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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from the mexico's president elect promises to govern salt hold . following her landslide victory on sunday, cloudy ashamed palm says she will look, counsel every mexico mentioned takes office as the country's 1st female president. also on the program. benjamin netanyahu says able not to accept a safe spot in gaza until israel's demands unmatched. this after a government to folks bus and set the prime minister, which stopped to go for the release of hostages. the
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i'm feel okay, welcome to the program. but as it goes, president elect task said she plans to be a positives for everyone, including those who didn't vote for claudia shane bottom will become mexico's 1st female president after winning a landslide victory on sunday. the form, a man of mexico se table faced multiple challenges including economic uncertainty and increasing katya l. violets. mexico's biggest election in history has produced a unique winner. claudia shane bomb is set to become the country's next president. cheers and jubilation decorated for celebration speech. the former mayor pledged in office that leads for all that was i go with that, but i thought that we will govern for everyone, men and women. but as human as to the principle of the movement then was such
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a good us. everyone says take care of the poor, but he made all those bodies. when has resonated with the public places, we are proud that we are giving way to a woman to govern us. okay. i can most of you. you can see that she is well prepared. that's what i'm going to put it, but i and that is very satisfying because the machines ip very heavy, very proud and fully represented as a woman. because for the 1st time in 200 years, we have a female president up to mid literacy. then she mon looks set for a landslide victory over her main opponent. she so this has got of as a business woman from an indigenous background, conceded defeat with a final request. i would like to emphasize that my recognition of the results comes with
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a firm demand for solutions and outcomes to the serious problems the country faces . at least one person was killed at a polling station and published date in more than 30 presidential candidates were assassinated ahead of sunday's vote. making it the most violent election in mexico's history. tackling crime will be a top mandate for claudia shane bombs office. but she also addressed other major concerns for mexico's public data, and most of that we will be or steer wrapped and won't come back. no, the privileges, know the presidential airplane, all the retirement pensions for from a presidency or the presidential state guardian. is that on the president? yeah, the mexico's constitution only allows one term presidencies. this means claudia shane bomb has 6 years to take for the issues on her agenda. winter time and office begins on october. first. we'll have 2 of those top com
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as a form of mexican ambassador to the united states. that is not president of consulting group. aside of con associates, it talk to me about the challenges facing mexico's president elect. it says no doubt, but public security or public and security is going to be one of the main challenges she faces. we saw it reared side in terms of the 34 candidates for elected office that were killed during this presidential cycle. and it's going to be a critical challenge going forward. she has promised to maintain, looks around those policies in the reality of public security. but that was a huge challenge because that paradigm seems to be broken and more importantly, she will have to also tackle the issue of us mexico collaboration, which was the best rates it on the current president. okay, so she is a manuel on that, that open of doors and she's his fees and he's, he's the, his hand picked
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a successor. so how then does she close those gaps and stay at stay faithful to her mental that's going to be, that's the big question. everyone's asking at this point because of because a be important victory last night. it's going to be very hard for her to read herself from the shadow that looks over the world cast over and over the country. and so how does she call her own path forward, while at the same time as she has promised to do, double down of the legacy, the public policy, the legacy of the card president. okay, so be the president. yeah, you told about you he's moving shadow and that will he go quietly into the night? so do you expect to, to see the color and present system back safe to drive in the new administration? and i think he will certainly go quietly because of the results last night,
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mexico city. but he, he will be a forced to contend with. he will be in his branch in southern mexico. he has promised to, you know, retire from public life. but the fact that he will, he has such a post relationship with the president licked the fact that morning. and i was one such a resounding victory. the fact that they are potentially all tracked to obtain a super majority in congress. which is very relevant because that would allow them to change the constitution. i think it will be hard for the, for the outgoing president to sort of state baldwin state by it not to be poking his finger into policy decision making, but be present. the lex uh, will be implementing in the coming months. and remember, we also have the surrender slee long transition in mexico. elections were yesterday, but i'm ashamed. bob will not be assuming office until october. the 1st must be made of the fact that it's uh, mexico has that chosen a woman to lead it. and indeed, the,
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the choice on the ballad was between that 2 women. what does that tell us if anything, about where a country with such a reputation for a match showed us it is now but i think so. certainly it's, it's a critically important this class. the legs must be broken and mexico. i dropped my american friends here in dc that we've broken back last evening before they've done . oh, but it doesn't. uh, it doesn't break the big challenge of domestic violence. jet, the power to just use and more important, be fun, besides which would be going through the roof these last years go away. the challenge for mexico's 1st female president is but now she will have to walk the walk in and, and really move the needle on these issues which still profoundly affect women in mexico today. but over here, thank you for guiding us through that. also
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a sato come from side of town and associates take a quick look now at some or the stores making headlines around the walls will start here in germany where a chance of us charles has been visiting the south of the country to assess the damage after severe flooding left at least 4 people back and forth, thousands from the homes. the down here was one of the rivers and streams across the vase in the bus, the banks following heavy rains. a general strike across nigeria has shut down the national grid, leaving millions of people without electricity and trouble results are disrupted across the country as well because went on indefinite strike. unions are protesting against what they say is the government's failure to agree a new minimum wage and to bite and has become the 1st child of a switching us president to go on criminal trial. the joe biden son, faces 3 felony charges in the state of delaware of he's purchased and possession of a gun in 2018. he's pleaded not guilty.
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springs and breaking news. that's the rates us in the last few minutes. israel's army has announced that for more of these really hostages taken by a mass miller since i've died in captivity. spokesman said that bodies are being held by v as the mist group for bringing more on that story as we get to is 1st. so benjamin netanyahu has said that he won't consider a truce in gaza until israel's conditions, and that is ready. prime minister's announcement follows the statement, fine is right, the government's punch person. and mister netanyahu would stop the war to allow the return of hostages. on friday us president joe biden unveils what he called a 3 phase is really plan or cease 5 and see if we can work out what's going on with the w correspondents. benjamin alvarez group in washington, dc and tanya kramer in jerusalem,
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welcome both us out with you a time you. and why is the age ready to government now apparently distancing itself from a cx 5 plan? the president biden says they have proved as well. that's very much discussed here as well. and the way it's being seen is that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was trying to reframe in a way or to put a different spin on the outlines that were given by president joe biden on friday night. and a way to counter the anticipated criticism by some of his own cabinet members, especially from the far right to have threatened to walk out of the government. if such a deed or agreement would go through, but also a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu himself has such a time and time again and again, also in statement that you know, israel wound and the war and that it needs to continue the war to eliminate a honda us. and this is one of the main disparities here between the outline that
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we've been hearing from you as president joe biden. and you know what israel is a trying to say here of the sticking point. also, that is a sticking point. actually not just for israel, but also for him us and what actually missing and this outlined that was given is that the 1st base would be a temporary cease fire where some of the hostages would be released. and then both sides would have to continue negotiating to come to this a permanent a ceasefire and the release of the other hostages. that will remain until then in garza, but also how most of course has to agree to this. and we're still waiting for an official response, but there's no doubt. demetrius herded a tonight, the army declared for more hostages that were killed in captivity in uh garza. and of course the public pressure as well as mounting on permanent opinion minutes . and y'all to come to
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a decision. so benjamin alvarez group in washington. does this is writing that tracking over the president of the plan the president presented 3 days ago. does this leave president biden with egg on his face to the white house as the what's important also to see other regional partners are a looking at this proposal. investment many comments coming on from the washington on this topic, jake sullivan, the us national security adviser said israel has shown willingness to agree to a cease fire and hostage release. a 5 is deal there was set out by president biden, and the wide how this insisting that this piece plan was, is roads own and was not drafted by washington to put it pressure on its allies. some people have been suggested and that still seems it to be necessary is many still wonder why it was in us president and not in his rarely prime minister presenting it were president biden called this is riley proposed. so all this, this back tracking, this must be stretching and already fraud relationship between missed the by that
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mister netanyahu. that's right. and frustration is growing with the israeli government, among us officials. but there is mix signaling here again because there's another aspect here, not just the frustration behind a closed door was, was also happening is it is bi partisan invitation. so from both republicans and democrats invited is really prime minister netanyahu to deliver and address it to congress that was confirmed also on friday, after a president by and laid out a proposal for 3. it face is east by so a push the can be seen is trying to raise netanyahu's political standing in israel . so the timing here is important because if, if the speech takes plays action to be pulled, there is an agreement. it might be used even by that time. yeah. well, to argue against the deal and this visit, of course, it will also be kind of awkward if for democratic senate majority leader chuck schumer, who supported this letter in this invitation, who has previously
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a called for israel to hold a new elections in israel, antonio crime what's your take, how long and how hard can this is right, the government tests the by the ministrations patients as well. i think there's a sense here that there are 2 sides in need to make uh, you know, to come to this agreement. and so far thing does so essentially that the us house being patient at least as so far. but of course, there's also sense that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has to come to decision. he hasn't taken that onto now and now it's to time to go forward. okay, thank you for that time, you tanya kramer in jerusalem pennyman alvaros group in washington. thank you, but let's set you up today to i'll have more well news at the top of the our next on dw. we'll look at the, one of the most divisive issues in your migrations. that's next county w on the closer the
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name is the calls back said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. you guys, would it be nosy bay? like good everyone to king to check out the award winning called called the called back. we on the field shock. we are the dream. we are the nation. we are part of.


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