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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin, indian prime minister under moody faces, a tough, unexpected to, to his policy, failed to secure an outright majority for the 1st time since we think of how a decade ago, you know, meets the health of the allies we'll take a look at the full out from the election, also coming up terabyte and gets tough on migrant to the us mexico border. the president announces news terabyte and gets tough on migrant to the us mexico border . the president announces new asylum restrictions that he says unnecessary critics, including some from his own democratic policy, say they owe to springs. and the rain has stopped,
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but large areas of southern germany remain on the war cent. please confirm at least 5 in the country latest the many cubes mccain and thank you for joining us. we begin an india winner under moody look, set for a ras such as prime minister as to spice selection results. so his policy, the beach i p, lose much of its problem entry clouds. this is the 1st time moody has failed to secure a majority of his policy since coming to power 10 years ago. he now has to depend on his coalition partners in the national democratic alliance to form the next government folks are expected to begin soon. the election outcome also delivered a surprise come back by the opposition india alliance, led by the congress policy. and that means both critics and supports as of moody
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have cools to celebrate, is a look at some of the reactions from people in new delhi. i will just, yeah, check on the 2 of them as movie does good. well, if the mtv does good bundle for india, and as a prime minister, he's very well known to no boy, but he has to become arrogant. and because of that, he has fees the setback, protected. we are so happy about the reserves under this video visit for the, for the really sure about the as he was so much more on the papers to be, sir, you will the thing on into to be new hardware support, more dizzy and same with different and i found the congress party and its allies for the elections on good issues, such as unemployment and the economy, unemployment plus the class and hate politics because huge by the b, j. p. government, absolute declared during the election campaigns that lead the india indians
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understood this very well, and they gave the opposition a good number of seats. so going forward, it's over to the end, the government. but i know that they may have been in the economics at w w. postponement solid yet of who is in delhi, told us more about moody's. we can position off to the selection as well. it certainly makes him look isn't more, because then uh he has to be okay. because then uh, i think for the 1st time, you know, in the last 10 years since he's been the prime minister, because in the last 2 terms, his body has managed to come to follow with a resounding majority. they've managed to get the numbers on their own, but now they're at the mercy of coalition partners to be able to form a government. so that certainly, you know, makes him look weak and the hard months of his style of ruling, oh, you know, have been this all sort of a almost sort of unilateral style of taking really boring decisions you know, over the last 10 years. but that will have to change. now i try to remind you of
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collision governments. i'm not new and end up with single nation governments in the past, but exports say that the, that the biggest casualty of coalition governments is the governance because, you know, it becomes that much extra harder to take for the coalition partners on board for making policy decisions and you know, making a set of stuff floors well, so we'll have to see it would be very interesting to see what the so to him for mr . moody's like oh but who have to be a bit more accommodated that he has been in the past shelter yet of reporting that . let's take a quick look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and security around the u. s. embassy and 11 on has been increased author shoes out outside it's compound, the lebanese, all me said be a silent was a syrian national who was taken to hospital following the incident. and the c set itself members was safe. local politicians to the far right alternative to germany, policy has been stopped in the german city of my time is still being kept in
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hospital, but his injuries are reports of late, not life threatening. this is the 2nd attack in mannheim in a week. a police officer died that off the he was stopped at an empty islam raleigh on friday. and the american amanda knox has been re convicted for slander. and in his tale in court, in 2007, she was initially found guilty, but then cleared as murdering that fellow student. meredith cut to knox, had accused a ball owner of the killing, but said she did so under duress, she will not be jailed. now as the sentence is covered by the time that she has already spent behind bars. so the news government has voted to recognize a palestinian state despite the opposition bit to the rail, the bill, the country since the last government said it is part of an effort to end the slicing and gaza. the move follows 3 other european countries officially recognize the territory last week for us president joe biden is issued an executive order to
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restrict a regular migrants claiming asylum at the us. mexico border. the measure takes effects one irregular crossings average at least $2500.00 a day out, and enables police to arrest people crossing the border without authorization. and it gives state judges the ability to return people to the home countries trying to make it into the united states before the executive order takes effect. the us government says these are just some of the 3 and a half 1000 people who are legal across the us, mexico board. every day. this action is aimed at bringing the number down according to the match that when the 7 day everidge for daily crossings exceeds 2 and a half 1000 asylum claims, one to be accept. those attempting to cross typically will be deported any. but i think the only thing i ask is that they give us
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a chance because we have families, we have children to provide for media. we're not coming here for fun. if we had all we needed, we wouldn't be here in the movies. and those are the only option is to cross because we don't have the means to go by, look up. i see that they, they were going, it was, it was hard to cross all of mexico and it would be equally hard to return a fellow, but i'm going to irregular migration is a major concern for them that we can vote months before the presidential election. joe biden wants to address the issue and just hoping to sway mobile test with it. his actual help was to gain control over more restore order into the process. this band remained in place until the number of people trying to enter legally is reduced to a level that our system can affectively manage. well, carry out this order consist of, of all responsibilities,
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international every one of them. however, it's unclear how this older bill can practice the measure itself is fairly, very significant, potentially potentially. but there are a lot of questions about how it will be enforced and whether the us, whether uh, uses enough money and enough legal support. it's almost certainly going to be challenged in court, in the us needs tremendous, tremendous resources to be able to deport people on flights. where people, you know, from china context on india, cuba all over the world are appearing at the border. it's very expensive and also requires a lot of diplomatic for this to get these slides. and it's unlikely that the threats of debarkation will deter people have travel thousands of kilometers from trying to reach a better life in the us. as far as forming
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a political scientist at bod college in berlin, if this moves can help to bite and win more votes in the us presidential election later this year. i think so, i mean we do see poles. where is just, i mean, the border issue of the border measures are supported by a bi partisan or groups we've. it's also something we've seen in other places, not just into us sweeping denmark, also in germany. if there's been a right toward shift of center, the parties of denmark has been quite a successful strategy for elections. so i think there is indeed a chance, 44 bytes to benefit from this. what i speculating, or of course, or the moderate republicans. so the 6 to, to mobilize there is a risk however, which is to disrupt, to some of the, a parts office, a party or the either to terry left. i think the speculation here is that she has
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disgruntled in many ways because of his support for israel. and so i think he's, he's pacing his, his bets more on the moderate republicans that on the identity or invest how hard he is in southern germany. baffling the often loss of severe flooding in the region. at least 5 people died off to several rivers bus the banks following days of heavy rain. among them was a fire fighter who was killed during the rescue operation. and the bavarian se, se openings for the water level in the new river is still at 6. me says that is double what it normally is. parts of the river, ryan, which is a major shipping roots remain close to colorado ships. now the situation does appear to be easing with water level slowly receding in some areas and no more heavy rain full cost. but several people also missing said the dead. please say they did manage to risk. the woman who had spent 52 hours in a free to escape the flooding. she is currently recovering dollars in hospital was
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one of me and dw is nothing more, isn't the southern cabman city of william's ball. can you tell me more about the situation that the situation he had riggs bug remains titans this morning. not because the water level is still twice as high as it. no, as it normally is. a nice place to get an enormous pardon on the artificial dikes of been wrecked it up and down the river down youtube. and the weak point, according to officials, is the river bank. you can see over my shoulder. and that's because it's an island there on the wall, so he's trying to get into the sub soil there on his rest today. not only to come over the the, the all special dykes, but it's threatening to come up through the ground water. and i just spoke to one of the people involved in that project and he said that when you walk along the road, the on the other side of the river bank, it's like walking on jelly. so he says it's, it's really quite a tens moment. and you go technical teams walk in 247 to try to stabilize that the, the, the defenses there on the river bank. and i spoke to a resident who was evacuated from his home on monday. and he told me,
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he basically said it's awful. i don't know what the situation is in my slot, but i'd like to go back and really i can't sleep at night and i'm just, it's, it's a nav rocking experience, he said. and so that's the situation as an issue and rigs, by so really difficult situation. i mean, the heavy rain that's cool us to all of these floods has now still causing it, but it is, it does not mean that the worst is over. i mean, it sounds like that these ongoing and assets to stabilize, things will be happening for quite a few days still. of the plus. right. i mean here it's times dotted river about 100 kilometers. um, as the cool slides you we come to, paso, which is yesterday declared the state of disaster, really because the old probably within the past always been flooded and there's a lot of water levels noise coming down to forward. these are wanting that it could come come back off again, albeit slowly, basically the threat and notice that these dice stuffing fell off in the river, the f one of those dom great,
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catastrophic flooding. so although the range of still that the high water levels on the done, you river mean that the threat of flooding severe flooding is sylvia. i don't, i mean why? oh, you've got them elsewhere. and jeremy and southern bavaria, you've got that kind of a claim on clean up efforts which are going to take these weeks and even months potentially. how are the local authorities responding to the, to the sledging? i mean, all they doing enough of the well, there's always this debate about whether they're doing and off whether they thought enough to protect people from flooding and whether they're willing to put, to do more in the future of the move. and if the question is, everyone agrees on it, but you have to view problems. one of them is that you have local objections. people agree that they said you want to help protect the homes, the communities from flooding, but then you have local objects as to where these sites are, where these lots are based on should be felt. and then you also have a question of who's going to pay for it. but interesting starting the rabbit as a c and paso, there's talk a forward to i say that they should be able to
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a flood wall around deal time to protect it. but there's a lot of local, which is a position to that because the fear that it will blemish the picturesque, an image of a city. so there's one idea of like one example of, of the problem. you have jaime vc, it would cost $70000000.00 bureaus to be able to defend. so we're on the island bill fox. the question is, who pays for that? and that's what, that's where this debate is going to go in the future. this is all the politicians willing to step up the cash. they say they are, but when push comes to shove, we'll see whether they're the good for their white w correspondent, mfc more reporting that from breaking start monthly. thanks so much i or you're watching dw news life from violin. here's a quick reminder of our top story for you. the engine department of center under moody has claimed victory in india is parliamentary elections assessing him up for a raft. the ton moody's and the lines of policies has won a majority in parliament, but its own hindu nationalist policy. the beach i p as full and short of it's an
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outright majority of that you are up to date is coming up next to look for the issue of force marriage and how it has impacted hundreds of millions of bills and women around the world stick around so that if you can, i'm a new customer can and i'll be back at the top of the hour with international headlines. thanks so much for watching the champion. the goal for is john pick test, one of 79, use a lot of stuff. everything is simply designed so i can do this which gives me extreme freedom to me all the time. devin townsend really stays on the bu dish mice and i.