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tv   The other Berlin  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 9:15pm-9:30pm CEST

9:15 pm
up to date more, well these are the top of the hour and next i'm dw, about in travel guide with a fresh take on the gym and capital will see images and stories from noisy and she keeps above. and that's next to on the get ready for an exciting all the until you look surprised. hi, i'm shopping and i'm ready to dive into the hands of gentlemen to you. have you have a one to talk to me before the end, the unexpected side to side? no, it's not. the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire, discover stories to just to click away the during the destination. right. find
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this document trees before the slide. now. ok, name, treat the temple the largest open spaces invalid. and one of my favorite places to be if you need a little more space and berlin and then unlimited 3 off the sky. a temple of a field office, just that and the building next door has a lot of history. i'm crazy stories to tell tempe hope airport is one of the monumental buildings of the nazi era. helen was supposed to become the center of global vision with the largest airport in the world. i spoke to kind of stuff how about why the former airport is an important side for building today? it's really actually an apartment place for a balance. on one hand,
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it says bundle c is the sites we have 1st, initial associates with him. it's shows us what this time was about. but then this is also a very positive case. the code was closed in 2008 and has served as an event venue since then. these airplanes are reminders of the time just off to the nazi regime. it's one of what is called stripe rather than can be found. and in 204849, berlin was westfield. it was closed off by suffolk union, and so west berlin had to be faced by supplies from the yeah. and he will test those planes. lending here have like 2 to 3 minutes bringing to berlin foods co, every single for the people to survive. and when they flew over buildings, that would also like sort out kennedy's out of the windows pilots. that's why people called the, the kennedy, by the way west spelling was safe and the cold war is beginning,
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difficult but enough left the atomic task as it was today. there's full my airport, which was one the world's largest and which the nazis wanted to use to demonstrate superiority, has become a huge playground for the cities cosmopolitan, diverse and alternative lifestyle. the a truthful enough to cause the voice. but when was this delectable sausage dish? inventive, apparently it was a few years after world war 2. when i bought from your own, i decided to add carrie powder took steps up one day. she served it with a slice, stop sausage a while. you can now find comfortable. so pretty every buttons, street corner balance museum. i like, why is it so lost by both tourists and locals, like helen has a wealth of museums, mold 175,
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but the museum island is particularly popular. it's here that you find the net for t 2 bucks, for example. and the ensemble of the fact was m's when the island and the river state and the school world heritage side. or even just booking between the museums is interesting. the architect to is prussian and symbolizes power. but also life of art and culture. in the early 20th century belinda, capes famous for it's not life. and it's we a scene, although homosexuality was officially illegal in the mid 1930 is when the nazis came to power. a man were arrested and sent to concentration camps. when many would cost to the end of the not to was even 1945. it took 2 decades until the law became less restrictive and the 1994 who was ex reality was finally decriminalized. if you
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want to experience yourself, what the balance almost felt like for people in east and west colon and what impact that had on that daily lives, visit the boat and war memorial on ben o as possible, you'll find a section of the building wall just as it was in 1989 when it still separates the city into it's a landmark and a memorial that will actually 2 volts with the so called best strip in between. ddr soldiers stationed and the watched house could shoot any one who tried to cross the 155 kilometer alone. wall separates the west berlin, which was part of the west, germany from east berlin. and the surrounding g. d r. the bowling wall to our pod friends and families between 19611989. at least a 140 people died at the wall the
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but why was it put up the button wall is a symbol of the comfortable the g d. i started building it on the 13th of august in 1961. to stop f emoji. the citizens from fleeing to the west. it ran 43 kilometers through all of the city, dividing it into west and east bullet. the they will watch towers. border patrol soldiers and mines fine 1989 people in the east had had in an increasing number of protests and ford for the freedom. and the november 1989. the boat opened and the ball fell. the, it's one of buttons most famous meant it opened in the judy on 1969 and was a symbol of communist power. on these days,
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the 368 meter high tele is mainly known as the job and he's told us building the restaurant in the sphere rotates and also suggests of 360 degree view of putting the berlin is known as the europe square capital, so it's no surprise that there are loads of queer boss at tips the value of the finds, the drag queen, judy loud tv, not on state cheese originally from israel, but has been living in berlin since 2017. the queer community here is so so diverse, in terms of where you were born and how your res, so it just becomes this board, this mission match of, of the board just by says here there's something to see. every night drac shows, karaoke or open stage events the,
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the, i come in every well to and historic market, whole lot of other known and costs back off of a wide range of special things from all over the world. and what i find really important is that because the feel for food is particularly good when the streets and boxes on, i always want to try everything while that concept plays, wants to eat today. i'm impressed by the markets architect till once again. it was opened in 1891 as one a 14 market holds invalid. it's opposite focusing on local and regional products in 2011 already. once a week, the sweet market takes place, which means i can face my way around the world. the
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balloon is a diverse and liberal city, but that doesn't mean that clear people don't need to own safe space. that one of these is say on the heels, bob shall i say, or you can see i'm in need of a shot of a trim. yeah. how long have you have that shot in? i will. i will do 3 years. so writing, well i open because to me is a career and barbara, i need to find something where i can also feel safe. a working. no one is of all my customers also about me is a, as a worker and also by my customers because i have
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a lot of customers that they were and coming to a barber shop to come here and in the barber shop, they say that there were not allowed to come inside just because the 4 months was because there are in the middle of transition, all the people treat them. all right, and i think this is important when you go to cut your hair something so bostic like feeling good that you don't get questions and you don't feel uncomfortable. my vision is safe. when i put the case on the body, i don't see the body. i just see a has was the hair. so for me, how, sorry. i totally and it's been many, many years ago. i felt like, okay, i didn't fire under define myself as a, as a girl anymore. so i was thinking like, okay, i had to change my gender to a new one and i was not sure completely sure on that was the struggling in my head
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. like why i had to change completely myself how to change my gender. if i don't say a 100 percent long, 5 on the other and it was only and 2, i came here to believe that someone told me you can be know me. now. i know aside what is this to do? thank just being as far as my life. oh boy. the
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is deadly. the number of infected burns is skyrocketing and mammals are catching the disease to us. we have declared war on the virus and is vaccinating wild birds for the 1st time in europe
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tomorrow today. next on d w, the visa used on a couple days in the note follow the how many plants on this can you handle the single chain? usually without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel modern because if we do too much, we paid it all wrong. we messed things up,
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risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage. humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v w documentary, what do you think? what do you get for $0.50? for $0.50. no. that's thinking cocktails and lots and lots of stuff. did you know it costs $0.50 to feed one hungry child for one for the evening. the with the share of the meal. you could share your with children, with just $0.50 at a time on your smartphone. smartphones, there's a number which you like to imagine the impact you and your friends can have together,
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we can end global hunger. please download the app. the annoying, 9 rebellious at 10, insufferable, at 11 around the time that the menstrual cycle kicks in and cubic has thoughts to group. puberty is beginning earlier and earlier in kids lives at the well, the average age of its onset has been dropping for decades. and during the code 19 pandemic, the trend grew even more pronounced. that story and much more coming up on the show. welcome to tomorrow. today the.


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