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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 1:15am-1:30am CEST

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if you need more news on the go, you can always check out our website that's dw, that com or you can call us on social media or handle us after w news. i'm aaron phillip lynn berlin. thank you very much for joining us. the it couldn't be green, very green, old as blue p s. plight. wind has nothing to read. definitely. pull just the yellow. if that's what you present on purple apples, very special. pacific georgia, choose your favorite color. what secrets live? you discover new adventures in 360 degrees
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and explore fascinating. both heritage dw world heritage $360.00 now the farmers are furious across europe. farmers. they've been rented in non stop protest and yes, the newer it was long. but what news that pulls the present piece, the u as decides to lease some, only to the very big farmers and to agribusiness on them. good to go home because they say they're struggling to make ends meet and blame those at the top for it. that's not necessarily new, but something's different this time. so emotional, i think that's new. it's fairly little things. i think that are sort of the straws that are breaking the camel's back. these little things that seem to be symptoms of bigger and more complex problems that have been brewing for decades. so what are the real issues at stake and how can we fix them?
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the 1st, let's take a closer look at the prototype. farmers have been demonstrating all over the content from portugal to live via to romania to from the know i'm hoping that fits this fits specific. you have them all to fulfill the whole on say people do you about people who don't think this? what's rules? let's just say i'll meet you to an assessment for normal, some issues or more localized in france and germany. the dentist have focused on the reduction of diesel subsidies, p z. i'll come out these look a shuttle entrance. ones extend to split the different ones that move from one to 20000 oil. that's not the most us. he's a fence, you want to switch them, van domestic technologies. maybe some farmers in greece are still reeling from floods in 2023 and are also demanding foster compensation for damage from natural disasters in hungary and poland. farmers complain about imports of cheap grain from ukraine, since russia's invasion use waved terrace on the ukrainian grain and produced as a measure of support after russia block to major ukrainian ports in the block c.
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yes, that is on the on when you sell the book, i bet you i posted that on you cock, but whether it's diesel subsidies for damages or green imports. there's a common thread running through all the protests. farmers feel left alone and overlooked by their government. and if we use it a cold hard numbers, this might well be true. it's just a fact that over time, agriculture tends to shrink relative to other sectors of the economy. stuff on some common top it out as an economist whose research analyzes agricultural policies. he's been a consultant to the world bank and several national governments. and this is true almost everywhere in the world. i can't think of any real exceptions. this is because g d, p growth becomes more and more concentrated on industrial goods and especially services. overtime european farms are dying out, decreasing by roughly a 3rd since 2005. still a point, 7000000 people worked in european agriculture in 2020 and that doesn't include seasonal workers who often labor under precarious conditions. farmers across the
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globe are experiencing disproportionate amounts of mental health problems compared to the general public in europe in the us. the farming population has shown elevated suicide rates, being a farmer as not only having the job as a file, but really are giving, giving all a model you fun. my a has a, is an agricultural economist who researches the social side of sustainable food systems. it's a way of life, and that's why it's so much in a farmer, suicide rates in india, the world's most populous nation, are dire. in 2022, at least 30 farmers took their own lives every day. and we can look again to their shrinking roles. agriculture here, the lead has spring significance, you know, reducing one leader on the importing 15 percent of the countries versus jobs and agricultural economists to india as institute for economic growth. but 50 buttons, people of direct during the independent on it. and this could be a situation the best interest of the purchasers gathering and the bread basket,
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northern instead of punjab, once the government to guarantee a minimum price for all their cost a, c, i am the hold up, it gives the vision the image does pop on most or adopt technology, light in the lobby and what it means by practice instruct anything just because i'm in frank pressure lie. so whether it's india or europe from where you're struggling or losing relevance in our economic system. and it shows the ways in which the system is stacked against on the well across the value chain is not distributed enough, fairly men of even even not as the political secretary of a federation. the advocates for european farmers and farm workers, dan. yes. and the thoughts manufacturers of good things, like the biggest share of the volume, which is produced in the ugly 4 to 6 top and bottom of the info on what goods which are like in the bottom of the,
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of these follow chain drain. supermarket chains have massive negotiating power over prices. your king commission survey found that 96 percent of suppliers and you food chain reported that they experienced at least one form of unfair trade practice. the a student, a list of good to these are not biased, wouldn't include an event on the candidacy. i'm getting. this is as low as you could send him on. the new off comprise of trade deals often down to their plight. international agreements like to propose, you, marcus, sergio with increased agricultural in parts from lot american countries, farmers, complainants cheaper and produce that far lower standards type of thing. when you have the, the don't worry, i'll be more 50. so before we continue in english, i saw a small show new p go to the wordpress hosting. so click on the uh, the click on the tv show. it is either via to plus, but yeah, a good one for to sucks. well, these up like when did you have a full copy the uh, the contract. even offs of the agricultural sector often takes a backseat and negotiations, leaving social and environmental factors unaddressed. or the coastal defense export
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is often used as a bottle getting cheap to create some 33 offs in other sectors. more than those 3 or more luxury goods in europe, there's a pretty easy target for all that pent up in newer that you commission and brussels . that's because the commission controls the other huge thing. farmers present the common agricultural policy or c, p for short launched in 1962. it's the overarching framework that was initially founded to deal with post for food scarcity. almost 3 quarters of the c. a p budget goes to direct payments for farmers sizes. the only thing that matters. their payments are calculated based solely on how big of a farm is the link itself. the subsidies to the phone land is one of the biggest problems because it gives the favor to the ways of products and definitely want to change. this means the policy rewards industrial farms which tend to be mon, or cultural corporations. for example,
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one of your biggest airable funds is arbor cost, romanian, serial producer, u e. investors bought it for reportedly between 20300000000 euros, but the firm still gets over 10000000 annually and you subsidies from any experts. a large majority of it screen, meaning the yield from these massive farms is not benefiting the local economy. most european funds are small, however, 2 thirds of less than 5 actors. and almost all of those are family firms with an aging population, you're gonna have to have on your off on guns, seeing them on screen, they will help them job speed of enough out of so i'm good. that's what he's in finance. us, as of all that weren't complex enough already under climate goals, your, it has lofty plans to become the 1st comment. mutual content by 2050 agriculture is responsible for more than 10 percent of total e, greenhouse gas emissions. a relative to the size or the overall economic importance of the sector, it produces disproportionately a large share of greenhouse gases. so what are the european commission to make
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a green deal along with the firm to ford strategy within a this policy tries to make fruit systems more sustainable. we can't afford kind of to think about the ext uh, issues like environmental protects them like body diversity. like ethical issues, and this is where we start running into tensions. farmers of revolted against greendale policies, like phasing of diesel subsidies, reducing fertilizer and pesticide use, and setting aside land for bio diversity. they say the rules don't compensate them for the income loss, and the farmers are taken to bigger share of the responsibility. so it was, there's something about all of this. the just isn't working a lot. but the problem with the policy is that it is a bit gets a frank. um, if it's meant to be income support, then you think, you know, we should be targeting smaller firms with low income, more and not the big farms. the question is whether it's really designed to be
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income support in the 1st place because of the purpose of the policy is for environmental welfare. well then, big firm should be getting more payments because a big farm is affecting in the environment on a much larger number of factors. so the main problem, at least from my perspective as, as a policy analysis, is that, that the policy is not certainly clear what the main priority is. you're trying to pursue to different goals with one policy and with one tool. and that's not really effective. so far, the european commission has back pedals on some of its policies because of the protests for instruct its fuel subsidies and the scrap the plan to reduce pesticides. as for ukraine, the european commission will extend its transport to you until 2025, but other than measure to prevent too many you training and products being sold in the states. but all of this might just be popping painkillers for long term solutions. a bigger shift in policy would be needed to help farmers and address
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climate change. one solution could be to focus the policies around the environmental aspects of a feed system, not subsidies. the income support is in the european union, a national policy priority, the social policies or national priorities that shouldn't be coming from brussels. it would then be up to the individual member states to support their farmers. they would have more flexibility in shaping their subsidies, which could support smaller farms and create incentives and financial support for more ecological practices. changing the food system, of course, implicates me. you, the consumer breakdown the, you, the environmental costs simply isn't priced enough into our purchases. raising those prices would be necessary. and in turn, change or consumption habits. it's not going to affect me with my professor salary, but it's going to affect, you know, a single mother with kids to feed and who's got a lower salary and policy makers are going to have to find ways of buffering that and distributing the load. but the load has to increase don't expect anything to
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happen in brussels before europe wide elections in june 2024 though. in the meantime, some worry that the farmers move in has already been co opted by frightening parties taking political again. and getting back to that anger, smaller funds and their workers also need a bigger seat at the table. some of the, the 5th one just a not to say no to the best you. there's all key to you to the pool. so this will the visual key so, so you don't have, you will, you can just put them on the bus to exceed that through. we have probably minutes goes into the side of presented its actors or model is um have you didn't get the model is that, that the school the by differential ones maybe much shaping, quote. the political agenda for farmers and india. price controls look necessary, given that roughly 50 percent of the countries workforce as an agriculture in the long run eventually. but uh, most of you from government zooming out, maybe
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a healthy dose of reality is needed and thinking about climate change and the struggles of agriculture. agriculture is a sector. it's probably never going to be completely climate neutral. that's the, you know, but the nature of things that said, we're talking about food, which is a necessity. there's other sectors of the economy that produce things that are perhaps quite, is necessary. at the end of the day, farmers are the ones providing our food, their anger's understandable. they're being squeezed in a huge system that stockpiles well for the biggest players. and they're facing more more rules without any fundamental change of that system. or the firm was purchasing were us. and how do you think about for insecurity? tell us and the comments below and don't forget to hit like and subscribe to next time the
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we on the field the european dream. we are the millions of refugees. europe's external board is putting the you to the test. politicians in brussels are looking for solutions. how will they resolve the flows out on d w. there's more to sustainable fishing than just fishing. when i go out to sea together, the cultural heritage fishing is a traditional technique archipelago of tier kind of it's importance of lead artist the media to be it's in bassett, or be to advocate in 16 minutes on
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