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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, mexico's 1st one leader said she'll be a president for all without issue involved promises to look out for every mexican, especially those challenges, including the economy and growing cartel violence also coming up in the program for more hostages handled by a mazda of declared that prime minister benjamin netanyahu again says he would accept the ceasefire and gaza until all of israel's demands are met. the
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i'm here until berlin, thanks for joining us. mexico's new leaders. so she'll be a president for all, even for those who didn't vote for her cloud issue about one, a landslide election victory, and will become mexico's 1st female president. the former mayor of mexico city faces multiple challenges, including economic challenges and the specter of growing violence. mexico's biggest election in history has produced a unique winner. the claudia shane bomb is set to become the country's next president. cheers and jubilation decorated for celebration speech. the former mayor pledged an office that leads for all the ones that go with that. but i thought that we will govern for everyone, man and women, but as human as to the principle of our movement, then we for the good of everyone 1st to take care of the poor. but he made all
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those bodies. when has resonated with the public places who know who you are, we are proud that we are giving way to a woman to govern us. some of you, you can see that she is well prepared and that is very satisfying to pick up the commission. so we said the ip very heavy, very proud and fully represented as a woman. because for the 1st time in 200 years we have a fema president up to mid. but if you didn't stuff, she looked set for a landslide victory over her main opponent. she so did you have got of as a business woman from an indigenous background, conceded defeat with a final request. i would like to emphasize that my recognition of the results comes with a firm demand for solutions and outcomes to the serious problems the country faces
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. at least one person was killed at a polling station and published date in more than 30 presidential candidates, were assassinated ahead of sundays vote. making it the most violent election in mexico's history. tackling crime will be a top mandate for claudia shane mom's office, but she also addressed other major concerns for mexico's public data. and most of that we will be, or steer corrupt and won't come back. no, the privileges, no of the presidential airplane, all the retirement pension stuff on the president's p. o. the presidential stayed guardian. is that on the? yeah, the mexico's constitution only allows one term presidencies. this means claudia shane bomb has 6 years to take for the issues on her agenda. winter time in august begins on october 1st came a compass center. maria is an assistant professor of history and international
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affairs at george washington university. i asked her whether mexico is getting its 1st president, and if we can see that, or we're going to present, excuse me, and if that's a try them for feminism. absolutely, i think we, we do need to a put they big 3 of classroom on, on the fact that the sick on the strongest candidate was also a woman. so to go to this, in the context of a struggle on the, on the side, that framing this movement that we must move man have for the, for, for the kids and mexico. so i, i really, we need to understand this in the context of the, or the seventy's movement, this trend. so the women's movement, of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that a, that they knew elect the president. we'll certainly have a gender perspective in your policies. but what do we gotta be helpful about that? so let's talk about her agenda moving forward. now, as we heard in the report there, there has been incredible violence in this election campaigns. so what should
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should be doing, or what could she be doing to tackle the problem of violence in mexico? sort of a uh, security and violence. uh, definitely the top challenges a mexico or some of the most important things affecting people in their everyday life. including a questions of only size a family size, beginning of women because of their gender. if these appearances extortionist, ro varies. uh, these are all in very, very strong challenges. i would say that you know what they knew coming, persevering would cost to the east, addressing the social on the solution of roots or vitamins on crime and mexico. so far she has indicated a willingness to do some of that by continuing with some of the social programs of according presidency and also which is strengthening the prosecutor's office of the capacity to investigate or based the bushes in mexico. however, a she has also pledged to continue with the immunization of forwarding security,
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which has race concerns a amongst human rights organizations. so you as a site, there are limitations and also the family smoke. man. there was him a copy center motor you of george washington university, speaking to me a little earlier now in the mid east for more hostages held by him. mazda in carson, after declared that these rarely armies says 85 year old. i mean, i'm cooper hiring perry and your mexico. both the 80 and 51 year old is really produces and that of couple died together in hun, eunice. a mouse is not released. their bodies of israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has again said you will not accept a ceasefire and gaza until all of israel's conditions are met. the military is carried out more airstrikes in the south of the territory, with no less often to finding relentless strikes on rough ha.
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palo simians are taken to attend at a field hospital in the southern most city of gaza. strikes also hit the city of han, eunice where destruction is so widespread that newly flattened buildings no longer stand out. underneath the rubble is um your old dream. sars mother, you call us cause it enough. if we have lost a lot, we lost all our loved ones, we have nothing left enough for the love of god implemented cease fire enough. we are tired, humiliated, and broken up the prospects for full truth now look slim after us president joe biden presented what are you called and is really ceasefire proposal that would also see to the release of hostages, held by how mas afternoon is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu came forward and dismissed the deal, and says that fully destroying from us has been
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a key priority from the start. ends for the help of we are using calculus ways to bring back out hostages because it allows. we've come a long way, but in the process, we've kept the voice of objectives in mind. primarily the limitation of home us. it will be, we won't give up on them either. it's all part of the plans that clinic by me today . but there's also been pressure on netanyahu to speak the truth. and israel families of hostages have been calling for an agreement that would bring their missing loved ones home. i feel that from week to week, it's just, we're here just for about more and more hostages. it's dying, and now we are in the critical moment. and if we not going to negotiate and we'll make a hostage, there is no help for these countries changed around and i can see them then
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coming back alive. whoever is still alive if it's not going to happen. now, like in these days and then garza is more mounds of trouble pile up. international pressure is mounting on israel to end it's war. 8 or washing corresponding benjamin over as goober gave us this assessment to us reaction to israel's resistance to the latest piece proposal. so what, how satisfied, what's important also to see other regional partners are a looking at this proposal in depth and many comments coming on from the washington on this topic, jake sullivan, the us national security adviser said israel has shown willingness to agree to a cease fire and hostage release it by this deal that was set out by president biden. and the white house is insisting that this piece plan was, is roads own and was not drafted by washington to put it pressure on its allies.
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some people have been suggested and that still seems it to be necessary as many still wonder why it was in you as president and not. and his rarely prime minister presenting it well. president biden called this is riley proposed there's a brief looked out some other stories making the headlines around the world of hundreds of people have rallied in the argentine capital windows as these against gender based violence. they demanded justice for victims of genocide active as also to those anti feminist measures by the military government, including describing the diversity measured ministry under biden has become the 1st child of a sitting us president to face criminal charges in court. joe biden, son is accused of 3 felony offenses in delaware over the purchase of and possession of a hans gun in 2018. guess pleaded not guilty of china's natural space agency says it's lunar pro has lifted off from the far side of the
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moon. the chinese 6 craft as now heading back to earth. a successful return would make china the 1st country to retrieve campbells from the moon's far side. a united nations development specialist has been sworn in as the prime minister of haiti. gary calling a main task is to restore order. most of the capital port prints is controlled by criminal gangs. it's kind of a 2nd term as premier a general strike to shut down the power grid and nigeria bringing africa's most populous nation to understand still, airport schools and public offices had to close for union. se walk outs will continue until the government agrees to renew minimum wage. southern germany is still struggling with the worst flooding in the region. in decades, at least 4 people have been killed and thousands more forced to leave the rooms. german chancellor wolf schwartz has promised extra help for those affected and says
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the floods are a call for action on climate change. trying to save what still can be save. hundreds of sandbags are piled up by the presidents of munching, hoping to protect the houses of the done pro. a few kilometers of st. others have already given up. like going to have been who watches on helplessly, particularly for the seller is filling up with water. it's coming in from all directions. if we have to see what comes next. okay, tell me, i don't know. i have no idea the main road has been entirely east of much affected residence, gone by the disaster. they are experiencing mountain cella and his wife have tried the best, but the floods with too strong. the house is also filling up with most of the single for this. if it gets faster for you, i've never experienced anything like it's in this much water. it's bad one. what is
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the situation look for you? too much room, the sellers under water. everything's destroyed is to put in the pots of the town that i still dried. people are using the time to put that under the as evil as getting most and bugs as the which is just need to is away from his house. of course, this nerve wracking, i'm afraid, for my house, after seeing what happens to some of the other houses. there's of course, i don't want to show my wife and children have to leave phones that haven't gone through the gate. i'm for insect isn't sitting here in lansing, people on deep shock. what used to be the center of that town is not completely flooded. people that's trying to pump the volts out of the basement, which has gone everywhere. even. that's a ground level here. but one thing keeps everyone going, solidarity people from all over the town has come together to phillips on bikes
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that affect the neighbors. come then pick up on that worksheet. simple. i know what it's doing, we all help each other out. and while everyone is hoping for the best, the read extend of the damage will only be seen once the water level for seats in footballs, news. it's now official french drunkard killing them, bump a has site a 5 year deal with real madrid and, but they will move to the spanish site in july, when his contract with terry saint germain expires. until now. the 25 year old is only played for french clubs. we all have wanted to size him for years, but only now see what to do. my thing says the transfer is a dream come true. and that's all for now, but to stick around coming up after the break, our environmental show planet
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a asks how we can make farming more affordable. again, remember if you need more news in the go, you can always check out our website that's deal. com or you can follow us on social media where a handle is, of course, at the time the news. i'm here until berlin. thank you very much for joining us. the one small step for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking at the potential of deep sea mining but this time a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to to get it right before we even start environmental
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activists. us.


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