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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the business dw news lives from the end of the 6 long weeks of voting across the country. counting begins and india, general electric exit polls and early friends suggest a comfortable victory, and it's time for them to vend remotely. and his b j. b, also coming off. this information is playing an increasing role in the elections that are on the well, we looked at russia's role on how it's influencing all the political access across the form of hostages. how far, how most of the flat dead prime minister, benjamin? yeah, hope benjamin netanyahu says he will not accept
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a c's. fine garza until all israel them on some x plus germany counts of tragic cost of another flooding disaster song. so that will have sold says if so, serve as a wake up pole on the thread post. by time the gulf is welcome to the program. concert goes on the way in india and off to hundreds of millions of people voted in an election to decide who will fall and the countries next government, the national democratic alliance lead by prime minister under and remote is nationalist b. j. p. policy is currently a head count, u n. d a appears on fact when about 300 of the 543 seats available. the position in the lines, which includes the ones dominant congress policy is leading in around $200.00 seats
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. exit polls predictive mowdy will retain pounds for a historic said. and of course, upon the solve your daughter's standing by the beach. i p headquarters in dallas, charlotte, what's the latest where you want me to hear? it's possibly video the hard to add the beach at the headquarters. i have to say it's white. so the way the wind is blowing it goes back to our giving each other and stuff which is what it was like in 2019 to have to be to be headquarters. but i am a, this man leading up to the b to b headquarters to gauge for those people. they were out c o,
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a said and huge amount of celebration which we are going to see. i think people are just waiting and watching to see which way the number to find the apparently the beach i p. uh, looks like it will do worse than expected. why is that the last 2 months as really speaking to the different parts of the country? 2 major issues that really came up in the interviews with them was uh you will find employment and increasing the positive changes. it has to be massive just because he has the fact that he has a really side as the one of the largest, the positive and here situation to be in cities dials. so that was one issue that might have been a bit disconcerting,
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which had gone into the number to the lack of these was salts, then effect modi's plans for us. uh sorry, i am as prime minister the way we have the weight. and what's the hard to get the information to be seen by the majority of the cost by the fees as compared to the. 5 you know, a difference. so you know, i think it may not be had to make the country he called me to a developed by 2047. so we have to really see you know,
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as far as the has in the last uh, for instance, the single template for the georgia community as well as the way up to speed salary out of that be forcing from the b j. p. headquarters. thank you, sally. so we go straight over to audio boss at the of the congress fall headquarters in the idea. what's the latest way you are? god, i'm standing inside the premises of congress at water. and there is excitement, there is a pause and there is an assistant and space in from the congress. what goes just saying that this is a victory already for us? because if you feel the exit polls the already showed that a cop, they showed that in an allies really not when the selection but what is happening
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right now. the print that is showing right now that they are getting maximum seats from north india. so i spoke to thousands of congress party what codes here. it's telling us this is a victory for rob, who's gone. and this was the rejection of his hendo to politics. so, congress body workers, i be happy here. they're saying we have to wait and watch for the next period, and we'll get the clarity who's going to win the selection. so while we wait and watch what should be we looking out for in the coming hours. so we have to wait and watch what's going to happen in the next 2 yards, because there is a net been accomplished in almost 20 to 30 seats, where the margin is palm between 10 to 10000 votes. so we had to wait and watch if next the dollars the town will continue, will get more clarity who's going to make the next call him back. but you have to understand that this time in an operational life is making teams in the 5 days,
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which is one of the largest states that send you all of this 50 father man. so do that next to make flight and congress bodies things to model last part b, j, b. and it's a big see for a who's going to be his uh, one of the may major like blankets the selection was to save democracy and saving the product is that i thought it did. and as of this thing, this time, people are resonating with this kind of message and rejecting the dubious and politics of prime minister embodied that's the sentiment that's taking place inside the b. b. inside the home. does it go up to us? and we see the celebration also taking place. people are coming out of large numbers. they're already like dancing. so slow beginning is happening. they have chatting slogans and preventive and say whatever else has gone. so quite a week competed to election this time. uh, what was expected, according to the error, you know, the exit polls, the was saying that the, the congress with nothing more than a 100 seats. so we had to wait and watch what's going to happen for the next 3 hours. and then we'll get a clarity who's going to be douglas auto bought,
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that they come with policy headquarters in delhi. thank you very much. i do the outcome of the indian accent is of a deep significance to the european union. the indian e. you try to relationship has grown markedly during their end, remote as time and office, and both cooperation on a range of issues including on climate change. but russia's war and ukraine has been a major sol point india and the european union, the world's most populous nation, with a booming economy and the world's largest trading block. both are also committed to democratic values. but it's economic interests that dominate the power houses bilateral relationship according to indian figures, india, you trade was worth 130000000000 dollars last year. the uses that during the past decade during prime minister no render modi's time and power. india e,
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you trade has ballooned by 30 percent at the u india summit. 2 years ago the 2 sides agreed to set up a trade in technology council which includes cooperation in shaping digital technologies the you in india, which is currently experiencing a devastating heat wave. also share ambitious commitments to tackling climate change created in the spring. but there is one significant area of disagreement. russia's war and ukraine, which the easily sees as an existential threat. the outcome of the war will not only determine the future of europe, but also deeply affect the in the pacific region and the rest of the world or in the pacific region. it is as important as for europe that borders are
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respected. moody has not publicly criticized russian. president vladimir putin seen here meeting at a summit and was back a stand instead. india has stressed the need for dialogue to end the war and says it is willing to help with peace upwards. and to remind them we will have extended special coverage of the elections in india with beers biology. roughly 2 hours from now. the spread of this information has become an increasingly decisive and damaging factor in the elections around the world. russia, in particular assault, to use this information networks to influence elections. the forthcoming european parliament polls are a major target. and the kremlin is the only one trying to manipulate the narrative of the kremlin once a vote in european elections. 30 boards by the german federal forwarding office filed to the thrasher, had used more than 50000 fake accounts on ex,
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sending more than 1000000 tweets in order to manipulate public opinion. only in germany. some far right members and staff of the european parliament are being investigated for helping accused of taking money to promote pro rush of views through a propaganda network called voice of europe, allegedly financed by moscow and van headquartered in prague, even after being sanctioned and expelled by both the check government and the e u. the website kept its prague address a surprise to at least one resident of the building. were you aware that your home address is being used as a, as the site of a russian propaganda? whether it's 1st time of day heard about this. well boys of europe may be muted. there are plenty of other voices that concern democracy active this veronica v who has been working to counter kremlin this information for years and wishes european
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politicians would take a more active role rest improve again, that is not trying to persuade anyone about anything really. they are just trying to start chaos and distrust. so as long as we are not the country and with some kind of narrative, that is going to create a story that is going to make people believe in democracy again for losing. and are you losing right now? i think we are on the verge of a vehicle, but illustrates how check candidates are attacking each other with accusations of kremlin sympathies instead of presenting positive platforms. so basically, also the governmental prices are sort of spreading manipulation at best. so this information about the new policies can't all be blamed on. foreign influence is plenty comes from european politicians themselves. the gary and government is accusing the block of planning to for as young europeans into the military to send them to ukraine. dw spec check team dispelled that notion quickly. noting the germany's monford river, head of the largest political group and the european parliament has called for the
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german army to re introduce conscription. nothing else. but russia's one ukraine has given this informers of all backgrounds, much more material to work with, compared with the last year of p and elections in 2019, and cobit pandemic conspiracy theories have also been resurrected for the vote. the european digital media observatory is a hub for 52 fact checking organizations coordinator to masa. cannetta hopes voters will be proactive and informing themselves nourishing has the skepticism on one hand, but do not also fall in the exact opposite of not trusting anything or anyone. because this is one of the cool of these information wanting people not to trust anybody and things being that you know, truth and falseness are absolutely the same. cannetta also warns that while the use of artificial intelligence and creating deep face has not been as prevalent as was feared, such tactics could still be deployed at the last minute,
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making it very hard to verify information and time. he urges voters to stay vigilant. european elections will be a crucial test as to how much fact checkers can do to ensure election integrity dw process costs on a. terry sills father's report and she joins us now from brussels. terry, let's start with investigations of european politicians. what more can you tell us about that? yes. what we knew from the initial investigations, as i mentioned there in my report of this formerly prague based website voice of europe. we knew that they were spending money trying to get politicians elected on pro kremlin propaganda. but the washington posters published its own very detailed investigation a day ago, which shows even more. it shows that moscow was spending perhaps $1000000.00 euros per month on trying to help politicians get elected on these kinds of messages. so
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that certainly makes more clear just to the extent to which the kremlin is willing to go to try to get politicians which are spouting their agenda into office here in the european union. i think, i think that's a big concern. now as we've heard in your both democracy activists wish you a, p and officials will take a more active role in counseling. this information, what can be done so that voters on full yes, it is not just your opinion official because it's one thing to be trying to debunk propaganda when you're coming from inside of your opinion, institution and factors themselves would prefer that that voters turn to them but when politicians themselves are actually spreading lies uh that is really concerning for, for the state of democracy. and that's why, as you saw in my piece, of fact checking organizations are really urging voters to do more of their own work to look up websites that are debunking some of these claims. and also to
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remind everyone to have at least 2 sources of information when you're trying to look up what's fact and what's fiction because there is a lot of it out there and, and there will be even more in these very few days that are left before people go to the pools or do you think we need to be concerned regarding the upcoming european elections when it comes to the influence of rush and this information? i think absolutely every election uh there is more and more concerned about the ways that russia and not just russia, but also china. iran, other governments that wish ill to the european union are finding ways to influence the electorate here in, you know, the kremlin budget for this information is 1500000000 per year. so they are going to all links to try to get politicians that are favorable to their views into the european parliament, international governments. and with poll showing that perhaps as much as a quarter of the european parliament seats could now go to the far right parties, some of which are very favorable to the kremlin. that's
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a big concern. so certainly people here are very worried and again urging voters to do a lot of their own diligence and looking at what's fact and what's fiction before they vote dw 1st, voluntarily shows that we bought him from brussels. thank you very much. terry. for more hostages help by home us and gauze, i've been declared that is really i'm it says 85 year old. i'm a run coupon. i'm perry, and you're a met script both 18 and the 51 year old is rarely bridge says citizen, not of papa well died together in con you this a mouse has not released that bodies. yes, israel is prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as again said he will not accept the ceasefire and gaza until all of israel's conditions on that's the military is carried off more as twice in the south of the territory, with no lights up in the fight to relentless strikes on rough ha,
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powell simians are taken to attend at a field hospital in the southern most city of gaza. strikes also hit the city of hong eunice for destruction is so widespread that newly flattened buildings no longer stand out. underneath the rubble is um your old dream . as sars mother ma ma call us cause it enough. if we have lost a lot, we lost all our loved ones. we have nothing left enough for the love of god implemented cease fire enough. we are tired, humiliated, and broken up, give the prospect for full truth now, look slim after us. president joe biden presented what are you called and is really ceasefire proposal that would also see to the release of hostages, held by how mas afternoon is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu came forward
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and dismissed the deal, and says that fully destroying from us has been a key priority from the start. ends for the help of we are using calculus ways to bring back out hostages because it allows. we've come a long way, but in the process, we've kept the voice of objectives in mind. primarily the limitation of home us at home. we won't give up on them either. i'm. it's a, it's old part of the plans that clinic by me today. but there's also been pressure on nothing yahoo to speak the truth. and israel families of hostages have been calling for an agreement that would bring their missing loved ones home. i feel that from week to week it's just we're here just for about more and more hostages. it's dying. and now we are in the critical moments. and if we're not going to negotiate and will make a hostage,
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there is no hope for this country changed around and i can see the men coming back alive. whoever is still alive if it's still going to happen. now like in these days and then garza is more mounds of trouble pile up. international pressure is mounting on israel to end it's war. 8 and all washington correspondent, benjamin of ours goober, has this assessment of us reaction to, as well as resistance to the latest 5 proposal to the white house as what's important also to see on the regional partners are a looking at this proposal. investment many comments coming on from the washington on this topic, jake sullivan, the us national security adviser said israel has shown willingness to agree to a cease fire and hostage release it by this deal that was set out by president biden. and the white houses, insisting that this piece plan was,
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is roads own and was not drafted by washington to put it pressure on its allies. some people have been suggested and that still seems it to be necessary. is many still wonder why it was in you as president and not, and his rarely prime minister presenting it well. president biden called this is rarely proposed benjamin of ours group and reported that from washington. and also the flooding in southern germany. it has killed at least 4 people enforced thousands to see the homes. german shots, the order shows visited one of the areas hottest hits in the state of bavaria. he said the flats were yet another indicator of the thread post by man made climate change. the germany's chancellor surveys the flood damage in this bavarian town, accompanied by the state premier and interior minister, olaf schultz promised solidarity in the form of federal and military assistance. and he expressed his concern about climate change. just as a d, as in the dispute,
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the my doctor did not be the full time this year. i visited an area like the assistance of on him bus donald. and it's an indication of what's going on as of the all scouting. so we can't neglect the task of stopping and man made. so i'm at change shut off, let's ignore from love defenses were no match for the masses of water that came down in southern germany. residents are overwhelmed by the scale of the disaster device. you're going to get the bands. everything in the basement is destroyed, can use to fridges, freezers and the washing machine. everything is gone. i'm not waiting for the firefighter and the pump, the water out of the basement, with nothing else can be done for now. we're moving on this in another bavarian town. rescuers are mourning the loss of a colleague who died while trying to rescue trapped residence. yes,
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and it's just weird. just made stomach maternity course we're thinking about college and his family, whom we knew is very well. but the work let's go on, it's like if we have a disaster here, so we have to get through that. so job. this is loosely all scabby and rescuers continue to search for the missing. and the officials have warned the high water levels are likely to persist for some time. now let's cross over to southern germany to a month sitting in bavaria. and this is where dw is. mathew moore is a standing a by for us. now matthew, what are the kind flight conditions where you well well god, the jumping weather service has lifted, the weather one is across the country, but the situation is still critical. and that's because all that rain, once the last century, amounts of rain, half of london in this area, in the past few days. and what it's doing is no,
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it's flowing into the major rivers and causing they will not they are. but here where i am and mention the situation is about cleaning off and about pumping out about walter. and as you can see behind me that our technical help support teams, the residents were living in the district where the batteries on sunday night. and as the ones that came out to cook chest level and it was a pretty dramatic situation, know the situation and, and the kind of the english to pump how all that water is in sailors. it's so often to begin to clean up. and as i walked around the village this morning, i spoke to people about the situation. they said that they've never seen anything like this before. i won't be said was that they were kind of fed up through it. they were kind of really kind of frustrated at fault. above all, do i relieve that? none of the neighbors i've come into hong and that's not at the moment is the, is the bottom line that there just to leave that no one was heart. speaking of that, we had at least 4 people have died. are there any mole missing? well this morning actually the fire,
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the fire officials in the state of bottom put them back, said that the fest, passing i passed me, was missing a rescue workers who was missing when he was tied to risk a family on sunday evening. is that the search for that that 22 year old mine has not been suspended. they believe he has lightly drivers. so that 6 that the, the death over here in southern germany to 5 and the last few days, not far from here. a women trying to sell us, so it just on the line, hard, dangerous, high for curious, the slots are not just for the people, the residency of also for the rest of your workers are putting their lives on the line to help people and the fee rangel that the suspicion is the eyes deflect, walters receive that they've told me rise, and obviously it's, it's kind of, it's difficult and horrible. and that's so that's, that's the, the, the virtual kind of reality of, of, of my spot thing like this across the white white areas and white spread parts of the country. what can we expect but still to come? well yeah, authorities here where i on the very i really concentrating the rest parts on the
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done the done you because old walters and see if it's but it's been falling down the last few days has no flowing. and so the done, you've done over night in reagan's bag the water level, which 9.5 meters. and although they fell off dumbs along the river bank, there, the water is now coming out from through the ground and the feet, the feet rest. but they just will not be able to hold that box specially the historical part of reagan's part and, and i'm actually, i'm the administrator president of the very i is going to go there today to have a look at it. and so no, that's where the focus says the, the focus is on, on places like reagan, spike, and try to make sure that they can protect as many people and as many historical buildings and, and homes and businesses as possible. thank you very much, dw, responded massimo, the are you watching? the news is a reminder of all the top stories. concert goes on the way in india. india is generally the election of to weeks of voting in which more than $640000000.00,
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where costs exit polls. the trends suggest a comfortable victory and a 3rd term and office photo and remotely, and his wp pots. and that's it from you that is so you might have a wilderness update for you at the top of the fence. the
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police special, the mafia in germany, drugs extortion. the german denise is pursuing the crew. but the regulations are too low and there isn't enough monitoring. how can the mafia in germany be stop the guns dunn's the next on d w. there's more to sustainable fishing than just fishing. when allah and go out to see together big old cultural heritage. sharefile's
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fishing is a traditional technique using archipelago here kind of it's importance of lead artist. i mean it to be, it's in basset or eco africa. in 60 minutes on d, w, the distributor champion goal is ali john. in fact, hash one of 79 of everything is simply designed so i can do this, which gives me extreme freedom to me all the time. devin townsend really stays on the bu dish mice. and i mean, i've never thought i'm giving up but lives sometimes doc that i just can't take this anymore. what drives them to keep going?
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on the sound of simple stuff. on the d, w, the europe in the fight against the mafia. the police are stepping up efforts to come back the collaboration into that and get the efforts. november 2023 the mafia. investigation committee in the syringe and state parliament summoned unimportant witness. a form, a judge from the district court was called to testify about his friendship with an italian restaurant and in the 2 thousands. the 2 was so close.


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