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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 2:15pm-2:46pm CEST

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from both bodies. what's your assessment of the back and forth in terms of a possible deal? good afternoon. it's no coincidence that is cut out. that is a calling for clear stance as uh, as caught up put in is diplomatic weight to broker of these kinds of deals that happened on the tape before multiple times for the last few months. the last ones presented by a biden was approved by some on the is 80 side, but they were interpreted quite differently as the job. i didn't put it in the you see that, that way that time off capability to is to attack is or it has been, has been reduced to uh to nothing and it's red. this seemed to see that very differently and they don't want to to endanger their own coalition. and also they want to remain like silver and their decision making. wires cut the fields that all
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their efforts are in vain and uh, sabotage again. and again, by the time you know, government for domestic reasons, because we've seen a continuation of those broken attacks from gaza team see any prospect for ceasefire in the near future. then i think this could be a tipping point on the, on the american side as a by doing was very clear, clear then ever before this war has to stop now. and he announced that he would explore alternative fruits, especially going to the united nations. and this could change a lot, especially since it's in the us would get the cooperation of some other major pulse, maybe a some, some agreement on that that would the rates the stake,
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significant and let us not forget the us this. i think the single most capable of the state of ending this war outside of israel. so there are a lot of possibilities. so what's the bye? didn't ministrations to do. they have already already dangled the possibility of imposing sanctions. for example, on members of the is rated cabinets, namely it up at the end, the big island small take the most stream. members already publicly announced that they would leave the government if this plan is approved in any shape or form. and they actually double it down and, and they are very clear about their goals. they want to hold of god to, to reclaimed and re settled by israel. but those sanctions on military men on general's that that could also be on the table. although i think
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that if sanctions will come up, they will be directed at the most extreme members of the is really cabinet and also on figures from the settler movement. um that was actually also aligned with um with the process with the try that is going on in uh in the hawk. and uh, i think that would also put pressure on the general uh its now your turn. um, so the petitions definitely come 1st. those to incite violence added site. a general site or rhetoric will engage in this kind of behavior. i think they're fairly game now going forward the next week. is there anything else that was the nations can do to increase the pressure pressure to promote de escalation? yeah, of course, i mean the us is by far the most important trade partner, but these are a, this is a very costly bore and is road is not
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a capable of sustaining this for 4 months. ends as they announced a few days back without external help. so be a weapon deliveries for the delivery of, of a packages. this, this could be conditioned to agreement to negotiations, to cease fire. this is the step that the us so far has not taken. it does not have the congressional approval, but it is on the table. and there's a reason why it has been on the table so that the u. s. still has some kind of leverage over over is read, that is really a government cannot just ignore like they have done for the last half year to really chat to jake from is that it's magazine. thanks very much for joining us here on the w. use
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a pleasure to look now add some more headlines from today. the united nations development specialist has been sworn in as the new prime minister of haiti. gary connie's main task is to restore order. most of the capital is controlled by criminal gangs. it's connie's 2nd time, mastercard, hundreds of people have rallied in the as in teeny and capital one a salaries against gender based violence. they demanded justice, the victims of famous side access also denounced anti feminist measures by them. like up med, including scrapping the diversity ministry, city of flooding and southern germany has guild, at least 5 people now and for thousands to flee bay homes. german childs well schultz visited one of the areas hottest hits in the state of bavaria. he said the fonts with yet another indicator of the threat posed by mad made climate change of
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germany's chancellor surveys the flood damage in this bavarian town, accompanied by the state premier and interior minister, olaf shoulds promised solidarity in the form of federal and military assistance. and he expressed his concern about climate change just as a d, as in the 50, my doctor did not be the full time this year. i visited an area like the assistance of, of an investor. and it's an indication of what's going on as of the all scave it in . so we can't neglect the task of stuffing and man makes alignment change shut off . let's ignore from. flood defense is we're no match for the masses of water that came down in southern germany. residents are overwhelmed by the scale of the disaster. people, i think they're going to get the bands. everything in the basement is destroyed and used to fridges, freezers, the washing machine conditioning, everything is gone. i'm not waiting for the firefighter and the pump,
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the water out of the basement of whatever nothing else can be done for now. we're moving on in another bavarian town. rescuers are mourning the loss of a colleague who died while trying to rescue trapped residents using fish tips with dismayed stomach maternity because we're thinking about college and his family, whom we knew is very well. but the work let's go on, it's like, you know, we have a disaster here so we have to get through it and that so job this is we all scrubbing rescuers continue to search for the missing and the visuals have warned the high water levels are likely to persist for some time. well, let's get the latest now from one of the areas affected in the southern german town of awaiting spoke on the danube river in bavaria. that's where d w is. matthew moore is station right now. what's the current flight conditions? where are you on matthew and i'm on the down your river and by me
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is the old tired of riggins by the unesco world heritage site. and let me just show you what the conditions are like here. basically the only thing stopping millions of tons of flood water from hitting the old time or flood defense is along the river banks here that'd be directed over the last few days stretching hundreds of meters. and that's under basically so far they want us to store all of us water from hitting the top of the water level. here is around 6.3.4 meters high. that's double what it normally is. and on the other side, you can see some of the homes that unfortunately couldn't be protected and they have their inundated, so they're, they're on the water over there. and alternately, the german where the service has basically said that the reading is most stalled. and what we're seeing is that the culmination of days and days of rain flowing into your 2nd longest river, i know making as we don't stream by with the norm is for rufus strength and pace. a
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basically regensburg and paso r. m. 2 of the places which are, or on the, on the, on the possible, the past of this, this, this foss, moving river so far here, they've managed to mitigate the, the effects of, of the high levels. we heard at least 5 people have died. are there any more missing? says that's right. then it was a 1st victim, the casualty, a woman who died as she was trapped in floods, also not car. and we know we, we also believe that the search for, for a 6 fashion, a mind who was missing a rest you walk on sunday, went missing. that has, it was suspended as my back home spot didn't watch the few days that he has to come to attend to it, to, to, to the water, the, to the he's driving in the, in the, in the flooding. and ultimately, the few days, the as the what the receipts that we meet when we get more by use as people externalize the extent of the damage done normally to, to, to their homes. also as
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a b, c, kilo's not being an updated with them with flood waters that we meet, that the death to be. unfortunately rise of the moment there's tens of thousands of people across southern geometry basically involved in this operation. both kind of default the sub walters from, from re to residential places of homes and businesses. also to clean all that to clean up the mess that isn't made this expect it to cost billions and take not just days or weeks potentially even months to repair corresponded matthew mole. thank you very much for bringing us the latest, the from readings bulk on the danube. moving to some football use now and it's official french strike a to young. a bump has signed a 5 season deal with we all madrid bump will move to the spanish side in july when his contract with of a such a ma expires. i. so now the 25 year old is only played for french clumps. round
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madrid have wanted to sign him for news, find have only now sealed. the deal about says transfer is a dream come true. and real madrid of just lifted. the 15th champions league trophy we asked journalist several 100 to with the up, could now make them unbeatable. or who they are, they certainly seems to think so you have the former players like a garcia's or myself come out on next and say we're going for number 16. so this is certainly something that they've been talking about. and i think a lot of them are produced as the funds that support the cloud. well, certainly for believing that now they have one of the best players in the world, probably at the moment, the best player. well, they certainly are going to believe that some they're going to be winning many more trophies for the next few years to come. i need to look at the landscape and football and you do think it might be very difficult for many other clubs to tanner's them. certainly in spain, at the moment, i wouldn't say that anybody is going to be able to really go toe to toe with them. european why is may be matches to city bar munich,
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some of the traditional heavy weights and not sense, but otherwise you have this kind of funny feeling that rtd, this might start running away with it. and that brings you up to date on all these bullets and international news on things as well. and back with more headlines next out here on the
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of the 3 on the face of the european dream. we are the millions of refugees. europe's external board is putting the you to the test. politicians in brussels are looking for solutions. how will they resolve the notice out on d, w. i t. make it different visionaries
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with a project get involved to create a future day experience that eco, india been 60 minutes on the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different thing in some lines from your parents. i just want to pursue what steps nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible,
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unreasonable, all stuff. i want to indicate it's time to to and then when generation nash b, w documentary, a suite on the field shopping. we are the dream. we are the nation, we are part of the we are the field, so we are the dre me. we are journey begins here in tanisha. it's very rare for a camera team to gain access to the refugee camps. here. the canadian government doesn't want images like these to be seen. journalists are not welcome here. they call this for 30 kilometer camp because that's how far it is from the next major
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cities, facts. many of these facts as the gateway to europe. we have the nation, we are part of the they're here waiting for an opportunity to get on a motor boat and go to the italian island of long produce that they will risk their lives to get to europe the place of their dreams. angelou happy. peter had to flee nigeria because of his sexual orientation and his region being gay can be punishable by death. now this dusty campuses home along with 3000 other people from 15 nations. he's taking responsibility for the camp. well, i'm the president. my goodness, i forgot my god, he my role is to me the people by the role is to advocate for the my drunk will be so you'll have to sell some issues. i'll have to solve some problems. that's a married man and was here to braswell. the law yeah. in the fact we fight there is
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a find the most be. so here is a democratic system. lice in the campus. tough without any organizations helping them, the migrants were left to fend for themselves. they have to beg for food and water . whole boat quoted, price wise, is that still a mark price doesn't get up. and also i'd like to welcome the smart gardens foundation on the sides focus on the time i'm divided into. so those are the songs onto the there are no toilets or sanitary facilities, only the women have something resembling a shower. but they have to fetch the water by hand and to the nearest location is 2 kilometers away. a farmer provides them with water from the hose. this is the what we're used to drink and so on. also to wash and drone 3. 0 i thought,
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well this website smell, feel a of salt taste. what? so what do i have of of sure. for last week on who's this one? drinking the dirty water gets some headaches, stomach aches and diarrhea, but not drinking. it would mean dying of thirst. everyone here in the camp has come a long way. most of them pass through the sahara. their journey has already been traumatic during these various good. um, so some died, some people even able to make it so that they don't deli as well, but i'm comfortable i, i couldn't even remember the defeat of some of the, those before you can fast by the woodside, you can even spots booms a few months. few months goals 23 year old mary. so slight guinea,
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together with her sisters. they travel a part of the journey by car part on foot coming via molly algeria and libya to tanisha. they've covered 5 and a half 1000 kilometers so far. during the march through the desert, they found a girl named robbie out. now they're all here together, stuck at the 30 kilometer camp. is released from the movies from you guys. and so they know it's more that he's not seeing. it is more that he is on the line. is that so you said pete's been in the camp. they show us videos of refugees who they say were taken into the desert by the gymnasium police. many of them have experienced this before. they say the police target asylum seekers picking them up and taking them to the all jerry and, or libya and border know their aim is to determine more people from coming. we
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experience tyler, t from police with previous lives can not be the black people. african my grants are using them as it fits nothing. tune them and do it or do that, does that, do we have to trick and come back again over and over again. when europe and commission president or the funder line visited tanisha in the summer of 2023, she was well aware of the human rights violations. she held talks with teenagers. president how you said, but the focus was not human rights or the funder line had been tasked by any leaders with standing the flow of refugees from africa. she was accompanied on her trip by a tele and prime minister, georgia maloney. the e u is looking to tanisha for help. they stopped the refugees and didn't return, receive millions of yours from brussels funded line made no mention of the
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offences committed by the nation, please. at least not in public. she only talks about the crimes of legal traffickers. we need to correct on criminal networks of smart, less than traffic because they are exploiting schuman despair. the e u has entered into partnership with the controversial president, was a very different take on human rights. shortly after funder lions visit, these images went round the world. the canadian security forces had again abducted migrants and taking them to the libyan border. there they abandoned them in the desert and scorching heat without water. denisia confirmed the authorities were behind these actions. the you simply looked at the other way. european values abandoned in the desert, along with the migrants. one person who knows all about migration deals is girls
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canals. he was the architect of the use deal with turkey and is generally in favor of such agreements with 3rd countries. but he says the use deal with tanisha is unacceptable scale level. it's purely about giving tunisia and incentive through money to prevent people from leaving and support cities and heading to you are on you and a half. and we've already seen last year, and we'll probably continue to see that this is not affecting the task mr. fix davis, but above all, the main cost will be the violation of human rights, the next thing and so high the many thousands of refugees now stuck in tunisia are also changing life for local people, including the for life family. they live next to an olive grove, the residence of cam 30 come to them for fresh, clean drinking water. they're not welcome here, but the women don't dare to turn them away. may help me. i don't want them to come
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here. i said when they come to the water, there's sometimes there's 15 of them. sometimes 20. they even come for it. when i turn off the tap, how they just help themselves anyway. portion, the way i'm going to use the asylum seekers also use the house to charge their cell phones. there's no electricity in the camp and cell phones are vital for the migrants. it's the only way they can keep in touch with their families and with the traffickers. from the other one up the in the evening we have to barricade the door with a chat. we're afraid is a way lower up left and they come at night to grab the cell phone and do the math or what i knew were afraid to go to bed. my husband, my 2 daughters and i a lessons all the time going off and praying. lots of bodies on the asylum seekers that leave donasia by boat are usually headed for the italian
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island of long produce on the journey to the e. u is about 190 kilometers. if the migrants are lucky, they will be picked up by the italian coast guard, or they arrived directly and not produced. the crossing though is highly risky, with up to 50 people crammed on to small metal boats. there are gaps and tenacious border policing and that has repercussions for the italian islands, migrants are still getting through by september 2023 monthly dues. it was once again overwhelmed. local residents have had enough that we have a message for the european community. we can't do this anymore. you leaders and travel to long produce to signal to the angry population. they were handling the issue. europe and commission president or the funder lion and at least georgia, maloney came to find answers and diffuse the situation. because countries like the
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we are bearing the brunt of the refugee crisis. so it only now wants to solve its refugee problem in neighboring albania. we've come together in the north of the country is around 1200 kilometers from long produce up. the area is home to nearly 7000 people most live from farming pray, nebraska is 80 years old. she lives alone together with her 3 cats. as of yet, she is unaware that she's about to become a key part of your migration system. and the she loves her garden and keeps a few chickens. theatre is
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a quiet place. she says many young people in rural areas, leave albania, for jobs abroad, or my 8 o'clock in cust of this village used to be a city. people did everything they could to come here. the now we hardly have a doctor know, pharmacy, and we have to go to the city to get medication of music. you cannot get books, cannot, are used to be doctors, nurses, and pharmacies here physically. oh gosh, i've had this this deserted area on the european union's doorstep is now the focus of attention, especially in italy, which wants to bring it to asylum seekers here. starting in the fall. processing centers are to be set up on an old military compound, and italy will finance and run them. the plan is to accommodate a total of $36000.00 african migrants each year. they won't be allowed to leave the camps while they're asylum. applications are being processed over no more and not
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that's good. it's not let them come and stay as long as they need to hurry up or we are in our homes. i suppose maybe those poor people will not harm us your soon. even if they were to bring them into my garden up to that they are and will always be human beings. eddie rama is albania, is prime minister and to the man behind the migration deal signed with a tele and premier maloney. he used to be an artist. his pictures decorate the walls government and he shows us a sculpture of abraham lincoln reading. a book of donald trump, tweets, is he an artist working on the side as a politician or vice versa, or the lines blur when talking about europe. now if you think about here of today, i think a beautiful picture covered with a very, with a gray with a gray, a tall. so we need some faithful cisco and look to the picture. he
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signs the migration deal with georgia, maloney, and november 2023. under the agreement, italy will send it to asylum seekers. 12, any of their cases will be decided and a fast track procedure. but still, according to e law, those who are not granted asylum will be deported back to their country of origin. other e, your countries are also keen town source, their migration processing. but at the moment, rama only wants to help italy. italian style managers later saturate. i say that we are separated by c. buy and buy it by manufacturing history. but we are practically living in the same area in the government district in t rhonda. the european flag flies alongside the albanian flag. the country has been a candidate for e u membership since 2014, but it will be many years before it can become part of
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a block. the albania entered a new era after the end of the communist dictatorship in 1990. but the country still suffers from a difficult economic situation, and corruption remains a problem. as a leader rama is controversial and migration deal like this helps to polish up both his own image and about of his country. we've gone through it for, i mean, recognition. and for us is enough to not be to not be seen in your tv, for example, like we were seeing not very long ago, 10 years, 20 years ago, a country as a gloomy country, full of bad clean knowledge, the corruption and all this is not that we don't have a problem. so even though it is know that we don't have problems of corruption fire from that,
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but we were not then nevertheless it's clear that asylum seekers who end up in albino are not in the european union. this hoped it's all designed to make it really less attractive for migrants. but the deal with albania does not solve the problem of how to deport failed asylum seekers. not surely, of course, it is legitimate for every democracy in the bank for every state govern by the rule of law, anywhere in the world to return people who have no right of residents to their home country or where possible to a safe and 3rd country in progress? nobody question of that. right? but at the same time, it must be clear to everyone that this only works if the countries of origin cooperate. if they do not cooperating, we will see what we've been seeing everywhere for 10 years in spain, england, italy, friends, austria and germany, that the number of refugees being returned to their countries of origin stop or
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falling shades of european union.


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