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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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the rows most healthy in this country. what do they want to change into society? full of contrasts. the indian aids stuff. june 5th. i'm d w. the car repair. com maintenance car insurance prices rose to within the last 2 years. the new cars. this was one part of the american dream, but now it's out of reach for many americans. because this country, news cars are quintessential to the american lifestyle such on affordable for military, affording a call, the maintenance office and the insurance office has become
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a major challenge officer for many, many 1000 americans. why is that? we'll find out the americans and the automobiles. and america, this is a lot of love to see it lasted more than $100.00 youth, especially relations, driven by the idea, unlimited mobility and freedom. quite let's talk about what cars are to america. the land of the free and home of the brave, unified in its appetite for more cause, populating an ever expanding highway and interstate system, which constitutes the greatest country in the world. great in resources, and in the vision of all people. great an accomplishment in the past and equally great in the problem is for the future. the modern unit,
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the states of america. he won an automobile because it's the easiest way to explore this great country. this country and its economy built upon the idea of on tank growth, fueled by limited mobility guarantee to everyone and for limitless interstate come cars and trucks, all kinds in size, this available and affordable, essential for work and play part of the american lifestyle. if you look back into the early 19 hundreds, it's probably why they created the automobile was to get through the different states and especially when the roads in the interstate network started in indiana, especially the races and rallies. indianapolis. hello, hello from indianapolis and from the indianapolis motor speedway, the trademark racing capital of the worst part of the american dna. motor sports and audition. so you might ask,
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why are we in indianapolis anyway when we're talking about transportation mobility and the challenges for many americans when it comes to mobility transportation to afford a call. indianapolis is the so called cross rows of america and quite literally because major highways from the united states are really costs. and in this last few years have been goods to the u. s. automobile, industry, commented factors, have been cranking out new vehicles in greater numbers and ex, ever higher prices last several years. profit. wait. however, there are some dollars on the horizon from consumers and businesses in the world's 2nd largest automobile market. for a growing number of americans, the equation has become this. no call, no job, no american dream in the car repair,
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call. com. maintenance, car insurance prices rules to within the last 2 years. why is that? and how is it all connected? or on the find out the buyers of all ages, income groups and of what ever social status, bleeding money, no matter if they buy a new or used things have gotten so on. a sampling either correspond, everybody, well below the, for all, has become a struggle or almost entirely unattainable for millions. we're up to 2020 for new york. the auto show staples on the us international auto show circuit. but before we go inside, let's talk about a few important numbers. in 2023, there were 292300000 vehicles registered in the us. those vehicles made for 376000000 gallons of gas use per day. that makes us the biggest consume of gasoline,
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had a sign of japan english. on average. americans drive about about 41 miles a day to work shopping or for a doctor's appointment. that's more than ever before. and when americans go on vacation inside the country, 98 percent of them are doing solo, like the back of the auto show in the yard. we're meeting with greg morrison automotive journalist and call and susie's rick is the producer of this is bumper to bumper t b. there's a major cold snap across the d test and the value it's new cost all brands to makes and models. frank has agreed to help us better understand a few things about what is going on in the us. automotive industry, with auto shows and with us consumers. i did not know that it was still taught to make that for people because i thought okay, so costs are i know almost like
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a luxury in many cases. yeah. $4050000.00. better for a spot in price. exactly. so is it, is it, when people tell me to an honestly like this, is this for them the opportunity to touch their green or is it like no, i'm in the yeah, i'm shopping for a car which has to be useful. economic call, you know, all of that. it has to get good gas months and they do their research. you or is it the touching the candy? it's a little of everything you get a chance to touch the candy so to speak. because you see cars that, you know, there's no way in this life. i'm never going to able to afford it, but you get a chance to put you button to sit and say, oh, this is nice. and while you may not by that total of scale model, you may be attracted by the brand to go to something this a little more affordable. affordable. that sounds good. the problem finding a new and affordable vehicle has become nearly impossible in many cases. the same is true when in the market for use, interest rates are astronomical compared to what they were just
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a few years. that average cost of the new car or that's going to substantially in the last 5 to 10 years, the average cost of a new car was about $38000.00 and those 5 years ago. and now it's up to $45000.00 since 2020 prices for new cost $7.00 average increased by a whopping 31 percent increase for use costs even higher and spends at 40 percent is getting very close to the median income of households in the united states that growth in, in car price came at a time and very, very low interest rates. those used car in new car prices are enormous. and it's much different thing if you can get 0 percent financing. there's is 07 percent financing, $545000.00 cost, almost the medians yearly income into us,
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and financing the purchase at 7 percent, or even higher, at thousands in interest payments to the final bill. the results of growing number of americans get into massive depth just to keep up with co payments before in many cases, defaulting in the end. after all, i read that most americans finance costs is the 2nd largest expense after the mortgage. you have to pay for the house. the house, the car college education for the kid goes to the 3 big bikes. and if you're financing, you're not financing for 3 years anymore. you're probably financing for 5, sometimes 7 years. that's a lot of time to be putting monthly payments on. but right. there's more when people are surprised by now are things like insurance. nobody buys the car thinking about repair maintenance costs, but new cars are becoming more expensive to, to,
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to fix and insurance is going up. so there's these costs that are sort of surprising people in just one year from 2021 to 2022 insurance costs have gone up by around 14 percent and another 20 percent by the end of last year. that's a 34 percent combined in just 3 years. the steepest increase since the $0.19 at the same time. the insurance companies report record breaking profits, things to rate increases. and that means a growing number of so called average joes and people who earn an income that's just about lets them get by are getting crushed when it comes to vehicle ownership and guarantee their need for mobility and affordable transportation. those are the folks who are really going to be squeezed in this front, not having access to mobility without access to mobility, you don't have access to employment without access to employment. you cannot take care of yourself the of
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the big public transportation, the public transport authority here in indianapolis is called in the go. those guys are trying to really do their best to transport thousands of people who can't afford the car to places they have to be that the work or for shopping. and of course, also doctors appointments the most important key to understand that public transportation always in the united states. if we're not talking about new york and the software there or maybe san francisco aren't the premises. there has the challenge and was always challenged public transportation. and america that doesn't roll off the tongue as easy as for example, in public transportation, customer numbers in indianapolis. and not only back to where they were before the cold, with 19 pandemic. they've been rising late in 2023. fixed around trying to ship was
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more than 6 point. $7000000.00 a 20 percent increase over 2020 to the city is fucking the trend that sees many metropolitan areas in the us struggling with writer numbers and with funding however, even indianapolis is facing challenges with shifts and transportation needs for more and more people who cannot afford a car, but who must respond to changing demands if they want to get or keep a job all well set and then in the, in the regular phone there. but then you have the burbs and you have jobs also going and companies going outside of downtowns. this is not just any that was all over america. so now you have to bring city to the jobs outside of the city. that's a challenge. so it is a challenge, but you know what we think so great partners again, we have been able to do that. we're able to get people in the urban course and say
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the out to the burbs to our neighboring counties. whereas the jobs are to the fulfillment centers, good paying jobs. and she works as a home health aide called takes care of senior, spelled the clients who need help with sorts of things like getting dressed, 13 minutes and any minor choice around the house. with joining her on a ride to work this morning, you called us in the suburbs of indianapolis and her client lives in fob from any remotely convenient bus line. indianapolis, public transport provide you that you don't want to call me. i had a part of why they weren't on, but eventually and toners, we'll visit the and with that a chance for more or better work has so far remains elusive. when you call, as well as for many others, for them, the best way to get to work is by using what's called a micro trends adopt. so this is a michael trans work program and those buses bring people to their jobs to the
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doctor or to a pharmacy, to pick out medication. this is for people who don't have transportation that we don't have cars who can afford boss tickets. in 2020 to 5.7 percent of adults select reliable transportation for daily living. that's about 15000000 americans struggling to get from a to be on the database. the control has just released new data and saying that this is where the come becoming a real growing and bigger problem. year after year for people who don't have transportation, they don't go to the doctors, they sure they don't pick up their medication because my co transports, like in indianapolis, they're trying to rectify. su, 468 people. there's place enough space for people in wheelchairs. 1234 spots of this. so this much different indianapolis council women looking subjects and came
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up with a program called driven to success pathway, mike from transit, jackson for stuff guests and supporters us celebrating its success and 2nd anniversary. if we have data transportation, we had a great public transportation system here, but there gaps in the services. so if we could fill those gaps where we could get right to man. so where we need to go instead of taking several buses or where the buses don't go to for public transportations to employment child care, to our closer facilities. but we don't have to dread several buses. uh bad people on the, on the buses. oh, we don't have to take 3 or 4 kids or strollers on the bus. isn't this rainy bed or what help what do people in the, in the outer world have to understand about what the reality is? for many, many thousands americans actually when it comes to mobility and transportation, the reality for many people that most people don't understand is many people, one paycheck from b, 4 in a shelter, out on the street,
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homeless on house. so if it's between transportation and 80, they're going to inc, if it's between transportation and paying the rent on the mortgage, they want to pay the rent of the mortgage. and we address social determinants of health. and transportation is one of the social determinants of health. and this needs transportation is many things, access to public transportation that micro transit options are in ever growing an important part of it, even in the united states. but mobility in this county comes back to one critical component, the call and accessed it. that's why affordability plays such an important role for everybody before ladies. some semi totally defined as exactly being 15 percent of your household income are god for all kinds of additional costs. and so if you can tell that most americans do by got to go to work and earn
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a living or to spend on the earnings. you have to go some days, take a break and go to the theater, eat something they slept right. that's why the future of the economy terminal a lot in all things, transportation and with that, the future of the american lives side, the country, social structure, and of course it's economy. so what will this future look like? what is the fix for america's car affordability? and personal transportation prices last night, the moon was sold right now. and it was in to me when i saw a truck to come from a place where to buy the we was it the silo auto club in indianapolis and mike simmons,
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the own or 1st to started. so i know of scale parking space for even more upscale vehicles as a hobby. a simmons, a classic cons who is just now run silo as a business. that also functions as a social club for a growing number of other lovers of classic exotic and luxury cost. all equipped with good old internal combustion engines, americans proclaimed ongoing the revolution has reached silo. and mike's events, at least not yet. i have not been as drawn to the electrification of the industry from as a hobbyist or, or really even as a consumer. but i also get the, the fossil fuel argument. i get global warming. i, i get why. there are reasons why we need to move away from fossil fuels and that it's all good. bad news for simmons electric vehicles or eaves soon with
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a ton of missed driving of the future. the automobile industry says experts that all of the above will change how we transport, how we get around better, faster and foremost cheaper. the us government is spending billions furthering the transformation on american road police. however, the number of eaves sold in the us last year fell behind the expectations on the 1200000 battery operated electric vehicles and just 190000 plug in the hybrid sold in 2023. that's just the friction all vehicle sites. in comparison, the total of $15500000.00 new vehicles were sold in the us and 2023, roughly 12 percent more of the previous on top of that used cost $6.00 total, 35.9. last year the the way the
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3. 2 yes, those numbers will change significantly in the next 10 to 15 years. industry experts and policy makers say, but for now, you as legacy comic as need be sales of the internal combustion engine vehicles at high prices and with the best possible profit margins. here's why. are they going to be coming because they have to be able to make good profits on the combustion engine? paypals because as good profits are needed to be able to supply the much design fee cash flow that's demanded by the growth as ever hungry electric vehicles side for consumers, for potential call buyers for all people who want and need an affordable car to be their choice. of transportation, that's bad news. prices for new induced cost will likely remain high or get even
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worse for the foreseeable future. the same goes for repair maintenance and insurance costs really affordable mobility so critical for millions in the us. the non stop light. fully believe the free month, which will be the solution to this. and the free markets for 3 minutes of the issue will come by the end of the month as very good to go on affordable. so they will be at the mindful of an extremely low cost, highly affordable vehicle, and they will be a shane. oh here. oh and consolidation that i have to call to be able to make that happen until the affordable mobility for all can be achieved only through subsidies . some experts say they think where we are right now is we're sort of in the discovery of diagnosis. fee of these new high cost of driving. and we're going to see the policy responses come out over the next few
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years. the most direct thing that we could do. and the fastest thing that we could do would be to simply subsidize people being able to draw a monthly check from the government. so all people have to get to work for shopping and keep the doctors appointments a quick fix. why not? and in the future, say good bye to individual car ownership and type all the costs will be electric and self driving. ready to be used to be a government sponsored basic subscription model available anytime, anywhere with a click and yes, there will be enough smart and safe, economical, affordable, and accessible to all people made possible by financial subsidies and incentives from the government. sweet dreams, who knows? however, this will shake out, it's going to be a long way to get well, any the driving and electric
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car through portugal. how well does it work? the country sees itself as an electron mobility by any or i'd like to know what works differently or better here. then for example, in germany, the rental car in opal, monica has a roughly 330 kilometer range. pretty average. the 1st charging station in the evening doesn't work great. the 2nd 1 in the morning is far from the city. center them is pretty slow. the 3rd one is faster. okay, it's now the fast charging, but at least this charging process works very smoothly, and we will gain some more kilometers until we get a real fast charger. after a bumpy start, it turns out that fast chargers are widespread and often at supermarkets, one thing i really like, i can pay it all. charging stations with a card or an app spontaneously driving long distances is no problem. arriving in lisbon,
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they are already lots of ease on the roads here. people ability seems to be on the right track in portugal. particles. electric street began in 2009. the government set up an agency to ensure a good start. the goal back then sounds straightforward. which one's blue level means you're probably the 1st country in the world to set up a legal framework for email ability to the point. it started with a pilot project, a charging network of a national level with one simple goal and making things as easy as possible. for a, the drivers by letting them use every charging point in portugal, driving towards the spot. because you, me, and the assess bullock is to install and portugal insured competition right from the start operating the charging stations and supplying the electricity are kept separate. this means that electrical power suppliers can also compete finding a parking space on the street, and there's been almost impossible,
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but not for any drivers. they get discounted parking cards. this is also meant to promote e mobility at a local level. using new sylvia and have a special sticker for which i made 12 zeros a year. it lets me park in less than the most expensive zone for this is there's a parking card machine. at the back, you can see the red zone, the most expensive monday vents one of the advantages of an easy savings and doesn't do. here we have to. in portugal, the number of the registrations doubled in 2023. the e b users association gives a simple explanation for the exponential growth for not stomach chemical with our system, which is based on the standardized bank card, like in charge of any charging station, not a single card. ease of use and competition, not a given, and germany has some catching up to do in this area. victor gomez visited the country in 2023 on the go use the local charging station. this is on low. i had to
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download 2 different apps for 2 different stations, and the price was much higher than in portugal. that would be part of the forgot to . it was all a bit complicated for you all, all complete thousands despite more subsidies. portugal in general and lisbon in particular, are not perfect. the navy driver notices this when looking for a free charging station, she couldn't find one in this city center. go into a sampling kitting always have to have a plan b, cuz with the charging station that was free earlier may now be occupied even because the best are the parking spaces with several chargers for some ports going by the supervisors. there are some here for normal charging you man for fast charging over the course, and we know that people will leave again quickly means this guy will be happy that most documents in portugal is paving the way and what began throughout the you. in mid april, the drivers can now pay at new charging stations with
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a credit card and likely more expensive leave than in portugal. the more automotive tales next time on the,
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the european union as the cross roads. right. we can populate demagogues on the rise motor. it focuses on making more and more political compromises. your future is at stake. why does it game over to europe? in 15 minutes on the w. birth is deadly. the number of infected burns is skyrocketing and mammals are catching the disease
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to us. we have declared war on the virus and is vaccinating wild birds for the 1st time in europe tomorrow. today, in 90 minutes on the w, the use the about the media that goes to the media and legal law, give a lot of your time, but again, i will stop into that and i'll give you a go on would you be able to order that? i'm jo made any a doctor coverage the more people than ever on the news world wide in search of it . this are nice to jump be able to use a minute. they can't mess with the 2 megs of appears in the general does. all of pearson men is useful or the most mood 3 gets expose,
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go to lecture and find out about all the story info, migraines, reliable news to migrate wherever they may be. the goal for is ali john tash, one of gemini, said everything is simply designed so i can do this, which gives me is dream, freedoms in me all this time. demons hampton really stays on the bu dish mice. and i mean, i've never thought i'm giving up, but i've sometimes thought that i just can't take this anymore. what drives them to keep going? and the sound of the bowl of d, w. the,
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this has been dudley news line from the in india's prime minister claims the victory and the world's biggest democratic elections. but despite being on costs that are vast, the tub members counting still on the way the engine load, these folks 7th, overwhelming majority look unlikely. also on the program, the areas of southern germany remained on so forth as please confirm at least 5 tests in the countries latest flooding disaster. and china is chinese think space pro begins its journey back to us for the rock and cycle samples. and the file size within the the .


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