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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news line from above and mexico's president elect promises to govern for all following her landslide victory on sunday cloud, claudia shane bottom says she'll look out for every mexico and she takes office as the country's 1st female president, also on the program israel says formal hostages held by her mouse in gaza, all confirmed dad. this after benjamin netanyahu, that he will not accept a safe spot in gaza until,
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as well as the mountains on the . i'm so ok, welcome to the program. basic goes, president elect has said she plans to be a president for or even for those who didn't vote for her. for the shame ballad will become mexico. his 1st female president, after winning a landslide victory on sunday. the fall of a matter of mexico searching full size multiple challenges, including economic uncertainty and increasing cato violence. mexico's biggest election in history has produced a unique winner. the claudia shane bomb is set to become the country's next president. cheers and jubilation decorated for celebration speech. the former mayor pledged an office that leads for all levels i go with that, but i thought that we will govern for every one men and women say,
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but as human as to the principle of our movement, then we for the good of everyone 1st to take care of the poor, but he made all those bodies. when has resonated with the public places. if we are proud that we are giving way to a woman to govern us, i cannot go yet and you can see that she is well prepared. and that is very satisfying because missy and so we said these were you. i'd be very heavy, very proud and fully represented as a woman. because for the 1st time in 200 to years we have a fema president up to mid. but if you didn't stuff, she mom looked set for a landslide victory over her main opponent. she saw this guy that is a business woman from an indigenous background, conceded defeat. with a final request. i would like to
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emphasize that my recognition of the results comes with a firm demand for solutions and outcomes to the serious problems the country faces . at least one person was killed at a polling station and published state in more than 30 presidential candidates, were assassinated ahead of sundays vote. making it the most violent election in mexico's history. tackling crime will be a top mandate for claudia shane bombs office. but she also addressed other major concerns for mexico's public data. and most of that we will be austere, corrupt, and won't come back, you know, the preventative, the presidential airplane, all the retirement pension stuff on the president's p o. the presidential stayed guardian. is that the president's? yeah, the mexico's constitution only allows one term presidencies. this means claudia shane bomb has 6 years to take for the issues on her agenda. winter time in august
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begins on october 1st. the i'll to those sound o'con is a form of mexican, i'm boss of the, to the united states on this, and our president of the consulting groups, outcome and associates. you told me about the challenges facing mexico is present to you. there's no doubt that public security or public and security is going to be one of the main challenges she faces. we saw it reared side in terms of the 34 candidates for elected office that were killed during this presidential cycle. and it's going to be a political challenge going forward. she has promised to maintain, looks around those policies in the reality of public security. but that is a huge challenge because that paradigm seems to be broken and more importantly, she will have to also tackle the issue of us mexico collaboration, which was the best rated on the current president. excuse me, now these right, the ministry says full more is ready. hostages taken by how most militants have died,
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and army spokesman set them and died together in the city of san eunice in southern gaza during the armies operation that you noticed when k master is ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he would not consider attributing garza until israel's conditions a match. meanwhile, gardens in the south for potentially have seen more destruction. and more is rainy strikes. relentless strikes on rough ha, the palestinians are taken to attend at a field hospital in the southern most city of calls, the strikes also hit the city of han, eunice where destruction is so widespread that newly flattened buildings no longer stand out underneath the rubble is um, your old dream. sars mother. you call us cause it enough if we have lost a lot, we lost all our loved ones. we have nothing left enough for the love of god
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implemented cease fire enough. we are tired, humiliated, and broken up. the prospect for full truth now look, slim after us president joe biden presented what are you called and is really ceasefire proposal that would also see to the release of hostages, held by how mas afternoon is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu came forward and dismissed the deal, and says that fully destroying from us has been a key priority from the start. ends for the help of we are using calculus ways to bring back out hostages because it allows. we've come a long way, but in the process, we've kept the voice of objectives in mind, primarily feel emanation of hum us. it will be, we won't give up on them either. it's old part of the plans that clinic by me today . but there's also been pressure on netanyahu to speak the truth. and israel
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families of hostages have been calling for an agreement that would bring their missing loved ones home. and in gaza, as more mounds of trouble pile up, international pressure is mounting on israel to end. it's more. 8 just a quick look at so most doors making headlines around the world. we saw in the united states where i hunted by them has become the 1st child of assisting a us president to face criminal charges in court. to abide in, sun faces 3 felony charges and the state of delaware over his purchase and possession of a gun in 2018 is pleaded not guilty. firefighters in california, still battling a wild 5 that's already been through 14000 acres of land. officials say they've made significant progress containing the blaze around a 100 kilometers east of san francisco. and evacuation order has been lifted,
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but residents of being judged to remain vigilant. officers of close schools across relying after parts of the country by hit by floods and mud slides. several people have been killed and others missing, following heavy rains on sunday july. and it has been baffling, severe weather conditions triggered by monsoon rains since mid may and southern germany is struggling with some of the worst flooding i've seen for years. at least 4 people that confirmed that and 1000 small forced to leave the homes. sounds low life shelves has been to visit one of the hottest groups states, bavaria, and that was on monday, and he promised emergency aid and assistance with the clean up the w set test. the valve is also in bavaria in the town of munching, talking to locals, trying to save what still can be saved. hundreds of sandbags are piled up by the residents of munching, hoping to protect the houses of the done broke
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a few kilometers of st. others have already given up, like going to head thing, who watches on helplessly. the category for the seller is filling up with water. it's coming in from all directions. if we have to see what comes next, i don't know. i have no idea the main road has been entirely east of much affected residence, gone by the disaster they are experiencing mountain stella and his wife have tried the best but the floods with too strong. the house is also filling up with most of the single for this, if it gets past your feet that i've never experienced anything like it's in this much water, it's bad one. what is the situation? look for youth fitness room. the cell is under water. everything's destroyed is the food in the pots of the town that are still dry. people are using the time to put
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that under they as vba is getting most n bugs as the which is just neat as away from his house, of course is nerve wracking. i'm afraid for my house, after seeing what happened to some of the other houses. of course i don't want to show my wife and children had to leave phone. did i haven't gone to the grandparents here in lansing, people on deep shock. what used to be the center of that town is not completely flooded. people are trying to pump the water out of that basement, which has gone everywhere. even. that's a ground level here. but one thing keeps everyone going. solidarity people from all over the town has come together to phillips on bikes that affect the neighbors. come then pick up a simple and the doctors doing. we all help each other out that and while everyone is hoping for the best,
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the read extend of the damage will only be seen once the water level for seats in sports, it's not official from strike, a caribbean, back pay has signed the 5 season deal with violin madrid by ferry will move to the spanish side in july with this contract with terry sandra mount expires until now. the 25 year old. so we played full french clubs. ralph has wants to signing for years, but we never able to see a video by face as the transfer. it was a dream come true. this news comes just 2 days after round madrid's champions league victory. i asked to join the summer hunter, who is a present for lead get tv. if the addition of one of the world's best players to their rugs wouldn't make route unbeatable. so they are, they certainly seem to think so you have the former players like garcia's or my cell. it will come out on next and say we're going for number 16. so this is certainly something that they've been talking about. and i think a lot of them are produced as the funds that support the cloud. well,
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certainly for believing that now they have one of the best players in the world, probably at the moment, the best player. well, they certainly are going to believe that some they're going to be winning many more trophies for the next few years to come. i need to look at the landscape and football and you do think it might be very difficult for many other clubs to challenge them. certainly in spain, at the moment, i wouldn't say that anybody is going to be able to really go toe to toe with them. european why is may be matches to city bar munich, some of the traditional heavy weights and not sense, but otherwise you have this kind of funny feeling that rtd just might start running away with it. so this sounds like it was an expensive deal around madrid and it was but less so than it would have been had it come through back in 2022 when there was about a $200000000.00 euro offer on the table. but now as it stands, he's had to take a pay cut. so what spanish media reporting is that he would earn about $15000000.00
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per season after tax. pre tax would be about $26000000.00 or so. but then over the 5 years of the contract, you'd also earn about a 100000000 and bonuses. not to mention that from image rights as well as you would get 80 percent of the cut 20 percent would go to rheumatoid. that's not anything new for anything prior to that he would still continue to get 100 percent. so there's all different ways he's going to be making money from this field. and it certainly will add up to the hundreds of millions when all said and done over the next 5 years. and of course, if he does stay longer than not win, which quite frankly, it's very likely could be the case. he's only 25 years old. then that number can increased significantly with time, but yes, hundreds of millions i would say would go into this one. i like the idea of taking a pay cut down to $50000000.00. how a funds really about how to oh, they're going to absolutely bonkers over the news. it is the worst kept secret, you know, everybody knew it was happening. but since that when official within minutes you
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basically broke the internet in spain is certainly across the rtd website. because there was so much traffic is everybody i think finally, wanted to see it's real. it's really happening. no fake news. there's been on the tweet that was put out on x by remonstrated with the official press release over 55000000 people have seen it about 750000 lights on the suite that's getting in by himself. put out it's about 600000 lights as well, but 25000000 people have seen it too. i mean, it is completely eclipsing any other bit of news in spain right now. they're not think this in the spanish capital. they're so excited. it's finally happening. it's a reality now of course the question mark is just how we see going to sit in time. typically, we've called a bunch let's see, and the players that he has in the front line. good talking to you. thank you so much for joining us through that. so i'm not jealous, tamara hunter inspect. so thank you very much for having me. and finally solve was infuse, asked to break the calls in the rain to try and break
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a world record in what us areas. but the way i've done from that attempt to gather the most star wars fans in a single place organize this, i will try again. another time when perhaps the falls will be with the next on dw, we joined an 18 year old woman in central african republic. with a passion for full good can you hear what old cock highest has to do with the production she has a hands on so really indeed the snow on is you to the


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