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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the way you use life from the end of the 6 weeks of voting across india. counting is underway in a closely bunched general election. current trend suggests victory folder and promote e and his willing beach. i. p parking spots with us seats than expected formal hostages, held by hum us a declared dead prime minister benjamin netanyahu says it will be known except to cease fire and gaza until full of as well as demands of man. as germany counts the
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tragic cost of another funding disaster, chance the field says it should serve as a wake up call to the threat posed by climate change. the i've been visible and welcome counting is continuing in india, off the hundreds of millions of people voted in an election to decide who will form the next government in the world's most populous democracy. the national democratic alliance, the n. d. a led by prime minister and remote is national as beach i. p is a headed account, bought the land slide victory that was full cost. doesn't look like it, but would say we got lights. and da appears on track to win some 292 of the 543 seats available. the opposition india alliance, which includes the once dominant congress. spotty looks to have one around $230.00 states body is on cost to retain power for an historic 3rd time. but without any
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super majority. my budget, donnie is a senior fellow at the observer research foundation in daily considering the results so far is this so could this be the beginning of the end of the mode of year? um, i think that's a, that's a tough question to on. so i do think that you will be in a position to form the next government or be it with a diminished sense of the numbers and follow. so um i think what we can safely say it is possibly the end of the for the moment. uh, sort of autocratic or a thought or dad in style of, of functioning on of majority and politics. the indian bolt has been very clear about telling politicians that they don't want the notion of a supreme leader. they don't want the adult grants of a 15 to steve,
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and they want to have their voice could they were a lot of local issues that have been leading this election. and i think the idea of just building a large non active around one individual possibly has backfired for the relief, ought to be just be which as we look at numbers coming in right now is due. so d c plus shot off the how we mock to make it the, you know, a clear winner of the elections is the single largest body, no doubt, but 30 seats short of the hop, lima. my would you disagree then in many cases a week or a government and elections like these uh, ends up becoming even more hard line. would you disagree that that could be the expectation with a weaker modica as well? i think um, you know, the conventional wisdom says that when somebody is defeated or doesn't do was well,
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then they come back with, with a little more of depression. but again, the fact that they are shocked significantly short of the off we mom would mean that they are dependent on other boxes to be able to form that government. and in that circumstance of a coalition government, it would be hard for the ruling party or the single largest body to do. and also it's kind of a executive one party dominance because they are dependent on the allies to stay and follow. so the idea that allies could be a system of checks and balances when one party is going out of control, i think is what is getting a lot of indians pool today is especially in this they've been talking about the infringement of civil liberty use. the attacks on institutions because the, the, the, you know, the, the coming down hard on dissenting voices and political critics. these are groups
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in india that are looking at the results today. thing. even if it is one in the lead government, they've dependence on allies would mean that the themselves are being due on certain policies that they may have wanted otherwise doing for one more quick question. could we could moti also mean more dependence on the west and see in the a distance itself perhaps from russia? i think that's a, that's a complicated question because india is of position on russia and it's relationship with the rest. you're actually predicts prime minister nadine devonte, an indian foreign policy has a tendency to sort of play out in a continuum. so i don't imagine that there would be significant shifts in a foreign policy. however, i think that that would be small some states and wide different positions, particularly on what's happening. for example, in israel and palestine are even on the question,
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all of civilian casualties in the infringement of sovereign border as far as the restaurant ukraine is concerned. but overall, on the rest your policy, i do think that the government's position is respective of the party and boa has been fairly consistent. and again, in foreign policy is something that changes very slowly, not just an endeavor in any country in the world. and so i don't foresee a very quick or very sudden shift whether or not it is the in the, the phones of government or the opposition india that's able to cover together some kind of coalition government. i think as far as the foreign policy is concerned, we will see some sort of status call. i'm debbie. it's getting movement on things the way they have been. i wouldn't want to speculate too much or on changing positions. the pressure i take, i take my legend donny with the of the research foundation and daily
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a formal hostages tell by how much it goes. it has been declared dead is where the army says a 5 year old army around cooper high and perry and your a met skip of 80 and 51 year old is wiley, bitter citizen. not of papa well died together in hon. eunice. how much has not yet released their bodies, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has again said he will not accept the ceasefire and gaza until of israel's conditions met the military. it has carried out more air strikes in the south of the tower trade with no light helping to find it. relentless strikes on rough ha. did palestinians are taken to attend at a field hospital in the southern most city of calls? the strikes also hit the city of han, eunice where destruction is so widespread that newly flattened buildings no longer
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stand out underneath the rubble as amaro dream. as sars mother ma ma, call us considering this. we have lost a lot. we lost all our loved ones. we have nothing left enough for the love of god implemented cease fire enough. we are tired, humiliated, and broken up the prospects for full truth now look slim after us. president joe biden presented what are you called and is rarely ceasefire proposal. that would also see to the release of hostages held by him all his afternoon is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu came forward and dismissed the deal. and says that fully destroying from us has been a key priority from the start ends for the help of we are using calculus ways to bring back out hostages because he loves we've come a long way. but in the process, we've kept the voice of objectives in mind,
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primarily feeling the nation of home us. and we won't give up on them either. it's the old part of the planet clinic by me today. but there's also been pressure on netanyahu to speak the truth. and israel families of hostages have been calling for an agreement that would bring their missing loved ones home. i feel that from week to week it just we here just for about more and more hostages, the dying. and now we are in the critical moments. and if we not going to negotiate and will make a hostage, there is no hope for this country to drove. and i can see the men coming back alive. whoever is still alive if it's still going to happen. now like in these days and then gaza is more mounts of trouble pile up. international
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pressure is mounting on israel to end. it's more. 8 of the city of flooding and southern germany has killed at least 5 people in false, thousands, definitely. they homes, german, chancellor, or luck. schultz visited one of the areas hottest hit in the state of the bay area . you said the floods would get another indicator of the threat posed by mad made climate change. germany's chancellor surveys the flood damage in this bavarian town, accompanied by the state premier and interior minister, olaf schultz promised solidarity in the form of federal and military assistance. and he expressed his concern about climate change just as a d, as in the dispute to my doctor did not be the 1st time this year. i visited an area like the assistance of on him bus donald. and it's an indication of what's going on as of the all scouting. so we can't neglect the task of stuffing and man made climate change shut off less. ignore from flood defenses were no match for the
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masses of water that came down in southern germany. residents are overwhelmed by the scale of the disaster. people. i think they're going to get the bands. everything in the basement is destroyed and used to fridges, freezers, the washing machine, the district, everything is gone. i'm not waiting for the firefighter and the pump, the water out at the basement with nothing else can be done for now. we're moving on in another bavarian town, rescuers are mourning the loss of a colleague who died while trying to rescue trapped residence. yes, and it's just weird. this made stomach maternity because we're thinking about college and his family, whom we knew is very well. but the work let's go on. it's like if we have a disaster here so we have to get through that cell job. this is literally all scrubbing. rescuers continue to search for the missing,
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and the officials have warned the high water levels are likely to persist. for some time. the flat board has the shifting a switch to the town of quaking spoke on the danube in bavaria. that's why dw matthew moore is. he told us about the situation in the city and i'm on the don. your river. i'm the i'm me is the old tired of riggins by the unesco world heritage site. and let me just show you what the conditions are like here. basically the only thing stopping millions of tons of flood water from hitting the old house or flood defensive along the riverbank. she had been erected over the last few days stretching hundreds of meters. and that's under basically so far they've managed to stall all this water from hitting the time. the water level here is around 6.3.4 meters high. that's double what it normally is. and on the other side, you can see some of the homes that unfortunately couldn't be protected and they
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have their inundated, so they're there on the water over there. and alternately, the, the german where the service has basically said that the reading is most stalled. and what we're seeing is that the culmination of days and days of rain flowing into your 2nd longest river. i know mickey is we don't stream by with the norm is for rufus strength and pace a basically regensburg and paso r. m. 2 of the places which are, or on the, on the, on the possible, the past of this, this, this foss, moving river so far here, they've managed to mitigate the, the effects of, of the high levels. we heard at least 5 people have died. are there any more missing there's that's right. then there was a 1st victim, the casualty of women who died as she was trapped in floods, also not car. and we know we, we also believe that the search for the 6 fashion, amman, who was missing arrest you, worked on, somebody went missing that has, it was suspended as my back home. they watched the few,
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they said that he has to come to, to, to, to the water, the, to the, he's driving in the, in the, in the flooding. and ultimately, the feed ice, the as the walls to receive that we need only get more by use as people like externalize the extent of the damage done normally to, to, to the homes. also as a b, c, kilo's not being and i'm due to with i'm with flood waters that we meet at the desk to be unfortunately rise. by the moment there's tens of thousands of people across southern geometry basically involved in this operation. both kind of default the football system from re to residential places of homes and businesses. also to clean up that to clean up the mess. but as it made this, expect it to cost billions and take not just days or weeks, potentially even months to, to repair a correspond, matthew moles, thank you very much for bringing us the latest, the from readings bulk on the danube and in full find strike activity all the puppies, as signs of 5 seas and deal with real madrid. he'll move to the spanish side of
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july, but his contract with having such a mine expires. until now, the 25 year old is only played full french clubs, be on the grid to one of the assign him for years. but he says the transfer is a green come chart. that brings you up to date on bank visual and see an excel the one small step for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean. slow cutting edge technology is i'm looking at the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, the research team will study the possible risk funds in order to minimize the
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we have an opportunity to to get it right before we moved from star environmental


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