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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  June 5, 2024 10:30am-11:01am CEST

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score farms and destroyed side stuff. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the across the world on infrastructure. the development has come at the cost of a lot, especially a variety of course. hello and welcome. i'm sorry because the body and you are watching equally into adding to this episode. let's take a look at what are the benefits that com, when we let the need to do with one thing. and the one thing that nature gives us an abundance is nutrition. but such notices. foods are harder to access,
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especially in cities, compared to highly processed or commercial. however, there are several ways of going nutritious and even super food. in small all been space is that affordable and easier to roll. then you may think juicy berries fresh jellies with the goods and bumper crops of various organically grown fruits and vegetables. in the day of the reason mumbo presidency, shawna moody began volunteering at this point forest. it's located inside the grounds of one of the regions biggest guns, a hospital. it's a good, i was drive you from his home of the item for the most concrete part of the move. it is good line. it's all about just buildings in slums. and i was lucky to find, find this from like so close to bottom. be in kind of good. and it's very important to have accessed to nice and fresh veggies instead of having, you know,
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all these injected veggies out locally going organic produce product, then food growing good for the lasers and pesticides shipped from industrial farms 5 invite to date. the sean is one of some 500 volunteers who can include dental, the crops here. at the oden boots community farm. it began as a tiny garden under the direction of minus 20 feet streamed in from a culture, a type of agriculture that adapts it says to the natural environment with minimal external and defeated. but finding the natural environment in the city to cultivate was no easy task. then she heard that the neglected plot of land on the site of a hospital was soon to get a meek, over streams of charges. and a wanted to. 9 go back back yard on, i'm going to godaddy and also for beautification. it looks bored and it was because this whole place i do see that has become involved with fighters was not like this
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. it was something wrong. they wanted some plans to look for it. so i feel a beautiful and we suggest it rather than doing something on them and to why not, let's send something, you know, to grow something i do both. 12 years on this driving foot 4 does not contribute fresh, healthy ingredients for the meals of children undergoing treatment here at the hospital, volunteers can also take home the fruits of their labor a dare to among a growing number of people in cities like moon, by. you go to add locally grown nutritionist, ingredients do that diet, catering to that appetite, sort of not where you set up a company that grows young, edible siblings, known as by to greens. when we look at of any other measure, the howard is coming into a surgery and hope you had anything in there. there's more or less being so as for them, some of which is outside of the 30. it's very difficult to be able to manage the
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little odd in like $400.00, the overlays or tables which can solve a lot of mazda is within the search here. it says, because of the guy said no space there to be done legal to. so, you know and went out and just remembering microphones, i could see there but constrained no space was not as much compared to other vegetables. so giving fresh ford access like same day i started saving, digging, and food. that's kind of an experience can only happen when you're working on something like this. his theme grows 15 different but ideas of leafy greens for some 200 local customers. microphones can be cultivated in small spaces with minimal sunlight and water, making them ideal for crowded urban areas. experts believe they can boost the heads of the entire city. so these are essentially valued for the micro nutrients. you know, so they are not the b, b, i, b, b, additions,
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do they do or die not to add categories, right? these are the additional inputs to add quantity to your diet and by quality the other sensually looking at important light them is like vitamin c, you know, important the, uh, the well like to me is like rival flavin or, you know, important to me to spend your look at your cushion and then go through even today you can look at this here, the lowest social economic status or probably meant the income also the only idea which people have is weight loss. and me again, that's the only thing nobody talks about. so, you know, having food or looking at died, which will help you little bit to corner deal of life so they have a lot of things when it comes to making lifestyle changes. that's why this college department is on a mission to introduce micro brains into family homes across small by so right now called car is among a group of colored stuff. learning how to grow the super food on their own and use
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it in the daily diet. so i will not be here as i started using them in solid, but will not be by even cook them as vegetables. and maybe she liked this, but he continued it in it's quite healthy. now i know these recipes and have the ingredients ready and they're quite simple and quick to put together. even though i've also found it gives me energy in the middle of my work day as it's light, unhealthy to eat all of sale. and so i really benefit from learning about micro greens, back at the food forest beat that roger has been volunteering here the time or the stick sun for close to 5 years. for him, she says, the work just had a few things. i wanted him to be a part of this eco system, which he seems to really love. he used to enjoy coming here as a guest, and now he's a while ago. so like he enjoys reading, he enjoys pulling no doc tomatoes from blonds. so now in the middle, and i'm,
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i'm out on the balcony guy, then. he's like, i'm like, oh my go, i mean like a southern you take a moment for him. all these things comes from. i'm minus cynthia uses of been funds don't just offer city the incidents and invaluable johns to connect with nature that she estimates that this fault farthest alone sequestered over 4 tons of climate bombing c o 2 each year. and yet after over a decade, her garden of eden is under the fed from the fast growing city. last here is the next 78 months now. we want to is the that the, the lord that's when i come to the phone in m l shape. so straight and then this, this is the sort of 2 of been done towards conception starts the voice on legal the hardwood wasn't in vain over the years, pauses of people who found information and inspiration here. now the work is set to
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continue at a new community from from micro liens. let's head to florida. globally. we was until at least 5000000 hicks there are for us to activities like agriculture and logging among others who are also traditional livelihood and climate change are just 2 of the major consequences of this. so how can we come back deforestation? well, let's head to the hills of scotland to find out how f us of some people to bring back the green disease of taking root. boston, byron, scotland, southern uplands are a striking sight. indeed. the landscape is pretty void of vegetation for now. this group of volunteers wants to change that so you only to grab a fun things to bear arms with chunky boots and planting spears 25 volunteers from
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the borders forest trust are here to regenerate woodland near the english border. the are the ones you found where you want to plant the tree, check, but you're not right on top of a bow. that's a stick experience. that's fine. yep. so that's the soft ground. and denise not to give you a whole the right size for the tray. push it into the whole our vision is to make this into a nice important enough trill woodlands, and that would have been here in the past. and so all the chaise, all around holly latrice pieces you'd expect, and the ground is good ground, the trees will do well you the volunteers want to help restore the forest at once. grew here thousands of years ago, millennial felling for firewood and clearing, pastures changed the landscape completely. to day,
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they want to regenerate habitats, and diversified. the scenery. when i've taught it, i feel like i get the feeling of the a mother. i need to get arrived twice for her and then wish it could grow out very strongly and have a heavy lies. it's all about selling that really. it's just this punting traces. the whole thing is the best thing ordinary people can do. it's so easy to do and he's just isn't investments in the future. really thousands of saplings leave the foundation for the new forest. it's hard work the for so long. we've taken things out of the land, out of the hills, and we need to put stuff back and improve the prove the quality of the environment . that's why not every tree is welcome here. eatery unhappily, who is up here almost every week. introduces us to an uninvited guest spruce. we
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got one of these here because a, it's like basically the city just landed in, in growth. so these, these and all night to the grow really, really quickly, which is why they use for the, for the commercial forestry. retired engineer had lease a new purpose in shaping scotlands future regeneration through forestry is make sense of purpose here, so this land won't be sold to the highest bidder in 20 years time. it will stay as it is just a quick detour to the neighboring valley, and it's plain to see this work pays off. the forest trust has planted a staggering 750000 trees here since the 19 ninety's. adrian hadley was part of the effort and watched the valley transformed 20 bird species of settled here as of many wild plants and herbs. and much to the benefit of the p
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d soil to which binds carbon dioxide, helping protect the environment. the sage and the soil in india to to allow the natural process of regeneration to take place rather than people having to actually physically pump these trees at true garden of eden and discuss actual lumens and the model for the surrounding countryside. soon enough, scotland could be back to its ancient splinter. a. speaking of conducting florida's, let's head to south india and it's mangroves, which are the type of side line course reported. over the last 100 years, india has lost 40 percent office mangled noodle, senators, human and natural resources. luck, mangroves audit mc that or fox or far biodiversity, restarting them, can be challenging, like watering deals from southern ottawa showing us that with
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a little virtual for sealants and consistency. it can be done here on the shores of thunder road. and i mean, i do nuclear fishermen on planting mangrove saplings, got the right to, to protect the cost. what makes this restoration project special is that the bags used to grow the seedlings are made of natural fall might on needs an equal finley alternative to plastic. ready what does that mean? if we plan to 100000 trees, then we also throw the 800000 plastic bags. so we need to ask ourselves if this comes a vision or are we just adding to plastic pollution? i the question. this is doctor the biology visit. i just, he's a marine biologist and the phone good. also, organizations for marine conservation around this and research. it's popularly known as the wind guard foundation. his team works on protecting the equal system of the bulk b, located between india is a south east coast entry long cop. since 2014, they have been restarting the agents by little florida. i'm wondering is that the
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medical costs of natural mangroves are vanishing from places that are seeing that bit of my vision and industrial development along because on the other hand, they're also a love able to see level rise and coastal disaster. the letter is due to climate change direct and almost automating climate change it later and you should say that it's because of the 1st step and restoration it 1st is to determine the site and methods of plantation before the green start at the end of summer. do you own guardian collaborates with the state for the us department and local fishermen to ensure that everyone in the community understands the planned changes to the existing landscape? but we had a number of committees to lay out our plans and raise awareness about the impacts of the climate change and how we are so affecting our lives student. for example, the intensity and frequency of cycling is increasing. piney explained, all these be understood that i didn't see of the situation when he done in the 2nd step of the projects up the field. coordinated on god was door to door to
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personally meet with local residents, who will be a key part of the, the for the station. they are the ones who meet the buyer degree, the back, somebody might on these, these i use the little manual seedlings and then the, so these are the this is the lady. we 1st got them to the 2nd, then before them into smaller bundles like the model, the specific. so what we do before we can even begin to is reading the bus, getting the positive about a line, and they've been difficult gotten deep, whereas local families produce the bags, they own 15 piece puppies. for most it's a very come side job. but some lead evidence, like softball game, depend on the income to sustain themselves to help such families on guard wants to ensure that the agents by miter economy continues to grow. this year,
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they have purchased more than he's housing, the facts for the mangled notice of the dilemma. change that of course, some communities most affected by climate change and the other victims of someone else the same way. so they developed will be compensated. you don't need to give them money as compensation. instead, you can include them in the foot, so we take to balance the injustice and the home be have cost the, the $15.00 will be the and each bag works as an incentive for them to dig bar around the might of them. we use the bags, have to be ready in time for the ones who said bag with clay soil dug out from the region and then brought to knows that he's located at sites that regularly get in on the didn't during high tides. this is where the seeds are planted and left to go to them on some greens. so let
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me look into the system of the mountains, which was downgraded the by the metal backs, a hired and spared. you wouldn't be across the entire amount of back there as investing bed all the routes hard played at the bottom of the blasting back sports . we found that it was, it was due to the edition and what was the page like that? i didn't buy the matter backs as democracy, visuals like 7. most of what say this like that much for me. by the end of month, flu season, the seeds have thrown into saplings and are ready to be transplanted. they are loaded onto a board and fed, he'd what 20 heck, the parcel of the cost in nearby i did, i'm putting down local fishermen working with on god have prepared the ground ahead of that. i. ready ready ready over the years, the line phone for line and bad and. ready ready ready ready the fishermen have
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diverted water to the site by digging channels interface one back to. ready ready the incident destruction of the structure because we do not know these back a little, you know, 2 weeks. it gets degraded. i know mixes with the sliding bitch of light, which also avoids the dust to completion date. the project has costs around 23000, utilize some 15000 saplings up onto the dia, a solo because there's a lot of focus on industrial development. but at the same time, we need to understand the importance of natural resources that product us from disasters and support life. we need to pull our efforts to protect habitats like mangroves, to say low cost. the legions strung up on this region, at least has benefited from the use of by miter bags in manuel investigation,
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a grassroots initiative that's boosted board, the local ecology and the economy. all this talk about reforestation and here i am wondering why gone died roll even though small house blown in my apartment. well that i a lot to city dwellers like me with a limited garden space. and i really desire to grow a lot of slots, but nobody in the home and sadly nor knowledge of how to manage even a small god. but that is a stock of that is trying to solve this problem by bringing the expertise authors order from us to auburn gardens. i'm each has lived in brook as a gardener in big lulu for 10 years. but he's photos and a lease from a village to take it all meters of a red heat. and the generations beforehand will find was on the online. and then what happened was i bought
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a boat very dry and we became dependent on range to grow electronic. the rest of my family still lives on the farm, but i moved there too. aren't they? that are living in no way is that a friend introduced him to a social enterprise called open. molly, which means a wind guard? no, it aims to bridge the gap between out of will commerce and a need and city. useful people with intimate knowledge of nature. one of his regular lines living on the feed as attention area in the north of the big new to my profession as a new charge. uh fix a lot from me uh, working on dollars, etc. but i couldn't 10 to the small garden that i had. but i wanted somebody to somebody to take care of for it to make sure that it was, it was fine. and the billing had been any time i wanted to, i could go and get my fish for use from the god and remain scares for the plans in her garden as if they will his own
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my plans feel like they have been alive and kicking. and if you think that's the key, right, i think i can safely say that i've never, i've never seen a dead plant. i've never seen a sick blog and i've always, and it's, it's always fresh. it's always good. and then on these have to be when molly keeps it's health and environmental impact minimum, for example, they only use natural ingredients and therefore the like the, the, i'm sitting in our city gardens, we don't give me this. we usually granddaughter gave me quite eliza regards the roommate and bunch ago that gave me clothes that we used to use on the farm. weird things i would say that i would get blisters on my skin and they even caused us tomorrow. you know what guardians we basically use do what i meant at the thought. everything i'm visited was fruits and a lot of that and lovely on sort of at least now would you want me to the just the
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open. molly's gardeners have help set up and maintain around 1000 gardens at own bank a little. it's not been entirely smooth. often they've had to challenge perceptions about what the gardens are look like. residents tend to die out of dies as petted. so a health and the environment, flashy exotics load out over native species. when molly's founder is b a heading to drive to popularize native gardens. if you look at our grandmother's stain and the guidance or they do it all native, they see what types of plans they will plans that are used for the coughing goal, little fever or something that makes a delicious still say, but these are the plans that are used to the payment or the environment that they could, if you didn't water these plans for 3 days, they'd still know how to prove it. and so right. so then a defense that can easily be good on in your own garden, not, of course, to see everybody's favorite them such an auspicious plant drain is another plant.
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very good folk often goes again in the flat in plants, hibiscus is, is one. if i need to read id, but things have changed in 2018, a. so be off more than a $1000.00 fees was conducted along agreed in from bank a little city center. good. nothing changes. it found that over half of the 93 species, drawing that out exhausted, many of the plans that were brought in for the party got your purposes. and what was it going to be in these of flats inmates of plants, a plans that grow. so when and spread so much in this new environment that they start eating out of the need to florida. that's a problem because this native sorta attracts the butterflies, the birds, the bees that i need to of to this, this habitat that these individual financial growing. the foundation for the revitalization of local health traditions is an organization that gains to revise
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the use of native medicine, the plans, one, the not visits, it's most of you often to select with ideas for her customers. she can loan a lot from watching this denise lab who, who has been working here for 20 years. this is a very unique. i'm the mother that we 2 leaves. nope. we can call it as a waiter to banyan 3. wow. well this is actually gone to the literally do you, okay, when we go to products. uh, sometimes in the product itself we will not get the solely we be looking for these phones. so it would be lu seats. me think this is actually they do oh, good smelling the bible cause there's a function in garden, a place where people can learn about how esthetics and ecology can work together. one not takes the concepts back to open money and on the gardens. they tend to use
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the summer thing and i'm in gardening gloves. we are like doctors and the work comes easy to me. the work hours are good and i really like my work in the city. i have logged in factories and company use. i feel i wasted so many years and art in solar to mobile. so what and now i work hard. i am able to support my family live, but a some rental for me a little when i went and went up the the, lose the need. it is finding drops will fall, most affected by a change in climate is a just way forward and a win win for reuben migrants as well as the communities i feel really inspired and hopefully also today's episode and i hope so. do you let us know what would you like to see more of on? i sure you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media handles. i will see you next week until then take a goodbye. unless gosh,
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millions of refugees. europe's external board is putting the you to the test. politicians in brussels are looking for solutions. they resolve the most out in 90 minutes on d, w, the world of free speech, free press, open access to free information for every stop dreaming. i'm next to take action, dw global media for 2020, for a bunch of any register. now,
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lots dissipates from all over the world. i'm ready to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow, and join us and register now for the dw global media for in 2020, for one small steps for a robot back to one giant leap for exploiting the ocean. floor cutting edge technology is looking to potential of dc minus but this time a research team will study the possible risk sucks. in order to minimize that, we have an opportunity to to get it right before we can start environmental activism. of skeptical rules fail billions to be made out to the entries deep, the greed dots june 7th on the w. the,
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you're watching data we can use live from the indian prime minister in a renter mode, a face as a tougher than expected to. he's pa, he's filed to secure an outright and the jar. so you, for the 1st time in sweeping to power and decade, the card e now needs to help with allied, take a look at the full now from the election. and the rain has stopped spot lodge pod solve, solve in germany, remain under voltage as police consume at least 5 digits in the countries. licensed flooding dissolved, the
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