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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news long from berlin. thousands of mostly ultra nationalist is rarely speak to the streets on jerusalem day. the controversial annual march through the cities muslim quarter stokes, already surging tension, submit the war and gaza, also coming up. how increasing is really settler violence has left some palestinians bearing for their lives and their children's future. we'll have a special report from the occupied west bank and as the, as really government declares more and more land has stained oh and the rent or modi's party agrees with its allies to form in this new government bond. the b j. p . failure to secure an l right majority could mean moti spaces
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a tougher. the unexpected. 3rd turn the on the coal fairly. thank you so much for being with us. thousands of israelis including many ultra nationalists, have packed the streets of jerusalem for a controversial parade known as the flag march. the annual gathering celebrates israel's capture of east jerusalem in the 1967 war. it's gone ahead despite the ongoing war and gaza crowds gathered at the damascus gate before continuing along the traditional route through the muslin quarter on the way to the western wall. some marchers reportedly chanted desk to arabs and anti islamic slogans. there were also scuffles with police we can cross live to jerusalem now and our correspond antonio framer tanya,
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even following today's events very closely. who was there and what were they saying? well i mean i'm sending him is through some right here in front of damascus gate, and this is to send to the heart of east jerusalem. and we've been seeing again this happens every year in jerusalem days, tens of thousands of all right. and also a nationalist, a groups of people is really, is coming through here on this annual aflac march is a lot of young people that these been see here today. and that basically what then they always the celebrating this, the cap to of is to was a 9 to 67 after the 6 day war and the re unification associates of the city. something the, the capital of israel, of course. but it's not recognized by many countries. now, this is also show a force for the posting and residents and this part of the city because they get to
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hear all the, you know, all the area. yeah. has been a basically cordoned off, says a lot of security. yeah. most of the residents don't even come close here at the moment on that day. so sense races, chance that will also chance a saying, calling for the re, okay. patient of casa in reference to the boy. 2 in gauze that they have seen as he said, scuffles with the police also a tax on shopkeepers, public opinion, shopkeepers in the old city because of march, then goes through the old city. but if, during the whole days we're seeing these acts of violence every day. so it is basically a message to the residents on this side of town. you know, this is our city, it's not your city. and this is a very, very challenging day. of course of for posting and residency it but tony, it, these are mostly ultra nationalist. israel is taking part how is this march and this event viewed by the rest of the population. israel, i mean,
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it is a, an a national a day, so to speak. but i mean, that also is very least the don't condone this day on the people like liberal is really some to how soon also tends to change the route of this a mars. because this is what actually prove is a republication because it goes through is true. so i'm, it goes to the most important. it could be easily re vouchers, but it has not been done. so, and that is also a message from the government be heard again tonight. there was also uh, the administer for national security. its in my band with the passed through here. and the seen this also in policy is of course for his various this comes, of course at a very difficult time in this country. there's the war in gaza that tensions in the north was, has for law. and so it's live on, on the whole 6 talks and the seas for talks are hanging in the air. but again, you know, they like this as to the mazda of, of tents instead of over the here, and send a message also to pa this day instead of living here. so it is
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a very challenging day. tanya kramer are joining us from jerusalem. thank you. so much for your update on that march and jerusalem is likely to further fuel local tensions which are not only being stoked by the war and gaza in the occupied westbank. the displacement of dozens of palestinian communities is also raising concerns with violent attacks by is really settlers on the rise. at the same time these really government is declaring more and more land their as is really state owned. since they come off terrorist attacks on october 7th, israel has reclassified $1100.00 hector's in the west bank. as is really state land from there. rebecca rivers, send us this report that the bull, honda shut out every day, life has become a struggle. the better way to ship it has been grazing his herds in these hills, for decades online his father and grandfather graves to but lately his livelihood
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and family tradition is coming under increased threat and shot in that 4 to 3 or 4 months on a daily basis. we have been experiencing violent assaults. it is not possible to sleep at night feeling for our children. we on the constant threat to the end at any moment. we could get killed and we could have our houses and cabins and we could be displaced dudley. the threat comes from set violence, good hands encampment is surrounded on one side by and is really settlement considered a legal under international law. and on another, by an outpost and informal settlement considered illegal even under his riley little. the board home says lately it feels as though they closing in that somebody laughed october 7th. they stepped someone with a knife and everybody looked at the end houses. they attacked and compensated livestock. one of the finest from the athletic who got his lives to compensate it and had to pay around $40000.00 jacobs for it. then that's, i mean i'm seeing
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a chicken. any livestock safety is not uncommon according to is riley liberal newspaper heart. it's more than 500 goats and she has been stolen by um, this riley settlers in recent months, sometimes in military uniform. even more common than fish, though, is violence and intimidation. seems like these are a regular recurrence over the west bank. and the intimidation is working since the october 7th terror attack. settlers have forcibly displaced people from at least 20 hurting communities and entirely up routed another 7. these riley military is supposed to protect the palestinians living here. but a report by human rights watch has found the military is either failing to do so. oh is directly involved in the violence or integrity is riley
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volunteer. activists have stepped up. they work in an effort to keep community safe . the protecting presence started right after october 7. communities were extremely threatened by settlers visits in the restaurant. so we have, we had to start coming into nights when we are there. as much this is happening. the activists say, settler violence is part of an unofficial but deliberate is riley policy to take land. but there is another official way to when they are clearing an area state class. drew it goes, is the founder of karen nev on an organization engaged in monitoring and researching is riley land policy in the west bank world. he says the reclassification of land is one of the main methods by which israel 6 to assert control over land in the occupied territories. basically,
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they had surveyed this area that were suppose the service area to reach the conclusion that this area was not cultivated. if it was not cultivated for a certain amount of years, so then they assume that it state plans and israel has a right to run this last. so you can assume that this area which has been declared is going to, is going to go to a body of which is related to this or in some enterprise, an enterprise. the government is actively working to promote when re classifying the biggest pocket of land in decades. finance minister beds, a little smoked rich said the move was an important and strategic issue. while there are those in israel and in the world, he said, who seek to undermine all right today and samaria. we promote settlement through hard work. i need a strategic mana all over the country. this year, more than 1100 heck, days of land has been re classified as state land. this is directly related to, to
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a political climate and they are doing it now in order to convey a message and we will do whatever we want. we're decisive to go on with is really annexation of westbank, and there's no legal way that about a student in can fight this the send you ever thought about a practical one. despite the challenges behind, determined to try to hold onto his mind for sure, but it is this no justification. so i am living in my land right where the settlers, what business do they have in my land remaining? and i have a title to this land. what do they want for me to where should i go? when i left in the hey, he hopes increased international pressure will help save his land for future generations. and we can now speak to tell heinrich she's the spokes person for the office of the israeli prime minister. welcome tal. thank you so much for making time to come on d. w today. settler violence in the west bank has seen
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a dramatic spike in recent months. is real, have security control over most of the west bank. what does prime minister netanyahu intend to do to stop the violence as well? i thank you for having me on the call. actually the numbers that i saw, the numbers it, i'm familiar with a show, a decrease in this already marginal phenomena. there, of course, the prime minister has condemned the prime minister said on multiple occasions that nobody in israel, nobody should be taking the law into their own hands. and if someone does that, we prosecute, no matter of their religious affiliation, no matter where they live. of course i and, and the prime minister has said repeatedly time and again. but what we should, uh, what we should bring to light here is that it is the fact that this is a marginal phenomena of the overwhelming majority of the so called separate community is really, is, is really just living interest. in scenario we're talking about more than 500000 people are law abiding citizens. so don't mistake the, the exception for,
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for the role here in the fact of the matter is that currently and historically the year long jewish violence injured in some area of the so called westbank is, is, is much, much higher numbers than the other way around. even though a media reporting does not reflect it, and we have seen $500.00 pallets, the indians killed as part of settler violence since october 7th. and the truth of the matter is that an over whelming majority of settler attacks go unpunished. why is that? i'm not familiar with these numbers, these are not numbers that i can confirm. and so what are the numbers that i have? you know what i want to do? i want to add something important here about numbers. again, i'm not sure where you're taking the numbers of from, but it is sometimes, and, you know, i've seen you on reports for example, about this phenomenon. so all this stuff are violence which it does exist. it's
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a marginal phenomena and we find it. but international reports like like a you, when one that was issued a few months ago, they don't use real numbers because they take palestinian the sale as for example, that committed crimes and, and carry out violence against jews injured in some area. and they put them as a victim of a so called said similar violence in the end these reports. so as our numbers are now, the numbers, the numbers that we have come from watch talk to been observing the situation for, for quite some time. but let's not get hung up on this, then i do want to move on because we did meet in the report that we just saw. some people who are acutely affected by what you say is the marginal phenomenon. it does affect them in their everyday life. how to expect palestinians who are affected to react when they are attacked on their land. well, i speak for the is really prime minister's office. i don't space a to, you know, palestinian. what i can tell you is how the prime minister and how the government
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views of this marginal phenomena that we'll of course, take seriously. and nobody, nobody should be taking the line to their own hands. we prosecute, as i said, if, if there's any wrong doing that we recognize, of course, many social and political scientists have found that experiences of trauma and violence increase the chances of radicalization. now you say that you, you go after the perpetrators of violence in the occupied territories. but how aware isn't that the government of a settler violence, fostering mindsets that could in turn pose a risk to israel's security. i'm not right, i follow your question now. 100 percent. your question line here. um, but uh, obviously again if, if there's any breaking up the law we're, we're against it obviously. but there are numbers. i think it is about 94
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percent of settler attacks that go on punished. why is that? again? i'm not familiar with these numbers. all right, and that's uh, move on. and the us, of course, israel sanchez, ally, they are opposed to settlement expansion. there are parts of the as really government that are very much in favor of settlement expansion. the us as a anthony blink and recently set it again that new settlements are counterproductive to reach and during peace. and we can israel security. what do you say to that? so uh, what's the record straight here on a few things. uh, jewish presidents in judy and some area of the place from what to jews come from, you know, jews come from judea. it does not go against the international law as long as you don't twist the law to fit your political views just in some area of rightful parts of uh, you know, or jewish homeland, the biblical heartland and jewish. fred,
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this was no evidence there for more than 3000 years now. the jews have rights to resign there along to sign a era community, palestinian eric communities. there's no question about it, but the settlements are not the main impediment to peace. if someone thinks that having jewish neighbors is the main essence of the is really tell us the in conflict world or their dead wrong me call. because the real impediment to peace between israelis and palestinians. let's put it right here on the table. is the policy and refusal to recognize, to acknowledge the very existence of the legitimacy of which we stayed in dallas in terrorism. if someone is really interested, uh, you know, in, in promoting peace and inquiring as to why there is no peace. these are the questions that they should be asking, how come the palestinians have refused? every keys offer since 1937 and up until you know, recent times how come they started every conflict last it's only to try victim and
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perpetuate and conflict outcome appear. infrastructure and care ammunition are found in every, almost in every palace being useful. every now was getting, you know, that's what our forces are discovering and gotten. and so all right, we can sit here and talk about settlements, but that's not the essence of the conflict. let's look at the war and gaza, which continues, of course and, and, you know, it is widely acknowledged by many, many people that the settlements in the west bank, among others do free to international law. but let's look at the, the conflict that, that we've been focusing on for for the past months ever since. the october 7, tara tarzan prime minister netanyahu called the truth proposal that was presented by president by last week partial. so what does not in yahoo's plan for peace look like, what did by miss uh, well uh, the main thing is we are uh, we have sets 3 more objectives right after the october 7th,
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may i ask for we said that we wants to dismantle, come off as a governing body of the political body in, in the gaza strip, and as a military waiting to make sure that they will no longer have the moultrie capabilities, know that nor desire to attack us again after this work. and the 2nd goal is, of course, to bring all our hostages to stolen people back home. and to make sure these guys are, we'll never, ever pause a tear threat to us again. now is real like president biden's that has been on the table, very generous proposals that were rejected time and again by come off because they're not interested in releasing hostages so far. they haven't been serious about these negotiations in recent weeks as, as you know. but the claims that we agreed to a cease fire proposal that will not meet our conditions. i mean the big these are incorrect. these are both ways. we will not agree to any kind of a ceasefire permanency speier. i'm talking about that would lead come off in power
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and so hostages in gaza. all right, we have spoken over the past months ever since october 7th, through countless experts who say that net and yellow appears to be more interested in thing and power then. and actually reaching a lasting piece. now, would he be willing to risk his government falling apart if it meant an end to the war and the return of the hostages as well? i just stated 3 more objectives of the prime minister. and honestly, every is really almost every is really an overwhelming majority of people in my country are eager to achieve that will be no compromise in our security. and this is not about a political survival by the way, needful business about the survival of the nation of israel, jews, christians, muslims who refused to simply die in the hands of the territory going to the nation . so we will continue to point along in, in god's and make sure that our goals are reached. if it would mean that he would
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have to risk his governing coalition, would he agreed to a deal that could lead to that? and i a, it, again, this is not what, what's on the table right now? we're not dealing with politics. very few people in my country in fact are dealing with politics right now because what i the not that they would not, they would not stay in the coalition if the deal that was presented by joe biden, for example, were to go through well, but what i am saying is that the video that was presented is, is not 100 percent accurate because as the prime minister says in recent days, we will not agree to a cease fire that leaves the hostages in gaza and come off in power. so we're not talking about a permanent ceasefire here. i the terms of the, the, the recent deal that were discussed and the nature of the task is not something that i can discuss on here with you. but i can guarantee to you that there is no
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notion of the seat of a permanent ceasefire. and we've come off in power by this time to expose person for the is really prime minister. thank you so much. thank you. to enter into an hour and a run for moody has reached a deal with his party's allies to form a new government. they needed their support. after the b. j. p lost its majority in the country, the general election for the 1st time in a decade. the 50 member, national democratic alliance coalition, won 293 states in front of men's giving of control of the legislature will be led by moody who is likely to be sworn in for a 3rd term. the weekend. the election outcome also delivered a surprise, come back, find the opposition, india alliance lead by the congress party. so that means both critics and supporters of moti have cause to celebrate. and here's a look at some of the reactions from people in delhi. would you check on the to mr movie does good. well, he does good bundle for india and as a prime minister,
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he's very well known and you are no boy, but you have to become arrogant and because of that speech to send back. but we are so happy about this under this video of it before really sure about that. that is as easy as he was too much on the people to be, sir, you will the thing on into to be new hardware support, more dizzy and same with different. and i found the congress to end its allies for the elections on good issues, such as unemployment and the economy, unemployment plus the class and hate politics because huge by the b, j. p. government, absolute declared during the election campaigns that lead the india indians understood this very well, and they gave the opposition a good number of seats. so going forward it over to the end, the government. but i know that they may have been in the economics at them. so we can go is a professor of political science and indiana university in the united states. and
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he has written extensively on indian domestic politics and foreign policy. so we've good to have you on the show. how is modi's 3rd term viewed by india as neighbors and key for and partners? i i think india is neighbors are going to adopt a wait and see policy to see how things shake out with this coalition in government, in new delhi, and walked for announcements movie make. so up on that the stepping up to his to them as far as the major bars that concerned. i think there will be a good deal of continuity in policy with the possible exception of the economic policy. because movie will not have the free and that he enjoyed the width of the the coalition with the will have to
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some degree, meet the expectations office coordination, pop, those who may not completely agree with the policies that he had assumed over the last decade. yeah, i want to get to what that coalition now means for him in a 2nd, but 1st, which foreign leaders of state are going to be least pleased with bodies 3rd term and why uh, probably, uh, the leader should be in boxes fun, which obviously he does not care for him. do nationalist government. um, so uh they, well, they might've hoped that the congress and its allies might have come back to bob because movie has shown scammed interest in dealing with pockets on since a terrorist attack that took place in 2019 um and
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uh. ready the relations of being frozen, um the, the b r c, probably old. so it may not be very happy with movies written because it was during movies, watch that a couple of important border incidents took place where the indians displayed some metal, particularly in the 1st one, which involved the small human land kingdom. all who done with the rush troops to vote on their assistance, much to the chagrin of the b r. c. c. that estimate, to what extent could this coalition now influence how moody has been leading the country? i think the greatest to influence is will be the following fast. i think movie would be forced to 10 down his in new nationalist
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or rhetoric because this coalition boxes, i do not have any particular use for it. they have reasonable concerns which are proud of them out to them, and they will probably induce movie to reduce that kind of the inflammatory rhetoric. yeah. second, i think the coalition partners will, uh, may also have different views for the economic all the same. mm hm. and actually a ted issue comes to mind, and that too is movies extensive use of the investigative agencies. yeah. to go after for digital opponents, assuming you can go, we thank you so much. thank you. and with that is, are all today. thank you so much for your company.
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police special the mafia, the italian in germany, drugs extortion. the german police is pursuing the crew. but the regulations of to that and there isn't enough monitoring. how can the mafia in germany be stuff against a hundreds the next on
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d w. my name is sewn on debbie. i have 3 kids. my kids. my name is steve, i'm a little cottage and that i d. age practically. miller, i'm sick. my name is tim, run sony. i like reporting, moving from one village to another. this is india is new generation. what else? a dream and the world's most populous country. what do they want to change in the societies full of contrasts? the indian age. in 45 minutes on d w, the let's view. we'll tell here. we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and
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for the future feelings about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent. de leon use africa every friday on the w. the europe in the fight against the mafia. the police are stepping up efforts to come back the collaboration in try and get the efforts november 2023. the mafia. investigation committee in the syringe and state parliament summoned unimportant witness. a form, a judge from the district court was called to testify about his friendship with an italian restaurant and in the 2 thousands. the 2 was so close.


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