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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  June 5, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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and a new record for the world's biggest democracy voting took 6 weeks to complete. the result is in good news, full prime minister and the red remote day. instead of delivering a land slide for he's in do nationalist, the votes dented, then majority in parliament. so how will he cope with being forced to lead a coalition? i'm feel galion by then, and this is the day, the response. this time the public did not give an absolute majority to any one of the parties are today. is an us vicious day. i am extremely proud plus the people of india a n d a is searching to form a 3rd consecutive government. i'm extremely proud. both
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people have way, but is this, did this on stuck on the constitution also, on the day warnings of a potential meddling and european parliamentary elections. we look at why russian this information networks a target taking the a u. rest improve again, that is not trying to persuade anyone about anything really. they are just trying to start chaos and destruction. and she'll go welcome to the day we start in india when their engine mode has declared victory and national elections. it's, it kills him. a 3rd time as prime minister, extending what's already been a decade in power. but it's also reduce the majority of his routing coalition that by his into naturalist b. j. p. was unexpectedly strong challenge, showing me a position. where does that leave the populace leader and he's pulled the rising agend more on that in a moment. first, this report,
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a new range remote e ways to a crowd of supporters lining the street at his victory parade. india's prime minister has won his seat for a 3rd consecutive term in the city of our nazi in the northern indian state of utah per dash. but his hindu nationalist, b. j. p party. last half it seats in the bell whether state, which had been a bastion of support in the 2 previous elections in 20142019. this helped fuel his loss of and outright majority in parliament. moody will now have to rely on his coalition partners and the national democratic alliance to make policy decisions and pass laws. addressing the nation from b j. p. headquarters, the populace leader held the widow as a historical feet. despite the set back, he becomes only the 2nd indian leader to win a 3rd consecutive term. as dounia victory is
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a win for the world's largest democracy, some of the jeep. the opposition is also celebrating after surpassing expectations and exit poll predictions. the congress party calls the substantial gains made by the opposition coalition, a rebuke of motives mixed economic record, and pull arising politics. the country has unanimously and clearly stated. we do not want mr in the end of the movie, and mr. um its shop to be involved in the meaning of this country. we do not like the way they run this country. we do not appreciate the way they have attacked the constitution. we do not appreciate the relative around this country for the last 10 years. so that is the message from yesterday. and we're moving over the course of the last 6 weeks. more than 640000000 people cast their ballots for the
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new government, making india's general election, the largest in the world. so let's explore this way. so meet gun gooey, who is a professor of political science at indiana university in the united states is written extensively on india. domestic politics and foreign policy joins us from bloomington, a welcome to dw professor. so we have a victorious, but we can the red drop mode a and i'm election that was supposed to be in force, his popularity. what do you make a vis results, the flu. i agree with you that he and his bodies have been significantly weakened because the exit polls and movie himself and suggested that to spotty and the cool, a nation that he represents the national democratic the lines would win over 400 seats. if you know $543.00 seats fall of it,
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will that prediction certainly has been proven to be, be false. a b, b 's fortunate is the n d a. the national democratic, the lines, the one that she leaves, i would even manage to give $300.00 seats at the, at this stage on isn't to, it's a say, what went wrong full bodies, b the b j pe and it's n d i alliance. we have some preliminary hypotheses, i think move the overplayed is and with the hindu nationalism card. i think that the alienated segment off the population who are much more conflict concerned about the issues off the inflation of unemployment, off climate change. all of these things have afflicted their lives in 4 ways. and movie really did not address these issues forthrightly in the election
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and the opposition to its credit, at least to raise some of these issues if not all. so he'll be going into a sub to be of a completely different political climate. he's been criticized for. he's supposed to be autocratic tendencies. now he will have to accommodate the wishes of coalition partners. what changes in style, the, if it's not substance, do you expect to say he's in the extraordinarily guessed in a droid school edition. and so he will back to the prevailing winds. my suspicion is he will not only abandon into national list agenda, but he would secondly down, played like in his fast um, in office between 20142019. he will emphasize issues
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of social welfare, of access to goods and services on the part of the pool in the marginalized in india. and so the movement at least he will seek to set aside the viola and tend to agenda into the nationalist agenda that he had come to be identified with over the last 5 years. his 2nd um and office. okay, so if your rice to a, to any like trip is paying attention, this will look like he's paying attention to the concerns that they, they, voice, the cost is majority. that's exactly right. but bear in mind that this will be a tactical concession. there is that the old english expression about
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a leopard not changing its pulse. this is the man who from the age of 8 has been deep in this fam, due nationalist agenda. and it is hard to visualize how he code a roughly sort of dispensed way face all to gather, given that this has been all to the parcel office very exist, there's hardware and use. so as well as a lack of focus on the bread and butter issues, let's just talk about bit bit bay, the hindu nationalist agenda because he's also been accused of studying religious divisions by concentrating in due temples and leading ceremonies and effectively bloating the line between the state and religion, as that's top take back fired. he probably hows back find the amongst the 2nd segment don't be lacked or it who i have in interviews.
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this is anecdotal evidence. we don't have systematic survey data as yet. but anecdotal evidence based on conversations that individuals i've had with journalist said that people have said that we do want to stay to tell us about on in the ways. and this is a purely personal matter. i know to that matter that the prime minister of the country should be hectoring also by. okay, so i changed domestic focus. do you anticipate any changes in terms of india's international of foreign policy? as i see the broad contours of india's foreign policy, not changing under a had a mode be led coalition, the broad contours. there is
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a great deal of consensus. i think the differences really lie at the margins and his domestic partners are going to be far more concerned about domestic issues rather than me interfering with him and his foreign minister on matters of foreign policy. so some of the fans fair and the flamboyance that had come to characterize india as foreign policy was the last several years will probably be diminish as mode the needs to work closely with this call nation off those and do man defense is at home. but i think the basic substance and the trust of india as foreign policy, i don't think is going to dramatically check one of the bigger issues as far as the west is concerned, mr. moody has been able to very,
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very desperately and walk this line between on, on the issue of new cry between the united states and russia and a blue, he's winking position at home, allow the west to perhaps apply more pressure to him. i think there will be a certain degree of pressure, but i think there are distinct limits to that. the west and particularly the united states needs india as a ball work against chinese. expand for this to behavior in asia. that remains a constant unless there is some miraculous wrapped bruce small with china, which i don't foresee any time in the near future. india will still remain this be what the states that the west and particularly the united states we need right
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for. consequently, i don't think there will be any substantial view pressure, right. we'd be that on movies. go. thank you so much for guiding us through that so that clearly professor professor assume we can go any from indiana university. thank you. thank you. from the wells, the biggest democratic election to the 2nd, the biggest here in the european union. but just as to go before the stats of elections, to the european parliament efforts in overdrive to try and count to russian interference. what's dogs astounding. the law warning that pro crime the networks of spreading propaganda and this information to try and the stabilize the block, dw, debbie schultz reports the kremlin once a vote in european elections. 34th by the german federal forwarding office filed to
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the russia, had used more than 50000 fake accounts on ex, sending more than 1000000 tweets in order to manipulate public opinion. only in germany, it sounds far right. members and staff of the european parliament are being investigated for helping accused of taking money to promote pro russian views through a propaganda network called voice of europe, allegedly financed by moscow and van headquartered in prague, even after being sanctioned and expelled by both the checked government and the e u. the website kept its prague address a surprise to at least one resident of the building. were you aware that your home address is being used as a, as the site of a russian propaganda, whether it's 1st time of day heard about this? well, boys of europe may be muted. there are plenty of other voices that concern democracy active this veronica v who has been working to counter crumbling this information
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for years and wishes european politicians would take a more active role rest and probe again, that is not trying to persuade anyone about anything really they are just trying to start tails and disclose. so as long as we are not countering it with some kind of narrative, that is going to create a story that is going to make people believe in democracy again for losing. and are you losing right now? i think we are on the verge of a vehicle that illustrates how check candidates are attacking each other with the accusations of kremlin sympathies. instead of presenting positive platforms, the very also the governmental partners are sort of spreading manipulation at best . so this information about the policies can't all be bland on foreign influence is plenty comes from european politicians themselves. the gary and government is accusing the block of planning to force young europeans into the military to send them to ukraine. dw is back check team dispelled that notion quickly. noting the
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germany's monford river, head of the largest political group, and the european parliament has called for the german army to re introduce conscription. nothing else, but russia's war on ukraine has given this informers of all backgrounds much more material to work as compared with the last year of piano elections in 2019 and cove it pandemic conspiracy theories have also been resurrected for the vote. the european digital media observatory is a hub for $52.00 fact checking organizations coordinator to mazda of canada. hopes voters will be proactive and informing themselves nourishing healthy skepticism on one hand, but do not also fall in the exact opposite of not trusting anything or anyone. and because dc is one of the cool of this information wanting people not to trust anybody and things being that you know, drew with the and the falseness are absolutely the same. cannetta also warns that while the use of artificial intelligence in creating deep face has not been as prevalent as was feared, such tactics could still be deployed at the last minute,
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making it very hard to verify information and time. he urges voters to stay vigilant. european elections will be a crucial test as to how much fact checkers can do to ensure election integrity. you won't, gusev had a, as a tech policy follow the autopay and council on foreign relations. we recently co offered an article discussing how are you repeating proposal for a democracy shield mike, tackle, invest in this information. welcome to d, w. and we'll talk about democracy sales and a move. and let's 1st of all, let's start with this. the scale of this fact, what are we scared that russia will do, and what consequences it might have as well. we can definitely say that i had the 2024 group in election. we have seen a search, engrossing these information, rushes by categories and strives to be and most importantly, look, they,
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some x rays have estimated nothing. 2022 rushes somewhere between $1.00 and $2000000000.00 on the media outlets desperate. this information, my goal is to go see this is very much in google, most deal operations as the outlets of pricing over 20 languages. and finally, the scale of russian operations. the social media is all successful repeated artificially by creating, multiplying up the accounts and slowly on 9 platforms we thought. so all of these elements together signified the rock, the scale. i mean, 10 all gross and this information of the ration and would be by the possibilities of these will have an actually impact on the elections. ok, so russia us floods. batteries. people's take talk accounts with nonsense. i'm. is there any, does he have any demands streubal effect as well? it's of course, always very complex to do. i can view how, how about the effect is if there is any swinging electoral outcomes. however,
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the risk already and there are recent examples where it can be argued that these information pass out and note the blinking back to the next sensing you just earlier this year, many slovak observers and local experts argued that the impact of russian, this information on their presidential election was going to answer the most police example all set of these information to place just after this price the or this go back in presidential elections. web pro russian media outlets prevention, the false, the point, the pro western candidate, even the court. so when reading stage, maybe the scripts, it says look soldiers to you, great to fight. and now this is an example that's it, costs it to the warning and make us more cautious and vigilant about the actually impacts those types of variations. ok, that's so by this democracy shield that said brussels is thompson just explained to us what by suggesting as well this was an idea of a game from president one. the line here is a, one of the debates. the problem is to introduce and you've been democracy, sealed
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a seems to be the like. it's now see outlined the need for a dedicated structure to gone through the forwarding to experience. as you said, the thought see, was necessary expertise, link and coordinating existing national agencies. finally, see past build up for the use existing piece regulation and get even tougher on ai genetic defects. now, besides these general guidelines, not much spouse as the east coast, but 3 things have become apparent from this debate. firstly, the united states action. secondly, the decisive must be quality, may be to avoid a fact, maybe the pros. and thirdly, the any kind of action must take into account the rapid progress of those it go, tools and the damage sticking hats. i wanted to ask you about that because points number 2 and number 3 seem to go against each other. how do you coordinate rough paid action across 27 countries distorted? i'm pretty 7 countries who often can't even agree on what days is. absolutely. if
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any mention stuff is not easy at all, but in order to be affected, we must be coordinated. so the 1st step will of course be to agree on the series strategy, and that will be a difficult task, but we must boost for it. and then the 2nd step will be to set up a dedicated institution. i'll be a task force if you will, that will implement the vision, the contribution that you are being used as we read on the ground by promoting new regulations by promoting humanities. was that the effect of the contribution information like relation alterations, okay. e you task force, that sounds like just the thing. this isn't the blink truth, but open democracy's assisting targets. we are too busy working 2 jobs. try to put food on the table to be constantly fox checking every snippet. we hoff here on take tackle youtube. absolutely, i mean is one of the main challenges on democracies. we're always behind the car behind what are we doing? the resumes are we going to do? what?
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but we must keep on define. now one of the new techniques that are on the table and very much part of the discussion for you again, democracy, seals are the techniques of the body that may help us when it comes to the user. so the cation now what these pre biking, it's all about teaching citizens, how to spell these full claims before and confidence, and the subject needs that it's very intriguing. now, one example of how i think it takes place in d. u is by creating and disseminating short videos. for example, we've highlighted the techniques that are commonly used in information companies. for example, we could create them for only 5 video stream defense techniques. c names falls plays about your grade and refugees. now that is a very much and important to me, but we must take into consideration in order to not fall behind the curve or i can have good, again know you say this, this site is lovely, but that takes efforts from us. we have demonstrated time and time again that we really don't want to make the effort. we're much,
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we have much more comfortable in our little echo chambers. we don't want to pre bunker d, but we want to hear what we want to hear. absolutely, but that is part of the problem and it needs to be part of as it was it, as i say, it is estimated, the russia invest somewhere between one and 2 b and on the dc information companies. on the other hand, just to give you a comparison of the use for easy communications being inside the yes and to come up with service. reasoning is only 10000000 in the budget allocation. so we have also to find that so got when he comes to expertise and funding these efforts that also make us pull behind to occur. so in order to get serious about, i found this information, we must also get seriously funding and financing. i think that this sounds like a losing battle, but i'm glad to know that you're out there fighting the good fight yoga reading from the european council on foreign relations. good talking to you. thank you so much for having. so
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today i'm moving past republican instruction and usually the executive authority is available to me as president do it i can on my own address the board as well. that was the us president joe biden unveiling tough new border security measures with a bi partisan immigration bill going nowhere in congress is executive or that gives the officials or far as you to shut the us mexican border to asylum seekers whenever there's a spiking in legal crossings and makes it easier to be pulled my guns back to mexico. new cubs will take effect straight away and follow a rack on searching for the crossings up to around 10000 a day in december. immigration is become a liability for jo bivens re election campaigns, is more of what they have to say. i believe the integration is always found on life of america. we're constantly renewed by infusion of people and newtown
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stature liberties, not some relics of american history. stands for who we are united states. so i will never demonize immigrants. i'll never refer to immigrants as reported in the blood of a country. further, i'll never separate children from their families. so is joe biden, taking a page out of donald trump's playbook, his data blues at benjamin alvarado scrub to? that's right. and that's also what some within the democratic party are at choosing him of. there's been of course, many reactions to this announcement. one of them is democratic center for california, all the expedia will accused, a president biden of abandoning, and i quote our obligations to provide people fleeing persecution, violence and authors, terry, and isn't with an opportunity to seek refuge in the refuge. and then you ask, this is definitely an attempt to neutralize it, one of biden's political weak spots. if you could call it like this in his re
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election battle against donald trump. and the white house is accusing republicans in congress of refusing to take necessary steps too. as to why those that secure the border in the white house also send out a talk sheet, accusing them of putting in a quote i can partisan politics ahead of our national security twice. voting against the toughest inferior set of reforms in a decade. so definitely is something where the white house sat, the best decision is the most consequential reform of us immigration laws and decades as they called it and event alvaros group a washington. and that was the day a mall. um the d. w a dot com of course, have a good a the
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luxury, the environment trends technology company is digitalization, stall, tops, new market, new media. the world is accelerating. sees the opportunity to try new things. take flights with the that we use business magazine made in germany. next on d, w in good shape 6 and love. they
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introduced and selling typically measurable models to home moves and repeat ok. how do you find the right house in nowadays? and of course, the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. we delve into the world of desire in good shape, in 60 minutes on the w, the values for robots back to one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is, i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk site in order to minimize then we have an opportunity to to get it right before we can stuff. environmental activists,
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i'll schedule roles, fail billions to be made out to talk commentary. the greed task june 7th on t w. the . what does work mean to you? is it something you enjoy and a source of satisfaction in your life? or is it more of a necessary evil or a way to earn money and pay the bills? and of course, help pay for all sorts of other things to when it comes to gen z are often accused of placing a priority on funding ledger activities rather than work. so is that actually true? let's check it out on this edition has made also coming up why many companies likes to bring were.


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