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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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of thought about changing the constitution that have a lot of talk about economic reforms including land reforms. where are we with all of the, given the results being the way they are right now. and again, these are, these are kind of results. is it not find those results, but assuming that they stay around about in the same fashion, what can we expect will happen moving forward when it comes to governance? or no, i think you should use these. the basics would be covered reforms. so they just additionally nancy reacted for that is what the project was record is be fall in the fall laws we should introduce by mission will be in 2021. and for more than a year, there was a problem with the application, which was like, large box will be adopted. so i don't seem to, so won't be the adoption you need to. you cannot make the the folder and also these key allies should be coming down. one important device will have to be optically the way to go with it because they are foster. and she's also back home with the,
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by a very foss space. you could only 3 phones, there has to be a great amount of explanation. why don't we bought things which are happening in the last 3 years? is the deliberative process, which are there any degree bottle, the legislature and bottom, if you don't, any bins mark used to go to small, not select video savvy comedy, which were biggest, nice, bought on by better by various political parties, including from the off position that process was got it on any business with your boss and with austin, you are ready to be started it already. so i think that a lot of democratic processes really actually be the store in the next, at least in the next uh, 111 there to help us. they want this over to stevie lives. okay, let's go to a very specific question that a viewer is asking, and this has to do with the economy of the country. let's put that up on the screen for everyone. this is from catalina every day. now the question being how will this
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election results affect the economy in india? let me show, do you want to take this on a sure that's for that to me, alonzo. i mean, i'm very happy with the way and as well, but uh, it is very interesting to watch the it can, they can amik beast that india is kind of you on, you know, i've been speaking to some economists about what they've seems so far, mr. moody has claimed credit for the growth of the indian economy, but there's also the view that when the government slips, the economy draws for the less restrictions that are on the economy. the foster. it goes along the service sector, which is in the us trends continue to grow significantly, continues to be a strong sort. so all of those factors where to go on, i think pretty much with out. so i wanted to focus on the government, but i do also picking up on what the legend was talking about and the board policies. it's also interesting both what the b, b, as well as the congress promise. what have done when it comes to addressing the problems. also india as most off um there is a tendency or for direct benefits,
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direct benefits when it comes to housing toilets. a guest cylinders a lot of direct benefits to the board in india, and that has, in the previous selection, worked in vivo of the be to be the selection there on the congress has also promised to search and direct benefits. but when it comes to the best of what bills, human capital, that we know that into his gdc for example, is, has a increase. his promise has to be taught biggest in the was the one. but it's not even on the top 100 when it comes to human capitalist and the 2 factors that are the influence, that health and education are factors that have regularly over the long don't been neglected by both sides by all parties. and unfortunately, there's no big push to change that, which is the real concern, and i'm not so sure if we can expect them to now wake up to improving health and education to improve the quality of human capital into their lives on today as the,
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as the as the vote counting began in the morning. yeah. time. uh, the, the stock market's one performing all the well, yeah. the, the, the cashiers registered and the stock market was down essentially based on the results that were coming out. what does that say about the mood uh in the country when it comes to uh, uh, the, the, the, the economy and a potential future will the government still traditionally speaking the store markets and also one of the majority, the government was typically to think that the signing up for the government unfortunately, but uh, we have to understand that the, the, the stock market is what gets to be like the next few days. i never know that be something. what do you usually do? but you mean the be private as a result off? well, the party, so i think, you know, this dog lives with brand new for a couple of days and then eventually get started out. you know,
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you were talking about the body being impala as the head of a coalition. i'd like to uh, a tool. uh sorry. yeah. i like to, uh, a, a potential question that has come from a view as, and this question is to do with the direct future offer. and that ends of all the and the question being, let's intervene this possibility could this happen? will mostly be voted out by the pgp and its allies and get a new need to for the top falls that question from i'm on a patient already. how do you view that possibility and then i'm going i don't think the new york seats, so the be just be that possibly do not happen. there's the once you will see 2 more than one that great to do one quarter, possibly even debated or the dies marking that there's any possibility off me. some of the, i don't know, you know, being working i'll get somebody to, to be chosen. finish please. i want to have to jump in that. why would the india
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coalition bull and it's trump card? you know, the, i'm pretty sure the seats that they have gotten rely very heavily on the personality called that missed a movie has. but it is very interesting to be watching the headlines coming in from indian websites earlier. there was one other thing upset for uh, the egypt be with you the you being captured because of the, with the headline of the plan. we have another one thing that the coalition products india survives india revives. so a lot of fun is being had of the cost or for the beach. it be in the india and mr movie. but all of that being said, he would still be at the have a, i'm pretty confident. ok, let's expand this further and talk about india as a foreign, as a nation's and what the countries in the region and around the world can potentially expect. i'd like to talk about, particularly about kasanya and the uh, the, the regulations with the in dallas uh on time neva. and some would argue full. uh,
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this is the question that's coming from 3. what is the impact of this on neighborhood foundations, especially with the focus on industry if you'd like it picked up on. so, i mean there's relations with focused on have. so if i focus on the journey with mr . moore, the, when he 1st came to follow a he reached out event and he shook hands with then prime minister. he went and met with him and there was almost a moment of hope that oh is that of indianapolis? spotty is going to actually mens dies with focused on that and a quick history recap. uh, not history for the last send you. a recap is necessity here because that ended up not being too very quickly off to a because the pedo attacks, etc. in india, the actually galvanized the board for the be just the when we saw the last selection in 2019. and we saw mr. moody once again, making decisive decision making decisive moves against bach hassan. and that actually caused a big up search and support and ever since then,
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relations have been completely frozen. things have barely moved when it comes to mr . moody's time with the has been boxed on an installation. so with focused on but looking ahead, how much does this, the loss of a mass of mandate affect the relation to focused on? would be interesting to see. i don't think i don't have any clue predictions, but if the opposition or if anybody else had a bit more, if the development is coming up, i imagine actually if this drives the buckets time that works in the india is payable. because the people generally see the beach, it be a good front for against docusign, but when it comes to, if things are peaceful, was that in cottage dialogue, i'm also sure they don't do it. i know that you have to leave can just get a final assessment from your on indian foreign policy moving forward on the 3rd. um we'll do the same or the i think is the same kind of a direction. you know, the basic, the full address will be sorted off on which the lot of, uh, you know,
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division who get it or what is happening with the, you know, with the positive can you send that up? that is something, you know, obviously the guy who has a little opinion between the opposition and the b b. i know some of the specificity understand there's a more, oh, you know, aggressive population. we should also be that because finally being able to put it on wisdom would be below the majority mot. so he does need to be very aggressive, always, and will be negotiates a spot for something that has to be seen very difficult to for see what is likely to happen. because uh, you know, as of the book drops foods, yes, for that chapter is concerned. you know, we started as a baby, some of those 20 drinking. right. we live at the moment and under that i know you have to leave, but thanks so much for joining us today. and you know, i'm going look about that. but it's like a list and i will be with you most of the time with you. i really have to actually,
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you know, get on one of the time. no, i understand it. thanks so much. thanks a lot that i'm going to have a good evening. i to me don't, how that goes, that is, uh, the incessant line of dest, so on indian nation, to be able to because what else are the bookings and i was of analysis, but then somehow, audiences in india always show up. you've seen the questions coming in here as well, but the fact that the politics groups the country in a way that i is actually once again, i find people talking about election, what spot is, right? i mean, literally a watch spot that you basically have a giant screen back back in clubs as well sometimes. and you just watching and analyzing yourself. did you hear about movie theaters and in the actually inviting people to watch the election dissolved. so that would be, oh, send them my whole lives with people with popcorn watching, but as i was throw it in, um now of course how solver that book on times depending on which spot you support of will be something simple. if they want to have kind of a popcorn as they have in the, in germany, just thing on the issue of foreign policy. let's just,
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let's just add on the argument on its head and, and as you uh that the pgp and that indeed doesn't come to find whatever it is in the final results that maybe the outlines comes to bob. this is where i think there is a question that has come from a view up, which is very interesting from the engine bun, the asking what happens to indian international affairs and external affairs in india. when's the election? that's a very interesting question. i fine. i mean, yeah, it's quite fascinating because when you look at, if, if we, if we try to recap uh, based on what was happening the last time around when the congress was, or the heading of the government, the board maintaining strong ties of the us. there is no, i mean, to put it shortly. there's no need to need to blow up bridges. there's no need to upset the direction of positive for them relations with other countries. but i guess when it comes to what the india coalition wants to focus on wants to emphasize they have repeatedly through this campaign said democracy is address the
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constitution. is that for us, the idea of india is at risk and to be able to drive home that for and they would in the sense, be appealing to international bottom is about to see them as of support as of the bible of democracy. as people who will stand by, so it's in value with those people who will come in to talk. so between one of the kindly and some with perhaps actually mind why might not be sort of as the, the india was. so it, that would be, but that would be quite something to watch. but again, once again, as you're talking about the correlations, the difference between the congress and the b typical election is that the be just be has to 40 see if the congress, as of now trends the congress would have about a 100. that means it's relying on 2 tubs, o 2 at school, less than 4. so again, unified policies, the congress needs a mother called ition small that it has, if it needs to be different needs as well, but it has a better shot exact getting those a how unified that foreign policy would be. um. oh yeah. how much time that would
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be for that 5, your centurylink small. this would have been for domestic policies. i don't know if my thoughts are actually. i think that the number of person that we would like to discuss, i mean, we have about a minute. can we get it for investigation from you or do you think of the opposition alliance would be able to capitalize on what the results are coming out now very quickly or i think they would definitely be making statements about how this oppose the idea of india and that this is a board for democracy. the bill definitely say about in this moment, but how far they can capitalize in pushing back against the bi dpn. it's policies that i think would be completely up to them. i'm not very confident about hobo they'll do really with them for the moment themselves as well. thanks so much for coming into the studio for that. and that brings us to the end of this episode of us, the w to v was and the community on you to thank you very much for sending us your questions and comments we have enjoyed did. then of course, be more news and analysis on the elections in about 15 minutes from now and
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through the day as the election results. i keep coming into members either just because i just got into the trend, these are not find the results as yet. this thing waiting on a degree of finality, but this is the trend that we have at the moment. thanks so much for joining us. i'm bigger strategy. we can see you again soon. bye. so the goal for is john packed has one of 79. oddest of everything is simply designed so i can do this, which gives me extreme freedom to me all the time. devin townsend really stays on the bu dish mice. and i mean, i've never thought i'm giving up,
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but i've sometimes thought that i just can't take this anymore. what drives them to keep going on the sound of the people you associate on a dw, the of the man and a woman, her residence spit on a green party, politician and her team in policeman make an option to take a few weeks earlier on a petition in east germany, shortly before the european elections, these kinds of attacks have increased alarmingly. these 3, once it comes to things and strength in germany's democracy. they mean be a set of
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a traveling pub to give people a place to, to ease of i'd shuttle that goes into schools to focus on young people. and christina clermont has been difficult discussions with people on the trump. our 1st step is place to the packing has become a routine about 3 times a week because tina clermont the past for the special trim johnny that she does what she believes has often been neglected in recent years talking instead of rounding all attacking each other democratic it says this to democracy is all about dialogue. things are supposed to get better, especially when you have the feeling that there is a need for improvement. and the one that we have our debates on the tree and where people can't get away well and don't really have anything to do. perfect. it's
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actually the perfect place to start talking and look on the people of place. my invited to take part. what do you think? beats the slogan? of course everything is agreed on with the city. each time a different topic takes center stage. since the side of the project 15 a clue manhood team has made a remarkable observation. this project we have noticed that people have all kinds of opinions, some of which have very little to do with their experiences. i will then for my, for example, they say everything is bad, but personally they're fine. so the question is, if everything is so bad, why are they doing so well? the honda has the hottest child, the physics student invites people to join the but a high frustration tolerance is definitely needed. but sometimes he's lucky and social, the team members talk to around $300.00 people every month. today, it's about the you, the only a few weeks left until like you clean elections. vast is of an enormous shift to
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the right clicking around the middle of the page on the migration. but the, the stream might say, oh my goodness, so then everything will get better on the, let's say everyone should be allowed in 10, it will also get better. what would your suggestion be? those were eligible could simply work. and the others have to be states in 1st in the 5 of the boston. yes, i think you have to find a middle ground. so many things you see here on the term with your baby, you don't expect a discussion about your public exist legit. it's great, just people are just really divided and 6, and you have to do something about it. if you want to preserve a democracy, i can do a study shows just how important that is in germany's old federal stays around half of the population at the set is fine democracy, the new federal states, the figure is as high as 2 sides. one reason many would like to have most say in politics. and after 3 and a half hours, the team is done. they've spoken with almost 20 people today. it's back to the
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office. christina clue my once again realized that political leads and population have grown apart. and then we'll continue. i live in mama c as a concept as a living together as it was originally planned after the nazi era. that's it was essentially left to elected representatives. pepsi, it doesn't even leave you then realize, oh no, they don't do everything the way we want them to look for. we have one of the population needs to be much more involved but how do to get them involved? we need placement and transfer to the book in east germany that we meet benyamin b as people someone's people to talk to each other again. but it's more difficult here in the countryside than in the city attractive landscapes. but there is no bay creek, no pulse stuff. there's no pump the miles around. that's why the 38 neighboring villages have thought of something a traveling pumps pump. why is it important to have a hub?
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i think that's have to be done so you can make up there and talk to each other on the properties here. a launch in the distance is alone. so you dental to magically see each other. people are still working. well you only see them if you visit them in the golf. she doesn't have not only me. d today, the traveling purpose in the village of shuffled the location normally only opens for private events. then you let me know chavez takes care of the food and off i'm there are many pods or community rooms in the villages that are no longer in use. so we came up with the idea of a traveling pub next night for college. almost 40 people have turned up. many of them grew up into full much of the in east germany. a socialist unity potty ruled that for decades. as an individual, you had no political voice to ask for me, that's a g d r burden. it has to be learnt again that you can make
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a difference. that is new for many people off noise. but it's always important to be talking right. for good cooperation and also to realize that you can influence something being able to influence something is ones that are going peacefully with each other is another. for example, in the village pub, over a bit, you learn to respect other opinions and to compromise, to auto these public places like pubs or places of negotiation. a social negotiation were information was exchanged and social standards were formed that we no longer have the last federal election 3 years ago, one and 4 people. he voted for the a f d. a potty, which is in pods considered extremely right away. many of worried that there will be a lot more votes for them. and this is your opinion and local elections. so i guess my, as i did when i saw the candidates for the local elections, it's my national news. yes. so i was surprised that the a f
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d is the party with the most candidates. come do that and go out. and that's also an issue in our village. i was glad i decided to run to the local counselor because otherwise wouldn't be a if he would have been on the list to get these. and in a complicated world, simplify is from the phone from an attractive, according to studies around half of the population does trust the german popular. it's even was concerning the media landscape. 2 sides have little or no trust and it had of the u. p. and elections, 2 sides have also lost faith and acute and commission citizens are becoming increasingly alienated from democratic institutions. this is why if the conspiracy narratives go down well with many people he and con book reimbursement, especially we don't want to let facing run. we have to warn people because strictly speaking, this body has nothing to offer people like, you know, even if they don't realize that yet. so do you meet?
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so people are already in business for at least from the countryside. we're going back to the city to munich. there is a bit of shovel, the purposeful meeting with the school children, the votes as of tomorrow. she's also concerned about drama needs democracy, and model. they actually see that look at current trends, that's a side effect, including and politics. how it is more important than ever talk to school children about democracy today about our constitution is that was that quote about the values that make up our society as all of my who teaches the german and french is involved in an association quote, seen by they organized democracy workshops that schools everything revolves around the mother of germany's democracy. the basic law. it's constitution, it says eating, are you in class 9? a just is and you can come and slowly thomas wise to i as well. 5
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on has richmond color. welcome to our democracy workshop team. really looking forward to your ideas. and then these ideas needed kicks dogs. the students collect fast associations with a gentleman constitution or the 6 and what are the most important ones? on the right, the kids at the same rules, but everyone. this is the most important code of law. fundamental rights on the 3, what are you doing? i only know this is their phone. i lose basic rights. i've never had anything to do without basic law, so i'm looking forward to the workshop today. well, of course you often hear about it, but i don't really know much about it. actually almost nothing to, to push it out. and i'm sure that students grow up in a democratic form of government and are sometimes no longer aware of what a garbage democracy actually is. place of us, one of our communities, it offers,
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but also protection and security repeats it about one way to hide that is set to change today. but abstract rules turn into concrete examples. the pupils create their own personal version of the constitution and then write it down in their own words. right now that's ok about freedom of expression, stuff you them. i know i'm allowed to express and defend any opinion, both privately and publicly, even if i'm criticized by others without being punished for it. i definitely think this law is very important because the soonest freedom of expression is restricted and you can no longer seeing what you really want to say. it's no longer a democracy. and a few open questions about the basic law also clarified. because those are basic know also apply to apps like instagram. of course it does on the time it did, but the terms of use the nothing's been doing them in front of them. yeah, exactly. that's why they done applied to the i think one, fortunately,
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the basic little and fundamental rights apply everywhere, except maybe sometimes at home, indefinitely, num, honestly in the morning, for example, when i don't want to put on the jacket because i'm just not cold outside. i don't want to listen to my mom's opinion, but i don't really have a choice of us. so do you put the ticket on with protests? and what about social media? what is allowed and what is important for young people who spend a lot of time let's get some ones. i think that's about the fundamental right. that's the thing is right to one's own image of before and i wrote down, i asked before i upload someone's photo, it's a target. i think that's very important because nowadays everyone has a mobile phone that can take a photo of someone and that can even go on the internet. and that's why you should always ask before you upload something so that that's it. thank you for your sentences. for your basic rights in your own words and blossom. since the
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organization was founded over $700.00 pupils have looked into germany's basic law and the many schools obtain the material online themselves. tone, ease of a shock of a lot is satisfied with the day. they have, after i've had the workshop went really great. today the pupils participated incredibly well and immediately share their thoughts is good tired then you mean be to ease of edge about a lot. and christina clue, mike, if democracy knew, drive with the boxes because they know a vibrant democracy needs active participation. the, the 3 on the fields
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the european dream. we are the millions of refugees. europe's external board is putting the you to the test. politicians and brussels are looking for solutions, but how will they resolve the most out? 30 minutes on d, w, the, the the is, it is someplace power and key more people than ever on the move world wide and such are based on life pretty far towards the left side of the image and find out about baby story info. my grand
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thoughts winning the we say never giving us the most exciting to stories about people and visualize every weekend on dw debbie. my name is steve, i'm on the card. it's not a age, particularly. my name is simone. sony. this is india is new generation. what else a dream in the world's most populous country? what do they want to change in the society of contrasts? the indian a age starts june, says dw, the,
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this is the w use life from the end of the 6 weeks of voting across india. counting is underway in a closely watched general election. current trends suggest victory, phone rates, remote e and his bowling beach. i. p talking about with fuels seats. football hostages held by hama, so decided that prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he will not accept the ceasefire and gaza until full of as well as demands and make add germany counts of the tragic cost of another funding disaster transfer. all i've showed says it should serve as a wake up call to the.


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