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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the views of life from valley. israel says full more hostages held by a mass a cause. i have been confirmed that this is benjamin netanyahu assessing quotes except to say, sign in gaza until israel's demands a match. is ready. prime minister was freaking after a government spokes person said mister messing yahoo would stop the world for the release of hostages. also on the program, the federal prosecutors in germany say vi suspects i believe just load save in the stopping of a police officer after the event in mannheim. last week,
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the incident led to the fact that the officer enters them to find concerns about increasing religious and political violence. in june, the, i'm sure will give you a welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news, and israel by the ministry has announced that for more is ready to be hostages. taken by hamas militants of died. an army spokesman size. the full men died together in the city of con eunice, in southern gaza. when he's ready the forces, what operating that is that the type of group is still holding that bodies and your minutes ago? most of my corresponded tanya kramer intervals and welcome tanya. i'm so what do we know about these for that hostages? well, we knew that the families were informed to about their killing in captivity as the
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army, the spokesperson said, there were therefore hostages age to 50 to 84. the old is the oldest, the time perry now does papa. why your message? good. i mean, i'm cooper, all of them from to give it seem in the south from dickey boots, museum and keyboards and your oh as. and the army said they were killed together in con eunice, a area where the army was operating there, where they had a major incursion there in recent months. and they also heard from us earlier in may, they've had put out a statement that one of them actually had died of to anne is really strikes. we also heard tonight from the hostages. how many forum that's an umbrella group representing some of the families of the hostages. they said that some of the some of them where with other hostages, who returned during the last hostage release in november and they should have been
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returned to life. and it certainly underlined the urgency of many of the relatives and to say that needs to be a satisfy that needs to be a hostage do to bring those now remaining hundreds of under a $120.00. now hostages that are still being held in gauze at home with, as some of them presumed to have been killed and kept having to come to the team. and on that point, wait, we now have these riley governments, apparently disavowing the 3 pot draft, faced by a deal that president biden announced on saturday. can you shed any light on why these babies are distancing themselves from applying? the president said that he approved as well. i think there's a sense in is really how it seemed by many commentators. there's a lot of discussion about that as well that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is basically trying to reframe the outline that has been given on friday by you as
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president joe biden. and you know, 1st of all, to counter, you know, the criticism that is coming from his own cabinet, many from the far right members of that they have said already that they won't accept such a deal. that would leave the government if an end to the war is being declared with such a deal and also mean permanent opinion me nothing. y'all has said it himself. you know, there won't be an end to the war a, because it needs to be, you know, how much needs to be removed from power. so that seems to be a certain disparity that falls down into about the ending of the war. and that is actually for both sides that have insisted on that home, us and israel. but of course he's been in this outlined. the us president has said there will be a 1st phase, a temporary cease fire with some of the hostages release. and then both parties would then negotiate to come to the 2nd phase and to come to permanency is fine. of
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course, we know also have to wait horse, how much has to say they haven't. and yet given their official response to have only said that you the proposal positively. thank you, tonya tonya crime. a interesting all right to mexico. why their new president elect. so said she pods to be a president for all even for those who didn't vote for claudia. a shame bout will become mexico's 1st female president after winning a landslide victory on sunday. the full amount of mexico states people face multiple challenges, including economic uncertainty and increasing costs out of violence. mexico's biggest election in history has produced a unique winner. a claudia shane bomb is set to become the country's next president . cheers and jubilation decorated for celebration speech. the former mayor pledged an office that leads for all that was i go with that,
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but i thought that we will govern for everyone, men and women, but as human as to the principle of our movement, then we for the good of everyone. first to take care of the poor, but he made all those bodies. when has resonated with the public, which we are proud that we are giving way to a woman to govern us. i cannot go yet and you can see that she is well prepared is what i'm going to put, but uh and that is very satisfying to click on the machine. so we said the ip very heavy, very proud and fully represented as a woman. because for the 1st time in 200 years, we have a fema president up to mid se then stuff. she looks set for a landslide victory over her main opponent. she so this has got of as a business woman from an indigenous background, conceded defeat with a final request. i would like to
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emphasize that my recognition of the results comes with a firm demand for solutions and outcomes to the serious problems the country faces . at least one person was killed at a polling station and published date in more than 30 presidential candidates, were assassinated ahead of sundays vote. making it the most violent election in mexico's history. tackling crime will be a top mandate for claudia shane bombs office. but she also addressed other major concerns for mexico's public safety. and most of that we will be austere, wrapped, and won't come back, you know, the privileges, you know, of the presidential airplane, all the retirement pension stuff on the presidency or the presidential state guardian is that the presidency of mexico's constitution only allows one term presidencies. this means claudia shane bomb has 6 years to take for the issues on
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her agenda. winter time in august begins on october 1st. let's take a quick look at a couple of other stores making headlines around the world. well, started in the us way, hunter bible has become the 1st child of a sitting american president to go on a criminal trial. joe biden, son, faces 3 felony charges, and the state of delaware, of his purchasing possession of a gun in 2018 is pleaded not guilty until thursdays of close schools across through line corrupt of thoughts of the country were hit by floods and mud slides. several people were killed and went missing, following heavy rains on sunday, july, and has been baffling, severe weather conditions triggered by monsoon rains. since midnight. of the severe flooding and southern germany has killed at least 4 people, elected evacuation of thousands, numerous streams and rivers bus. the bags following heavy right to them and chancellor, olaf show for the said one of the areas hot escape in the state of bavaria. you
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said the high was is what a wake up call for countries to tackle. man made climate change. germany's chancellor surveys the flood damage in this bavarian town, accompanied by the state premier and interior minister, olaf schultz promised solidarity in the form of federal and military assistance. and he expressed his concern about climate change. just as a d, as in the dispute to my doctor did not be the 1st time this year. i visited an area like the assistance of, of an investor and it's an indication of what's going on as of the all scouting. so we can't neglect the task of stuffing and man made climate change shut off. let's ignore from flood defenses were no match for the masses of water that came down in southern germany. residents are overwhelmed by the scale of the disaster. people i think they're going to get the bands. everything in the basement
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is destroyed, needs to fridges, freezers, the washing machine. everything is gone. i'm not waiting for the firefighter and the pump, the water out of the basement of whatever nothing else can be done for now. we're moving on in another bavarian town, rescuers are mourning the loss of a colleague who died while trying to rescue trapped residence. yes, and it's just weird, just made stomach maternity course with thinking about college and his family whom we knew is very well, but the work let's go on. it's like if we have a disaster here so we have to get through it and that's our job. this is lives valve cover. rescue where's continue to search for the missing? and the visuals have warned, the high water levels are likely to persist for some time. and you have a federal prosecutor to say they've taken over a criminal case against the man accused of a knife attack in the city of mannheim. on last friday,
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a police officer was killed and several others injured in the incidents prosecuted to say, they suspect a religious motive. it's just the latest and a number of attacks which have sparked consent by rising political violence in germany. seeing that these 2 brutal to show in full 3 days later the police were paying the final respects to their colleagues who died from injuries that he sustained in the time. the 29 year old officer was stopped when he intervened, as a man began to talking people. that's a riley of the anti islam group. pucks who wrote the attack has stopped a total of 6 before he was sought by a police officer and detained. authorities have identified the suspect as a 25 year old man from his gun. this time, he was married with children and came to germany 10 years ago. they say he was not known to the authorities. a john slot will have sides announced a unified and tough response to any threat to democracy regardless of political
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motivation about yes, good god, we as citizens will also stand together and those who as long as perpetrators left wing a right wing extremists to encroach on our freedom of movement and freedom to express our opinions should be afraid. as long as the 1st authorities have yet to interrogate the suspect to still being treated for his injuries. but the far right groups were quick to label it. islam is terrorism with just 6 days to go until the european elections, the subbing has added further attention to an already uneasy moved in germany called recent weeks have seen numerous incidences of violence and abuse. targeted a political campaign is like he or interest in the goals, but the money time incident is the greatest in terms of political violence for this . yeah, let's get more from data of the political culture supposedly on the phone,
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how much time welcome leona y prosecute. just talking about a religious motive. yes, that is the question. we don't know a lot yet, phil, but you've mentioned that the germany's office also federal prosecutor has now taken over the investigation into this attack. because they, they say it's a significant case and they speak of religious motives. that's all that we've heard from them. so far, we don't know at we is as far as we know, investigators haven't yet managed to question the legend perpetrator because he's still being treated in hospital. and, but it does show how significant this case is and has become in the political debate here in germany. over the last couple of days that now germany's highest investigative, i taking it over. okay, i'm so we have 2 things that appear to be wrapped up here. we have this happening
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often on c migration, a political rally. so we have migration of being a key issue ahead of your p and part of entry elections and also jo, missing something of a rise in political, a violence of people drawing lines between the 2. yes and no. um, we've seen a lot of reactions off the political spectrum, but a lot of them are very quick at to jump to jump to the conclusion that it is indeed, and not the most of them were indeed is list. i'm before investigators of wherever they able to question the prepay to perpetrate is that a legit perpetrator? and so they are not really drawing the lines, but we've seen that sort of in the lead up to the european elections. this has really become a heated subject migration. so in the reactions to the attack and you know, a lot of politicians have been talking about harsher sanctions against estimates
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and even bringing up the topic of deportation. okay, thank you. the ability from comstar or a set you up to date to the world, news of the top of the policy. the people in trucks in judge was trying to see the city center the straight screen, the around the world, more than 130000000 people us we all mine
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