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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is d, w use live from the in the u. n. chief condemns the fossil fuel industry. antonio good terrorist calls coal oil and gas companies, the gold fathers of climate details and suggests a new tax on the profits as new data highlights. the gear of brentwood. breaking temperature is also coming up thousands of altro nationalists is riley's parade for jerusalem's muscle and corsair sto contentions amid the war and gone. so some of those taking pos i heard chancing racist slogans. and usually involved in the i is
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percent of the dw freedom of speech awards in the in the widow or the late russian opposition liter. alexa and developing says it's impossible for her not to continue her husband's work the lives like a welcome to the program. the you and the secretary general, antonio good parish has called for a tax on the profits of fossil fuel companies to help pay for the fights against climate change. he said to time, it may be running out to control rising global temperatures. this comes as a new report indicates last month was the hottest may on record, and the 12th straight monthly record high last month was the hottest may on record. after year of higher the normal weather, the world is feeling, the impact or india isn't drought with voters. this be casting ballots and 47
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degrees celsius temperatures, grease. so it's worse wildfire season with more than 20 recorded fatalities. and there's been more than 60 death, many heat wave in mexico, as water resources, dwindle, outdoor workers are struggling to beat the heat. it's really hard and the heat loss, sometimes we run out of water and the only thing i want. so people help us out and give us something. it's really hard sometimes with the heat in the morning and we really don't know how to think a newer fort from the un estimates the temperatures could keep rising. with worsening effect. we gotta play russian roulette with all the planets and we need the next it's read off of the highway to climate tell and the to see is we have control of the wheel.
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$1.00 degree limits is still just about pos people limiting global warming to $1.00 degree celsius is a goal established under the parents agreement with the countries committed to keeping long term median, global temperatures below pre industrial levels. the u and whether agency believes this bout if he is human induced and could become more frequent. there's an 80 percent likelihood that the annual average global temperature will temporarily exceed $1.00 degrees above pre in just real levels for at least one of the next 5 calendar years. the agency is calling on the group of 20 to real in the fossil fuel industry in limit carbon output. the g 20 is holding the summit in brazil next month. they are set to discuss the environment and an energy transition. the house father is excitement scientist at the non profit beckley and he joins us
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now from oakland and california. welcome to dw other world, meet you a logical organization and asked us there was an 80 percent chance that they'll hit that 1.5 degrees threshold from the powers agreement with in the next 5 years. what's your reaction to that assessment? so what they're saying is that there's an 80 percent chance that one of the years in the next 5 years will be the above $1.00 degrees. that doesn't necessarily mean the world has passed the you and temperature target, which is in reference to a longer term average. so when we think about climate change, there's 2 induced warming, but there's also some year to year variability. and most of that is driven by all new and money events that cause some additional warming and cooling respectively. right now we're in the midst of the day on the new event. and so global temperatures are actually approaching 1.5 degrees. in fact, the last 12 months, as copernicus reported, had been about 1.6 degrees above pre industrial levels. but that's going to fade a little bit as one unit and develops. and so our best estimate remains that the
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world is going to firmly pass 1.5 degrees in the late 20 twenty's early 2030 is if we don't reduce emissions quickly. so are you saying that we are still on track for that? currently the world is on track to pass $1.00 degrees in the next 10 years and to not be on track. to do that, we'd have to make some pretty radical changes in terms of reducing global emissions very quickly. we also have the potential to pass $1.00 degrees temporarily, and bring temperatures back down later in the century, which is what most i pcc models do these days. if we were more carbon from the atmosphere than we're adding after net 0. but that's a big left, so why these are not the past and the 1st place to try to recover from that. we've heard antonio comparison. i saying he's quoting, for a winful tax on fossil fuel companies. can the fossil fuel industry fix the problem that they created? so i don't think they have the incentive to fix the problem. they create an effect as long as possible fuel companies can make money selling fossil fuels. they're
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going to do. so the only way to stop the world for mornings is to get our global emissions of c o 2 all the way down to 0, which means no more burning of oil, gas or coal and less that's kind of balanced with permanent removal of carpentry atmosphere which is quite expensive. no, maybe there's a way that oil and gas companies can play a role in some of the solutions and things like geothermal energy in carbon capture and storage or carbon dioxide removal. and that's going to be a very different market in there. and today, there's not really a world whirl while the gas companies are still selling oil and gas 3040 years from now. if we're on track to meet our clinicals that we're also had used today of this may being the hottest my ever knocking the 12 straight monthly rec, what? hi. you've mentioned things like a video and, but it's is warming accelerating. so there's a big debate in the community right now about whether or not the rate of for me is accelerating. my personal view is that there is increasing evidence that it is in part because that's also what our climate models expect to happen in
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a world where we're not reducing emissions of c o 2 another greenhouse gases. but we are reducing emissions of planet cooling aerosols. so some of the things that we put up in the atmosphere is a byproduct of burning coal, oil and gas like so for an oxide, actually had a cooling effect on the planet. and those of historically masked about a 3rd of the morning that the world would have otherwise experienced. we've been cleaning their up really quickly and places like u, as in europe, there's a recent regulation to clean up the so permissions from ships. and all of this is contributing to a pretty stark decline and emissions of sulfur dioxide which the point of cooling. and so that's really super charging this underlying warming trend from c o 2. and so because of that, there's increasing evidence that the rate of warming has increased the recent decades. and there's a paper to that just out today that suggested that the world is now warming at a rate of about a not point 26 feet per decade. which is about 50 percent faster than the rate we've seen on average since 1970 or thank you for those insights. uh as the cows father with berkeley. oh, thank you. thank you. now let's take
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a quick look at some of the stories making news around the world. ukrainian president, one of the means to lensky has arrived and cast off or talks with the ruling media shake to me. then i'm out of tawny. so lensky said he would seek the return of ukrainian children in russia. keith says nearly 20000 children have been forcibly displaced. capital has repeatedly mediated between the 2 states to secure what they were to. russian president vladimir putin has worn gemini over the use of its weapons by you crying on targets inside russia. he said it would mock dangerous steps and ruined relations between berlin and moscow. germany reasons they've joined the us and authorizing ukraine to hit some targets on russian territory with the long range weapons they are supplying. so you can see the syrian 9 has been arrested off the shooting that the us embassy in the lebanese capital by roots
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overseas, say the attack. it named the war in gaza as motive soldiers responding to the gun fight shop. the gunman seriously wounding him. 5 others suspects have interest, has the law coming cause the drain has wounded 11 people in the northern is rarely village of who face. tens of thousands of residents have already fled the region. and the attacks have increased in recent weeks as has the pressure on israel's government to restore security. now thousands of ultra nationalists as riley's have march through jerusalem's muslim quarter. so i'm trying to think of racist slogans . the so called jerusalem day like march is an annual valley celebrating israel's capture of east jerusalem in the 1967 war. it's gone ahead this year despite the ongoing war and gaza crowds massed at the damascus gates before continuing along the traditional route through. i posted an area on the way to the west and will
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some monstrous reportedly taunted desk to arabs and also scuffles with police. c, w, a jerusalem, the correspond. then tonya kramer followed the events and gave us this update. well, i mean i'm sending him is through some right here in front of damascus gate, and this is to send to the heart of east jerusalem. and we've been seeing again this happens every year in jerusalem days, tens of thousands of all right. and also a nationalist, a groups of people is valleys, coming through here on this annual aflac march is a lot of young people that these been see here today. and they're basically what then they're always the celebrating this. the cap to of is to some 9 to 67 after the 6 day war. and the reunification as they see it of the cities, something the, the capital of israel, of course, but it's not recognized by many countries. now this is also show
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a force for the posting and residents in this part of the city because they get to hear all the, you know, all the area. yeah. has been a basically cordoned off, says a lot of security here. most of the residents don't even come close here at the moment on that day. so tense races, chan, civil, also chance a saying calling for the re okay. patient of casa, in reference to the war uh in golf, that they have seen as he said, scuffles with the police also a tax on shopkeepers, public opinion shop, keep us in the old city because of march, then goes through the old city, but it's during the whole day we're seeing these acts of violence every day. so it is basically a message to the residents on this side of town. you know, this is our city, it's not your city. and this is a very, very challenging day of course of for posting and residency. it that was address lift, corresponding to next, same off are now committed,
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critic julian pneumonia has been present at the dw freedom of speech award and speaking at the event invalid pneumonia, who's the widow of the late russian opposition. lead to alexa and the vault, and they said the work of their anti corruption foundation would continue despite the husbands passing the new face of russia as a physician through yeah, nevada. yeah. accepting the dw freedom of speech award in berlin, she reminded every one of her late husband, legacy 3. the most speech is not the weakness, but strengths. i look see through these these his entire life and work in the country where it seems, there was no space left for public politics showing how the tools makes even an all powerful dictator to ramble dispute. her husband alexei, nevada, need letting me put ins, outspoken at facility,
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died in february in an arctic penal colony under unexplained circumstances. earlier this week, a large crowd attended a memorial concert in berlin, on what would have been his 48th birthday with his widow taking to the stage at the very end. at the time behind the scenes of food or for husbands into corruption efforts you are you in nevada? no. yeah. of what's his closest political advisor accompanying him to court and visiting him in prison regularly as it was following her very public and pain that in 2020 her ailing husband was allowed to be flown from russia to germany to be treated for what was nature diagnosed as poisoning when a lexi nevada, he returned to russia in 2021 and he was immediately arrested. 1000000 of i know you have was detained and a couple were separated for good fellow in his death,
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nevada. no, you are about to continue her husband's fight against preteen. the dw freedom of speech awards also honors the work of the anti corruption foundation established by nevada. any. on the one hand, it fits us is hopes that there are co, just people in russia outside with an system that this positive realization onto the surface of wyoming. we must not condemn russia. halsey, but fourteen's politics because puts in is not russia and russia is not putting you in nevada and the anti corruption foundation are proof of that. you're taking dw news up next we take a look at the global issue of child marriage and the estimated 640000000 the goals
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effected worldwide. that's on the stay tuned for that. don't forget, you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on dw dot com and i'll be back at the top of the hour with well, we'll do. some will suck up for me in the team. thanks for watching by the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota look surprised. hi, i'm shopping. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of the gentleman from to the q one. you have, you have a one, the front porch on this, please go to the spot and unexpected side to side. but we'll tell you who we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than find.


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