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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the, the news line from the narrow, narrow end remote is a line, so wins enough space to form a government in the world's biggest democratic election. but the indian in 5 minutes has passed. so you the b, j. p fails to secure it. so the majority naming is in need of support. some of the policies that they have into effect also on the program. lodge areas are some jump even made under both as police confirm at least $5.00 to $7.00 the country. some states is flooding, disaster chime is chung a 6 space pro, begins externally back to us, full of broken cycle samples from the fast side of the
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. i'm feel good. well, welcome to the program and doing prime minister, their end remotely has claimed victory and advance. the top left of the country is weeks long parliamentary elections. but the votes of the 5 exit polls. predictions of a landslide victory. mister moody's and the lines of policy says, reach the 272 st. special needed to form a government, but these can do nationalist party. the b j. p has lost its problem and drink majority to the new range remote e ways to a crowd of supporters lining the streets at his victory parade. india's prime minister has won his seat for 3rd consecutive term in the city of r, a nazi in the northern indian state of tar per dash bought his hindu nationalist,
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b. j. p. party. last half it seats in the bel, whether state, which had been a bastion of support in the 2 previous elections in 20142019. this helped fuel his loss of and outright majority in parliament. moody will now have to rely on his coalition partners and the national democratic alliance to make policy decisions and pass laws. addressing the nation from b j. p. headquarters, the populace leader held the widow as a historical feet. despite the set back, he becomes only the 2nd indian leader to win a 3rd consecutive term bully our victory is a win for the world's largest democracy. some of the g. the opposition is also celebrating after surpassing expectations and exit pull predictions. the congress party calls the substantial gains made by the opposition coalition, a rebuke of modi's mixed economic record,
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and pull arising politics of the country has unanimously and clearly stated. we do not want mr. in the end of the movie, and mr. i'm a job to be involved in the running of this country. we do not like the way they run this country. we do not appreciate the way they have attacked the constitution . we do not appreciate the world, it run this country for the last 10 years. so that is a message for mr. to enter multi over the course of the last 6 weeks. more than 640000000 people cast their ballots for the new government making india's general election. the largest in the world, dw is deli bureau cheese, under pets, as men told us about some of the significant losses, the beach. i piece of it. i mean, you know, to form a government in india, any pa to or alliance needs to cross the threshold of 200 to 72 seats. mind you in
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2019. and the last general elections, the beach, a p, a loan 1303 seats. this is not the case this time around. they have lost quite a few numbers of states and nowhere is this kiera. then in the state of top i dish or your p for short, it is in the most popular state. it has a population bigger than that of brazil or pockets done for that matter. and this states sense a t. m piece to the national capital and the 2019 elections. the beach a p could 60 or 62 out of these a t m p seats and this time around they barely made half of it. so that's quite a considerable lawson. this is especially significant because this happened in the northern indian, hindi heartland, which was an absolute strome hold of the beach a p. and we could see here that congress could win a few more seats. they went up from one to you from one see to about 6 seats. and i
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think when i hear in your p is original potty that's sort of searched again. it's the how much, why the party, one of the members of the india alliance, which is congress next. and they alone could win around $38.00 seats. sondra had just been in debbie. well, this might fighting to win a majority. india's largest opposition policy if the congress policy sees itself as a, with the w i robot as well. that is best to be an before you have the congress ethical office in new jersey or india lines. it's rickly, even though they don't have the number from the government, but they see doesn't see up democracy. many experts say that the election results out of moral goose though, for the congress. and it's a lie. because this has a phenomenal performance, but indian lines that actions are also seen as a revival of the original political parties that are part of the engine light on like the 2019 elections, which was a, give us the wiki for the beach of the 2024 election is likely to throw off at
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government that by the end of the seat is a step towards building healthy democracy with the presence of a strong department. i go back in denny. we'll take a look at some, all of the stores making headlines around the world will start in the us by present biden's issues and executive order to stop migrants across the us. mexico border illegally from claiming asylum. the new measures that enable officers to quickly turn people across the border or to the home countries as long as border encounters average at least 2500 a day. migration was a key issue i had of november's presidential election. israel has agreed to buy another squadron of us. f 35 fights, a jets. the $3000000000.00 daily spent $25.00 aircraft with delivery due to begin in 2028. f. 35 is the world's most advanced. fight that you
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unions in nigeria have suspended a general strike for a week, an initial walk out on monday shifts at the airport schools and government offices, as well as interrupting power supplies unions us taking a high, a minimum wage, double digit inflation has left millions of nigerian struggling to buy food really the value has attended the memorial service in berlin for my husband. i liked saying the family today would have fain. he's 48 birthday coming. tragic and opposition needed. died in an optic present mission, rational thoughts, or say he died of natural causes, buttons to in the found his allies claim. he was mad at the police here in germany say at least 5 people have died in severe flooding in the south of the country. the situation in bavaria in areas close to the river down you described as the most critical as rescue is tried to reach people stranded by rising waters. in the center of ratings bug down the river is threatening to bust it spanks.
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sorry to using the bavarian city, a trying to baffle against record high will to levels with all it's official dikes . and sludge bar is as low close as of the results of extreme weather that they worry will soon become the new normal. the time periods between these catastrophes are getting shorter and shorter. so of course, something has to be done. they've already done a lot here to protect against the flooding. they've built good barricades, but there will come a time when the water can no longer be held back up like i think especially for martin or i see it's like. c not even an option to not think of climate change because you see it right there in the climate change protest who's brought the concern straight to the very end lead to
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moccasin to when he visited the assist you to observe the flood damage the bomb before giving a stop warning, i mean, but it's gonna be the effect of the last few days and weeks make the situation especially dangerous. we are not in the clear, in fact the opposite and we're working hard to make sure that we're able to withstand the next few days of a stay in l. sweat and bavaria. the west has passed. so now residents and the town of d doff is starting to clear up the homes and assess the damage then you can see from the door just how powerful the water was. thousands of people have been forced to leave the homes in southern germany and recent days as well to levels and they've done, you continue to swell for the evacuations are expected. a
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china is chung a 6 luna probes on its way back to us after collecting rock and soil samples from the fall side of them in china is national space agency confirmed the on crude spacecraft lifted off from the moon's surface early on tuesday and entered the old age, who tons of safety to us, china would become the 1st country to retrieve samples from the moon's file size. ok, traveling is editor of nasa. watch dot com. he explains how big a deal this is as well. it's a big deal in that. this is the 1st time we will get samples back from the far side of the moon. prior to this like these one little moon, this is the side we see most all the samples will come from this size. this mission landed on the backside down here, a very difficult place to get to. so it's the 1st samples from the far side of the loan, but this is the 2nd time china has landed on the far side of the loan. and they're the only countries that have done so it's
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a big deal. so and is the big isn't the fact that this has been done successfully so far? or are we expecting some sort of treasure trouble from these, these bucketfuls of rocks? oh will be a any time or space based that goes and does what it's supposed to do and comes home that gets sold ration. but the rocks again that the rocks that they're looking to get are from the south pole acreage base and down here back billions of years ago. something very big, smash the moon. and there's a big debt. you can't really see it unless you're looking at now. but it exposed walks that very deep inside the moon. so what this mission may be right back is the oldest moon rocks we've ever seen from a very early time in the solar system, perhaps a very short time after the move itself form. so this is a big deal, you know, with a big yeah. and then your fits by side just so you recognize the more than a 100 lou and emissions by private companies. my governments are expected to take
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place by 20. so i see why all these countries suddenly so eager to go back up there as well. you know, it's interesting, i'm 68. i grew up back when we had the space rates and was america and russia and then everyone or soviets and everybody in between. and it was difficult, nobody's ever done it before. and it was a race for a variety. you do political reasons, sofa. well, we did that and it sort of fell out of fashion for 10 or 20 years. and then suddenly, your bill and you to go back to the moon was something that prior to that had been like the ultimate technological badge of honor for a nation. and then other countries started developing their own abilities to do this. japan, china indian is real and i think the list gets longer every year. so now the bar for going down is lower, and here's a chance for the other billions the people in the world to, you know, have a chance to do something amazing. but here's, here's something you'd ask this,
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but the most important thing is i remember seeing somebody walk in surfaces, you might have remembered, i don't know. but for 2 thirds of the people live today that never seen a person walk on the surface of another world. so when we eventually do that, and all these missions build up to it, when we do that, it's going to be like doing the same thing again for the 1st time. this will be the 1st lunar landing for billions of people. so it's all part of one big. okay, so just set does china when which on a, when the trucks get back to us and china goes through them and doesn't keep them on the days or to itself or does the world get to, to see what rocks from the other side of the world like, you know, the nice thing about lunar research is that you may have politics back on earth, but usually the science is something that's done in the re results come up as quickly as a matter of fact, although the us in china can't really do much in space american researchers were
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allowed to submit proposals to study the literature area that's being brought back by changes 6. so, you know, chinese, they're very, very open about this, and they're justifiably proud that they're doing this. so hopefully i think what everybody to know, what they found is china now the big space power. uh it depends on where you stand, depending on where you sit there they've had a or actually the track record, taskbar or other countries have landed or crashed or jump stuff. and we haven't gotten our emissions fully back into the swing of things. so right now they seem to be the $1.00 to pay attention to. but as you mentioned before, within a very few years, this is going to become a common place thing to do, lunch and the more you do it, the better you get out at the better to get out the more you want to do it. so it keeps on itself good talking to you as advocate. thank you so much. k county as of nasa. what stop. com as much as it show up today?
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