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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:29pm CEST

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the, the, this is the that we use line from the land. india is prime minister claims victory and a closely watched the election place counting still under wayne. right. promote is hope, southern overwhelming majority look unlikely despite being on close for a race. so to also ahead large pots of southern germany remains underwater, as police confirm, at least 5 people now known to have died in the countries like hispanic disaster.
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and also just something flights. shutting down the power rate and closing schools unions in nigeria suspended nationwide strike. we find out why the i'm been visible and welcome, indian prime minister and the ranger body has claim victory in the countries general election. speaking has his bodies headquarters. bodies said the when we'll see a new chapter of big decisions, agents have expressed full confidence in b, j, b and n d a. today's victory, the victory of the world largest democracy was that by so let's bring you the latest on the results we have. so far, the national democratic airlines, the n d. a led by appointment is the range of bodies naturalists. b j. p is ahead and on cost when some 293 of the 543 seats available. the opposition india
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alliance, which includes the ones dominant congress body, looks to have one around $233.00 states. this would leave mostly shorts of the over whelming majority predicted, in exit pulse of daily bureau chief. his son had paid his funds on the, during his speech and daily on tuesday evening, private as the body once again declared victory. what else did he have to say? now ben keith allow me to glance at my notes that i took during his quite lengthy speech. that is, he said that he is in debt to, to the people of india. he re emphasized over and over again that the voters have seemingly expressed full confidence in his part to the beach, a p, n, c, and d, a. he quoted, a win for democracy. he said it's the victory of the 1400000000 people of india. he said, i salute the voters of india. he then went on to say that india should present itself
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to the word with a lot of pride. and he then went on to say, we meaning his speech a p and b and d a. we will not stop until we have left poverty behind and no way in his speech to acknowledge the losses of his part to the beach a p. neither does he acknowledge the losses of a national democratic alliance. okay, well let's talk about those losses because that's where those losses were in. could that significant taste on top? exactly, i mean, you know, to form a government in india, any pa to or alliance needs to cross the threshold of 272 seats. mind you in 2019 and the last general elections, they beach a p, a loan, 1303 seats. this is not the case this time around. they have lost quite a few numbers of states, and nowhere is this kiera. then in the state of top i dish or your p for short,
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it is in the most popular state, it has a population bigger than that of brazil or pockets done for that matter. and this states sense a t m. peace to the national capital. and the 2019 elections, the beach a p could stick your 62 out of these a t m p seats. and this time around they barely made half of it. so that's quite a considerable lawson. this is especially significant because this happened in the northern indian, hindi heartland, which was an absolute strome hold of the beach a p. and we could see here that congress could win a few more seats. they went up from one to you from one see to about 6 seats, and the big window here in your p is original potty that's sort of searched again. it's the how much, why the party, one of the members of the india alliance, which is congress next. and they alone could win around $38.00 seats. so what's the opposition saying about the results?
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i mean, is quite the opposite extreme compared to what now render emoji that incumbent prime minister has said, right. we've gotten to the senior congress lead to addressing his party workers. he said that both of us have taken the 1st and the biggest step to say the constitution of this country to quote him that he set that's about as tablets really punished. and already he went on to say that they have rejected him. he also courts at a win for democracy as did not render on moody. and he spoke of a moral and political last for the prime minister. this is what senior congress he's are a who's going to have to say. so i will have to leave it this already. sound device being good talking to you will get more analysis from you. throughout the day i or my merchant, donnie is a senior fellow at the observer research foundation and daily considering the results so far. i asked if this is the beginning of the end of the moody era. i think that's a, that's a tough question to on. so i do think that he will be in
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a position to form the next government or be it with a diminished sense of the numbers and follow. so um i think what we can safely say it is possibly the end of the for the moment. uh, sort of autocratic or thought, or daddy and style of, of functioning on of the majority and politics. the indian bolt has been very clear about telling politicians that they don't want the notion of a supreme leader. they don't want to be out of grants of a $15.00 to steve, and they want to have their voice heard. they were a lot of local issues that have been a leading the selection. and i think the idea of just building a large amount of around one individual possibly has backfired for the building. 40 the be just be which as we look at numbers coming in right now is due to d. c plus shot off the hop. we're not to make it the, you know,
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a clear winner of the elections. it's the single largest body, no doubt. but uh, so do you see the short of the hop, lima. my would you disagree then in many cases a week or a government in elections like these uh, ends up becoming even more hotline? would you disagree that that could be the expectation with a weaker modica as well. i think, you know, the conventional wisdom says that when somebody is defeated or doesn't do was well, then they come back with, with a little more of depression. but again, the fact that they are short, significantly short of the off we mom would mean that they are dependent on other boxes to be able to form that government. and in that circumstance of a coalition government, it would be hard for the ruling party or the single largest body to do and also kind of executive one party dominance because they are dependent on the allies
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to stay and follow. so the idea that allies could be a system of checks and balances when one party is going out of control, i think is what is getting a lot of indians cool today is especially indians have been talking about the infringement of civil liberty use the attacks on institutions because the, the, the, you know, the, the coming down hard on dissenting voices and political critics. these are groups in india that are looking at the results today. thing. even if it is one in the lead government, they've dependence on allies would mean that the themselves are being due on certain policies that they may have wanted otherwise doing for one more quick question. could we, could moti also mean more dependence on the west and seeing the distance itself perhaps from russia? i think that's a, that's
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a complicated question because india is position on russia and it's relationship with the rest. you're actually predicts prime minister in that, in the movie, an indian foreign policy has a tendency to sort of play out in a continuum. so i don't imagine that there would be significant shifts in a foreign policy. however, i think that that would be small. some staples and why different positions particularly on what's happening, for example, in israel and palestine are even on the question, all of the 1000000000 casualties in the infringement of sovereign border as far as restaurant ukraine is concerned. but overall, on the rest your policy, i do think that the government's position is respective of the party and boa has been fairly consistent. and again, and foreign policy is something that changes very slowly, not just in india, but in any country in the world. and so i don't foresee
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a very quick or very sudden shift whether or not it is the in the, the phones of government or the opposition india that's able to cover together some kind of coalition government. i think as far as the foreign policy is concerned, we will see some sort of data is cool. i'm debbie. uh, escape the movement on things the way they have been. i wouldn't want to speculate too much or on changing positions. i pressure i take, i take my a legendary with the observer research foundation and daily the outcome of andy and election is of deep significance to the european union. bilateral trade has gone mancha late during the reign, promote his time in office bows. cooperate on a range of issues including climate change, but roches morgan to ukraine as being a sofa in india. and the european union, the world's most populous nation, with a booming economy and the world's largest trading block. both are also committed to
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democratic values or what its economic interests that dominate the power houses bilateral relationship. according to indian figures, india, you trade was worth 130000000000 dollars last year. the uses that during the past decade during prime minister no render modi's time and power india e. you trade has ballooned by 30 percent at the u india summit. 2 years ago, the 2 sides agreed to set up a trade in technology council, which includes cooperation in shaping digital technologies. the you in india, which is currently experiencing a devastating he wave, also share and business commitments to tackling climate change. but there is one significant area of disagreement rushes war in ukraine, which they use these as an existential threat. the outcome of the war will not only
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determine the future of europe, but also deeply affect the in the pacific region and the rest of the world. for the in the pacific region, it is as important as for europe, the boarders are respected. moody has not publicly criticized russian. president vladimir putin seen here meeting at a summit in respect of stan. instead, india has stressed the need for dialogue to end the war. and says it is willing to help with peace efforts. what a close look now at some of the other stories making headlines. they sell you the uh, nevada and i a has attended a memorial service in berlin for his late husband, alexis, novelle. late tuesday would have been his 40 eights, both state department credit can't opposition. liter died in an optic present earlier this year. i should've already said he died of natural causes. butnam found
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these allies claim he was murdered. a people have been arrested in hong kong. i have a social media post mocking the 35th anniversary of the chinaman, square cracked down in badging. communist body lead is owed at the clearing of the square on june 4th, 1989 after it was occupied by protest is it's believed that hundreds were killed. flooding and sri lanka has killed at least 17 people of the monks who main street could land slides. 13 of the countries 25 provinces were hit by heavy rains. extreme weather effected, they'll be 160000 people. so the flooding is up in germany has left at least 5 people that the situation in bavaria is most critical in areas closest to the down. you have a brain pulled over the last few days, has the most in time neighborhoods, roads and rail bites. a neighboring state of buttons. different bank has also been badly affected over the weekend, but to the thirty's say the flag board is there. i received
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a w's testified to has been speaking to people in this folder very in town of monte and trying to save what still can be saved. hundreds of sandbags are piled up by the presidents of munching, hoping to protect the houses of the done pro. a few kilometers of st. others have already given up. like going to have been who watches on helplessly, particularly for the seller is filling up with water. it's coming in from all directions. if we have to see what comes next it, they tell me, i don't know. i have no idea the main road has been entirely east of much affected residence, gone by the disaster they are experiencing my teen sela and his wife have tried the best but the floods with too strong. the house is also filling up with most of the single for this is a caster figure. i've never experienced anything like it's in this much water. it's
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bad one. what is the situation? look for youth fitness room. the seller's under water. everything's destroyed is to put in the pots of the town that i still dried people using the time to put that on today as viva is getting most and bugs as the which is just me to is away from his house. of course, his nerve wracking, i'm afraid, for my house, after seeing what's happened to some of the other houses. of course i don't want to show my wife and children had to leave phone. did i haven't gone through the grandparents here in lansing, people on deep shock. what used to be the center of that town is not completely flooded. people are trying to pump the water out of the basement which has gone everywhere. even. that's a ground level here. but one thing keeps everyone going,
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solidarity people from all over the town has come together to phillips sandbags that affect the neighbors. come then pick up from that much of a simple and they want to is doing. we all help each other out and while everyone is helping for the best, the read extend of the damage will only be seen once the water level for seeds and dw political correspondence. matthew moore is innovating, spoke. he showed us around and i'm on the don, your river. i'm the i'm me is the old tired of riggins by the unesco world heritage site. and let me just show you what the conditions are like here. basically, the only thing stopping millions of tons of flood water from hitting the old house or flood defense is along the river banks here that'd be directed over the last few days stretching hundreds of meters. and that's of the basically sol father minus the small oldest water from hitting the time the water level here is around
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6.3.4 meters high. that's double what it normally is. and on the other side you can see some of the homes that unfortunately couldn't be protected and they have their inundated, so they're there on the water over there. and alternately the, the german where the service has basically said that the reading is most stop. and so what we're seeing is that the culmination of days and days of rain flowing into your 2nd longest river. i know mickey is we don't stream by with the norm is for rufus strength and pace a basically regensburg and paso r. m. 2 of the places which are on the, on the, on the possible, the past of this, this, this foss, moving river so far here, they've managed to mitigate the, the effects of, of the high levels. we heard at least 5 people have died. are there any more missing of the there's that's right. then there was a 1st victim, the casualty of women who died and she was trapped in floods,
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also not car. and we know we, we also believe that the search for, for a 6 fashion, a mind who was missing arrest you walk on sunday, went missing. that has, it was suspended as my back home the worst the few days that he has to come to, to, to, to the wall, to the, to the he's driving the, in the, in the, in the flooding. and ultimately, the few days the as the walls to receive that we meet, we get more by use as people analyze the extent of the damage done not only to to, to their homes also as a b, c, kilo's not being an updated with them with flood waters that we meet, that the death to be unfortunately rise. by the moment there's tens of thousands of people across southern geometry basically involved in this operation, both kind of default before i bought this from, from re to residential. places of homes and businesses. also to clean all that to clean up the mess that isn't made that's expected to cost billions and take not just days or weeks potentially even months to repair. corresponded matthew moore.
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thank you very much for bringing us the latest, the from readings bulk on the danube. nigeria is labor unions have postponed and indefinite strikes for a week to continue talks with the government over a high and minimum wage. the government signals that it's open to the idea a jerry a has been grappling with the cost of living crisis union said shut down the power grid, living millions without electricity, the shut down effect at the airport schools and other public institutions to the w correspondence. elisa tacoma is covering this story for us from lagos. the strike was supposed to be indefinite. he explains why it was suspended after only one day a. well, then that is what it is. uh, the uh, the trade unions of uh, basically called a suspension of the stripe blocks for just 5 days. they say is to allow for negotiations to come in the grocery store by car and deal to continue. uh, they have been uh, you know, ready to go to the,
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the government said to increase the minimum wage. and the last time they said that it had come to an agreement to go by 60000 miles, which is about $40.00 above that part. so while not at the gross agents are concerned, you want to see if there's any like under title, the 3rd, you know, i've gone ahead to say that so spent a stripe, but only 4 or 5 days, which means that should they not be able to come to the full agreement with the governments, the return of the 5 days back to the strikes and the strikes it already been going on. so what months i mean, what will tell us more about the impact? well, but it has been severe, in fact, the same savvy side of the week on monday 1st me when they shut down the national grid nerd part was the one that is a great everywhere around the country and millions wake up in the darkness and slept in darkness last night, then you also had the government, obviously, shots, banks that you know, all the top rates, the body is not really are going to whack people screws close. universities also flurries. a lot of unions also joined it to that tried your desktop or the strikes
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. they've been almost a crypt and 24 hours of people that call them. and i know that the announcement have been made been a body suspension of this right. paula is to get to be restored, so people are waiting. uh, you know, uh for the pots we got restored. i'm details, so don't worry about this, you know, cover and deal a bit, 5 days of groceries from toxic, between the government and the trade union. so how much support would you say the union is actually have among the public? well, initially it, it seemed rather makes because people wake up to the pipe grid shut, which was a big blow. the airports were shut down, so flights couldn't, you know, go out the lagos. why bu done all the cities. i bought the us be, they went by yesterday. it was a lot of golf and i vision of the public because a on x, on twitter, on social media, people came out. so, you know, to show that the stuff you know, that supports for the trade, you know, saying that yes, they are really demanding a point, increasingly medium on which we, they've not seen in many, many years despite several routes, if it goes to ation. so they've got the packet of the people that special, or the hard part is about the, you know,
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the pain that they have to go through with no power. you know, obviously shut down. no, and it's just, it's a stuff like that. so bad news. we now had one on the people. what excited the app i can do a trade unionist idea and also a label w correspondence. elisa tacoma. thank you very much for your point. despite of this information has become increasingly decisive and damaging factor in elections around the world. russia is particular seeking to use this information networks to influence elections. if we're coming to your pin problem and polls are made to target, and the equivalent isn't the only one trying to manipulate the narrative of the kremlin wants to vote in european elections every board by the german federal forwarding office filed to the thrasher, had used more than 50000 fake accounts on ex, sending more than 1000000 tweets in order to manipulate public opinion only in
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germany. some far right members and staff of the european parliament are being investigated for helping accused of taking money to promote pro rush of views through a propaganda network called voice of europe, allegedly financed by moscow and van headquartered in prague, even after being sanctioned and expelled by both the check government and the e u. the website kept its prague address a surprise to at least one resident of the building. were you aware that your home address is being used as a, as the site of a russian propaganda? whether it's 1st time of day heard about this, while boys of europe may be muted, there are plenty of other voices that concern democracy active this veronica v who has been working to counter kremlin this information for years and wishes european politicians would take a more active role rest, improve again, that is not trying to persuade anyone about anything really. they are just trying to start chaos and distrust. so as long as we are not the country and with some
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kind of narrative, that is going to create a story that is going to make people believe in democracy again for losing and are you losing right now? i think we are on the verge of a vehicle, but illustrates how check candidates are attacking each other with the accusations of kremlin sympathies. instead of presenting positive platforms to basically also the governmental prices are sort of spreading manipulation at best. so this information about the policies can't all be blamed on. foreign influence is plenty comes from european politicians themselves. the gary and government is accusing the block of planning to for as young europeans into the military to send them to ukraine. dw, that check team dispelled that notion quickly. noting the germany's monford river, head of the largest political group and the european parliament has called for the german army to re introduce conscription. nothing else. but russia's one ukraine has given this informers of all backgrounds, much more material to work with,
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compared with the last european elections in 2019, and cobit pandemic conspiracy theories have also been resurrected for the vote. the european digital media observatory is a hub for 52 fact checking organizations coordinator to him. also cannetta hopes voters will be proactive and informing themselves nourishing has the skepticism on one hand, but do not also fall in the exact opposite of not trusting anything or anyone. because this is one of the cool of this information wanting people not to trust anybody. and things being that, you know, truth and falseness are absolutely the same. cannetta also warns that while the use of artificial intelligence and creating deep face has not been as prevalent as was feared. such tactics could still be deployed at the last minute, making it very hard to verify information and time. he urges voters to stay vigilant. european elections will be a crucial test as to how much fact checkers can do to ensure election integrity.
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the next stop on dw, how do i make finding more affordable? so gail will have more useful you next down on. i've been f as will and i'll see you tomorrow the
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there's more to sustainable fishing and just fishing with allah and go out to see together big old cultural heritage. sharefile's fishing is a traditional technique. archipelago of care kinda it's important says lead artist, the media to be, it's in bassett or eco africa. next on d w. it's time for vision or a for sustainability.
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but also for horsepower. the, it's time for the mobo revolution. in 60 minutes on d, w, the in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in minecraft. instead of going to class others can attend classes. the minions of children will go to school. we ask why?
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because education makes the world make up your own mind. made full minds the quite a few environmental activities. the realize that slowing down is one way to leave more sustainably. what we're seeing, how simplifying a lives and thinking creatively can reduce our impact on the not through weld. welcome to eco africa. i am chris a lives in lagos, nigeria, the modem was culture of convenience, has a very damaging effect. what if.


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