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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 2:45pm-3:00pm CEST

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nevertheless, it's clear that asylum seekers who end up in albany are not in the european union. this hoped it's all designed to make it really less attractive for migrants. but the deal with albania does not solve the problem of how to deport failed asylum seekers. not surely, of course, it is legitimate for every democracy, for every state to govern by the rule of law, anywhere in the world. to return people who have no right of residents to their home country, or where possible to a safe and 3rd country in progress. nobody question about that, right? but at the same time, it must be clear to everyone that this only works if the countries of origin cooperate. if they do not cooperate, we will see what we've been seeing everywhere for 10 years in spain, england, italy, friends, austria and germany, that the number of refugees being returned to their countries of origin stop or falling shades of european union politicians have been struggling with migration
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policy for years to take a closer look, we had now to the european capital of brussels. the block has reached a political turning point. the use 27 member countries have argued free years over border protection, deportation and the role of transit countries and countries of origin. you commissioner, use a yonce and as a central political figure in shaping migration policy, she spent 5 years negotiating and winning support for a tougher migration packed. it's aim to reduce illegal migration to europe and have asylum cases processed at the blocks external border. this is the turning point. if your up can not managed migration together, this is going to be a disaster that's going to mean, does it build the fortress europe? that'd be a gonna leave the important values of protecting the right to apply for assignment . while coming people also on the go path, which did you being unit, we have to show our citizens that we can manage migration according to our values
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in, in an orderly way. in april 2024, the european parliament held the vote on the migration packed spearheaded by you on sense. it provides for fast tracked asylum procedures on europe's external borders . faster deportation and a better distribution of migrants across europe. you want and was hoping to achieve her greatest political triumph. to date, a passionate soccer fan. she used to soccer comparison to urge the european parliament to endorse the pact. the ball is rolling. now is the time to come together as a team and to score for europe. it can takes years until we are in to find that again. if ever. meanwhile, protesters urged lawmakers to vote against the pat critics here that the deal will
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effectively restrict the rate to asylum and that those seeking protection will receive less help. they through paper airplanes into the chamber containing the coordinates of migrant votes that have sunk in the mediterranean. but in the end, the migration packed was endorsed by a narrow majority. yonce and was visibly moved. the message was clear, europe was getting tough on migration. and this is the main person who will oversee the practical implementation of this new tougher line funds lightens from the netherlands as the executive director of the european border protection agency, front tex his mission to protect k e with external borders without betraying its values. for me, one important part of this is to be a radical you transferred to about what we do and how we do it because from texas image has taken
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a massive hit in recent years. we confront him over his predecessors, legacy and front techs had been committing in humane actions like this one as they are known as push backs the coast guard of individual you countries. in this case, greece pushes refugees back into the mediterranean by force. it's actually a violation of the law. licensed agency has been subject to public scrutiny ever since. see, here are um offices, i think, as an entity showing unprofessional behavior. and that, of course, is, is to us directly to us, migrants using for me does no doubt that is not, you know, professional nor an abiding fundamental right? so, so this is behavior i would not accept. how can you make sure that this doesn't happen to kind of make sure because we're not there, of course, because that means that just to be present everywhere we can. i think i think
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that's a good that our standards are high. that's be doing up accept any behavior or less behavior to be investigate. that is the moral standard that the you hopes to uphold . pushed back so i can grease must not be allowed to happen again. asylum seekers are still arriving on break islands or next destination is the island of less focus on the use south eastern border. the refugee crisis escalated here in 2015 with up to 60 votes arriving every day. today from tex has 7 ships, one aircraft, and around $350.00 officers deployed off the creek islands. here we meet from texas hands items once again. but despite their presence asylum seekers are still arriving in motor boats from turkey. the turkish mainland is just 10 kilometers
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from here and within sight. and sadly people are still drowning. the mediterranean is the deadliest border in the world, but c, rescue is not a priority for europe. our tasking is border to effectiveness. and while it's doing that, we try to hold the supplemental rights and to save lives. so that's, that's the, the right order of. and our job isn't right now. we don't have the mandates to do for our races and risk. but of course, this ship rescue is lights already. another dangerous border lies in the western balkans, and many lose their lives on the journey. to find out more we went to bosnia in january the the root friends along the drain, a river between serbia and bosnia. it's actually the main overland route to europe, but many who take it, pay with their lives. knowledge it is from afghanistan is rather java drowned and the river here as members of the has our ethnic minority.
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they were being persecuted by the taliban. so the flood afghanistan together, the traveling thousands of kilometers on foot, sometimes with the help of traffic hers via ron turkey, greece, albania, and montenegro to boston. in their journey, took them for years. now jim and his brother wanted to reach germany. in december 2022, so close to their destination. the journey ended in tragedy. the further we prepared a boat and my brother and one of our friends were sitting in the boat when they made an attempt to cross the border. that's what it was. night 930 p. m. and it was dark everywhere. we couldn't see anything. then we heard a loud sound and they fell into the river. we tried to help,
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but there was nothing we could do. we couldn't see them anywhere. and we were in shock of almost 6 months passed before he finally found his brother's body. no knowledge of seek solace at his grave. at least he has a place to mourn. many of those who have drowned remained missing without a name. now jim wants to move on. he feels he must get to germany so that his brother has not died in vain or does enjoy this job. and the dream is not over yet only because i'm still alive and will continue on this path. as long as i are, other brothers are still alive and his dream will not die since of the migrants who survive the journey. now continue on their journey heading for their ultimate goal, germany. but here to there's a new wind blowing and for
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european union has taken note, the culture of welcoming microns championed by former chancellor uncle americal is history. her successor or life schultz has pledge to deport illegal migrants on a large scale. germany wanted to support the use tougher style impact. uncle americans, famous montrose migration via shots and us, or we can do this has given way to a loss of face welcoming hundreds of thousands of migrants has changed the country somewhat say overwhelmed. it just like all across europe, there's a fear here of a shift the far right you want to knows gets the battle for the very soul of the european union. the state will exploit every possibility to use fear and to put fear
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into the public. have nearly 25000000 migrants that are living leak on the india or p junior. and if they are less tomorrow, we would be be not be able to run our hospitals, source, build our houses, or do a lot of other jobs that is absolutely necessary. so i think that i should say that there should not fear migration, but you should make sure that you are in control of migration and that you can manage migration. but the willingness to accommodate people and provide for them is wearing fan. berlin's former table airport is a case in point a huge tent camp was set up here designed as a reception center for c ends in baskets, but now large numbers of ukrainians are stuck here too. and the place is over crowded. around 4600 people are living here in close quarters.
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the center is bursting at the seams. the people saying here are waiting for an apartment in berlin, but there are none. they come from hot keys. i've been here for 10 months, 10 months living in this come out of the head of the 55 year old. tatiana says young guy shows us her cabin. she lives here with her son, 14 people and 2 dogs share just 25 square meters. i know the there's a lot as the only privacy is their own bed. these 2 beds are halls. my son sleeps on top, move golf of the system and i sleep downhill. focus, leave them in to this slip of my bed also serves as the whole drove and cupboard. we don't have our own and this is how we've been living the whole time just to
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finish it. so someone else's golf check are stored. there will always be refugees and all of their individual stories continue to unfold. for weeks after our visit, one of the tent buildings in the berlin camp burned to the ground. luckily no one was harmed. and albania building is now underway. on the camp for asylum seekers sent by italy. in bosnia aid worker in the hot has set up another marble gravestone . this one is for the brother of nigi who drowned in the river and or is the funder lion, has been to egypt and living on to sign new agreements aimed at curbing migration. the e u is paying to keep the challenge of migration at bay. after years of wrangling, european leaders are now in agreement, their closing ranks and feeling themselves off from the outside world. the previous culture of welcoming is no more. the and
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indonesia police brutality is on the rise of migrants from the 30 kilometer camp. recently sent us this footage. the canadian police came in and destroyed everything . but the determination to live there, european dream remains unbroken under present. so i, i believe so much. i believe in my dream, and i know my doom is well that i was to become what it was because we are not so girl so good. i don't know way how to do it. of the land know for doing we have the nation. we are part of the news. we are the nation. we are part of the the, the 2nd major difference, visionaries with
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a project get involved to create a future experience that eco india pins. 30 minutes on the secret slide. discovered new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage side dw world heritage 360 now the
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this is the deal with your news life from the end of the 6 weeks of voting across india. counting is underway in a closely bunched general election. current trend suggests victory for her and her body and his willing beach. i. p talking spots with fuels seats than expected football hostages. he'll buy home us, a declared dead prime minister benjamin netanyahu says it will be known except to cease fire and gaza until full of as well as demands of match. as germany counts the tragic costs of another funding disaster, chance the filter.


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