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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the physical state of the news line from berlin off to 6 long weeks of voting across the country will not be the land slide that had been forecast. the india appeared as attract when some 290 to 94 of the 543 seats available. the opposition in the alliance, which includes the once dominant congress party is leading in around $230.00 seats . mostly is on cost to detain for a historic 3rd time, but without the super majority. if you had aim for the, the tucson to pay this month,
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dollars more about what early voting results indicate. and they are telling us that the indian votes are, remains to be pretty unpredictable and also that the exit poets were seen in the far off the mock because they always had projected as something majority for the n d, a left by prime minister more to speech a p and that doesn't seem very likely at the moment because like you said at the moment, the n d a is holborn around 290, which would allow them of course to form the government because they have crossed the threshold for that. but they're just a far cry from the super majority that they want. and if we look at the matching for a 2 thirds majority, that would be around $359.00 seats. this majority enabled any alliance all potty to change and yes, constitution. and they have fall from that as of now, but then again, things can change quickly here. so we have to take these early trends with a pinch of salt as well. but one thing is undisputable. and that is basically the
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to if and that ends remotely want to form a government, he would be setting a new record, wouldn't be a definite vision would be uh, ending for a search consecutive term. and he would only be the 2nd indian prime minister to do that off till one of in the us founding fathers trouble. i knew he was in the 1st prime minister in fact, so moody which be only the 2nd one in india's post independence history to achieve this. and he looks on track to do that yet the majority will be diminished and for him and his speech therapy that might mean that they would have to compromise. maybe a little bit more with the partners in the n d a alliance. because if we look back at 2019 bay beach, repeat lowing had 1303 seats right now. the beach repeat alone is at $240.00 seats. so you know, they have lost as
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a party individually. and if we look at an interesting um indian state, like a tough guy dish with a population bigger than brazil, if we look at only what's up try dish and cents a team members of parliament to the national parliament here in daily. and in 2019 the beach, i p manage to win $6.00 to $2.00 of those states, and what top reddish, now, it seems, it appears to be the case that they have lost about half of them, and that is huge because it will, top reddish is in the northern handy heartland, and everybody assumed that it would be a clean sweep for the beach, a p, and it would have to dish. and it seems to be the case that this hasn't happened, you know, speaking but with the brothers, because i know that you're out on the campaign trail in there for days. and i just wonder if you're going to be gone for us. what the board does, what tending you, on the campaign created when you were there? i mean, when i was in a mitchie and in rather a tool,
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i was about to say full more and strong hearts of india's famous noodle gun. the family is at the very heart of the congress, whether it seems to be the case that rob i really, which remains with a gun. this in 2019 could be defended by a rough week on the this time around. and a 2019 the other families stronghold in a meeting that was the last to actually switching to ronnie who happens to be in the minnesota for women, children and p as indeed. and s a p. us now she has lost, i'm new to so the beach i p. last, a very, also symbolically important. see that indeed was re gains by the near to run the families. so that is huge. and what i could pick up on the ground for us that there was a certain, a sentiment anti anti incumbency sentiment that there was also go to epa fee. and people, they are really told us over and over again. and that's what they really want is help because inflation can be felt on
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a day to day basis in their pockets. the high cost of living was effecting many people there and also use unemployment to assure issue in a pop to this country in a popular state like which i've tried to use the use appear to be quite restless. and a lot of young votes has told me actually that they would abstain from voting either that or would vote for the opposition to send a message to the reading the trip. really, i live at the for the moment. i'm sure we'd be coming back to you soon, but thanks for the time being the w's delgado to sandra page has been reporting from debbie. thanks so much. i state of the default and every such as far joys be in the studio with while you were setting. i'm sure what the assembly i was saying that you know, these issues of unemployment and price rise. does it look like these issues campaigned for themselves and influenced the volta, or would you give the opposition some credits? i'm so glad you asked that question. that is because i was listening to sondra and
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thinking about the fact that in 2019 i was on the ground shooting the exact same complaints. i came away from those reporting trips feeling well of course the media people. lucy, it's of course, of course i'm going to come in, but i was wrong. the be to begin the mass of features. and if you look at the board says the percentages of the what's going to each of these bodies right now, they are somewhat similar to what we saw the last time around. which honestly means that the coalition being able to put it together to be able to, to this, to it's from the fragmentation of what they saw in 2019 really explains why the numbers have doubled. this was so impressive. and honestly, i am surprised because that part of the coalition for the being slow, but they seem to have back toward the funds for the course of wasn't really working right when they, when they announced the coalition. last ed, this is the, in the lines that we're talking about coordination of, is it what 26? when you say when i keep moving down, because somebody's exiting, for example, if there's commodity, was the convent of this, of this goldish and he left went back to the hot happens,
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you're not doing so well. but that's another story. so that coalition at the outset was working too well, what do you think has worked for it in the late stages of this 6 weeks long election campaign? i think the perfect answer would be with the b j p. and the reason i say that is because the reason people started believing that the one was shifting against that we do people the way they look at banding. they came into the selection really confident, but the, the diet seems to have dawn during the course of voting. and that was really indicated by the fact that they'll be just be will sticking on a very aggressive anti minority to one very or briefly in its campaigning. and a lot of analysts said, why are they on the back foot the be just be, has historically a very strong ongoing presence. they know what's going on. and it almost seems like people expecting that the tide was still running against them. and for the course of these lots that really seemed so that would, that seem to have shifted to the core uh to the congress and its allies and beautiful fussing the big, big games and reason or thought to you. but the congress seems to have allied with
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the right creation of parties that have made those massive gains competitive. and to 19 both a bit about these a, these don't bother to go. they seem to be making a comeback of so it's right off. they've been virtually wiped off the map in 2019 a please the the parliamentary map and not so much the legislative habits about story know exactly and you know, to get into the nitty gritty is if an all live long conversation across the surface . exactly. but if we, we often talk about the 2 big parties, i'd be talking about the b to b and we talk about the congress, the us still of the to biggest bodies in the parliament. if these fins are to be believed. but the leaves, the bodies may reflect the fact that voters may be tired of the beach appeased with what an extent they may not still have gained fully confidence back in the congress that was at the head of follow for decades, but was voted out massively back in 201410 years ago, 2019 and performed very poorly. and the confidence in the beginning of the bodies is something that this is a section of the fact that maybe the national bodies annoyed us, trusted them the regions. but again,
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both the be to be and the congress pulling these regional bodies into the coalition is a small move that it begins on a southern regional body that the b, b will benefit from, for example. but most of these benefits don't seem to be accruing to the off position and in the end going forward, it looks like the opposition will be able to put up more assistance, would be able to prevent the beach open. you from seemingly steam rolling a policy as to that we saw in the last 2 sessions. i do want to talk about what another um, what the term potentially would mean for in depth. and just before that, i'd like to get a meeting id, but not to completing that day. i'd like to stick with what the issue that's under was also talking about why is with the but they're so important. and why is the fact that the, the opposition led the, the in the alliance is almost going neck and neck, with the bees are p lead india alliance. and with that, but there's why is that significant to the entire result of this, of these lots of land actions. i mean, honestly with it, but this obviously a fascinating, but i'm very surprised it seem as a better by the state of scene as
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a swing states sometimes. but the beach, if he has had a from who on this state over the last 10 years, especially at the local government or the state government is to be, should be as well. and uh the, the dish popular and seems to vote very often along religious lines. but speaking of that, it seems that the appeal that to be different was making to the construction of the historic is on the temper of the, or the significant wrong. i'm temper, excuse me, does not seem to have put to it as much the city in which that temper was made, but it'd be to be, seems to be using it. and the fact that somehow this uh, the anti minority dialogue that i mentioned audio seems to have back fired, especially for the minorities themselves. they seem to be working and it's able offer you some authority that of incorporation with the congress. so that could be one of the reasons some, what a apple t does seem to play a role as well. and again, the solve what, which, what the note for compared to the previous years. but that often goes either way in
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india, sometimes if it would be incumbent sometimes if it was the opposition. in this case, it does seem to be favoring the opposition big, the talking about the bees repeat. the basically traditionally relies on the so called him the heartland. states essentially the states and the northern part of the country. and so i'm in the west and part of the country which, but the majority language is in the there traditionally do well that and you pay is a part of that. so this sort of shows a train that doesn't fit that uh what the type taken for granted as it's support base is it can be dented when it comes to people's issues of unemployment and arising prices. would that be a correct interpretation? but oh absolutely. i think it definitely is safe to say that the him, the both has been a strong hold for the be j b. and they were trying very hard to make inroads into the south as we saw. i missed and will be traveling to the south and visiting many temples, trying to appeal and see that he has a nation that a broad appeal. but it is that assertion of the multi guarantee that kept coming up again and again and the campaign. everybody said, well, he's a man, people believe and he's
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a bad people can fall behind and he will come through that seems to have not to come up the find out the way that he was expected to. and like you said, they can be, they can be about as brand multi dented. i would definitely think so, but i do not think the beach if you will think so. i was watching and out of the morning as we do as of the national sport and in the country and the beach if he did come on and on multiple times. the saying this is too early to be at. the more the government will still form a thought them. so this is a vote in confidence to the prime minister. but the assignment the media be no longer has a clear majority. they're not even going foster hosp. the mock is by any means by any sites, a dent, but it's truly going to be a question of how humble will it be. it may be in reacting to that what you're going to have to be there for you. i think that's another, that's another discussion to that. if we leave it there for the moment. thanks so much a new mission. but it's
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a long list on alternate lunch and woke up out there, give us his views on whether these results point to a dent in the brand multi because this is, i use the some of these, the popularity because this is a target for 370 for the b b, and more than a 100 seats, it looks a lot longer because i know when the beat, the, the off the, off the market one and $72.00 almost produce each truck at the moment. it loops the train, so it's up visible. now, the now becomes the actual reality. uh, you know, the mileage you need and these are the, is going to be almost like easy chocolate image of all you. oh, so you're going to be somebody to conspire to stop. even the 10 percent off is i was in boxes are ready to be to get the dogs to invite because they're the ones who would be unable to ensure that the big season. oh my god, you know,
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have the address of the minority and then for them is on it. but is there anybody in that to be jumping that coalition that has a bigger presence then that ends or more the, even if they're dissolved, is the, the way it is. this is the zillow going 0, the be bought, know. then even just want us of partners guys actually, you know, started beating more demonte diversity, which is we do with them either from is somebody is the leg work is done from 2014, 2024 that you have to follow the number is a more confidence website or even after the fact is, what is your part of the policy decisions. now these things have been done already . uh well, you know, the institution of the national democratic the, the last of the be jeffrey, i do not have a formal meeting between 20192023 getting the meeting us,
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you know. so that's the because the elections are going to be off, the vision was, was kind of moving on, been says, trying to form in their lines. always you visually happened to work here, or they didn't do a lot by piece of the process started big. so that's just me just a movie in last august, september you started actually reaching out to various other political body and trying to, i mean there's was some movie like so many days and was often never worked with any closure partner he's always been, i mean might be challenges that doesn't move you have when you know, we will definitely be forced to see a new movie differently. but all the newly a vendor on the back button here on a have some sort of a new india. right. i mean there's, there is the economic agenda, there is a talk of land reforms, but example under farms to do with industry. and then they will talk off of
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constitutional reforms as well. what do you think the priority will be moving forward given that the dissolved state about where they are right now? and these are just a lead trends just to be clear for all, for our view as best and waiting on finding results. but if it is a coordination sort of politics with the prime minister mostly at the head, what does the work look like for new india then on the list you just focused on what do you feel comfortable with the present was which is wisdom would be a you know, as barky or something else, $240.00 odd c 2. 03035 seats far from the georgia community should come from 2 major like one from the north union street or beyond. and the other from the southern state will also be there due to a big, long line spot between the 2 of them. do you have the bills to go to your seats to pay it on the basis of the change at the moment? so that would be the $1.00 to $10.00 and say that okay,
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that price reduced the before just bought it before part of it. we'd have to be good to buy the gold rush in boxes. we don't really know that we're wrong or somebody is trying to do. he had actually directed all it is a beautiful guy suit and see here we go past the government to prevent a 100 the action plan for bed box springs. no, i have not only said that speed of even be able to run all the policies within a 100 days. so there is going to be you'd have to pick and watch a lot of things. then the title blocking, and these are skills which mr. movies never display so far because it was never lived. father, he's always had a clear majority, both the 20092019 even a good job and he was on the good stay overdraft either just an absolute result. and that was political analyst and all try and lodge and look about this being to
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me, i saw 5 back. let's have a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. china as national space agency says it's noon that pro has lifted off from the fall side of the moon. the trunk across is now heading back to us. a successful baton would make china the 1st country to retrieve samples from the moon's false side. or if people have been invested in hong kong over social media posts mocking the 35th anniversary of the gentleman square, correct down, engaging communist policy leaders or the counting of the squire. on the 4th of june, 1989, all states was occupied by protest as its belief that hundreds of them were killed . and united nations development specialist has been sworn in as the new prime minister. okay, t. gabby county is main task is to restore order. most of the capital photo prints is controlled by criminal games. it's connie, the 2nd tom as premier a general strikes has brought nigeria to
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a new york times totally shutting airport schools, government offices, and pol supplies, trade union say workouts will continue on till the government degrees to a new minimum wage. nigeria is 50 bites west, the cost of living crisis in a generation double digit inflation means millions are struggling to buy food. all right, yeah. out in germany, severe flooding in the south of the country has killed at least 5 people and forced thousands to free their homes. german johnson, the owner schultz visited one of the areas hardest hit in the state of bavaria. he said the floods were yet another indicator of the flint posed by man made climate change. the germany's chancellor surveys the flood damage in this bavarian town, accompanied by the state premier and interior minister, laughed schultz promised solidarity in the form of federal and military assistance
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. and he expressed his concern about climate change. just as a d, as in the field to my doctor did not be the 1st time this year. i visited an area like the assistance of, of an investor. and it's an indication of what's going on as of the all scouting. so we can't neglect the task of stuffing and man made climate change enough. let's ignore from flood defenses were no match for the masses of water that came down in southern germany. residents are overwhelmed. by the scale of the disaster, people, i think they're going to get the bands. everything in the basement is destroyed and used to fridges, freezers, the washing machine. everything is gone. i'm not waiting for the firefighter and the pump, the water out of the basement of whatever nothing else can be done for now. we're moving on it. in another bavarian town, rescuers are mourning the loss of
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a colleague who died while trying to rescue trapped residents. using for strips we had just made stomach maternity because we're thinking about college and his family, whom we knew is very well. but the work let's go on. it's like if we have a disaster here so we have to get through it and that so job. this is loosely all scrubbing. rescuers continue to search for the missing. and the officials have warned the high water levels are likely to persist for some time. let's get the latest off from one of the areas in the spotlight. it can go across to southern germany and the town of lake ginsburg on the danube river in bavaria. this is where the deputies, matthew moore is not here to see you. what other cotton lat conditions where you will be restaurants, standing on the banks of the don, you guys you said, and the only thing really standing between the old talking here and this you national world heritage site on millions of tons of water flowing garden. this
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river are these best to flood defenses. i'm a compromise just gonna show you these notes. and essentially a city workers built the slug. defense is over the last few days. hundreds of meters along the bank see of the river. and what it does is hoping that they do part of the water, the water levels at 6.5 meters. and normally 3, i'm hoping that they, the spot defense will stop this very defensive, also basically affecting that your time. and as you can see over my shoulder here, some of the businesses, i'll be windows and the doors should be for the defense is feel like she has to walk right there. can you hear us to i believe you have lost that line with matthew mole and debate every time. go back to matthew when be have that line up and bucking again. but moving on now to
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the wall between israel and mos formal hostages are held by her mazda. and because i have been declared dead, these rarely armies, 85 year old. i mean, i'm cooper, i'm petty, and the your, i'm mets guy. both 80 and 51 year old is rarely purchase it as a knot of popular rel, died together in hon. eunice also has not yet to release their bodies. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has again said he will not accept a ceasefire and does a i'm doing all these various conditions. ahmed then. meanwhile, the ministry has guided off more strikes in the south of the territory with no laptop in the fighting. relentless strikes on rough ha, palestinians are taken to attend at a field hospital in the southern most city of gaza. strikes also hit the city of han,
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eunice where destruction is so widespread that newly flattened buildings no longer stand out underneath the rubble as amaro dream. as sars mother ma ma call us cause it enough. if we have lost a lot, we lost all our loved ones. we have nothing left enough for the love of god implement to cease fire enough. we are tired, humiliated, and broken up the prospects for full truth now look slim after us president joe biden presented what he called and is rarely ceasefire proposal. that would also see to the release of hostages held by him all his afternoon is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu came forward and dismissed the deal. and says that fully destroying from us has been a key priority from the start ends for the help of we are using countless ways to bring back out hostages because it allows. we've come
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a long way. but in the process, we've kept the voice of objectives in mind, primarily feel of a nation of home us, a home. we won't give up on them either. it's the old part of the plan that clinic by me today. but there's also been pressure on netanyahu to speak the truth. and israel families of hostages have been calling for an agreement that would bring their missing loved ones home. i feel that from week to it, it just we here just for about more and more hostages, the dying. and now we are in the crew to close moments. and if we not going to negotiate and will make a hostage, there is no hope for this country. strange rose, and i can see the men coming back alive. whoever is still alive if it's still going to happen. now that i can these days and in gaza as more amounts of
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trouble pile up, international pressure is mounting on israel to end. it's more. 8 and that's all for the moment. and 13 minutes went back, but especially the coverage of the indian election results on interactive program. aust dw, see you then the
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is deadly. the number of infected burns is skyrocketing and mammals are catching the disease to us. we have declared war on the virus and is vaccinating wild birds for the 1st time in europe. tomorrow today. next, on d, w, the,
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this shadows these talk austin, videos, head lice on the donkey street. the devastating colonial horror is infected by germany across and he employed the scorched post tactic farms and destroyed lights . what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. and i'm debbie. i have 3 kids, that's good. my name is see what model of college and that i d cage practically. they believe in doing this. me that i'm seeing. my name is tim. run sony. i like reporting, moving from one village to another. financially, we have very strong things to go for my family. this is india is new generation.
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what all day? dream. in the world's most populous country. what do they want to change in the society full of contrasts? the indian aids stuff, june 5th, w, annoying. 9, rebellious at 10, insufferable, at 11, around the time that the menstrual cycle kicks in and cubic has starts to grow. puberty is beginning earlier and earlier in kids lives at the well. the average age of its onset has been dropping for decades. and during the cubic 19 pandemic, the trend grew even more pronounced. that story and much more coming up on the show. welcome to tomorrow. today the.


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