them and pin the issue and say that is a safety and he will have a safety. so he doesn't have to worry about him. continuing to be the fragment, it's still for the coming in months window. he has a secret plan to prolong the will for is 1000000000 hold of a full day here for the quote to have a male c on him to not to judge. he is he, in the house you need because he's in the middle of the war. this is a get this, i don't know whether this is true or not. i, it is not a question of the okay. i think if the fact is on b, 50 his government,
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even if these people, latency. and finally, and, and briefly if you would mind you, you helped negotiate the 1993 also accords. what do you think is missing? now that may piece possible then and he's rarely a bill. well, he's willing to make these ridiculous thing is and to petition the land in order for the 2 people to live, side by side and fulfilling the ride for the nation. thank you so much for explain, you know exactly what you all say by and thank you. thank you. thank you for having or the southern gemini, by severe flooding has killed at least a full, painful and led to the evacuation of thousands, numerous streams and rivers of bus that bunks following heavy rains. german shunts of olaf shoulds visited one of the areas hockey state in the state of bavaria. he
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set the high waters what a wakeup call for countries to tackle mine made climate change. germany's chancellor surveys the flood damage in this bavarian town, accompanied by the state premier and interior minister, olaf schultz promised solidarity in the form of federal and military assistance. and he expressed his concern about climate change. just as a d, as in the dispute to my doctor did not be the 1st time this year. i visited an area like the assistance of a 100 investor and it's an indication of what's going on as of the all scott it in . so we can't neglect the task of stuffing and man made climate change. shut off, let's ignore some flood defenses were no match for the masses of water that came down in southern germany. residents are overwhelmed by the scale of the disaster. people. i think they're going to get the bands. everything in the
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basement is destroyed, finished the fridges freezers, the washing machine, the district, everything is gone. i'm not waiting for the firefighter and the pump, the water out at the basement of whatever nothing else can be done for now. it's moving done. it's in another bavarian town. rescuers are mourning the loss of a colleague who died while trying to rescue trapped residence. yes, and it's just weird. this made stomach maternity course we thinking about college and his family whom we knew it was very well, but the work let's go on. it's like if we have a disaster here so we have to get through that cell job. this is loosely all scrubbing. rescuers continue to search for the missing and the officials have warned the high water levels are likely to persist for some time. while southern germany struggles with too much water farms in the philippines facing the opposite problem, dry conditions and the l. nino weather phenomenon has the country hon,
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leading to extreme drops in some areas. it's making life extremely difficult for vice pharmacist in a waiver is uh providence that i provide but facing a major crop failures due to the lack of water assurance amount on the thoughts. this should all be green. it shouldn't be full of rice blends which should be less things to irrigation in this current dry season. but you can see something is wrong . this year, they haven't planted the ground is too dry at heart. and that is important because this is with a se, have province in what is known as the rice granary off this philippines value has been farming since he was 10 years old. he says this el nino is the worst his ever experienced. and that is what you see now is my land where i plant the rice, the not that i have 8000 square meters, me. so if you look closely,
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you can see the dry grass so labeled. this is what the oh nino drought is doing. a green one is planting season. that's usually all green here. everything is green. it's not like this. i need to and it's very dry. there's no water in law, but you're not to your license to be. he inherited the lenny owns here in the pen from his father. it should be enough for him and his family. the day along with many other filipino farming families are struggling to make ends meet. and we don't know there used to be enough rice for more, but now we have the shortage of food, especially rice. got you none. right. this is because rice needs a lot of water compared to vegetables. uh leon, that's why we couldn't plant rice and we're not doing anything from january to february. we still had some vegetables. how come and teeth? and then we were like, no, but due to the severe conditions and not them, we couldn't plan to more i can do that interview now. yeah. i still reduce report
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that el nino is affecting 62 of 82 provinces in the philippines, causing damage to agriculture with a 9500000000 passes or more than 150000000 euros. farmers depend on water collection systems like this to irrigate their crops through the dry season. they don't usually get this low. it rained when we visited for only the 2nd time since last october. nice for ducks, but not enough to fill up the collectors. i'm standing on what is called a water impounding. so the water from here has always been used to irrigate the farm and during dry and rainy season. but in this extreme drought, there is still water left, making it impossible for farmers to work a random also twice to help farmers adapt to climate change. he works for me. i see book a group training farmers to diversify what they quote. he says their work is not enough. the government must do a more innovation. uh,
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in order to enter this, this kind of be faster. for example, why not construct directly the farmers? so what, what would be the need? and what would be the capacity of these farmers, or is this by my group of farmers who can pause uh, contribute to this kind of situation. critics say the government had warning of the strong el nino last year, although somebody complained that help coming to the farmers is slow or delayed. the government is doing all it can to give this help this aid in the form of cash sense in the form of farm inputs in the form of food and even in the form of equipment to help farmers start
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a new clarity of his former neighbors. can only rely on their hope to get through this season soon. el nino should subside, leaving people like these, facing the task of how to plan for the future. finally, stop was infuse as the braves the cold and the right into try and break a world record in what us areas. but the why that dump and then attempt to gather of the most start was found as in the same size. organize this say they'll try again another time when perhaps the fools will be with them. of the watching dw news is a reminder of our top story. this our general striking nigeria has shut down the power grid, leaving millions about. i'd like to say i'm bringing services and advocates, the most populous nation, to in the a complete standstill airport schools and public offices of opening the next up on dw,
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all sudden failed to take the look. good. one composes attempt to bring classical music to the small stage, holding concerts in a tiny house. that's next. i'll be back at the top of the, the
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boxes on the line. so this includes training, the line between plastic and the jobs finish can kinda come. e mail is august on tiny house concert with the conversations booking and of course music and val next on d, w. 3 on the face of the european dream.
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millions of refugees. europe's external boot is putting the you to the test. politicians in brussels are looking for solutions. how will they resolve the most out in 45 minutes on d, w. the news and i'm debbie. i have 3 kids. my name is see what model of college and that i d cage particularly. they believe in doing just me that i'm seeing. my name is tim . run sony. i like reporting, moving from one village to another. financially, we have very strong things to go for my family, but this is india is new generation. what are they doing in the road to most
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populous country? what do they want to change in the society full of contrasts? the indian aids stuff, june 5th, i'm d w just on the list of mocked isn't it interesting because on good . ready ready calling music needs just beatrice. sell it. you'll find this unusual combination and steven invited to a tiny house.


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