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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the the c w news line from berlin. thousands says mostly ultra national list is or at least take to the streets on jerusalem day. a controversial annual flag march through the cities muslim quarter stokes. already surging tension, submit the war and gaza, also coming up. now we're interested in the, in the range of bodies party agrees with its allies to form in the us new governments spot, the b j piece failure to secure an outright majority could mean body faces a tougher than expected. 3rd term, the
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outcome fairly. it's good to have you with us. thousands of israelis including many ultra nationalist, have packed the streets of jerusalem for controversial parades known as the flag march. the annual gathering celebrates israel's capture of east jerusalem in the 1967 war. it's gone ahead despite the ongoing war and gaza crowds gathered at the damascus gate before continuing along the traditional route through the month one quarter on the way to the western wall. some marchers reportedly chanted death to error ebbs and anti as long slogans. there were also scuffles with the police dw correspond, antonio kramer isn't jerusalem and has been following today's events closely. she told me more about what she saw. i mean, i'm sending him is through some rides here in front of damascus gate. and this is to send to the heart of east jerusalem and we've been seeing again this happens every year in jerusalem days, tens of thousands of all right. and also
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a nationalist, a groups of people is really coming through here on this annual aflac. march is a lot of young people that these been see here today. and that basically what then they're always the celebrating this. the cap to of is to was a 9 to 67 after the 6 day war. and the reunification as they see it of the city, something the, the capital of israel, of course, but it's not recognized by many countries. now this is also show a force where the palestinian residents in this part of the city because they get to hear all the, you know, all the area. yeah. has been a basically cordoned off says a lot of security here. most of the residents don't even come close here at the moment on that day, a sense of racist chance that will also chance a saying, calling for the re okay. patient of casa in reference to the war uh in garza,
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they have seen, as he says, as scuffles with the police also attacks on shopkeepers, public opinion, shopkeepers in the old city because of march, then goes through the old city, but it's during the whole day we're seeing these acts of violence every day. so it is basically a message to the residents on this side of town. you know, this is our city, it's not your city. and this is a very, very challenging day of course of for posting and residency it but tony, it, these are mostly ultra nationalist. israel is taking part, how is this march and this event viewed by the rest of the population. israel, i mean, it is a, an, a national a day, so to speak. but i mean, there also is very these, that don't condone this day on the people like liberal is released into housing. also tends to change the route of this of mars because this is what actually prove is a real publication because it goes through is true. so i'm, it goes through the most in court a, it could be easily re voucher,
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but it has not been done. so, and that is also a message from the government be heard again tonight that was also the administer for national security. it's him a band with he passed through here and the scene. this also in policy is of course for his various this comes, of course at a very difficult time in this country. there's the war in gaza. there tensions in the north was, has for law. and so i was living on the whole such talks and the seas for talks are hanging in the air. but again, you know, a day like this as to the mazda of, of 10, since that over the here, and send a message also to pa this day, instead of living here. so it is a very challenging day. tanya kramer are joining us from jerusalem. thank you. so much for your update. and a quick look now at some of the little stories making headlines around the world today. security around the u. s. embassy and living on has been increased out for a shoot out outside. it's compound the lebanese army, so be
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a sale and was syria national was taken to hospital following the incident. the embassy said it's staff members were c. boeing has launched to astronauts into space on board its own spacecraft, a historic 1st for the airplane manufacturer. after 3 delays, the star line or capsule is headed to the international space station with bush. well more and sunni williams onboard. this is the 6 us made space ship to fly, nasa astronaut, and one a few to successfully transport to the under of this house. the prime minister rubbers feed so has made his 1st public comments and surviving an assassination attempt last month. and facebook video fee. so setting for gave the man who shot him 4 times and would be ready to gradually resume work later this month. go, don't hold me as i used to it, and it was the amount of india now where no render emoji has reached a deal with his parties. allies to form a new government. he needed their support. after the b. j. p lost its majority in
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the countries general election for the 1st time in a decade. the 15 member, national democratic alliance coalition won 293 seats and parliament giving it control of the legislature. it will be led by moody who is likely to be sworn in for a 3rd term. the weekend. the election outcome also delivered a surprise, come back, find the opposition, india alliance, left by the congress party. that means both critics and supporters of modi have cause to celebrate. here's a look at some other reactions from people in deli today as well just yeah, it sounds like they had to will. ms. moody does. good was him, can he does good bundle for india and as a prime minister, he's very well known to no, boy, what do you have to become arrogant? and because of that, yes, please. the said back what i get, we have so happy about the reserves under this video visit for the, for the really sure about the as he was so much more on the papers to be, sir, you will the thing on into,
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to be new hardware support more dizzy and same with different and i found the congress party and its allies for the elections on good issues such as unemployment and the economy, unemployment plus the class and hate politics because huge by the b. j. p. government, absolute declared during the election campaign that the lady and the indians understood this very well, and they gave the opposition a good number of seats. so going forward, it's over to the end, the government. but i know that they may have been in the economics with them. so means congo is a professor of political science at indiana university in the united states and a short while ago. i asked him how modi's 3rd term is due by india's neighbors and key allies. i think india is neighbors are going to adopt a wait and see policy to see how things shake out with this coalition in government,
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in new delhi and walked for announcements movie make. so up on that the stepping up to his to them as far as the major bozza concerned. i think there will be a good deal of continuity in policy with the possible exception of the economic policy. because movie will not have the free and that he enjoyed the width of the coalition with the will have to some degree, meet the expectations office coalition for those who may not completely agree with the policies that he had assumed over the last decade. yeah, i want to get to what that coalition now means for him in a 2nd, but 1st, which foreign leaders of state are going to be least pleased with bodies 3rd term and why or uh, probably, uh,
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the leader should be in boxes stone, which obviously he does not care for him, do national is government. um, so they, well, they might have hoped that the congress and its allies might have come back to file because movie has shown scammed interest in dealing with pockets on since a terrorist attack. uh that took place in 2019 um and uh. ready relations are being frozen. um the, the, the b r. c, probably old. so it may not be very happy with movies or written because it was during movies. watch that a couple of important border incidents. took place with the indians.
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displayed some metal, particularly in the fast one, which involves the small hammer land kingdom, all who done with air rush troops to vote on their assistance. much to the chagrin of the b r. c. c. that estimate, to what extent could this coalition now influence how moody has been leading the country? i think the greatest to influence is will be the following. fast. i think movie will be forced to 10 down his in new nationalist or rhetoric. because this coalition boxes do not have any particular use for it. they have reasonable concerns, which are part of them out to them. and they will probably induce movie to reduce that kind of the inflammatory rhetoric. yeah. second,
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i think the coalition carpenters a will uh, may also have different views or the economic policy. mm hm. and actually it's had issue comes to mind and that too, as movies, extensive views of the investigative agencies. yeah. to go off to full digital opponents. that was so we've got going. thank you so much. thank you. there's been another stark warning about our heating planet into new major reports in use, copernicus, climate change service that last month was the hottest may on record and the 12 straight monthly record high. meanwhile, the u ones, whether agencies says there is now an 80 percent chance the increase in average global temperatures will surpass paris climate accord target of 1.5 degree celsius
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. within the next 5 years, are you and chief antonio gutierrez, called for a wind phone tags on the profits of fossil fuel companies to go towards finding climate change. climate change is the mazda of all. still specs is paid by every they people and vulnerable companies. and communities. meanwhile, the golf salves of climate scales, fuzzy and full industry, ranking, directed to profits and ceased off citizens in taxpayer funded substitute. these. we cannot accept the future where the read shop with a text to the net condition bubbles. while the rest of humanity is less by lisa, whether in and livable lens, we must say for god's people and the economies. well, it's already is here in southern germany are battling the aftermath of severe flooding in the region. at least 6 people died, offer several rivers burst their banks following days of heavy rain. among them was
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a fire fighter who was killed during a rescue operation in the bavarian city of regensburg. the water level in the danube river is still at 6 meters. that is double what it normally is. parts of the river, right, a major shipping route remain close to cargo ships. the situation does now appear to be easing with water level slowly receding in some areas, and no more heavy rain forecasts. but several people are still missing and fear dead. police say they rescued a woman who would spend 52 hours in a tree to escape the flooding. just currently recovering and hospital just to go to our reporter matthew moore is in regensburg, and we asked him if the worst was now over in the flood effected areas a year. it's times starting river about 100 kilometers. as the cool slides you, we come to pass all which is yesterday declared the state of disaster, really because the old tired and pos always been flooded and then a lot of water levels. now coming down to forward,
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these are wanting that it could come come back off again, albeit slowly. basically the threat noticed that these type stuff fell off and during the river the f one of those dom freight passes profit flooding. so although the rains of still that the high water levels on the done, you river mean that the threat of flooding severe flooding is sylvia. i don't, i mean why? oh, you've got then elsewhere and jeremy and southern bavaria, you've got the kind of the clean up clean up efforts which are going to take these weeks and even months potentially a punching dw news. here's a reminder over top stories, thousands of israel leaves, including many altering nationalists, have paraded through jerusalem's muslin a quarter and an annual flag march. the controversial events celebrates israel's capture of east jerusalem in the 1967 war. it's gone ahead despite the ongoing war and gaza, with some of those taking part, heard using races chance and the render modi's party has agreed with its allies to
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form in the us new government for the re, draperies failure to secure and outright majority could mean most of the faces a tougher than expected 3rd term. and that here all up to date. thank you so much for your company. will have more at the top of the next. now why do humming does not get drunk? why do go to the tasteful waves? squeeze all bodies, how much do we need to put a pond print to help find beyond fis gets much on dw science and i'll take 10 of the population of over 1400000000 and young.


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