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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the the, this is dw and use a live from the in the un chief slammed the giants of the fossil fuel industry until you get terrace, cools cold oil and gas companies. the godfathers of climates k austin suggests a new tax on their profits as new data highlights a year of record breaking temperatures. also coming out, it was the beginning of the end for the nazi occupation of western europe. a 6th of june moxy ac, a son of a 3 of the day historic military victory that came with a heavy cost for the allied forces. the
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laws are welcome to the program. we'd start with some breaking news. how most run media say at least $27.00 people have been killed and dozens injured and then is rarely strike in the central gas the strip, the attack hit, the united nation school in the city of north rocks is really ami, say they conducted a strike on a mouse compound inside the school as they expand operations in the central part of the strip. but bring you more on this developing story. as more details become available to us, there's been another stop warning about a heating planets in 2 new major reports. the use, copernicus, climate change service said last month was the hottest may on record, and the 12th consecutive month to break the temperature records. meanwhile, the you ends with the agency says there's now an 80 percent chance that the rise an
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average global temperature as well as the pos, the paris climate, the quote target to $1.00 degrees celsius within the next 5 years, s u n t fentoni a good terrorist called for a winful tax on the profits of fossil fuel companies to go towards fighting climate change. climate change is the mazda of all, still sex is paid by every they people and vulnerable companies and communities. meanwhile, the golf fathers of climate scales, the forcing full industry, ranking records profits and c stuff citizens in taxpayer funded substance abuse. we cannot accept the future where the read shop with a text to the net condition bubbles. while the rest of humanity is less by lead for weather in and livable lens, we must say for god's people and they come to me, it's the house. the father is a climate scientist at the nonprofit organization,
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basically us. i asked him for his reaction to the announcement from the world mutual logical organization that the global temperatures are likely to exceed 1.5 degrees in the next 5 years. so what they're saying is that there's an 80 percent chance that one of the years in the next 5 years will be above $1.00 degrees. that doesn't necessarily mean the world has passed the you and temperature target, which is in reference to a longer term average. so when we think about climate change, there's 2 induced warming, but there's also some year to year variability. and most of that is driven by all new and money events that caused some additional warming and cooling respectively. right now we're in the midst of the day on nino event. and so global temperatures are actually approaching 1.5 degrees. in fact, the last 12 months, as copernicus reported, had been about 1.6 degrees above pre industrial levels. but that's going to stayed a little bit as a one unit that develops. and so our best estimate remains that the world is going to firmly pass 1.5 degrees in the late 20 twenty's early 2030 is if we don't reduce
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emissions quickly. so are you saying that we are still on track for that? as currently, the world is on track to pass $1.00 degrees in the next 10 years and to not be attracted to that we'd have to make some pretty radical changes in terms of reducing global emissions very quickly. we also have the potential to pass $1.00 degrees temporarily, and bring temperatures back down later in the century, which is what most i pc models do these days. if we remove more carbon from the atmosphere than we're adding after net 0, that's a big left. so why these are not deposited in the 1st place to try to recover from that? we've heard antonio guitar, so they saying he's called them for when full tax on fossil fuel companies. can the fossil fuel industry fix the problem that they created? so i don't think they have the incentive to fix the problem. they create an effect as long as fossil fuel companies can make money selling fossil fuels. they're going to do. so. the only way to stop the world from warming is to get our global
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emissions of c o 2 all the way down to 0, which means no more burning of oil, gas or coal, and less that's kind of balanced with permanent removal of carpenter, the atmosphere, which is quite expensive. no, maybe there's a way that oil and gas companies can play a role in some of the solutions and things like geothermal energy in carbon capture and storage or carbon dioxide removal. and that's going to be a very different market in there. and today, there's not really a world where allows gas companies are still selling oil and gas 3040 years from now. if we're on track to meet our clinicals that we're also had used today of this may being the hottest my ever knocking the 12 straight monthly rec, what? hi. you've mentioned things like video and but it's is warming accelerating. so there's a big debate in the community right now about whether or not the rate of for me is accelerating. my personal view is that there is increasing evidence that it is in part because that's also what our climate models expect to happen in a world where we're not reducing emissions of c o 2 another greenhouse gases. we are reducing emissions of planet cooling aerosols. so some of the things that we
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put up in the atmosphere as a byproduct of burning coal, oil and gas like so for an oxide, actually has a cooling effect on the planet. and those of historically masked about a 3rd of the morning that the world would have otherwise experienced. we've been cleaning near up really quickly in places like u, as in europe. there's a recent regulation to clean up the so permissions from ships. and all of this is contributing to a pretty stark decline and emissions of sulfur dioxide, which is the point of cooling. and so that's really super charging this underlying warming trend from c o 2. and so because of that, there is increasing evidence that the rate of warming has increased the recent decades. and there's a paper to that just out today that suggested that world is now warming at a rate of about a not point 26 feet per decade. which is about 50 percent faster than the rate we've seen on average since 1970. thank you for those in science. the seek. how's father with beckley? thank you. the climate change is a key issue for votes as in the european parliamentary election, which kicks off in the netherlands today. it's some things youngest people feel
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especially passionate about and for the 1st time, 16 year olds will be eligible to vote in germany and australia. in the last year elections, green parties have the best showing ever largely attributed to climate protests across the continent. they picked up $71.00 seats in the parliaments, but since then there's been something of a backlash against some green policies, according to an organization called europe, lex green policies, a full cost. so in just 54 seats in the vote, dw is the rosie, but child has a closer look now at the frustration felt by many young green party supporters here in germany. it was stopped the green ways in 2019 mosse claimants. protests across the continent helped propel more green politicians than ever before toward seats. i think you're repeating parliament but fast forward 5 years. and these protests against screen farming rules are the ones making most headlines and
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germany, the strongholds of green politics and europe is now also the heartland of a so called green backlash. you have, you have managed to vote for the greens, but those days are definitely over. they didn't take citizens into consideration so little. their political focus is really on ecological issues, not on social ones. and as with european elections, approaching green candidates at this, riley in southern germany, se claimant friendly policies are becoming a tougher cell. so it's like it's the central question of our time. we can no longer talk about prosperity and security and remain silent about the climate crisis. however, we, greens must be aware in some areas we've moved a little too quickly over the past 5 years and your opinion has rolled out a raft of world leading laws aimed at slashing emissions from run thing up renewable energy targets to apply and phase of combustion engine cars, green parties help help to drive this unprecedented transformation,
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but it's not. they're expected to lose seats in block y directions in 29 team climate change while it's really important according to your of our meta data. this time it's cost of living, it's peace in the warren ukraine. that's more in the voters minds. probably a lot of the losses will come from germany. but we also have other countries like ireland, where we currently see some losses for the greens green parties may make some breakthroughs in central and eastern europe. but as more mainstream parties trying to call back votes from the reaches of the far right. unless more in the future, green policies may be the 1st up for compromise, the mood has changed. so also the centrist part, that is perhaps not bad. and so is yes, big anymore about pushing forward with a european green deal. i wouldn't see a big, big things of that. so lots of things that have been agreed upon over the past term would be dismantled. and that's the climate crisis is such that we need for the
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policies. so that's might become more difficult to actually push forward the use executive and say it's committed to keeping claimants, policy on truck and polls. so many voters, especially be young still haven't appetites for green rules in principle. but putting them into practice is proving politically complex. and i voters will decide if 2019 green wave we've reduced to trickle a quick look now at some use from the conflict in the middle east, or it has to go like how many cars of dry and has wounded 11 people in the northern is rarely village who face tens of thousands of precedents have already fled the region and the attacks have increased in recent weeks as has the pressure on israel's governments to restore security. tens of thousands of ultra nationalists is riley is have march through the streets of jerusalem for
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a controversy of the raid known as the flag march. annual gathering celebrates israel's cap to east jerusalem in the 1967 war. some nauseous are reported to have johnson destitute arabs an n t. s. lennox logan's. they will also scuffles with police 6th of june mox, the 80th anniversary of d day with allied forces, landed on the beaches of normandy fronds and begun the liberation of western europe from headless germany events commemorating the battle habitable and veterans, and will lead us to the sides which played a pivotal role in world war 2. it was the launch is cbl and invasion in history. nearly 160000 soldiers from the u. k. canada, the us and of the allied nations across the english channel to gain a foothold in nazi occupied france. they suffered heavy losses on the withering fire from the german defenses. but the invasion was a success. and within
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a year western europe was liberated. well, well, leave this deborah in france to commemorate the day the ongoing war in eastern europe is costing its shadow dw sonya fondly call hospital. um its so it'd be to normandy, northwestern friends with 82 years ago. over the $150000.00 allied troops landed in the biggest seaborne invasion ever. it was a turning point in the allied campaign to push back nazi forces on the western front, liberate phones, and defeated list germany in 1945. now the weight of history hangs heavily over this region. the allied flags everywhere. and nowadays also the german flag flying along side to symbolize the autopay and reconciliation. not to mock the to the anniversary of the the, the landings, normandy is holding diesel events and commemorations meant to invoke the bravery and sacrifices of allied forces and of the heart of these commemorations. of course,
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of the world war 2 veterans. this is perhaps one of the last landmarks commemorations would be, would be physically present since many of them are at an advanced age. and finally, this issue of, i'm most of the of the, the, the landing is a major international event with dozens of heads of state and government participating, including us presidential biden of britons, king charles would also get ukrainian president would love to meet us within scheme . there is, however, one concrete that is not on the guest list and that's russia despite that's what time, contributions and sacrifices the french report these he would have said that it's simply inappropriate to invites russia, as it continues its lot of aggression against the queen. because the w sonya finally called reporting from normandy in france, has a look now at some of the stories making news around the world. to check with ortiz, say, at least 4 people have been killed and dozens injured in a trained condition in the city of pods of it. so
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a passenger train collided with the freight train on wednesday evening. police and rescue services are often seen evacuating. passengers indigenous and environmental groups have gathered in ecuador as capital quito to protest against cycled gas flaring and the amazon rain forest protest is accused the stay for an oil company. petra, i quit to of failing to comply with a court order to shop. it's gus plus, it's less about enough natural gas and method during oil production, which is damaging to health and environment. a russian president vladimir putin has won gemini, of, uh, the use of its width in spite ukraine on targets inside russia. he said it would lock a dangerous staff and ruined relations between berlin and moscow. germany recently joined the us in authorizing ukraine to hit some targets on russian territory with the long range weapons they are supplying. you might think the u. c. o number.
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you're watching dw news off next here on the channel. and we take a look at the global issue of child marriage and the estimated 640000000 goals affected worldwide. thanks for watching. the same view the same way you expect and more different things from life. when your parents do, i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible. reasonable port is nonsense. i want to my son to become a doctor to in the canal. it's time to.


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