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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 5, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live is from the outlet and they're under moody claims of victory in the well as the biggest democratic election by the indian prime ministers policy, the b j. p full show of a majority in parliament, leaving us in need of support from allies. both on the program job i didn't get tough on migraines, asked the us mexico border. the us presidents analysis and you asylum restrictions . he says are necessary with critics including some of his own democratic lawmakers . say that to stream the
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alongside the welcome to the program, indian prime minister and a vendor emoji has the same victory in india as weeks long parliamentary elections, setting him up for a race search to. but voters have the 5 predictions of a landslide victory. bodies and the lions of policies has one majority in parliament. but with most votes now counts. it has hindered nationalist potted it'd be j. p. look, set to fall short of its own outright majority following it dropped and support the new range remote e ways to a crowd of supporters lining the streets at his victory parade. india's prime minister has won his seat for 3rd consecutive term in the city of r. a nazi in the northern indian state of tar per dash. but his hindu nationalist b. j b party lost half it seats in the bel, whether state, which had been a bastion of support and the 2 previous selections in 20142019. this helps fuel his
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loss of and outright majority in parliament. moody will now have to rely on his coalition partners and the national democratic alliance to make policy decisions and pass laws. addressing the nation from b j. p. headquarters, the populace leader held the widow as a historical feet. despite the set back, he becomes only the 2nd indian leader to win a 3rd consecutive term. bully our victory is a win for the world's largest democracy, some sort of the jeep. the opposition is also celebrating after surpassing expectations and exit pull predictions. the congress party calls the substantial gains made by the opposition coalition, a rebuke of modi's mixed economic record and pull arising politics. the country has unanimously and clearly stated. we do not want mr. not in the movie,
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and mr. i'm a job to be involved in the ending of this country. we do not like the way they run this country. we do not appreciate the way they have attacked the constitution. we do not appreciate the with it, but on this country for the last 10 years. so that is the message for mr. engine won't be over the course of the last 6 weeks. more than 640000000 people cast their ballots for the new government, making india's general election, the largest in the world. richard russell, it works with us into a policy at the center for strategic and international studies. any jones has not from washington. welcome to dw prominence, then render moody is set for a set to bodies. we tend, what do you make of the results? this is a shocker. and i think a lot of this expected when you saw the pulling that was done before the election
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and even the pulling that was done a voters as they're walking away from the booth of the number showed that there would be striking majority once again for the money, government. so waking up to day and finding out that in fact, the motor sentiments hadn't been as strong as they were telling reporters and others the days before and after the election was a bit of a shock. but at the same time, you know, coalition governments over the last 30 years, they are kind of the norm. so in one hand, it shouldn't be terribly surprising that we've kind of reverted to this. and we know a lot of the players, a lot of the actors that are expected to play a role in the government. so at least that we do have that, i think level of sustainability over a lot of our engagement that's happened recently. so corners and governments might have been the, the no one before moody, but having to accommodate the wishes of coalition partners will be new to him. how do you think of fair? you should be okay. he done some work in the months leading up the election email in the world thought that he had a relatively easy path to victory, to try to rebuild connectivity with some of the regional parties that made you kind of fall in by the wayside. what
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a master stroke it looks like now because of the i hadn't done that, it would be a much bigger scramble. trying to find some of these regional parties that were joining the closure. but 2 of the largest members of the school as nice pulled together. and kind of been known for being in the goal is in and out and back in and back out. and then so it's gonna take a lot of work to maintain that something that you really point out. he hasn't had to do that. they voluntarily brought some coalition partners on some of the ministries over the last 10 years have been held by some of the smaller parties are considered as also underneath the umbrella. but, you know, again, that's been uh, very disparate group sometimes and sometimes out. so it's going to take a lot of management that money was accused of sticking religious deficiency referred to most of them send india as info try to is do you think that tactic back find that's may have, you know, we don't have a lot of data showing what it was that kind of triggered, but when you look at some of the states where typically we see some of this language on religious intolerance, particularly as you pointed out in the previous segment, not as a state to interpret assets really brought the party to victory the fact that they
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had a steep drop there, even just a few months after the knocker rated this a very divisive round simple. you know, it's kind of an indicator that it certainly wasn't of a winter. it may not be the thing to push people away. maybe it was development operation and such, but it definitely was not a we're not of a winter this time around. now looking at this from washington where you're assessing what's over to entities, not this results percent for the united states. i think a lot of the drivers that we've seen that are really starting to push our 2 countries together uh, economical operation. and, you know, i think a lot of that's proven by the fact that it needs to create a lot of low skilled jobs for its agricultural workers, but also offsetting the mass of trade. that was, that they had with china. you know, there, you've got some complementarity. we found some useful things to work on. also on security, we're again trying to presents a dramatic security risk to india. and that's kind of push this together. those drivers are not gonna change. and frankly, knowing a lot of the regional parties of always going to rely on for us collision. i don't think they're going to put a break on some of the international collaborations, the money governments laid out. the bigger challenge i see is engaging state
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governments, states now have a stronger veto than they had before. so promoting the ability to push them to take steps in areas like renewable energy is going to be a lot more difficult when they're sitting at the table. actually making decisions and not just simply silent partners running state government separately. that looking ahead to a said mowdy tab, do you expect any big changes in india as no significant changes. the 2nd term is relatively quiet and major economic reforms. and i think the fact that is kind of pushed into coalition that'll, that'll kind of remain the same. but the one single thing that we have to watch out for india does have to go through the process of reinforcing proven seats. and that'll take place about midway through this government's terms and seeing, you know, a lot of northern states with the b, j. b as traditionally been strong, southern states where they've been relatively weak. and you know, you expect that the northern states are actually gonna pick up a lot of seats and that might cause a lot of attention. well here, you know, nobody actually locked a lot of seats in the north where he's been strong in ones i'm in the south. so
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kind of up ended. we were looking at this calculation re a personal problem. and that's probably the single biggest thing we can point to, to watch out in the next 5 years is here to cause a lot more political division among different parties as their home states are going to gain and loosing. thank you very much for your analysis. that was richard russo from the center for strategic and international studies. now, us president joe biden has issued an executive order to block irregular migrants from claiming asylum in at the us mexico border. the measure enables officers to quickly return people across the board or to their home countries as long as irregular crossings average at least 2500 today. so today, i'm moving past republican instruction and usually the executive authority is available to me as president. do it, i can on my own address the board. today i'm announcing access to bar migraines, who cross our southern border unlawfully from receiving the style. migraines to be
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restricted from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek it. after entering through an established level of process. now migration is one of the slowest issues this election year and one on which biden's presumptive republican rival donald trump is seen as tough. border crossings have risen considerably since button took office speaking at 300000 last december, but they full in, in recent months. not in a recent post. americans said immigration was the most important problem facing the country or so earlier we asked washington correspondent benjamin oliver's group. but if joe biden is planning to use the board, a issued to win of the conservative versus the head of november's presidential election. they already doing that, in fact, donald trump posted a video and his tooth social media platform. he added the base restrictions address for show ahead of the presidential debate that will happen later this month. republican and mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representative called
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a this executive action, and i quote, nothing at nothing more than a desperate and political stand it to try and sub wisest. plummeting a poll numbers, he ended this joint statement with other republican a politician's it by stating that americans tend to ride through bite and say, election years done. does it cold it? but as we're waiting for more reactions from republicans and also from democrats, it's important to you to mention that the timing for this announcement is definitely not a co incidence. that happened just of to last weekend's presidential election in mexico. and his president biden congratulated president elect claudia signed them on the phone. on monday the white house declined to say whether they spoke about this topic to so many questions. and of course, complications remain to see how this will look like how this directive would be implemented. and also we need to wait for new polls to see how the, how border is how possible voters will react to this decision. it remains to be
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seen if this will be in electro data for bite and r a lose lose situation by not winning undecided. voters and also losing democratic voters over this new sense. benjamin are as agree with the reporting from washington. now here's a quick look at some of the stories making headlines around the world of unions and nigeria have suspended a general strike for a week. and initial workouts on monday, shot to f. 4 schools and government offices while interrupting power supplies. unions are seeking a high, a minimum wage, double digit inflation has left millions of nigerians struggling to buy food. usually and the volunteer has attended a memorial service in berlin for headlights husband. alexa, nev only tuesday would have been his 48 best day. the criminal critic and opposition later died and an optic prison. this year, russian authorities said he died of natural causes, but and of all his allies claim he was murdered. the police here in germany say at least 5 people have died in severe flooding in the south of the
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country. situation in bavaria in areas close, the danube river is considered as the most critical as rescue as tried to reach people left stranded by the rising waters. in the centre of ratings, bug down the river is threatening to bust its banks sorry to using the bavarian city, a trying to baffle against record high will to levels with us official dykes and sludge bar is as low close observed the results of extreme weather that they worry will soon become the new normal disability most the time periods between these catastrophes are getting shorter and shorter. so of course, something has to be done. they've already done a lot here to protect against the flooding. they've built good barricades, but there will come a time when the water can no longer be held back up like i
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think especially from march center. i see it's like. c not even an option to not think of climate change because you see it right there in the climate change, protesters boot the concern straight to the very end lead to moccasin to when he visited the city to observe the flood damage the bomb before giving a stop warning, i mean, but it's gonna be the effect of the last few days and weeks make this situation especially dangerous. we are not in the clear, in fact the opposite. and we're working hard to make sure that we're able to withstand the next few days of a stay in l. sweat and bavaria. the west has paused for now residence in the town of d doff, starting to clear up the homes and assess the damage.
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then you can see from the door just how powerful the water was. thousands of people have been forced to leave the homes in southern germany and recent days as well to levels and the done, you continue to swell. for the evacuations are expected. china's chinese 6 luna probably best on its way back to us off to collecting royal rock and soul samples from the fall side of the moon. china is national space agency, confirmed the uninterrupted spacecraft lifted off from the main surface late on tuesday and entered luna open. if it were to him safely to ask china would become the 1st country to retrieve samples from the moon's fall side. you're watching the w news of next here on the channel and unconventional travel guide, taking a fresh look at the gym and capital balance that you in for that as a ways this one use and information round the clock on our website d,
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w dot com. i'm also, i thought and for me on the team haven't been in thanks for watching. taking the we say they're about never giving up every weekend on dw, exhibiting time pin. a goal for is john packed has 175th line focused on us to feel everything is simply designed so i can do this, which gives me extreme freedom. this time, devon said.


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