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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the w news, live from bell in thousands of ultra nationalist is raised take to the streets of jerusalem. the controversial annual marks through a palestinian area of the city stokes. already searching tensions amid the will in goss. i'm also coming up on the program, the render moody's policy agrees with its allies to form india's new governments. but the b j p's failure to secure an outright majority couldn't main moody sites as a tougher dont expected to attend the
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money. thank you for being with us. thousands of is riley's, including many alternation lists of be not seen through a palestinian area of jerusalem. the annual march of flags celebrates as rails capture of east jerusalem in the 1967 rule. now the controversial ceremony event is taking place this year despite the ongoing war and gaza. crowds of ultra nationalists gathered at the damascus gate to kick off the march some tron saying death to arabs and other anti islamic slogans. that will also scuffles with police us and we can get more from dw correspondent tonya claim, who is in jerusalem at tonya. tell us what is happening. that gives us a sense of what's going on. well, i can tell you this is certainly the most difficult day, at least for the policy and residential needs service and where we're sending it
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right. what is considered the heart of is to listen to most escape. here you see the crowd of those hallways nation. this is really some marching here for the pause to an hour and a half or so. and this will continue now into the evening. and now the coming here is, i'm mainly a lot of young people we're seeing here, and they're coming in what they see as a celebration of the, of the 3 of 9 to the war 9 to 67. when is a comp, so it's an occupied in data next to the celebration, unification of the city i was supposed to send in. it's a totally different reality. this is a sole scene as a show of horse marching here. the master says you're right behind on hearing a lot of times like racing and being tends about being, as you said, already talked to those to shut people in the old city and they marching through
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the mostly a fluid and most of the shopkeepers don't even come to open this helps from these days from the products thing inside hey, i just want to say, this will be continuing to, he's me, kenya was having a few uh, audio issues, but i'm going to try one more question. and as you say, these are mostly out for nationalist is riley's taking pots. how is this viewed by the rest of the is ready population mean, you also do have, of course, the more liberal forces here in a jerusalem. and they say the solution would be simple, not to pause this route. it's every year messages, junction, about why this out of this particular blackboard says this cold has to go to reason limits would be revolved into other parts of 2 ways. women and uh, also,
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and parts of the old city. so it is not only of you, but it's a very particular. yeah, this is, you know, the supporting dollars every have a lot of tensions at the north in florida. now, with this doesn't have been on with, uh, has for now, politically, uh, you know, this to the hostage a deal and the sci fi, a deal that is north of progressing here. i'm gonna have to administer of national security. who's the far right, minnesota? as right, and this as saying that we need to the arabs as here's the says or the palestinians where it is most important to them in the holy sides in the old cities. so you can imagine the tension that of building up in this city on such a day. can you explain that reporting from jury some thanks so much for bringing us up to date time. you know, since the most terror attacks in israel, on october, the 7th, the families of hostages, taken in those attacks, have been pleading for the release for some that desperation is giving way to fury
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. also, the death of more hostages were concerned this week. the pressure on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to agree to assist by proposal is building so hum moore has spent much of the last 8 months demonstrating for the government to bring his uncle of a one to home from casa. so how is it you can be arrested during this whole test? know a possible deal for a ceasefire and the release of costs. it just seems to be on the table. but how high has so space and the government to reach an agreement the was fix, can it's doing what every possible with a switch to sabotage, reaching any agreements and then you know, knows that the minute they sign the agreement, he's a time in this the ship is over there, he's supposed to, he's over, he will be thrown through the garbage being of a silly and not the 2nd to soon. there is
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a huge wave of rage against him and the government are awesome. wonder his wife's daughter and grandson were taken captive on october 7 by hum us the others were released in november, but also um, who turned 79 in captivity is one of more than 120 hostages still being held captive in gaza. it is known that some of the items being taken on monday night, the military declared for more hostages conflicting statements from prime minister benyamin antonio west list is unclear what he will do next. he's under immense pressure internationally and domestically to accepted the this could bring down his government as far as members of his cabinets have said, they were chris, the government. if he accepts the deals that were and the war se, se a deal and a delivery would bring some readings to the people of cause a sofa posting. and how's the officials say more than 36000 people have been killed
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. most of gauze, those 2300000 inhabitants, i just placed an homeless basics. so this is no longer function and large areas of cause i have been this time in 10 of these, many people hold for an agreement and english advocate. i think we need to make a do, let's put to have a cost, including stopping the one, bringing the hostages home. any questions a how to frame 5? i think the hostages need to be our number one priority in the just you cooling the 1st consideration should be bringing them home. luckily with them about that will be what the cost and the more we've lost later. well, they're coming from what's left is completing this task, which is our number one priority and been shouting some of the last name, the same as what you had before. 3 shown a little further away. demonstrate this block traffic outside the is really ministry of defense hoping to put more pressure on the government to do with the
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show has been with them almost every night. the numbers of hostages live a is diminishing every day. like, although we said it's the last john know several times right now, even president biden is sending us the civic. this is the last job that came many years. see the latest proposal as to last tends to bring the remaining hostages debt or lied to india. now, when the render moody has reached to deal with his policies, allies to form a new government, he needed the support south to the beach. i p those it's majority in the countries general election. so the 1st time in a decade, the 15 men, the national democratic alliance coalition, 1293 seats in parliament, giving it control of the legislature. it will be led by moody who's likely to be sworn in for us. the time of the weekend of the election outcome also delivered
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a surprise come back by the opposition. india alliance. that by the congress policy . that means both critics and supporters of their under moody have close to celebrate, has a look at some of the reactions from people in delhi. i will just, yeah, check on that. you will go to the movie, does go to walk him, can he does good bundle for india. and as a prime minister, he's very well known and void, but you have to become arrogant and because of that space to send back or to get we have so happy about data. is this under this video visit for the for the really sure about that that is as easy as he was so much on the people to be, sir, you pull the thing on into to the new quote would be support more dizzy and same with different and i found the congress to end its allies for the elections on good issues such as unemployment and the economy. unemployment lives,
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the class and hate politics because huge by the b, j. p. government, absolute declared. during the election campaign, the, the india indians understood this very well, and they gave the opposition a good number of seats. so going forward it over to the end, the government, but i know that they may have been in the economics at them dw correspondence salary out of in delhi, told us more about moody's. we can position off to the selection as well. it certainly makes him look, i isn't more because then he has to be up. because then, i think for the 1st time, you know, in the last 10 years since he's been the prime minister, because in the last 2 tombs, his body has managed to come to follow up with a resounding majority. the managed to a get the numbers on their own, but now they're at the mercy of coalition partners to be able to form a government. so that certainly, uh, you know, makes him look weak and the hard months of his style of ruling, oh, you know, have been this all sort of a almost sort of unilateral style of taking really,
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board decisions you know, over the last 10 years. but that will have to change. now i try to remind you of coalition governments. i'm not new and, and we've seen coordination governments in the past, but exports say that the, that the biggest casualty of coalition governments is the governance because, you know, it becomes that much extra harder to take all the coalition partners on board for making policy decisions. and you know, making a set of stuff floors well, so we'll have to see it would be very interesting to see what the so to him for mr . moody's like oh but he'll have to be a bit more accommodated that he has been in the past. suppose a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world and persons controls leading to memory. sions in the u. k. to not be a sound of the 3 of the da landings. that was the beginning of the allied invasion of jim unoccupied from some world war 2, around 4400 allied troops, died that day in what is considered as the largest sequel invasion in history. and
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the american amanda knox has been re convicted. the slander, in an italian course in 2007, she was initially found guilty, but then played as murdering fellow student meredith cut, you know, that accused the bar owner of the killing. the said she did. so under duress, she wouldn't be jailed as the sentence is covered by the time she's already spent behind bars. of the us is he thing out at an increasing rate and global temperatures have hit record highs every month as the past year. that is, according to 2 major new reports the use, copernicus, climate change said said may was the 12th consecutive months. the global average temperatures reached a record high for that month. you and whether agency says less than 80 percent chance that the increase in average global temperatures will supposed be $1.00 celsius degree target. in the next 5 years that was laid out in the paris climate
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accord. or else our seasoned southern germany of baffling the often loss of severe flooding in the region. at least 6 people died off to several rivers bus the bank. so that was following a days of heavy rain among those who died was a 55. so who was killed during the rescue operation in the bavarian city of wings book, the water level in the new river is still at 6 me to is that is double what it normally is, parts of the river, right. and that's a major shipping route, remain close to colorado ships. the situation does now appear to be easing with water levels slowly receding in some areas and no more heavy rain full cost. but several people are still missing and say a dead. police say they did manage to rescue a woman. we'd spend 52 hours in a tree to escape the flooding. she is currently recovering in hospital, it was one of our reports of matthew moiz invitation spoken. we often,
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if the worst is now over in the front affected areas a year, it's times starting river about 100 kilometers. as the cool slides you, we come to pass all which is yesterday declared the state of disaster, really because the old tired and past always been flooded and there's a lot of water levels now coming down to source. he's a warning that it could come, come back off again, albeit slowly. i'm basically the threat and i wish that these type stuff in fell off and down the river, the f one of those dom freight, catastrophic flooding. so all the readings of stone that the high water levels on the done, you river mean that the threat of flooding severe flooding is still there? i don't, i mean why? oh, you've got them elsewhere. and jeremy and southern bavaria, you've got the kind of the claim on clean off efforts which are going to take these weeks and even months potentially not anymore reporting that from making spoken southern germany with that you are up to date. don't forget you can always get all the latest news and information around the clock on dw comments on websites. and of
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course on social media apps, dw news is a handle that he meets at new groups mccain. and thanks so much for being with us. have a lovely day the .


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